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1805 - 1806 - 1807 - 1808 - 1819 - 1843 - 1852 - 1861 - 1868 - 1877 - 1880 - 1890 - 1894
1901 - 1907 - 1908 - 1909 - 1910 - 1912 - 1918 - 1924 - 1932 - 1939 - 1943 - 1947 - 1951 - 1955 - 1960
1913 Tel. directory    1824 Pigots (Belfast)  &  (Bangor)   1894 Waterford Directory
1898 Newry Directory      Bangor Spectator Directory 1970

transcriptions or contents of interest.......all books found in Ireland

McCracken - Kayes - Campbell - Burns - Magennis - Gardner - Savage - Connell - McDowell - Scott - Alexander - Dickson
Burton - MacLaurin - Buchanan - Sinclair - Ed. & Wes. - MZ4784 - Orr - Bagshawe - Bain - Hanvey - Sheridan - Jolly Bible
newly added, assorted name - some more newly added inscriptions - Lyttle - batch of author signed books - Hooper Bible
Marks, Siddon, Glenny, Patterson, Dillon, O'Hara, O'Brien, Collins, Brennan - Secker Bible - Cairns? Bible-

L. A. M. McCracken, February 1910 - The English Novel by Walter Raleigh - photo found inside, is this L. A. M. McCracken?

Amanda Kayes - The Water Babies and Selected Poems by Charles Kingsley

To Archie Campbell 1st Presbyterian Sunday School Bangor January 1896 - Over the Rocky Mountains by R. M. Ballantyne

Emily Burns 19th October 1923 - The Great War 1914-1918 (Souvenir) by W. & G. Baird Ltd., Royal Avenue, Belfast

Henry Magennis L.A.C. (R.A.F.) 1125065 Woolfox, Rutland, England - Strange Conflict by Dennis Wheatley

J. B. Gardner Prize for Ornamental Penmanship awarded by G. L. Baillie, Master of Writing School, The Belfast Academy, Session 1883-84 June 1884
Easy Studies in Water Color by

James H. Savage, Mount Herald, Bangor - Ulster As It Is by Thomas MacKnight Vol II

Jas. H. Savage, Mount Herald, Bangor - Sketches of Olden Days in Northern Ireland by The Rev Hugh Forde, M.A., LL.D., T.C.D.  -  also stamped - Tullynagardy House, Newtownards, N. Ireland

as above - Jas. H. Savage - George Walker, Governor of Derry - A Vindication by Rev. W. S. Kerr, B.D.
JHSavage3d.JPG (562522 bytes)
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Jas. H. Savage (as above) Mount Herald, Bangor - The Irish Rebellion 1798 by W. H. Maxwell, Esq.

John Connell - This Prize was awarded to (Royal Belfast Academy) John Connell for General Proficiency Form Prep. VII  ? ? Warbyshire Headmaster 27th June 1963
The Invisible Man by H. G. Wells

J. R. McDowell, Cherryhill, Crawfordsburn, Co. Down - One of Our Submarines by Edward Young 1952

J. R. McDowell, Form Prize, Middle Form A. July 1928, Headmaster J. ? Roxborough, Stowe School - Crock of Gold by James Stephens 1922

Louisa Scott Valentines Day 1867 from an unknown friend - The Christian Chaplet: by The Religious Tract Society, London
MabelAlexander3.JPG (433751 bytes)
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Mabel Alexander, August 1959, Montrose, Crawfordsburn Road, Bangor - South by Java Head by Alistair MacLean
MabelAlexander3b.JPG (274001 bytes)
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Mabel Alexander, 1951, Montrose, Crawfordsburn Road, Bangor - Dance and Skylark by John Moore

Presented to Mary Dickson, Raffrey Sabbath School, 1st Attendance 1947, L. Reid? Pedlow J. Smyth - Emma by Jane Austen

Lutterworth Wesleyan Sunday School Awarded to Norman Burton for Good Attendance No. of Marks 208 February 16th 1930
Life and Voyages of Columbus by Washington Irvine

R. Tiriss? MacLaurin, March '88 (assume 1888) - Elementary Lessons in Logic by W. Stanley Jevons LL.D.

Sheila Buchanan, Intermediate School Form 1 (B) Mr. Bambrick - Stories of King Arthur by Stuart Campbell

