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The Mercantile Journal and Statistical Register (Late "Belfast Mercantile Register) 10th November 1885
Belfast Evening Telegraph Wednesday 23rd November 1898 - Belfast Evening Telegraph 13th January 1899
Belfast Weekly Telegraph Saturday 14th January 1899 - Belfast Evening Telegraph Tuesday 6th November 1906
Belfast News Letter Saturday 2nd November 1907 - Belfast Evening Telegraph Wednesday 28th April 1915
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Belfast Evening Telegraph Wednesday 23rd November 1898

          School Board Prosecutions. In the Summons Court yesterday, before Messrs. Garrett Nagle, R.M.; J. J. McDonnell, J.P.; Dr. King Kerr, J.P.; Charles McLorinan, J.P.; James McCann, J.P.; and Charles Boyd, J.P., the following persons were fined, on the prosecution of the School Attendance Committee, in respect of children not attending school regularly:- Andrew Ramsay, 8 Ferndale Place; Robert Crangle, 14 Avondale Street; Alexander Brown, 23 Pernau Street; Robert Delaney, 36 Ballynure Street; Michael Brady, 60 Boundry Street; Robert McMenamy, 65 Aberdeen Street; Robert Boyle, 5 Bedeque Street; Marshall Wilson, 36 Shannon Street; Joseph Thomas, 45 Old Lodge Road; John Sleeth, 80 Broom Street; Thomas Meek, 15 Malvern Street; James Gregg, 12 Campbell's Row; Christopher Graham, 90 Blythe Street; Charles Killen, 3 Craig Street; Samuel Bell, 5 Cullingtree Place; Samuel Spence, 76 Hilland Street; Joseph McCann, 11 Ruby Street; James Gray, 21 Parker Street; Robert Best, 39 Comber Street; James Higgins, 50 Moira Street; Michael Hale, 18 Arran Street; John Shields, 28 Cuba Street; James Donnelly, 56 Stanfield Street; David Lowry, 26 George's Street; Isaac Rea, 54 Gertrude Street; and Archibald Young, 53 Cuba Street. Attendance orders were made against about thirty other persons.
          Belfast Traveller Gets Twelve Months' Hard Labour. At Dublin City Sessions a commercial traveller, names Samuel Stevenson, of Belfast, who was arrested, under circumstances already reported, for obtaining £12 by false pretences from Miss Sarah Hill, proprietress of Warren's Hotel, South Great George's Street, was brought up for sentence. Prisoner was arrested at Comber railway station. Detective Officer Fawcett said at present the police held two warrants against the prisoner founded on charges similar to the present one, and he understood a third was issued, but which was not yet in the hands of the detectives. The Recorder sent the prisoner to jail for twelve months with hard labour.
          The Wreck of the Atlanta. Belfast Survivor's Narrative. How the Crew met their death. - Portland (Oregon), Nov. 21. Graphic details of the wreck if the ship Atlanta, the loss of which has been already cabled, are given by the three survivors, one of whom, Francis McMahon, of Belfast, Ireland, says the lost men met their death with remarkable bravery and light heartedness. While hanging on to the rigging, expecting at any moment to be swept to destruction, they bantered one another with astonishing levity. One man was hanging on to a davit, and was being submerged by nearly every wave while the others laughed at his predicament and joked with him as to the poor chance he had of escaping. He replied, "Yes, I know; this is no crow's nest; but I will be hanging here after you have gone to the bottom," His prediction was almost verified, for he outlasted all of them except the three who were saved in the lifeboat. Finally he dropped exhausted into the sea. McMahon sustained in the water as long as possible the captain, who could not swim. Only one body has come ashore. Most of the crew of the Atlanta were Americans, who are alleged to have been impressed into service.
          Northern Bankrupts Adjudicated - John Shevelin, of Cross Roads, Carrickmacross, Monaghan, cattle dealer, and Patrick D. Reavy, of Bundoran, Donegal, veterinary surgeon, were adjudicated bankrupts in the "Dublin Gazette" last night.
          Sudden Death in Lisburn. Last evening Dr. Mussen, J.P., coroner, held an inquest in the Boardroom of the Workhouse on the body of an old woman named Eliza Hall, aged about 75 years, who resided in Antrim Street, and who died suddenly on Sunday. The jury, after hearing the evidence of Dr. Jefferson, found that death was caused by congestion of the lungs. Head-Constable Peate watched the proceedings on behalf of the Crown.
          Concert at Banbridge. On Tuesday night a very successful soiree and concert was held in the Orange Hall, under the auspices of the Conservative flute band. The hall was packed to overflowing. After tea a very enjoyable programme was gone through, consisting of songs, recitations, stump speeches, &c., in which the following took part :- Messrs. Johnston, Douglas, Grey, Cotter, Foster, Wilson, Fleming, and Boyd. The band also contributed a number of selections. The meeting terminated at a late hour with the band playing the National Anthem.
          Rabies in Monaghan Union. At Monaghan petty sessions on Tuesday a number of persons were summoned for allowing their dogs to be at large without muzzles. The magistrates were of opinion that this was a rather serious state of affairs, considering that only a few days ago a rabid dog had been destroyed in the town. District-Inspector Cahill pointed out that eight other animals, worried by this rabid dog, had also to be destroyed. The chairman (Mr. Rafferty) said the magistrates were contemplating imposing heavier penalties on those neglecting to carry out the muzzling order. The recent case of rabies in Monaghan would fully justify them in taking such a course.
          Ballybay Petty Sessions. At these sessions on Monday Francis Bradley, an aged farmer, residing in the townland of Drumfreeghan, summoned a young man named Oliver Conlon, of the same townland, for assault. A cross-case was preferred. The Court fined Conlan in 2s 6d and dismissed the other case. James Casey, Monaghan, was prosecuted by the Great Northern Railway Company for travelling between Dundalk and Ballybay on the 19th ult. without having paid his fare. The Court imposed a fine of 10s and 10s costs. Hugh McAllorney, Carrickatee, summoned his brother James McAlorney, a returned American, for threats. Defendant was ordered to enter into bail - himself in £10 and two sureties in £5 each - to keep the peace for twelve months, or in default one month's imprisonment.
          Attempted Burglaries at Poyntzpass. A number of attempted burglaries have been perpetrated of late in this village and surrounding neighbourhood. Another was committed on Monday between eleven and twelve o'clock, in the townland of Loughadian, County Down, at the house of a farmer named James MacClory. Some miscreants entered the premises in the absence of the occupants at Banbridge market, having gained access by breaking a number of panes in a window at the back. The place was ransacked, everything being pulled about. On his return Mr. MacClory  appraised the police of what took place. It is believed that the deed was the work of some of the tramp class.
          Bangor Notes. By an inaccuracy in the return of the lifeboat committee, the figures of which appeared in the "Evening Telegraph" on Monday evening, it was stated that £1 17s had been collected by the Lifeboat Collection boxes, instead of £4 11s 2½d. Altogether the committee have collected £49 5s. 10d. in Bangor district.
          Bangor Town Commissioners. A special meeting was held on Tuesday, Mr. John McMeekan presiding. A discussion took place on the changing of plans of sewerage at Church Street, and it was decided to send a list of the changes to the Local Government Board for approval. Mr. John Russell, C.E., Belfast, attended, and reported that the work of constructing the swimming pond at Pickie was progressing satisfactorily. The clerk had prepared a statement of the affairs of the Board with a view to striking a new rate in order to cover the expenses. Mr. Bowman proposed that notice of intention be given to strike the rate, and that the rate be as follows:- 4d for sanitary, 2d for water, 2d for general purposes, and a reasonable charge for special water rate. Mr. Bowman formally proposed the motion, and the Board rose.
          Dromore Notes. The monthly petty sessions court was held on Tuesday - Mr. J. R. Minnis, J.P., in the chair. Acting-Sergeant Wishart summoned Samuel Beattie for having in his possession unstamped and unjust measures. Fined 2s 6d. and costs in both cases. Rachel McCormick, for failing to send her children to school, was fined 5s and costs. Michael McCartan, Ballela, applied for a spirit grocer's licence. Mr. Clayton, D.I., opposed the application, which was granted. The building in connection with the Dromore Cathedral has now been finished, and the work men are now engaged inside repairing and renovating the new building, as also the old. Lord Clanwilliam visited the church on Thursday last, and was greatly satisfied at the manner in which the improvement had been carried out. The Town Commissioners of Dromore, County Down, have presented Mr. McConnell, their late town clerk, with a handsome and beautifully illuminated address. The presentation came off in the Town Hall, the chairman, Mr. Joseph Weir, presiding. A splendid luncheon was prepared, and after doing justice to the good things with which the table groaned the interesting ceremony took place. The vice-chairman, Mr. Hamilton, T.C., referred in complimentary terms to the important and valuable services rendered to the town by the energy and ability of Mr. McConnell, who suitably replied.
          Larne Town Commissioners. A special meeting of Larne Town Commissioners was held last evening in the Boardroom of the McGarel Town Hall, Mr. David McQuillan presiding. The principal business of the meeting was to consider the following memorial which had been sent to the Local Government Board - We, the undersigned ratepayers, beg to inform you that we are opposed to the purchase of the Larne Gas Works by the Larne Town Commissioners, and we trust you will withhold your consent to such an agreement. We consider that under present circumstances it is unwise for an expiring Board to plunge its successors in such a scheme. We are prepared to give further and substantial reasons if necessary. Signed by about 800 names. After an interesting discussion on the subject, Mr. Foster moved that the clerk (Mr. W. G. Younge) acknowledge receipt of the letter of the Local Government Board, enclosing memorial against the purchase of the gas works, and state that the matter therein referred to its receiving the consideration of the Commissioners. The motion was seconded by Mr. McConnell, and passed unanimously.
          The Constable's Providential Escape. Accused sent to the Assizes. At the Belfast Custody Court this morning, before Mr. F. G. Hodder, R.M., and Mr. Alcx. (Alex.) Malcolmson, J.P., James Meharry was again put forward on the charge of cutting and wounding Acting-Sergeant Dornan, on Woodstock Road, on 15th November. The circumstances of the case are already well known, the constable being stabbed within an inch of the heart. The deposition of the acting-sergeant was read over this morning, and he had nothing to add to it. Constable Brennan corroborated the evidence of the acting-sergeant. At the time prisoner had not even the smell of drink. Accused repeated that he had been drinking, and did not know what he was doing. Prisoner was returned for trial.