T. Sinclair With best wishes, Duncairn, 2nd December 1900 - Secret prayer by the Rev. H. C. G. Moule, D.D.

Ed. Wes. 19th November 1957 19 Moorgate Street, Bloomfield, Belfast C194 "This was an adventure indeed unlooked for... Good Luck! - Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe

Photograph found inside this book (John J. Collins & Sons, Castle Street, Castlebar), there were two books together,
the other is on the site in part Newry 1898 (MZ4784)

B.N.F.C. Presented to Lois McKeown for best set of six water colour drawings of flowers. Mr. C. R. Nodders Prize
Love from L. McKeown, Marlands, April 22. 1949
Marjorie W. Anderson, Cushendall, 1926 For Kit
John W. Nesbitt, 9 Ravenhill Park, Belfast, Ireland
Special Prize, Presented to Miss F. Humphreys by Br. Patrick, Ballymena Badminton Club in recognition of a very gallant display in the Open Tournament 1932
C. A. Spellenberg with love from G. R. & A. Bryant, Feb. 14th 1906. To Ada, with love from Auntee Carrie
C. McCoriston, 170 My Lady's Road (Collection of British Authors Vol six)
Mary Crozier, 77 Falls Road, Belfast, January (can't make out date, maybe 1944)
with best wishes Samuel Cunningham Oct. 14th 1928

A. J. Magill, Derry 1927?
Patrick Morgan, Dromore 1892
John Downey, J.P., 21st December 1917
Evelyn M. Scott, Greenisland
S. G. Montgomery, 15 Princetown Road, Bangor, Co. Down, September 1937 "He Abideth Faithful"
First Bangor Presbyterian Church Sabbath School Presented to Will Robertson for regular attendance during the year 1932/52? W. H. Keenan, Keehan, Keeman
Kathleen? Fausset, 16 Chichester Avenue, Belfast, Christmas 1919
Mary Neill, for proficiency in Music Book exam 1888, Armagh
To Dolly, with love and all good wishes from the author, Christmas 1979 (Robert Workman of Newtownbreda by Margaret A. K. Garner)

John Downey, Riverside, Holywood, Co. Down
Miss Hastings, July 1910
Rathverde, Bangor, Co. Down
William Stuart Dickson, from Mrs. Brand Xmas 1919
Xmas 1921 To John with best wishes from E. F. J. Barrett
Wishing dear John many happy returns for his birthday, with love from Paddy and Betty, April 1919
John McCullough, Sen., Ballyrainey. Mr. Walter McCullough, c/o Mr. W. J. Fisher, Rural Delivery, Whahatane, N.Z.
1st Ballymacarrett Presbyterian Church League of Church Loyally. This Prize was awarded to Katie Boyd for regular attendance at Church during year 1961-62. H. G. M. Thomson, Minister. P. C. (unclear) Secretary
J. A. Gamble, 539 Antrim Road, Belfast

William Williamson, 28 Ruskin Street, Belfast
G. F. or J. Pooley
Mr. John Bell, National School, Downpatrick
Harry Crawford, 12 Soudan Street, Belfast, Monday 21st August 1950
Margaret Anne Atcheson Finney
Fountain Street
Date 21st August 1905s



Peter William Duff                With Love from Kit, 1940                                                E. Stacey                                 
19 Ward Avenue                                                                                                Missionary Sale 1963                       

                Presented to Daniel Brumhall? Taylor                            R. H. Montgomery (Sadie Kennedy Sept 1933 scored out)
by his uncle
Robert a Taylor                                                        Queen's University, Belfast
Christmas 1900                                                                        

First Comber Pres. Church        Dundonald Pres. Church                  Dundonald Pres. Church               Dundonald Pres. Church
Ian Fisher 1968                James Ferguson 1914                        Anne Patterson 1900              Helen M Lindsay 1912 &1914

Dundonald Pres. Church              Dundonald Pres. Church            Killinchy Sunday School            Dundonald Pres. Church
James Lindsay                              Hugh Lindsay                      William James Fitzroy                       Hugh Lindsay   
         1910                                           1911 & 1916                        December 1895                         2nd January 1910     

Wm. Salters                  Belmont Lending Library             J. Fowler, The Belmont                           Andrew Lowry         
Oct. 5th 1891                                                                        88 Belmont Road                                 Armagh 4.7.1945      

'Ode' Spenser, Milton                                           Wm. Moyes                                        R. J. H. Tyrrell
pseudo Pundanc's?                                             April 1894                                                                

H. H. and K. Stewart                            Alexandra School, Dublin                                    Kathleen Stewart    
Chattenden, Chichester Park                         
Marianne Walker Ellis                                         Xmas 1937                
Christmas 1935                                            1925-1926                                                                           

First Comber Sunday School                                     Florence Fisher                                           Women Too               
Hilda Horner Dec. 1908                                  Camperdown, Dundonald                       2 Rockview Street, Belfast  

First Comber Pres. Church                      Alexandra School, Dublin                        Dundonald Pres. Church
Walter Horner 1905                              Marianne Walker Ellis                                    Helen Lindsay     
                                                           1922-1923                                                       1913

Landscape Painting in Water-Colour John Macwhirter, R.A.
Girls' School and Kindergarten, Dun Iris, Bangor
Viola M. Millar 1st Prize Signed Annie S. Patton, B.A.

To Joe With Best Wishes From May 7th December 1941    Initials J.D.

Cpl. P. M. Broadbent  A.T.S. Invergordon, Scotland

             1                              2                3                           4 & 5                                6                            7                8                9
1) Cover
Michael MacAlevey(?) Scarva, Co. Down 1798
Peter Macaulay, Rupert Lodge, Malone Road, Belfast
4 & 5) See page 26 (Precedence(?) of Ireland) Councel(?) of Courtana(?) 1417
6) The Case of Ireland's Being Bound by Acts of Parliament in England, Stated by
William Molyneux, Dublin, Efq; (Esq.) Printed in the Year 1719
7) To The King
8) Preface to the Reader
9) One Page
(You can read all of this book online, its on Amazon amongst other places)

Killinchy N.S.P. Sunday School. Presented to Lily Quigley for Regular attendance during 1938 M. L. McIlwrath
Wm. J. D. Craig July 1929
E. E. Graham-Craig, Drumcovett(?) House, Londonderry 2nd March 1922

Mr. or Mrs. Williamson, Banagher Manse Christmas 1898 W. I. D. W. Concerning Isabel Carnaby
Wm. P. Brown, Ann Arbor, Michigan 13th July 1950 - Wm. P. Brown, Westgate, Portaferry, Co. Down, N. Ireland
Boys' Brigade 4th Bangor Company Prize for Bible Class Attendance (once absent) Awarded to
Sergt. Douglas Adams Sessions 1946/47 J. Herbert Stuart Captain

J. Robinson, 57 Kirkliston Park, Bloomfield, Belfast (John Robinson) Methodist College, Belfast, Queen's University Belfast

                  1                                               2                  3                  4                   5                  6
1) Elenor Jane Orr, Drumhirk, 1846
2) inside the book was this 'fluff or seed head from a flower?"
3) Pilgrim's Progress, John Bunyan MDCCCXLV (1845)
4) James Anderson
5) John Buynay(?) Hasselton(?) Castle(?)
6) John Hamilton, Ca????

1                     2                 3
1) S A   Samuel Anderson son to Patrick Anderson Ballywatticock, Born in the year of our Lord, one thousand Eight hundred forty eight May 10th
Jane Anderson Born 1850 1850 February 28th
Thomas Anderson Born 1851 August 10th
William Anderson Born 1854 October 20th
David Anderson Born September 1858 21st 18??
John Anderson Born April 21st 1864
2/3) Fac Simile of the Will of John Bunyan - To all people to whom this...  (I give up - Mary)
1                                                       2         
1) The Bagshawes of Ford: A Biographical Pedigree by William H. G. Bagshawe 1886 - To Charles & Blanche Grierson(?) from their Cousin(?) William H. G. Bagshawe, Augt. 1886
2) Irish Church Hymnal With Tunes - N. Kincaid Bain, 1941, Kilwaughter Castle, Larne - Bustard, July 31, 1956, to Ruth (née Woodward) and George Bustard, 269 Alexandra Park Avenue, Antrim Road, Belfast - a daughter (Jill); Jones, July 16, 1956, at Carrickfergus Hospital, to Alice, wife of Ian St. John James, of 156, Fernagh Gardens Village, Whiteabbey - a son.