          Accident in a Local Shipyard. A serious accident occurred this morning in the shipbuilding yard of Messrs. Workman & Clarke, where a plater's helper named James Gilliland, aged 28, received severe injuries. It appears that he was employed at the stern of ship 154, when he fell to the ground from a height of about forty feet. The ambulance was at once summoned, and in it he was removed to the Royal Hospital where he was received by Dr. Montgomery, An examination of his case was made, and it was found that he was suffering from a fracture of the leg and contusions. He is progressing as favourably as can be expected.
          Bangor Petty Sessions. This fortnightly court of petty sessions was held to-day before Messrs. Wm. White (chairman), G. Herbert Brown, Hugh Ferguson, John Fay, Thos. Workington, Dr. R. Bolton, and Lieutenant-Colonel P. E. Bowlby, R.M. - A Family Brawl. Wm. Niblock, Groomsport, summoned his brothers, Alexander Niblock and John Niblock, the former having assaulted him at Groomsport and the latter for maliciously breaking one pane of glass in his window on the 3rd inst. Mr. John McKee appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. H. H. Mussen defended. From the evidence of complainant, it appeared that he and his brother Alexander had not been on good terms for some time past, and on the night in question he struck complainant on the face opposite a public-house in Groomsport, the blow cutting him severely. Later the other brother John put his foot through his window. He had given them no provocation whatever. Wm. Orr and Ross McIntosb (McIntosh) stated that all the parties had got a good deal of drink on the night in question as both defendants had been paid that evening for services rendered on the lifeboats. Lizzie Niblock deposed to seeing John put his foot through the window. He afterwards offered to pay for it. David Barron stated that defendant only fell against the window. The Chairman said it was a regrettable occurrence, as all the parties were engaged in a noble work at the lifeboat station, and it would be much better if they would all try and be friends. Alexander Niblock for the assault would have to pay 10s and costs, and John for the malicious injury would be fined 2s 5d and 2s compensation. - Bicycling in the Footpath. Florence Murphy, Bangor, was summoned by Constable Mullan for riding her bicycle on the footpath at Bangor on 9th inst. Fined 5s and costs. Sergeant Karr prosecuted Wm. Melville, Bushville Avenue, Belfast, for a like offence at Bangor on the 12th inst. Fined 5s and costs. The same complainant preferred a similar charge against Thomas W. Dugan, Holywood, on the same date, Fined 5s and costs. - Drunk in Charge. Constable Howard summoned Robert Montgomery Cotton, for having been drunk while in charge of a horse and cart at Bangor on the 11th inst. A fine of 5s, with costs, was imposed. On the complaint of Sergeant Karr, James McIlveen, for having been drunk in charge of a horse and car on the 6th inst., was ordered to pay 10s and costs. - Unmuzzled Dogs. For allowing their dogs to be at large in the vicinity of Bangor during the last fortnight without being muzzled. Thomas McDowell, Thomas McPherson, and Wm. Larmour were each fined 2s 6d and costs. - No Licence. Sergeant Karr summoned James May, Millisle, for pedling without a licence at Bangor on the 1st inst. A fine of 5s and costs was imposed. - Riotous. Matthew Frew was summoned by Sergeant Karr for riotous behaviour at Bangor on the 17th inst. A fine of 10s and costs was imposed.
          This Day's Police. - Custody Court. (Before Mr. F. G. Hodder, R.M., and Mr. Alex. Malcolmson, J.P.) A Would-Be Jarvey. John Doherty was charged with being drunk and disorderly. It appears that accused was in a lively mood and took a horse and car from a youth who had charge of it. When asked to explain his conduct he became most disorderly, and was arrested. Fines 2s 6d and costs. - Larceny Charges. Rose Kennedy, 28 Hamill Street, was charged with the larceny of seven yards of cashmere cloth, the property of her sister. Accused, it appeared from the evidence, resided with her sister for the past seven months, and while the sister was lying ill prisoner took the cloth from a box and pawned it. Accused was dealt with under the First Offenders Act. - Wm. John Stevenson stood charged with the larceny of a coat and vest, the property of Mrs. Paisley, 40 Clementine Street. Prisoner, it seemed from the story told in court, watched Mrs. Paisley leave the house for a message, and then slipped in and took the articles. One month's imprisonment was ordered. - Wm. Martin stood charged with stealing a gold bangle, the property of Emily Allan, 19 Balmoral Street, between 17th and 21st November. When arrested prisoner admitted the charge. Miss Allan's story was to the effect that the accused lodged with her from June last, and on Monday, when she went to a little box in the parlour, where she kept the bangle, it was missing. A pawn assistant swore that the prisoner pledged the article with him on Monday. Accused was remanded till Friday, Sergeant Stoddart, who had charge of the case, stating that he had further charges to prefer against prisoner. - Jolly Beggars. Andrew Graham was charged with assaulting a car driver, named Michael O'Kane, and refusing to pay the legal fare. Prisoner engaged the car with several others to drive to a certain public-house in Milltown. On the way there were several stoppages for drink and one for the purpose of allowing the travellers to have a hundred yards race. On the return to the city a row arose over the payment of the fare, and during the altercation the Jarvey received a severe cut on the nose. Accused was fined 30s and costs, one third of the penalty to go to the carman.
          Summons Court. (Before Messrs. Garrett Nagle, R.M.; Joseph Macauley, J.P.; Alexander Malcomson, J.P.) - N.S.P.C.C. Prosecution. Inspector Whelehan, of the N.S.P.C.C., summoned Hannah Boyd, 24 Trafalgar Street, for continuous neglect of her children. The evidence was that the defendant was greatly addicted to drink. The husband stated that she had only been drunk since Saturday last, and Mr. Donnelly, who defended, submitted that no case had been made. The bench granted an adjournment for fourteen days to give the woman a chance of reforming.
          Death of Mr. W. Jury - We regret to learn that Mr. W. Jury, son of the late Mr. W. J. Jury, of Chichester Street, died at his residence, Lisburn Road, this evening. He had been ill for some time with typhoid fever.
          Births, Marriages and Deaths. Births -
French, November 17, at Boscombe Hants, the wife of J. M. French, of a son.
          Deaths -
Burrows, November 23, at 22 Lake Street, Belfast, Samuel, the youngest son of John and Annie Burrows, aged 1 year and 10 months.
Despard, November 22, at Windsor Terrace, the beloved wife of G. F. Despard. Deeply regretted.
Frame, November 22, at 19 Lawrence Street, Annie Millar, daughter of John and Maria Frame, aged 16 years. Interment in City Cemetery. Funeral private.
Jury, November 23, at Malone Gardens, William Henry, the eldest son of the late W. J. Jury, of Brooklands, Belfast. Funeral private.
McNeill, November 22, at his residence, 51 Earl Street, Charles McNeill - R.I.P. The remains of my dearly-beloved husband will be removed for interment in Milltown Cemetery, on to-morrow (Thursday) afternoon, at one o'clock. Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation. Mary McNeill
Miller, November 22, at the residence of her son-in-law, Hugh Beck, 17 Albertbridge Road, Jane, the wife of the late Robert Miller. Her remains will be removed at eleven o'clock on to-morrow (Thursday) morning for interment in Comber Churchyard. Friends will please accept thus intimation. Hugh Beck
Moran, November 23, at 21 Upton Street, Belfast, Patrick Moran. Interment notice in to-morrow's issue.
McDowell, November 22, Henry McDowell. His remains will be removed from his late residence, Cluntagh House, on Friday, the 25th inst., at twelve o'clock noon, for interment in the family burying-ground, Killyleagh.
Rosbotham, November 23, at 69 Elizabeth Street, after a lingering illness, William Rosbotham. The remains of my beloved husband will be removed for interment in the City Cemetery, on Friday afternoon, the 25th inst., at half-past two o'clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. American papers please copy. Deeply regretted. Emily Rosbotham.
Smith, November 22, at his residence, Derrylee, Moy, Robert Smith. His remains will be removed for interment on Friday, at twelve o'clock noon. Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation.
Wylie, November 22, at 18 Crocus Street, Belfast, James, the dearly-beloved child of James and Margaret Wylie. His remains will be removed for interment in Milltown Cemetery, on to-morrow (Thursday) afternoon, ay half-past two o'clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. James Wylie.
Walker, November 21, at his residence, 14 Arnon Street, off Old Lodge Road, William Walker (Little Willie). His remains will be removed for interment in the City Cemetery on tomorrow (Thursday) morning, at eleven o'clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. Home, home at last, thy labour done, Safe and blest, the victory won; Jordan passed, from pain set free, Angels now have welcomed thee. Agnes and Margaret Clarke.
Webb, November 23, at 17 Springfield Avenue, Sarah, the dearly-beloved wife of John Webb. Her remains will be removed from above address at twelve o'clock noon, on to-morrow (Thursday), for interment in the family burying-ground, Derriaghy. Friends will please accept this intimation. "Asleep in Jesus" John Webb
          In Memoriam -
Hutton, In sad but loving remembrance of our dear mother, who departed this life on the 23rd November 1897, and was interred in the City Cemetery. Gone, dear mother, gone for ever, Here no more with us thou art; Suddenly it came upon us, Mother dear, with thee to part. Gone, dear mother, much we miss thee, No dear form like thine is near, No kind word to soothe or comfort, None like thee ours heart to cheer. Elizabeth Hutton, 80 Melrose Street, Belfast
Walsh, In loving memory of Wilhelmina (Mina), who departed this life on the 23rd of November, 1897, and was interred in the City Cemetery. "Fell asleep in Jesus." "Gone, but not forgotten." Short and sudden was the call, And she so dearly loved by all. 22 Bruce Street, Belfast
          Burning Fatality in Lurgan. The North Armagh coroner held an inquest on Tuesday on the body of Isaac Dynes, a child under two years old, who died from burns sustained on the previous evening. Dr. Magennis, J.P., deposed that the deceased was burned on the back, the back of the head, and right arm, and died from shock, caused by the injuries. The evidence of the mother of the deceased and a Mrs. Capper showed that the former left her house for a few minutes on Monday evening to obtain buttermilk. The only persons then in the house were her three children, the eldest of whom was only four years of age. Mrs. Capper found the deceased enveloped in flames, and a Mrs. Collins removed the burning clothing. A verdict of accidental death was returned.