John Hanvey With kindest wishes from H. & J. Armytage Moore
Rowallane  August 1949 - Craigavon, Ulsterman, St. John Ervine
             1                                            2                     3                   4                                 5
1) Helen's Tower by Harold Nicolson - Abridged Genealogy of the Sheridan, Blackwood and Hamilton Families CLICK 2nd image to enlarge
2) The Irish Coast Pilot - C. H. Stanley, Hillview, Crosshaven - Lieut. ? McClune, R.N.V.R.? - Ian F. McClune, 14 Groomsport Road, Bangor (McClure?)
3) Greetings Telegram - Michael Kennedy, Gortnaglush (found tucked inside a book)
4) 1-1-63 Mr. D. McSparran, 103 or 163 Antrim Road, Belfast - Clonmore & Reynolds, 29 Kildare Street, Dublin - 1 Copy Collectanea Hibernica Vol. 5
5) just because it's an interesting looking book - Fly-Fishing for Trout and Salmon on the Faughan by E. C. Heaney 1947

     1                    2                   3                   4                    5                  6                          7                              8                   9
hard to make out, looks like .. Cara Cantwell Cartwell, ? Prize, Carnmoney Sunday School, 1896?
2) B. J. W. Barony from W. H. Churchill May 1 1890  St. Davids
3) Alma Camac Cowan from Daddy Xmas 1936
4) No. 10498 Bandsman  M. G. Eeles, 27th Inniskilling Fusiliers
5) Freda W. Ferguson, Saintfield
6) Presented to the Editor of the Freemans? Journal, with the Authors Respectful Compliments August 1870 (
sorry I didn't read this when I photographed it and didn't get a photo of the book, no idea who the author was)
7) Found whilst sorting out my grandfather's books. He was James Hogg Hardie. Always involved in the problems of how to make a fairer Society. At one time a neighbour of the Macdonald's & went on fishing holidays in lowlands with him. Sympathised with & visited R? Macdonald when in Prison.?  Janet (Fo__y?) Ro????? Granddaughter 5.6.81 - Mr. Jas. Hardie with the Author's heartiest good wishes. Wm. J. W. Roome, Belfast  May 1900 - A Brighter Belfast, The Story of the Shankill Road Mission
8) M. Jackson, 4 Cabin Hill Park, Knock
9) Anne Primrose Jury, Brooklands, Dunmurry, Co. Antrim  Christmas 1920

  1                    2                   3                   4                     5                    6                              7                            8                   9
1) Edward Moyle/Boyle is the true honour of this book with ????????? Jane Lloyd in the years of our lord?  ??? (an old bible)
2) Presented to Mrs. Neill Magill by his affectionate Brother Jas. B. Magill. Forwarded by Mr. John Rodgers, Fairview.
January 6th 18?8 - Mrs. Magill, Kinbally, Broughshane, Co. Antrim
3) Westbourne Sabbath School Presented to Sam McCrory for Reg. attendance 1917? ? Tate
4) ? McDonnell? Friday August 19th 1849 being the day Queen Victoria departed from Kingstown & she landed at Kingstown on Sunday August 6th 1849.
5) Anketell Gerald Moutray, Favour Royal 1924
6) Essays and Addresses W. O'Neill, Shanes Castle - In Memoriam with kindest regards from ? ? ? to Mr. Henry Hart, Tullymore Lodge, Oct.? 9? 1886
7) Highways and Byways in Donegal and Antrim U.V.F.H.. Craigavon - W. H. Patterson, September 1st 1899
8) Days with Sir Roger de Coverley - E. Pemberton  1st in Form II  Christmas 1891 - T. E. Pemberton
9) W. R. Robinson  5th April 1922  Beltras?, 58 Ravenhill Park, Belfast.  from Drumglass (House)

                                  1                                                                                            2
1) How to Work with Tools and Wood - Stanley Tools - photo tucked inside cover and inscription says: 'love to Allen from Gladys'
2) A. W. Ferguson, Silversprings, Templepatrick