          Belfast Police Force. Charge Against Two Constables. Inquiry in Cullingtree Barracks. - A police inquiry was held in Cullingtree Road Barracks yesterday for the purpose of investigating charges preferred against Constable Michael Martin and Constable James Kennedy, of that station. The charge against Constable Martin was that on the night of the 25th October he was guilty of neglect of duty in failing to bring under the notice of his authorities the fact that Constable Charles Faughnan became drunk while on beat duty with him. Constable Kennedy was charged with failing to report to his sergeant that Constable Faughnan returned to his barracks drunk on that night, the accused being barrack orderly. District-Inspector Kelly prosecuted, and the Court consisted of District-Inspectors Morrell (president) and Wright. Mr. N. Tughan represented the constables. Acting-Sergeant Mains deposed he could not find Constables Faughnan and Martin on beat at 11 p.m. on 26th October, and he came to the barracks and asked the orderly, Constable Kennedy, if the two men had returned, and he replied that they had some short time previously. Witness directed the barrack orderly to tell the men to come to the day-room, as he wanted to see them; and when he returned in a minute or so he stated to witness, "I told them." In about another minute Constable Martin came in, and witness asked him where Faughnan was, and Martin replied, "I think he must have gone to bed." Witness then reported the matter to Sergeant Maguigan, who was in charge of the barracks. Cross-examined by Mr. Tughan - Constable Kennedy was attending to his duties as barrack orderly, and immediately admitted that the men had come in. To District-Inspector Kelly - It was customary for men to come into the dayroom on returning off beat, in order to ascertain what duty they were for on the following day. Constable Charles Faughnan stated that on the evening in question he was on beat duty with Constable Martin. On that night he left his beat without being relieved, at 10.55 p.m. Constable Martin came with him to the barrack. He was placed in charge for being drunk shortly after coming to the barrack, and he admitted the charge. Witness was not drunk when he came to the barracks; he had two glasses of brandy taken. He was admitted to the barracks by the barrack orderly, Constable Kennedy. Witness immediately proceeded to the yard on coming in. He left his beat that night without being relieved because his stomach became sick. When a man became sick on beat it was usual to bring the other man to barracks with him. It was about a quarter of an hour after his return that Sergeant Maguigan found him; he was then drunk. He did not remember getting any message from Acting-Sergeant Mains. In answer to the President, the witness admitted that he had acted unfairly towards the barrack orderly in returning to barracks under such circumstances. The brandy which he drank before he came into barracks was in his possession while he was on beat. Sergeant Owen Maguigan stated that Constable Martin did not inform him that there was anything the matter with Constable Faughnan. Witness found Constable Faughnan in a back passage supporting himself on two pegs in the wall. Witness asked what was up, and the constable then let go the pegs and threw his arms around the sergeant. The constable was drunk. He then placed Constable Martin in charge of Faughnan. In a pantry off the kitchen he found Constable Faughnan's appointments lying on a shelf. At the door-step near the pantry he found a broken bottle. To Mr. Tughan - Witness always found Constables Martin and Kennedy truthful. To the President - The constable was in such a very bad state of drunkenness that he (the sergeant) was quite sure he could not have passed the barrack orderly some minutes previously without the latter observing his condition. The men were well aware that they were bound to be inspected on returning off duty. Acting-Sergeant Shannon gave evidence that on the night in question Constables Martin and Faughnan did not report their arrival to him, though they were bound to do so, and he was supposed to inspect the No. 2 beat. He saw Constable Faughnan as he was going upstairs; the constable was very drunk. For the defence, Constable James Morrow said that a few minutes after ten o'clock he saw Constables Faughnan and Martin in Durham Street. Witness spoke to them, and they then appeared to be quite sober and were attending to their duty. Constable Higgins deposed that he saw the accused constables a few minutes after ten o'clock. They were then perfectly sober. He himself had gone to the mess-room and hung up his belt before coming to the day-room to inquire as to his duty for the following day. Constable Sydney E. Reid returned to barracks from duty on the evening in question about 10-50, and on his way passed the two constables, Faughnan and Martin. They were both absolutely sober. Constable Hawkins gave similar evidence. Witness stated further that when he was leaving the barracks to go to his lodgings they were within a couple of yards of him, and he apologised to them for having closed the door after him. He was then enabled to get a comprehensive view of them, and they both appeared to be perfectly steady. Mr. Kelly asked witness if he would consider a man fit for important duty who had drunk two glasses of brandy. The witness answered he had seen policemen drink eight glasses of brandy and still be fit for duty. (Laughter) Constable Thomas Sintey gave corroborative evidence. He met the two constables as they were marching steadily homewards. The President - "Steady and strong, marching along." (Laughter) This closed the inquiry, and the decision will be made known in the usual course.
          (not local) Sad Stabbing Fatality. At Preston yesterday evening a sad stabbing fatality occurred. A young butcher named John Dawson was cutting up meat on a trestle when William Marshall, another young man, came behind him, and, slapping him boisterously on the back, exclaimed, "It's a cold day." Dawson turning round suddenly, the point of his knife penetrated deceased between the ribs and inflicted a wound in the region of the heart, death ensuing in a very short time. Dawson ran for the doctor, and afterwards voluntarily went to the police station. The young men were friends.
          Dublin Trawler Wrecked. The fishing trawler Ellen and Mary had gone ashore off Balbriggan, and is expected to become a total wreck. One of the crew named Laurence Toole, lost his life. The trawler was the property of Mr. Dalton, of Ringsend.
          Belfast Ship's Record Voyage. Man Lost Overboard. Terrible Experience of a Boat's Crew. Further particulars have been received in this city of the recent accident on board Messrs. Thomas Dixon & Son's barque Cordona, which arrived at Miramichi, British North America, in October last. She had made the round trip from Miramichi to Belfast and back in 44 days, which is said to be the quickest on record. She was not expected at Miramichi so soon again, as she had left Belfast two or three weeks later than other vessels which had not arrived when the Corona finished her voyage. The accident which resulted in the loss of a seaman named Kernahan, who belonged to Mountpottinger, took place at night, off Escuminac Point. He was standing on the rail hauling in the foresheet as the ship was coming about, and lost his footing. Captain Brown saw him close under the stern, and threw him a lifebuoy, and saw him swimming towards it. A boat was launched for the purpose of trying to save him. The search for him was fruitless, and then the boat tried to get back to the ship, but failed to reach her, owing to the strong wind and heavy sea. The six men reached Escuminac in an exhausted condition after five hours of battling with the wind and waves. This was Kernahan's second voyage here. He was only 17 years old, and was a delicate youth. He went to sea for the benefit of his health, and felt so much improved by the last voyage that he shipped again. Nothing was seen of the boat after it was launched, though the ship dodged about all night looking for it and burning flash lights. The Corona is now on passage to Belfast with timber.
          Alleged Criminal Libel. Charge Against a Donegal Man. At Pettigo (Co. Donegal) Petty Sessions on Tuesday, Thomas Aiken, hotel-keeper, prosecuted a young man named McIlwaine, manager of a local public-house, for criminal libel. He was accused of circulating two ballads in which complainant's character was scurrilously animadverted upon, and which, as alleged, were calculated to injure Aiken's business. The case, it appeared, had its origin in disputes between members of the local Church of Ireland congregation and the rector and between members of a band and the Orange body. Defendant disclaimed any intention of injuring the business of the complainant. The magistrates returned the defendant for trial at Donegal Assizes accepting bail for his appearance.
          Tipperary Faction Fight. Man's Eye Gouged Out. Seven men of the farming class from the mountainous districts of Curreeny, Sheveroy, &c., were brought into Nenagh yesterday by the police, who had been out all night effecting the arrests. The circumstances of the affair are as follows:- As Stephen Butler, of Gurtamagog, and Edward McCormack, of Curreeny, with some others, were proceeding home from Nenagh on the evening of the last fair day, they were met at a place called Mount Island, outside the village of Dolla, by the accused, and a fight took place, in the course of which Stephen Butler had his right eye gouged out, besides sustaining other injuries. Edward McCormack was also more or less injured. Butler's condition has become so critical that his life is regarded as being in imminent danger. On Monday night the Nenagh police, under Head-Constable Horgan, with the Dolla police, started out, and before morning succeeded in arresting the following:- James Collins, Patrick Guinnane, Wm. Ford, James Corcoran, Patrick Gleeson, James Rogan, and John Ryan. The prisoners were remanded to Limerick Jail.


Belfast Evening Telegraph Friday 13th January 1899

          The Oceanic. To-morrow's Big Launch. Latest Arrangements. The Queen's Island Shipyard is a scene of great activity to-day, the concluding preparations being made for the launch of the Oceanic to-morrow, and the reception of the large crowd of spectators who hold tickets or have been invited to witness the interesting event. There will be six officers of the White Star Line present, under Captain Smyth, R.N.R., and 36 quarter-masters. For the information of the general public we may repeat what we said yesterday, that the places to which they will be admitted are:- The Alexandra Wharf, Milewater Basin, Spencer Dock Pierhead, Albert Quay. Barricades have been erected at these places, and every care will be taken by the police authorities to prevent accident. Still, much depends upon the public themselves, and anything in the nature of a rush, or of climbing in dangerous places, should be avoided, and the instructions of the responsible officials strictly carried out. The importance of avoiding the Twin Islands, as a position of grave danger, cannot be too strongly urged. During the dinner-hour to-day the Victoria jetty was thronged with workmen and boys employed at Queen's Island, who, in their leisure time, critically examined the Oceanic. One youth had the temerity to climb to the elevated box which has been fitted up for the purpose of taking cinematograph views of the launch, and a number of his companions seized the opportunity of teasing the youngster by removing the ladder from his reach and afterwards giving him a rough passage when permitted to make his descent.
          Lisburn Notes. The storm has played the usual havoc in Lisburn. In Tanyard Lane the top story and the roof of several houses used as stables by Mr. Hamilton, V.S., were blown down, the debris falling against houses and smashing the windows and doors of same. As much as 75 feet of the top portion of the wall was demolished, and the bricks and mortar are now lying across the lane. Three horses in the stables at the time of the catastrophe were with difficulty removed.
          Lurgan Notes. Serious damage was occasioned by the hurricane in Lurgan. Business had to be given up altogether, and the live stock driven to the best shelter obtainable. The streets were well night impassible, bricks, slates, and chimney pots flying in every direction. Several persons were seriously injured, many women being blown with great violence against the walls, and badly hurt. Mr. Rea, Brownlow Gardens, sustained a severe fracture of the leg. Several shop windows were blown in, and much loss sustained. - The Rev. George A. Foster, senior curate of Lurgan, was taken suddenly ill at the rectory yesterday evening (Thursday) whilst attending to his ordinary duties. Dr. Darling was immediately summoned, and the rev. gentleman is progressing very favourably.
          (not local) English Woman Sentenced to Death. The trial concluded yesterday at the Old Bailey of Kate Marshall, aged 44, whipmaker, who was charged with the wilful murder of her married sister, Elizabeth Roberts, by stabbing her at 26 Dorset Street, Spitalfields, on the night of November 26 during a quarrel. Witness denied striking or stabbing her sister. The jury found the prisoner guilty of wilful murder, but strongly recommended her to mercy on the ground of want or premeditation and the fact that the deed was done in a moment of drunken frenzy. In reply to the usual question the prisoner said, "I say I am guilty of many other crimes, but I have over twenty stabs myself. I say before Lord Jesus, the Trinity, and Heaven that I am innocent of this dreadful charge. God knows, and I call upon Him, my defender, that I am innocent before the whole world of this crime. Do with me what you will, I am innocent." Sentence of death was passed, whereupon the prisoner shrieked," Oh, Jesus, this is perfect murder. Where is God? I call upon Him." Accused was removed protesting loudly. - The trial of James Robertson, labourer, for murdering Margaret Wilson, with whom he lived, concluded at Aberdeen yesterday. The jury returned a verdict of culpable homicide, and Lord McLaren, the presiding judge at the Circuit Court of Justiciary, sentenced Robertson to penal servitude for life.
          Disastrous Storm. Great Damage to Property. Schooner Ashore in Belfast Lough. Narrow Escapes on the County Down Coast. The severe gale which visited Belfast yesterday afternoon continued far into the night, and the storm was almost the fiercest we have experienced since 22nd December, 1894. Slates were blown off houses in every part of the city, and many people had very narrow escapes. A boy was taken to the hospital suffering from contusions to the foot caused by a ridge-tile falling upon him, and a man's wrist was fractured by a falling plank. At the quays, timber was blown about in every direction, and around the Dufferin Dock many of the stacks were badly tossed. A shed was damaged at Messrs. Workman & Clark's yard; five lamps broken - one at the ferry steps, two at Princess Dock, and two at the York Dock. The electric wires at Queen's Quay were carried away, and for a time the lamps were not lighted. Workmen arrived and fixed them, so that at nine o'clock they were in going order. The White Star liner Afrie, which, as already reported, broke adrift in the Abercorn Basin in the afternoon, was strongly secured during the night. In the lough the storm was very heavy, and occasioned a great deal of anxiety as to the safety of vessels in Belfast Lough and in the channel. In Bangor and Ballyholme and district the storm was especially felt. The sea round Bangor and district lashed the piers and rocks with great fury. The coastguards of Donaghadee, Orlock Hill, Groomsport, and Bangor had a very busy time of it. An unknown schooner was very near destruction off Templepatrick, between Millisle and Donaghadee. At one time she was in dangerous proximity to the rocks, and it was thought at first that the rocket apparatus would have to be used, but her drooping two anchors brought her up to the wind, and it was not necessary to use the rocket, especially as the wind dropped considerably. Another schooner, named the Charlotte, as already reported, had a narrow escape off Ballyholme, the strong north-west gale blowing her in the direction of Ballymacormick Point, and quite close to shore. A yawl from Groomsport approached her, but the crew refused to leave. The Charlotte was able to drop her anchor, and if the wind, which was moderating, does not increase in severity, little danger is anticipated. The rocket apparatus from Groomsport was close at hand, but it was considered necessary to go to the assistance of a third schooner, which was being buffeted about off Grey Point and Helen's Bay, firing and flying signals of distress. Accordingly, Mr. Peace, Donaghadee; Mr. Batton, Orlock Hill; and Mr. Feharty, Bangor, in charge of fourteen coastguards and the rocket apparatus, proceeded to Crawfordsburn. The schooner, which is said to have been lying in the lough for a few days and bound for Balbriggan, had parted her cable, and was riding about in an unmanageable manner. After some time she set in in the direction of Carnalea, and the crew considered it advisable to leave in their boat. This they succeeded in doing, as the gale had slightly abated. The schooner then struck on a rock close to Carnalea. Whether she will become a total wreck or float off remains to be seen. The officers and coastguards returned to Bangor, and proceeded in the direction of Ballyholme, with the intention of seeing if their services would be required by the Charlotte. At ten o'clock last night the schooner, which is said to be named the Mary Stuart, belonging to Bangor, North Wales, is lying on the rocks at Carnalea, about 100 yards from the station. The crew numbered three, and are at present in Mr. Boal's, of Carnalea, for the night. She was laden with coal, and was bound from Silloth.
          Effects of the Gale in North Down. The storm that swept over North Down yesterday was one of the severest that has visited the district of Castlereagh and Moneyrea for many years. The wind, which blew from the west, and shifted alternately to the north, caused great havoc in many farmers' stackyards. In one case, that of Mr. David Munn, Ballyallely, two stacks of wheat straw were carried several hundred yards away by a terrific gust of wind. At Crossnacreevy a haystack belonging to Mr. W. R. White, was removed apparently by the same gust, and scattered about the adjoining grounds, while trees were uprooted, many falling across the roads leading to Belfast, and causing considerable delay to traffic. At Moneyrea a farmer who was conveying a load of straw to Belfast had the misfortune to see his goods carried clean away from the cart by a sudden rush of wind. The ropes which bound the straw to the cart snapped as if they had been so much thread. At the same time the animal which was attached to the cart had a narrow escape of being blown over a precipice. Up to the present no loss of life has been reported.
          To-day in Belfast. The gale has entirely abated to-day, but in many districts of the city it has left traces of its visit in the shape of damaged hoardings, and broken slates. At Connsbrook House, Sydenham, a large railing was completely lifted out of the ground and blown into the garden. The cross-Channel steamer, Duke of Clarence and Duchess of Devonshire, from Fleetwood and Barrow, had fairly good passages last night. The Scotch boats also reached port about the usual time. Up till noon the Liverpool steamer had not put in an appearance at Donegall Quay. The Antrim Iron Ore Co.'s steamer Parkmore, which was slightly damaged in the collision with the White Star liner Afric, in the Abercorn Basin yesterday evening, was docked in No. 2 Graving Dock, this morning, for recairs. (repairs)
          Train Blown Down an Embankment. A terrific storm blew over Ennis yesterday, and the Fergus rose to an unusual height, and the lower parts of the town were submerged. The retort fires in the Ennis Gas Company's premises were completely extinguished. The banks of the Lower Shannon have given way in several places.
          An accident which was happily unattended by any serious consequences occurred on the South Clare Railway at Quilty Cross. When the 8.30 a.m. down train from Ennis had reached the place named a gust of wind if unusual violence suddenly swept in from the sea and blew the carriages and the van completely off the line down an incline of over 20 feet. Two men named John Hoare and Michael O'Halloran, of Ennis, were the only travellers on the train, and Hoare had his head slightly injured in the fall. A break-down gang, under Mr. Hopkins, left Ennis for the scene of the accident. A similar accident occurred at the same place two years ago.
          Alarming Accident near Mullingar. A terrific hurricane, accompanied by frequent heavy downpours of rain, swept over Mullingar yesterday. A very serious accident, which it is feared will terminate fatally, occurred at Cookesborough. A man named Connor, a servant in the employment of Mr. Michael Ronan, Fennor, was driving a son of the latter to the railway station here to take his departure by the 9 a.m. train for a school near Dublin. When passing Cookesborough a large ash tree crashed down on the car, which it smashed literally in splinters, but did not hit either of the occupants. Connor, however, received very serious injuries by the sudden uprise of the front of the vehicle. He was unconscious, and some parties who saw the accident had him removed at once to the County Infirmary, where it was found that he was suffering from paralysis, caused by injury to the spine. He also received some other serious injuries. He lies in a precarious condition. Neither the boy nor the horse were hurt.
          Dublin Law Courts. County Down Case. To-day an important County Down case came before the Chief Land Commission - John Kelly, tenant; Captain E. S. U. Shelton, landlord; Patrick McVey, tenant; Captain R. McG. Bond Shelton, landlord. Mr. W. M. Whitaker (instructed by Mr. S. Martin) in Kelly's case, and (instructed by Messrs. Bell & McCartan) in McVey's case, applied on behalf of the tenants that originating agreements in their respective cases fixing fair rents should be taken off the file on the ground that they had been altered in a material respect after the tenants had signed, the date being altered from 1884 to 1886, and also on the ground that they had not been filed within a month after they were signed.
          Trials by Jury. (Before Mr. Justice Andrews and a Common Jury). McConville v. Jackson. This was an action brought by Peter McConville of Ballymany, County Armagh, on behalf of his daughter, Catherine, an infant, to recover damages laid at £200 for slander, the complaint being that the defendant, John Jackson, a farmer, residing in the same locality, said of the girl, "I saw her take W. McClure's watch and run up the road with it." Meaning, as imputed, that she had committed an indictable offence. The defendant denied the slander, and pleaded that the words complained of were not spoken in a defamatory sense. The jury found for the defendant. Mr. W. H. Brown (instructed by Mr. M. Brown) appeared for the plaintiff; Messrs. Campbell, Q.C., M.P., and Charles Murphy (instructed by Messrs. E. D. Atkinson & Co.) were for the defendant.
          Belfast Child Seriously Burned. At 8.40 this morning, a child named Lizzie Bredin, of Bombay Street, was admitted to the Royal Hospital suffering from severe burns caused by her clothing becoming accidentally ignited at the kitchen fire. The child was burned all over the body, arms, and legs, and is in a very critical condition.