   1                                                      2                                                           3                                                  4
1) Alexandra School, Dublin - Established A.D. 1873 Awarded by The Committee of Education to Janie? McMechan in Holiday Botanical Work, Division III at the Sessional Examinations 1918-1919. Head Mistress Haughton? Vice-Warden Guinness? 1st day of December 1919
2) Gena M. Reid, 26 Belmont Gardens  Elizabeth Brice Smyth - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
3) With every good wish C. A. Bakman, June 1904
4) J. H. Dawson, 9th August 1941/12th July 1941/1st July 1941 Belfast
Inscriptions inside books

          1                                2                    3                    4                   5                  6                    7                 8                  9
1) Andrew Lyttle, 5 Orient Gardens, Cliftonville Road, Belfast - Lyttle, January 30th? 1939, at a Private Nursing Home, Belfast, Adelaide Campbell, widow of William Lyttle, (late of North Queen Street, Belfast). Funeral private.
2) Bertie Lyttle, 5 Orient Gardens, Belfast - (can't make it out, sorry, this batch was poorly photographed, by me) date? From Daddy - 18?8 - 19?2  Xmas 1938?
3) sorry, again really blurry
4) H. F. Lyttle, 45 Beverley Gardens, Ballyhome, Bangor, Co. Down - ?
5) Bertie Lyttle, 5 Orient Gardens, Maude E. Priestley 1920
6) 31st December 1964  Canon W. J. Whittaker  St. Columba's Rectory, 29 King's Road, Belfast - Dear Mr. Lyttle, I'm glad to be able to tell you that your mark in Wilson's "Church ???ching" was 73%. I haven't yet heard from the ? ? Hill about the subjects in which he examined you. All good wishes for 1965. Yours sincerely W. J. Whittaker
7) This ? was adjudged to Bertie Lyttle for Diligence and Attendance at St. James's Church of Dec. 1935  Revd. P. H. N. Shirley Archdn.
8) to Mr. & Mrs. H. Lyttle, 45 Beverley Gardens, Bangor, Co. Down, N. Ireland - From One old dear etc. ... Everything fine inc. company and weather. Glencoe & Fort William to-day, went up in the cable car (and down) V. V. nice. See you soon, Sadie x x
9) Maude Emerson Lyttle, 5 Orient Gardens, Belfast

             1                                       2                               3                            4                                5                      6                    7
1) The Magic of Literature - Clodagh McCann  4th Lower  M.C.B.
2) The Modern Carpenter Joiner and Cabinet-Maker - William Muir, 28 Skipperstone Road, Bangor
3) W. J. & J. C. Ogle, October 1959
4) Moya Savage, Higher 6 'o' level, 10 Norfolk Drive, Glen Road, Belfast 11 - Copeland Bird Observatory, Pat and Neville McKee, 67 Temple Rise, Templepatrick - Moya Savage, Form 5c, St. Dominic's
5) The County Histories of Scotland - Norman Beresford Shaw, Mayfield, 1? Ravenhill Park, Belfast, Ulster 1930
6) (maybe Lyttle?) To Bertie, a token of gratitude for help at Christ Church Primary? 11/10/91?  John Stafford
7) Bought in Hong Kong, September 1940, Henry C. Yeats
author signed books
these are very blurry, sorry