          Mr. McHugh, M.P., and the Sledge Hammer. Breaking into Sligo Courthouse. Mr. P. A. McHugh, Member of Parliament and Mayor of Sligo, attended a great convention of delegates of the United Irish League at Ballymote, County Sligo. The Sub0Sheriff of the county had refused to the Mayor the use of the Courthouse, the only available building. Mr. McHugh, however, settled the matter very promptly by sending for a sledge hammer, and, having taken off his coat, he smashed open the door of the Courthouse. The delegates entered, and the business proceeded in due course.
          Belfast Quarter Sessions. (Before his Honour, Judge Fitzgibbon, Q.C.) Mr. H. M. Crawford, deputy registrar, was in attendance. Tijou v. Johnston. This was an action brought by Walter Edgar Tijou, publisher, Manchester, against Frank C. Johnston, coachbuilder, 27 College Street, Belfast, for £5, the price of goods sold and delivered and for work and labour done, and materials for same found and provided by plaintiff for defendants at his request. Mr. Hanna (instructed by Mr. R. J. Porter) appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. George Hill Smith (instructed by Mr. Wellington Young) for the defendant. Mr. Hanna said the plaintiffs were known as the Manufacturers' Registration Company, and published a book which was circulated everywhere over the world, giving advertisements of various trades. It appeared that one of the company's travellers applied to defendant, from whom he received an order. Subsequently a proof was sent to him. He approved of the proof, and the advertisement was inserted. When he was asked for payment he objected, on the ground that his firm was not sufficiently identified with Belfast. The plaintiff and Mr. Mallpass, traveller, were examined. Mr. Johnston stated that the material part of the advertisement was left out, and he refused to send a cheque when application for payment was made. In reply to Mr. Hanna, witness stated that the advertisement was of no value to him, because the name of the town with which he was identified had not been put in. His Honour held that the works were sufficiently identified with Belfast, it having been mentioned several times. There was a perfectly accurate photo. of Mr. Johnston, which was further identification. He gave a decree for the full amount.
          Ferguson & MacRae v. Moore. An action was brought by Henry Ferguson and Duncan MacRae, agents, against William Moore, 1 Marlborough Terrace, Lisburn Road, Belfast, to recover £10 13s, balance of goods sold and delivered, and for work and labour done. Mr. Hanna (instructed by Messrs. Lynas and Hayes) appeared for the plaintiffs, and Mr. McGonigal for the defendant. His Honour gave a decree for the amount.
          A Disclaimer. Mr. Stewart Wylie, 34 Warkworth Street, writes that he is not the person mentioned in connection with the recent case at the present quarter sessions.
          The Crows at Kelly's Execution. Mr. W. F. Johnson, of Poyntzpass, writes as follows, under date January 12:- In your correspondent's account of the execution of Kelly at Armagh in your issue of 10th inst., it is mentioned as a remarkable incident that at the same time that the black flag was hoisted a large flock of crows appeared and hovered over the jail and then departed, I wish to point out there was nothing singular in this, for the crows fly every morning across from Castledillon Woods towards the Callan, and at this time of year they pass over the town just at the time mentioned. It is very probably that exactly the same thing will happen to-morrow (Friday), but no one need imagine that the crows make their appearance on account of the sad scene that is being enacted at the jail.
          Bangor Notes. The schooner which narrowly escaped being driven ashore in Ballyholme Bay last night is at present riding at anchor off Ballymacormick Point.
          Births, Marriages and Deaths. Births -
Harford-Battersby, January 7, at Great Yarmouth, the wife of the Rev. Dundas Harford0Battersby, of a son.
          Marriages -
Gardiner - Hilton, January 11, at Elmwood Church, by the Rev. David Purves, M.A., William Gardiner, Drapersfield, Cookstown, second son of the late William Gardiner, J.P., Annavale, Keady, to Annie, second daughter of R. J. Hilton, J.P., College Gardens, Belfast
          Deaths -
Buchanan, January 12, at 29 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh, of pleuro-pneumonia, Annie G. Buchanan, late Queen's Nurse, Ardrishaig, Scotland, and formerly of Bloomfield, Belfast. O. Norris.
Brawley, January 12, at her residence, 117 Louisa Street, Sarah, the beloved wife of John Brawley. Her remains will be removed for interment in the City Cemetery, on to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon, at half-past two o'clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. John Brawley
Gowdy, January 13, at 34 Upper Townsend Street, Jane, the beloved wife of Henry Gowdy. Funeral arrangements in to-morrow's papers. Wake private. Henry Gowdy
Hanvey, January 13, at Gilnahirk, Mary, the youngest daughter of the late John Hanvey, aged 22 years. Her remains will be removed for interment in Dundonald Burying-ground, on to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon, at two o'clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. Mary Hanvey
McKeown, January 13, 1899, at his residence, Railway Street, Comber, John McKeown. Interment in the family burying-ground, Comber, on Sunday afternoon, the 15th inst., at three o'clock. Samuel McKeown
McIlroy, January 12, at her residence, Ballygallough, Ballyclare, Jane Hunter, the beloved wife of William McIlroy, Jun. Interment in Ballylinney Burying-ground, on to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon, at two o'clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. William McIlroy, Jun.
Wright, January 12, at 38 Hopefield Avenue, Mary Sarah, the wife of J. S. Wright. Her remains will be removed for interment in the City Cemetery, on to-morrow (Saturday) morning, at ten o'clock.
          In Memoriam
Reid, In sad remembrance of my beloved mother, Marianne Crawford, who died on the 13th January, 1898, at Ballyhanwood House, Dundonald, and was interred in the City Cemetery. There we shall meet to part no more, And still together be. One of Her Children.
          Roscommon Murder Charge. Two Men Returned for Trial. At Castlerea (County Roscommon) yesterday, Garret Ruane, James Kedian, Michael Kedian, Patrick Regan, and Martin Ruane were charged with the wilful murder of Thomas Hoban, at Polonalty, on the 2nd January. There were several witnesses examined, and the evidence for the prosecution went to show that on the night in question the deceased man, Hoban, and the prisoners, with some others, were in the public-house of Mr. Martin McDonnell, Cloonfad, drinking. A row occurred between Hoban and James Kedian, who struck each other a few times. Kedian was put out of the public-house, and went home. At ten o'clock the other men were put out, and they went homewards. About 200 yards from Cloonfad they met the two Ruanes, who are cousins to Kedian, and another row took place between one of the Ruanes and Hoban. Martin Ruane and Hoban got into handigrips. During the struggle which ensued both men rolled into a dike or drain on the road-side. After about a minute or so Garret Ruane went into the drain where the two men were struggling, and Martin Ruane came out, and rejoined the others. Garret Ruane afterwards came out, and the police came up. Hoban was dragged out of the drain insensible, and was carried back to the public-house of Mr. McDonnell, when, on examination, it was found he was dead. Dr. Donnellan, Castlerea, who held a post-mortem examination on the body, gave evidence as to the exterior and interior wounds on deceased, and gave it as his opinion that death was caused by drowning. Garret and Martin Ruane were returned for trial to the Spring Assizes at Roscommon, and the others were discharged.
          The County Cavan Massacre. Execution of the Culprit. Scene Outside the Jail. Sketch of Prisoner's Career. The second execution in the week took place at Armagh Jail this morning, when Philip King, of Nolagh, County Cavan, was hanged for the murder of his mother-in-law, wife, and child. The demeanour of the culprit since receiving sentence at the recent Ulster Winter Assizes at Belfast has undergone considerable change. At first he assumed a somewhat reckless attitude, but as he realised the awful fate that awaited him he became more serious, and paid devout attention to his religious duties. During his last days he was almost constantly attended by Rev. J. J. Quinn, Roman Catholic prison chaplain, and Rev. Mr. Williams, C.C. He spent a very restless time last night, and prayed with earnestness from time to time. As the hours passed he seemed to more and more keenly feel his position, and the arrival of his clergy about 6 o'clock seemed to afford him genuine relief. Mass was then celebrated in the apartment, and afterwards King partook of the last rites of his Church. At 20 minutes to 8 o'clock the prison bell tolled out, and a short time before the hour the Sub-Sheriff for County Cavan, Mr. Forbes, called at the cell and demanded the body of the wretched man. The governor of the jail having formally handed King over, he was led towards the place of execution, which is situated about 30 yards away, He was preceded by a clergy man bearing a crucifix, and was attended by another, who recited, as the mournful procession proceeded, the Litany for the Dying. Following came the governor, the Sub-Sheriff, and the warders. On arriving at the Reception Hall, which is not more than 15 yards away from the scaffold, Scott, of Huddersfield, who, with his assistant, Binns, had remained in the prison since the execution of the other Cavan murderer on Tuesday, appeared. The executioner at once placed the white cap over the doomed man's face and secured his arms. Thus bound and blindfolded he was led towards the scaffold, where he was placed over the trap. The rope, the noose of which is constructed of horsehair, was then placed round his neck and his legs pinioned. Everything thus being ready for the closing scene, just before the hour of 8 the bolt was drawn and King descended into the pit, death being instantaneous. King was 35 years of age and a painter by trade. His wife's mother was called Mary Reilly. (it's a very long account of what happened but things between King, his wife and mother-in-law were not good, many charges were brought against him for violence and threats over some years, he had 2 children, a baby and a 2 year old, he murdered both the woman as they slept and the baby suffocated against the mother as it was in the bed, the bodies lay for 4 days and in that time the 2 year was alive and wandering about naked, it eventually lay down in the kitchen and died of starvation and the cold on the 3rd day. He had also been married previously and his wife died before giving birth to their child, he evicted his mother-in-law from the home they all lived in but there was a will from the daughter so he was eventually evicted from the farm and the mother-in-law gave him some money, he married his second wife Mary Reilly within 12 months. He had a brother who resided in Cootehill, a farmer, he also had two sisters in America.)


Belfast Evening Telegraph Saturday 31st March 1917

          Belfast Shipyard Fatality. The death took place in the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, on Friday evening, of a young man names Thomas Lynass, who resided at 8 Milewater Road. Deceased, it appears, was working on a ship at Messrs. Workman, Clark, & Co.'s North Yard in the afternoon when he slipped and fell a distance of about 40 feet. He was conveyed to the hospital in an unconscious condition, and died as already stated.


Belfast Telegraph Tuesday 11th February 1936

          (not local) Mother's House Fired. Because Supper Wasn't Ready. - A nominal sentence of one month's imprisonment was passed by Mr. Justice Humphreys, at Chester Assizes, yesterday, on Robert Arthur Whitfield, (18), of Hillside, Frodsham, who was found guilty of setting fire to his mother's house. He was found not guilty of stealing a bicycle owned by a police sergeant, who was called to the house. The Judge said the sentence meant that Whitfield would afterwards have attention for mental trouble. It was alleged that he set fire to the door of his mother's bedroom when she declined to get his supper ready. Afterwards he escaped from the house by a rope of blankets, and sheets, which he lowered from his own bedroom, and he rode off on the sergeant's bicycle. "I did so to make my own escape and prevent his having the means of locomotion," Whitfield explained in evidence. When the Judge commented on this sentence, Mr. G. Norman, defending counsel, attributed it to the high standard of modern education. The Judge - The standard is not so high when it permits of the use of four syllable words when one syllable would do.
          Private Life of an Egg. - How long is an egg new laid? counsel asked in the King's Bench Division, London, during a case concerning a consignment of eggs from Australia. The importer replied - "I should say seven days," but he qualified this by saying that it all depended on the temperature in which it was kept. The best temperature for an egg is 36 degrees, he said. For four months in this temperature it would remain absolutely good. An egg can be kept for six or eight months provided there is no change in the temperature, but he admitted that the term "new laid" raised a question that he had never heard satisfactorily answered.
          (not local) Puzzle of Boy's Death. Asphyxia Blamed. But Cause Not Known. - When the inquest was resumed at Southend on Alexander Charles Askam (18), of Woodgrange Drive, Thorpe Bay, the Coroner Mr. H. J. Jefferies) said:- "It was at first thought that death was due to a tumour on the brain. Then it was thought he died from some narcotic poisoning, but analysis makes it clear that that was not so. "In my opinion, death was not due to poisoning, but to asphyxia, from what cause we do not know." At the previous hearing it was said that the boy, who was found dead in his bedroom, had twice tried to take his life.
          Toomebridge Accidents. - When John Brady, a farm servant at Toomebridge, was driving a horse in? a cart on the Toome road the animal bolted, throwing him. He had two ribs broken. - A schoolgirl, Nan McKendry, Duneane, Toomebridge, when going to the well for water slipped and fell, dislocating her shoulder. She had to be taken to the Waveney Hospital, Ballymena. - A boy, Ted McCann, Duneane, Toomebridge, fell off a couch and broke his arm. He was taken to the Waveney Hospital, Ballymena.
          Death of Mr. J. A. Morrison. - We regret to announce the death of Mr. Joseph Alexander Morrison, who passed away at his residence, Strandview Gardens, Ballycastle. The late Mr. Morrison, who was an extensive farmer of the Moorfield (Dervock) district, retired five years ago to take up residence at Ballycastle. An elder of the Presbyterian Church, he was connected with the congregations of Toberkeigh (Dervock) and Ballycastle, and was superintendent of Dervock Sabbath School for many years. A brother of Rev. S. W. Morrison, B.A., senior minister of Aghadoey Presbyterian Church, he is survived by his wife, one daughter (Mrs. S. Huey, Dervock), and four sons (Rev. R. H. Morrison, B.A., Rathfriland; Dr. W. D. Morrison, Llanelly; Dr. Daniel McVicker Morrison, Reading, and Mr. Samuel Morrison, Australia).
          Death of Capt. John McCrindle.  Old Steamship Line Link. Fleetwood-Belfast Service - Many of the older generation in Belfast will regret to learn of the death of Captain John McCrindle, who died at his home in Hesketh Place, Fleetwood, to-day, aged 82 years. Captain McCrindle, who was commodore of the old Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company's Royal Mail line of steamers, which plied between Fleetwood and Belfast, was well-known in the city in earlier days. He began his seafaring career at the age of 14 aboard a windjammer, and had many adventures before the mast. Before he had reached his prime he had sailed the Seven Seas. He retired twenty-five years ago. For a period Captain McCrindle was on the Derry-Fleetwood service, which was suspended in 1911. A native of Wigtonshire, he leaves a widow, to whom deep sympathy is extended in her bereavement.


Belfast Telegraph Thursday 24th March 1938

          Derry Case - Third Day of Hearing. Defence Evidence. Mother, Sister and Wife. Witness from Sick Bed. - The Derry armed robbery charge, which entered upon its third day of hearing to-day, will, it is anticipated, conclude this evening. The jury on taking their places this morning again assured his Lordship that they had been comfortable overnight. The first witness examined to-day was Mrs. Elsie C. Hunter, mother of the accused, Arthur Hunter. Replying to Mr. Lowry, Mrs. Hunter gave evidence in support of the statement of the accused that on the night of the robbery he was in his father's house. Mrs. Hunter said that on November 28 she and her daughter went shopping about 8 p.m. She was the (in) The Diamond when the Guildhall clock struck 9-30, and a friend who was with her then left to get a bus while witness and her daughter returned home. Witness said she left her hat and coat upstairs, and was coming downstairs when her son, Arthur, came in. Mrs. Hunter corroborated the other evidence given by her husband and the accused regarding what took place in her home that evening. Replying to Mr. Begley, she said that about six weeks after the robbery of Mr. Bradley her husband told her that Arthur's name was being connected with it, and he asked her to write down all she could remember about that evening, and she did so while it was fresh in her mind. Wanted to Affirm. The next witness called was Miss Maureen E. Hunter, a sister of the accused. On entering the witness-box Miss Hunter said she wanted to affirm. His Lordship - On what grounds? Miss Hunter - I want to tell the truth, but I don't want to swear by God. His Lordship said the right to affirm was hedged round with very close restrictions. "Give her the book," he added. Miss Hunter - "Well, I will swear then," and she then took the oath and gave evidence in support of the testimony made by her mother that her brother, Arthur, was at their home at the time stated on the evening of November 28. Replying to Mr. Cooke, the witness said it was in May that she began to think back over these events. His Lordship - And you were able to cast your mind back six months? Witness - It was not very hard to do. The next witness to be called was Mrs. Margaret Hunter, wife of the accused Arthur Hunter, who said that on the evening of November 28 her husband and she had tea in her father's house. Her husband returned to the house about 10-15 and took her home, after which he returned to his father's house. On Monday, November 30, her husband returned home about 6-20, and about 8-15 p.m. he carried their baby into the house of Mrs. Watson, a neighbour, who took charge of the child while witness and her husband went to the pictures. On that Monday morning, said the witness, she gave her husband £5, which was a present she had received on the Saturday evening from her mother. While Hunters at the Pictures. Mrs. Margaret Watson corroborated the testimony that on Monday evening, November 30, she kept Mrs. Hunter's baby while the Hunters were at the pictures. Cyril H. Watson gave evidence in support. Harold O'Kane, who, Mr. Lowry said, had undergone three operations and had been brought from a sick bed to give evidence, stated that for a number of years past he had erected wireless aerials for merchants in Derry. In November, 1936, he received instructions from Mr. Hunter's assistant to erect an aerial in the Boston Hotel, and did so. Mr. Lowry then called to the witness-box Mr. Stevenson, who had been employed by Hunter as an assistant in his shop, when his Lordship commented, "He has been called for the Crown, and you have cross-examined him. You cannot now make him your witness after cross-examining him." Mr. Lowry said he desired to examine Mr. Stevenson, and ask him to explain one mistake that occurred in the book. His Lordship ruled that this witness could not be called by Mr. Lowry. Mr. Lowry - I will ask your Lordship to make a note. His Lordship - I will make no note. The note of the shorthand writer is there. Mr. Lowry - I would ask with very great respect - "The full report will be in the shorthand writer's note," interrupted his Lordship, who then told Mr. Stevenson to stand down. Mr. Lowry - I want this clear that I had him summoned as a witness. "That closes out case," Mr. Lowry added. The Carlin Case. Mr. Agnew then proceeded to call witnesses in the case against Carlin. The defence in Carlin's case was then opened, Carlin himself being the first witness. He said he was a brick layer, and while he was working earned about £2 11s. weekly. On November 28 he left his home in the afternoon and called at a public-house at the top of Fahan Street, where he had about two drinks. His Lordship - Why do you say about two? Could you not have had three? Witness - It is a custom in Derry when you stand one you get one back. (Laughter) After leaving this public-house he went to the Boston Hotel, where he had a few more drinks. His Lordship - You seem to have got on better there. Witness - You drink more quickly when you are on your own. He left the Boston Hotel and went to Deeney's public-house in Duke Street, where he threw rings with a couple of other men, the loser to pay for the drinks. His Lordship - I am learning quite a lot of the social life in Derry. (Laughter) Witness, continuing, said after leaving Deeney's he returned to the Boston Bar, then went home and made himself a cup of tea. After leaving the house he went to McGirr's public-house, and came back to the Boston Bar shortly after 9 o'clock. In the bar parlour he saw Lavelle, Jack O'Brien Charles McGeady, and Arthur Kane. He heard a conversation between the men relating to the money which it was proposed to be stolen. In the course of the conversation it was stated that Mr. Bradley carried the money home in a bag walking. Hunter came into the bar parlour, Mr. McCallion having passed through before him. Hunter was standing in the doorway and witness heard him say "I will do that myself." Witness did not know to whom the remark was addressed. He left and went round to St. Columb's Hall with the intention of warning Mr. Bradley. He saw Mr. Gallagher, an official of the slate club, from whom he got the change of ten shillings. He told Mr. Gallagher to hurry home on account of what he had heard in the Boston bar shortly before 10 o'clock and met O'Brien and Lavelle, the latter standing him a drink. Lavelle ordered half a pint of whisky which they drank in John Street. They went to the Waterside and in Lavelle's house had some more drink. After leaving there he went to the quay, where he must have fallen asleep. His Lordship - No wonder if you consumed all the drink you said you did. When he wakened it was late and a friend of Lavelle's left him half was across the bridge. Shortly after he had gone to bed Constable McLaughlin wakened him and asked him to account for his movements on that day, when asked why he wanted an account of his movements, the constable did not tell him. He then made the statement to the constable out of which he thought some things were omitted. On Monday, November 30, he and his wife went to the first house of the pictures and when he returned he went to the band room in a cellar underneath his house, remaining there until bed time. Coyle and McGeady came into the cellar, and