1                                                        2                                                 3                                           4
1) Beyond the Wide World's End - 30 Ballymullan Road, Crawfordsburn, 30th August 1974 - Dear Billy, How kind of you to make such a liberal order: it is much appreciated. The sad thing is that I cannot fulfill it all, as many books are out of print. Publishers tell one that the average age of novels is about 2 years, that of children's books about 10 years. I did a couple of novels many years ago and then started children's books in the early 1950's? with a book of (already broadcast) tales for under-eights Phelim & the Creatures - long out of print. In 1954 Macmillan accepted me, and I did 3 books with them and signed off in 1961 (Four books about Da???, a jackdaw, and one called Storm on Kildoney: all now out of print.)  Fabers did 13 books for me, beginning in 1954 and ending in 1969. Carrigmore Castle; Tiffany & the Swallow Rhyme; The Cuckoo at Coolnean; Strangers in Carrigmore; The Tobermillin Oracle; The McNeills at Rathcapple; Sandy and the Hollow Book; With Angus in the Forest; The Tinkers' Summer; The House at Spaniard's Bay; the Silver Fighting Cocks; the Glen Beyond the Door; the Two Rebels. (two of these were translated by a Swiss firm, some went to U.S.A. some appeared in Braille. Some are fact-and-fantasy, some straight history.) When I last heard, The two Rebels, the Silver Fighting Cocks, and The McNeills at Rathcapple were still in print - the position may have changed by now.  Luttersworths' did Beyond the Wide World's End, and The Plotters of Pollnashee (in 1972 and 1973). Both are still in print.  I do not know yet when the two paperbacks will come out, I'll let you know when they reach the shops. Publishers are fearsomely slow in sending books to book-sellers, so I think it would be quickest for me to order them personally. By the same post as this I have sent off orders as below for the 5 books which I hope are syill in print. Prices vary greatly, as wages and the price of paper have both rocketed.  (books ordered and prices)  I try to keep a stock for presents and prizes and orders such as yours, and of the out-of-print books I could let you have one copy each of Glen Beyond the Door, 90p; Sandy & the Hollow Book 67½p; Cuckoo at Coolnean, 69½. (If Fabers no longer hold the ones I have in the 'ordered' list: I may have a few extras. I will let you know when the bundles arrive.)  I will keep those mentioned in this para. until I get at least some of the stuff from L's and F's, and then whichever member of the family is passing through Lisburn will leave them in. Do not expect by return: I shudder to think what chaos reigns in publishers' book stores. It may take weeks. So not a penny until you know what you are getting! If the heap frightens you I can always retain them for future presents.  The Belfast Central Library is no longer a very safe place for young readers and borrowers. Once it held most of my books, as did the Linenhall, but books have a habit of straying, so I can't be sure they are still to be had in these places. Some schools have a few. I was very happy to post off to Leona 'No Ivory Tower'. I am so pleased she liked the poems: they were only intended to give easily understandable pleasure. If ever I am obscure it is through lack of skill, never by intent. Again many thanks. I hope to get in touch with you in the not too far distant future. Best wishes to all the family, (and from Mayne Too.) Yours Meta (Reid)
2) Belfast Confetti, Ciaran Carson 7/12/89
3) Rent-a-Genius, Gillian Cross, To Kieran 15th May 1994
4) Percy french and His Songs, James N. Healy - 'Come Back Paddy Reilly' 1990 - James N. Healy

1                                                2                                                      3                                                   4                    
1) Fun, Jan Mark - To Keiran 8.5.93?
2) Jesus' Christmas Party, Nicholas Allan 1992 - For Keely, Your first "First Edition" Reprint from Covent Garden, London 16th December 1992. Also, of course, your first Christmas! Banbridge, Co. Down, 25th December 1992. from Grandpa George
3) Rabbit's Story, Rose Impey & Sue Porter - for Kieran 5th Nov. 1990
4) Teddy's Story, Rose Impey & Sue Porter - For Kieran 5th Nov. 1990

1                                                                     2                                                         3 
1) There Are Dragons, John Gray - for Kieran 31.10.91
2) Torch, Jill Paton Walsh - for Kieran, carry a torch! 5.11.93
3) Susan's Rabbit, Seamus Lavery - to Kieran

1                                             2                                                    3                                            4
1) Nailing The Shadow, Roger McGough 1954?
2) The Great Smile Robbery, Roger McGough 15/5/54
3) Sky in the Pie, Roger McGough 15/5/54
4) The King With Dirty Feet, Mary Medlicott - To Keely, Hope you enjoy the stories

1                              2                                    3                                                          4                                              5               
1) No Ivory Tower, Meta Mayne Reid - for Leona McBride. There is nothing more pleasant than signing a book of poetry for someone who likes poetry. 1974
2) The Plotters of Pollnashee, Meta Mayne Reid
3) The Cuckoo at Coolnean, Meta Mayne Reid
4) Brian Boru, Morgan Llywelyn - 8th May 1993
5) Twist of Gold, Michael Morpurgo - 15th May 19??  for Victor

1                                                              2                                                          3                                              4
1) The Flight of the Earls, Michael Mullen 8/5/93
2) Munster and the City of Cork, Richard Hayward - This book for Mabel and Maisie Chapman because of sorrow shared and a friendship, Dorothy Hayward. ? 1973
3) Fairy Tales of Ireland, P. J. Lynch - for Kieran, '94
4) When Did You Last Wash Your Feet?, Michael Rosen - Hallo Kieran 9th May 1993

1                                                  2                                                  3                                                   4
1) You Can't Catch Me!, Michael Rosen - hallo Kieran, Michael Rosen was here 9th May 1993
2) Don't Put Mustard in the Custard, Michael Rosen -              ditto
3) Freckly Feet & Itchy Knees, Michael Rosen -                ditto
4) Babysitter Bother, Yvonne Sutherland - 1996

1                                                   2                                                     3                                                   4
1) The Islanders, John Rowe Townsend - to George McBride from the author, Dublin 1993
2) The Budgie Said Grrrr!, Martin Waddell & Glenys Ambrus - for Kieran
3) The Day It Rained Elephants, Martin Waddell & Glenys Ambrus - for Kieran
4) Little Obie and the Flood, Martin Waddell - '91?

1                                                2                                               3                                              4
1) Great Gran Gorilla to the Rescue, Martin Waddell - for Kieran
2) Let's Go Home, Little Bear, Martin Waddell - April '91
3) Gaffer Samson's Luck, Jill Paton Walsh - for Lucky Kieran! 5.11.93 Dublin
4) When Grandma Came, Jill Paton Walsh - to Kieran, who is just as Tremendous as Madeliene 5.11.93

             1                              2                   3                   4                  5
1) hard to make out - D. O'Hagarty B.Sc.?, 3 Main Street, B??? Offaly Feb. 1st 1978?  -  Sandy ? ? ?  & The McNeills ar Rathcapple? are about the same family? The Glen? beyond the Door? & The Two Rebels? are about the same place, but different generations ? one family appear.
2) ? McConnell, 14th March 1939
3) The Book of Inishowen - D. C. McDowell, Tullynagardy House, Newtownards
4) David McKinney, 30 Clonavon Park, Lisburn
5) McQuiston Memorial Presbyterian Church Sabbath Schools (Primary Department) 1933, Special Prize Awarded to Leslie Brennan

   1                  2                   3                4              5                6                   7                   8                 9               10               11
1) from Mater  Oct. 17th 19?  2nd Lieut. T. C. Collins, R. I. Fusiliers, Mesopotamia (photo: by Patrick Magill)
2) Wm. Marks, 30 Windsor Road, Lisburn Road, Belfast - A Creel of Irish Stories
3) To L.? H. Siddon, Esq., with the best regards of N. Glenny ?  Xmas 1866
4) Presented to the Belfast Natural History Society by Robert Patterson  Nov. 1837
5) John Dillon, Church Street, Coleraine 1873 died (?east? of ?????? 1896_  -  O'Hara, Diamond ??????????????????
6) St. John loved disciple of Our Lord, pray for us and help us. May 19th 1896
7) Edward Arthur O'Brien from William Smith O'Brian, Cahermoyle Tipperary Oct 1859  An Irish aristocrat and patriot 1844
8) Poems
9) Poems James O'Hara
10) Poems Margaret M. O'Hara
11) Poems 1893


a beautiful small bible - Stephen Hooper - Martha Hooper's Bible Given her by her dear Brother George
September 11th 1779

writing inside a very old bible and the paper it was covered in
Benjamin Jolly - John Measion his Book Stadhampton oxfordshial? 1766 - Dina - William M Flinn? - Thomas Martin? Johnston? - Benjamin Jolly His Book 1758 - Benjamin practicising his writing - Ian Carpenter? ? School, St. George? ...den, Herts - ..rges School, ..penden, Herts - Edinburgh, Jenners Mrs. Carpenter, Crosthwaite Vicarage, Keswick, Cumberland


small bible and the contents: Maria Louisa Secker the gift of her God-mother Mrs. Smithson; Louisa Emmeline Nettleton the gift of her Aunt Maria Louisa Secker 1841 - a lock of hair

M. H. McDonnell 1875 - looks like :- Rose Anna Cairns? from her dear brother William Wellington Cairns?  April 30th 1842