Coyle, who had some drink taken, tried to take possession of a drum. In November he showed Coyle a newspaper report of an incident that happened in Dublin. He never at any time advised Coyle to burn any clothes. The statement by McCallion of a conversation which he said had taken place in Bishop Street were untrue. He never said to anyone that he had just got about £5 for the job and that he was going to approach Hunter for more. He gave a deposit to Hunter on a wireless set and on Christmas Eve Hunter gave him a cheque which was dishonoured. It was afterwards cashed by Hunter's father. He took no part on the hold-up and robbery of Mr. Bradley. "Dreadful Conflict" Cross-examined by Mr. Begley, witness said in his statement to Constable McLaughlin he did tell him he was in St. Columb's Hall, and if the constable was reminded about it he might admit it. His Lordship - If necessary, we must have these men recalled because there is a dreadful conflict of evidence here. Witness said Constable McLaughlin refused to tell him what he was inquiring into. Witness's wife told him that a man had been shot and robbed. His Lordship - If all the allegations against the police in Derry are true it is time there was a bit of a clearance. Mr. Begley - Did you tell Constable McLaughlin that you went to St. Columb's hall? Witness - I started to tell him and he said that was all right. Witness was asked why after having heard of the conversation in the Boston Bar he had not reported the matter to the police after he became aware of the hold-up. Carlin said he held certain opinions and he would not like to be seen talking to a policeman or going into the barracks. There were certain things happening in Derry and nobody liked to be called a "tout" Mr. Begley - Were you afraid of being shot by the type of man that McGeady and Coyle were afraid of? His Lordship remarked that the witness had not added greatly towards the maintenance of law and order. Replying to further questions, witness said when he was making the statement to Head-Constable Hueston, the head had made a mistake in attributing a remark to Hunter instead of to Arthur Quinn, whose Christian name was the same as Hunter's. He made no allegation against the head-constable, who, he thought, had made a genuine mistake. He denied having talked to Coyle about the Bradley hold-up except in general conversation. Everybody was talking about it and deploring it. Anthony Curran said he saw Carlin in McGirr's public house, Orchard Street, on the night of the robbery and they discussed Mr. Maxwell's election. Mrs. Isabella Carlin, wife of accused, said her husband arrived home very drunk on the morning after the robbery. A policeman came into the house when he was in bed, awakened him, and took a statement from him. On November 30 she and her husband went to the pictures, after which he went to the band-room. James Gillespie said on November 28 he passed Miller Street, the scene of the robbery, after ten o'clock, and on his way across Craigavon Bridge overtook Carlin, who was the worse for drink, and two other men he did not know. Bernard Dogherty, a member of the band, said he saw Carlin at the practice that night. Mr. J. Lynn, Carlin's solicitor, said after he had been instructed in the case he went to Mr. James Gallagher, Nationalist registration agent, and asked him of Carlin on the night of the robbery had gone to St. Columb's Hall and asked him for change of a 10s note? He said he had. He further asked Mr. Gallagher if Carlin had warned him to hurry home, and Gallagher said, "Now that you mention it, I think he did say something like that." (another paper better turn up so we get to find out what happened - Mary)
          Labourer's Death. Collision Near Larne. Open Verdict Returned. - An open verdict was returned at the inquest at Larne, on Wednesday night, on Robert Parke (41), labourer, Ballytober, Larne, who was killed when, on his way to his work, his pedal cycle came into collision with a motor0car at Killyglen Cross-roads on Wednesday morning. The inquiry was conducted by Dr. Hall Stewart, J.P., deputy coroner, and a jury. Mr. J. C. Tweed appeared for the driver of the motor-car, James B. Morrow (22), Cregagh Road, Belfast; and Mr. J. W. McNinch, jun., appeared for the next-of-kin. Dr. Allan Porter, Larne, who went to the scene of the accident, said he found a man lying at the side of the road. He was dead. The cause of death was shock and haemorrhage due to penetration of the lungs by fractured ribs. Evidence of identification was given by Gardiner Parke, Ballytober, a brother. Thomas James McFaul, Killyglen, labourer, said at 6-50 a.m., about 25 perches from the cross-roads, he met and spoke to Parke, who was cycling slowly towards the cross-roads. Very shortly after that witness heard a slight crash, and a few moments later Mr. James Morrow, the motorist, came up after him and told him to go to the nearest 'phone and 'phone for a doctor. Constable B. J. Clarke, Larne, gave detailed measurements, and said Mr. Morrow pointed out the point of impact, which was about the centre of the cross-roads. From that point to where the car stopped showed brake marks, and was a distance of 62 feet. Mr. tweed said the measurements showed the motorist was on his own side. Constable F. McMullan, Larne, authorised officer for the inspection of vehicles, who accompanied the previous witness, described the damage to the car and bicycle. The brakes of the car were in perfect order. The steering was a bit stiff when the car was turning, but that might have been caused through the accident. Otherwise it was effective. The front brake blocks of the cycle were badly worn. Morrow, who was cautioned by the Coroner, stated he spent Tuesday night at his father's summer residence at Corkermaine, Ballygally, and left at 6-45 on Wednesday morning for Belfast, driving his father's Morris Ten, and travelling on the main inland Ballygally Road. Approaching Killyglen Cross-roads, he was travelling about 25 m.p.h. and he sounded the horn. He looked but saw no one on the side road, and was practically half way over the crossing when he saw Parke about four or five feet off him travelling pretty fast. Witness swerved to the left and put on his brakes. Parke hit the rear of the front right-hand mudguard and the right side of the car. The witness stated he had seen traffic emerging occasionally from that side-road, and he was always on the look-out there as there had been an accident at the corner some time ago. From his car there would not be a view of the Killyglen Road for 45 yards back; there was a vague view of part of it, but near the corner there was none at all. His car was very low. He felt the accident could not have been avoided no matter what he did. The jury returned a verdict as stated. The foreman intimated that the jury were of the opinion the notice of the authorities should be drawn to the corner for traffic signs to be erected.
          Two Co. Antrim Wills. Canon Leaves Sum for Masses. - Canon James Lawrence O'Flaherty, of Armoy, who died on October 28 last, left personal property valued at £4,881 16s 9d. The testator bequeathed £50 for the celebration of Masses. - Mr. William John McKinstry, of Ballycorr, Ballynure, farmer, who died on November 14 last, left personal property valued at £2,384 17s.
          Both For Commission. Breaking and Entering Charge, - Robert Sherlock and John Curran, both of Chemical Street, were committed for trial at the Commission at the Belfast Police Court to-day charged with breaking and entering the premises of John Ross, Donegall Road, with intent to commit a felony.
          Academical Sanctuary. Of No Avail For This Cow. - A cow which ran amok in Great Victoria Street, Belfast, this morning, caused considerable excitement. Dashing down the street, it sought sanctuary on the greensward fronting the Royal Belfast Academical Institution. A number of spectators watched the efforts of the drover to "evict" the animal. After some trouble he succeeded, but on emerging from the gates the cow showed its indignation by butting one of the onlookers. The latter, fortunately, is none the worse. The cow was eventually rounded up in Queen Street.
          Ballycran Whist Drive. - Over 120 people attended the whist drive in aid of Mount St. Joseph's Church, Ballycran, County Down. The prize-winners were the Misses Dillon, O'Leary and Mrs. Carney. Messrs. H. Geary, T. Walsh and T. Flynn. Mr. F. J. McKenna, N.T., was M.C.


Belfast Weekly Telegraph Saturday 14th January 1899

          Another margarine prosecution has been disposed of by the Belfast magistrates, and this time a wholesale dealer has been caught. First of all a Mrs. McKay was summoned by Inspector McMaster for selling margarine as butter. She evidently made a complaint to the inspector, and the result was that a wholesale and retail dealer names James Lewis, 16 and 18 Newtownards Road, from whom the "butter" was purchased, was also brought before the Court. The evidence clearly established Mrs. McKay's innocence, it being proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that she had bought the stuff from Lewis as butter, and as a matter of fact had got an invoice with it. The magistrates showed a wise discrimination in freeing Mrs. McKay from blame, and imposing a penalty of £20 and costs in the case of Lewis. It was his third offence under the Margarine Acts, and the penalty cannot in any sense be regarded as severe. The respectable traders of the city can console themselves with the reflection that there are black sheep in every profession, but a few more penalties of this sort would have a wonderful effect in the direction of clearing them out.
          Louth Man in Klonkyke. (Klondyke) - A young man named Thomas O'Shea, who is a native of Clogher Head, County Louth, has returned on a visit to his native place, after spending some months in Klondyke, at the celebrated gold mines. He had been in the army of Uncle Sam, and having served his full period, he was honourably discharged. When Klondyke was first boomed Tom O'Shea started for the El Dorado, in company with others, by the route of the Chilkoot Pass. He started from Juno City, and proceeded by steamer to Dyea, and from thence over the trail to Chilkoot Pass, and by dog sledges to Lake Bennett. He and his comrades then halted, built a boat, and by that means went to Dawson City, through Canyon, White Horse Rapids, and down to the Yukon River. Arrived at Dawson City, they all "prospected," each man getting a "claim," which was staked out for mining operations. Food becoming scarce, O'Shea set out on the 6th of last January to procure a stock of provisions, and travelled to Dawson City by dog sledges, over 300 miles of solid ice, and arrived there on the 31st of the same month. It is useless to say that his return with the provisions was anxiously welcomed by his comrades. The following is a scale of prices at that time prevalent in Dawson City:- Meat, 1½ dollars per lb.; eggs, 2½ dollars per doz., and up to 4 dollars for the best descriptions; bread, 1 dollar per lb.; potatoes, 50 cents to 1¼ dollars per lb. The liquor was sold at almost prohibitive prices. Brandy or whiskey - a vile concoction, which, as Tom O'Shea said, in his own quiet way, would burn a wart off a Clogher Head mule - was sold at the rate of 50 cents a glass. A small bottle of porter (costing in Ireland 2d) was sold at from 50 to 85 cents. Butter was sold at the rate of 9 dollars for a can containing two pounds. A friend of Mr. O'Shea's named Alexander McDonnell, a Novia (Nova) Scotian by birth, but of Irish parentage, is the millionaire of the place. Mr. McDonnell is at present on a visit in Ireland, the home of his ancestors. Mr. O'Shea proposed returning to the Klondyke regions in the early spring, and is brimful of anecdotes of that remarkable place, which was almost deemed inaccessible. He has already made a good turnover, but is anxious to add still more to his hard won earnings.
          They Went Too Far. - A funny incident occurred the other night in a late train travelling towards a terminus not many miles from Belfast. A lady and gentleman got into an empty carriage. The gentleman was tired, and he curled himself up, hauled his hat over his eyes, and went to sleep. The lady opened a magazine and began to read. Just before the train started other three ladies got in, and immediately after the train started the gentleman in the corner began to contribute a sort of a bassoon obligato. The snore attracted the attention of the three latest arrivals, and their noses went up in the air in scorn. "He is drunk," was the charitable remark of one. "Let us call the guard at the next station," was the comment of another. And there were other remarks about "disgraceful beast" and other things. They did not call the guard, but when the terminus was reached the lady with the magazine touched the sleeper and said, "We are home," and the supposed drunk got up and handed out his wife, who had only time to get the amused glance at the rapidly disappearing critics of her tired husband's condition. These ladies will probably hold their tongues next time they travel with a sleepy man.
          Death of a County Antrim Centenarian - The death is announced of Wm. Macartney at his residence, Kilgreel, near Templepatrick, in his 102nd year of his age. He was buried yesterday (Friday) in Umgall Graveyard. It will be remembered that we published an illustrated sketch of the old man's career some fifteen months ago, which was read with great interest.
          Attack On A Local Footballer - On Saturday night an attack of a wanton nature was made on a well-known local footballer who was proceeding quietly home. The player in question who is a member of Distillery F.C., was passing Sheriff Street, Mountpottinger Road, shortly after 11 o'clock with a friend when he was accosted by a crowd of roughs who shouted "Go on the Stripes." The two young men made no reply, and, when challenged to fight, said they did not want to. A rush was then made on them, and both were knocked down. The footballer regained his feet quickly, but his comrade was not so fortunate, as he received severe treatment when on the ground. They were both resuming their way home again when they were again attacked and badly abused, but they escaped without further molestation. We understand that a well-known Linfield player received serious injury on Saturday week at the hands of roughs, and was laid up for some days with a serious wound on the head. On Monday week last, while the same team was passing through the markets, a shower of stones was thrown at them, and one of the players narrowly escaped the blow of a paver.
          Local & Provincial News :-
          BALLYMONEY - Alleged Highway Robbery - On Saturday morning, about two o'clock, a man named Anderson, belonging to the vicinity of Inch Road, whilst proceeding home, was molested by a couple of men on the Buncrana Road, beyond the Collen, about a mile from the city, and covered by a revolver. They demanded it is alleged, his money, &c. This he refused to part with, and they at once, it is stated, throttled him, carrying off his watch and some money to the amount of about 1s 6d, leaving their victim in the roadside without inflicting any bodily injury. On recovering himself, he at once proceeded to inform the police, and having met the patrol, informed them of the occurrence. They at once set to work to trace the miscreants, but up to the present no arrests have been made. It is stated that Anderson had a large sum of money in notes in his breast pocket, and seemingly on the approach of danger, the miscreants decamped, having only partially rifled his pockets. - Reported Case of Smallpox in Londonderry.
          On Saturday evening a youth named Hugh McCloskey, aged about seventeen, and belonging to the neighbourhood of Dungiven, was removed from the County Infirmary to the Foyle Hill Hospital, suffering, it is alleged, from smallpox. Since the 22nd of November last McCloskey has been an inmate of the infirmary, suffering from an affliction of the leg, and on Friday night he was attended by Sir William Miller and Dr. Cooke, house surgeon, being very ill. Symptoms of smallpox to the medical gentlemen were apparent, and they at once communicated with the sanitary authorities, who had him removed to the Foyle Hill Hospital without delay.
          Petty Sessions. - Before Alderman Bell, J.P., chairman; Col. Tynte, R.M.; and Messrs. B. Doherty, B. Hannigan, A. McVickers, and S. Sloan, justices. Charles Bradley, for being drunk and disorderly, was fined 5s, or in default seven days. Acting-Sergeant Drennan charged Michael Durnion with being drunk and disorderly. 10s 6d and costs or fourteen days was ordered. The same complainant charged William Peoples with being drunk and fighting. Fined 5s and costs or seven. Daniel McDermott, for being drunk and fighting with Peoples, was charged by Constable Porter, and fined 10s 6d and costs or fourteen days. Wm. McGouran, for leaving a horse and cart without being under control, was fined 2s 6d and costs or 48 hours. Acting-Sergeant Boyd charged James McGlinchy, of Bridge Street, with being drunk and following him on the street, challenging him to fight. Fines 10s 5d and costs or fourteen days. Sergeant Morrow prosecuted a boy named James Roddy for playing football on the street. Fined 1s and costs. Patrick McIntyre, for being drunk, and disorderly, charged by the same complainant, was fined 2s 6d and costs or 48 hours. Joseph Kelly, for being drunk and disorderly, was fined 21s 6d with costs or a month. John Bresland and Robert Moore were charged by District-Inspector O'Connell for committing the alleged assault on Edward Black, who, having made the charge on the night of the occurrence, declined to swear to the statements in Court. The case fell through. Breaking Windows in the Home for Women - Mary Boyd, charged on remand for the offence, was fined 10s 5d and costs or 14 days.
          Accidents Treated at the Infirmary - On Saturday night a woman named Reilly, of Fahan Street, was taken to the infirmary suffering from a nasty cut on the face, said to have been caused by a bowl that was thrown at her. A little fellow named Doherty belonging to Wellington Street was also treated for a bad cut on the right hand. He was very much under the influence of drink, and dashed his hand through a pane of glass. Both patients were attended to by Dr. Cooke, and discharged.
          Accident at the Quay. - A man named Joseph Dennison, about fifty-five years of age, from the neighbourhood of Knockbrack, fell into the river last night opposite the Scotch steamboat shed. Some men who were working at the place, seeing the accident, hastened to the rescue, and succeeded in getting Dennison out before he was much worse for his sudden immersion. As it was considered he was under the influence of drink, having been driving about the city all day. Harbour-Constables Graham and Browne had him removed to the County Infirmary, where he remains under treatment.
          ENNISKILLEN - Clever Arrest by Acting-Sergeant Dobson. - On Wednesday morning a young man named John Hayes, in the employment of Mr. Beatty, Derrygiff, was sent to the Florencecount Creamery with a supply of milk, and was there paid £1 11s 2d for the weeks supply. He returned, and left the donkey and cart convenient to his master's dwelling-house. A slip of paper was afterwards found in the cart, on which was written, "I am leaving, and taking the money with me, but will send it back," or words to this effect. Miss Beatty came into Enniskillen later on in the day and swore an information against him, and a warrant was issued for his arrest, Acting-Sergeant Dobson, an officer who has recently made several important arrests, was on duty at the Enniskillen Railway Station on Thursday morning, and a few moments before the departure of the 9.40 for Clones he observed a man sitting in a third-class railway carriage whom he suspected to be Hayes. He took him out of the carriage and questioned him. He admitted that his name was John Hayes, but said he was a native of Belfast. After closely examining his personal appearance and attire, Acting-Sergeant Dobson was satisfied that he was "wanted," and he at once took him into custody and charged him with the offence. Hayes stated that he knew nothing about the offence with which he was charged, but afterwards admitted that he had been in the employment of Mr. Beatty, and that he had written the note found in the cart. A sum of £1 7s 8½d was found on his person. He was brought before a magistrate, and formally remanded for eight days.
          Enniskillen Petty Sessions were held on Monday, before Mr. R. G. Bull, R.M., presiding; Viscount Corry, D.L.; and Messrs. Jeremiah Jordan, M.P.; S. B. Humphreys, Wm. Carson, H. R. Lindsay, P. Crumley, and John A. Irwin, justices.
          Indecent Behaviour. - James Casey, Dame Street, was charged by the Town Commissioners with being guilty of indecent behaviour on the public street on the 26th December. The case was adjourned on last court day on a point of law raised by the defendant. Constable ? said that on the date in question he had a man in custody, whom he had arrested on a warrant. The defendant stopped the prisoner, and told him his case had been settled. Witness took the prisoner with him, and defendant followed, and made use of very filthy expressions. Defendant - I have no recollection of anything that occurred on that day. The Chairman - You are a nice sort of a boy to be let loose on the town of Enniskillen. Fined 10s and costs, or, in default, seven days' imprisonment.
          A Sharp Sentence. Hugh Murphy ("Cozer") was charged by Sergeant Coulter with being drunk on the 3rd inst. Fourth offence. There was another case against him at the suit of the Town Commissioners for making use of indecent language after being placed in the lock up. Defendant, who did not appear, was fined 40s and costs, or in default, one month's imprisonment in each case.
          Riotous and Indecent Behaviour - Hugh McKiggin was charged by the Town Commissioners with being guilty of riotous and indecent behaviour on the night of the 3rd inst. Sergeant Small and Constable Martin proved the case. Fied (Fined) 10s and costs, or, in default, seven days. The fine was paid by defendant's mother. Mr. Humphreys remarked that a fine was no use in a case like this, as it was simply punishing the defendant's family.
          Alleged False Pretences - A young man named James Smith was charged by District-Inspector Jephson with obtaining a pair of boots by false pretences from Mrs. Elizabeth Bowey on the 3rd inst. The defendant appeared in custody. A deposition made by Mrs. Bowey was read, which stated that the defendant came into her room on the day in question, between two and three o'clock, and asked for some money. He said her husband (Private Bowey) had given him sixpence, and that he had told him she would give him threepence. She him something to eat, but no money. He also said that he told him he had two pairs of boots, one of which he did not wear, as they were too hard, and that he might as well have them as anybody else. Believing that her husband had sent him for the boots, she gave them to him. They were value for 4s. Defendant told her that he had been in the regiment. Private Bowey said he never saw the prisoner until the evening of the 3rd inst., between nine and ten o'clock. He never authorised him to get the boots. Sergeant Small, in reply to the Bench, said the boots had not been found. Constable Patrick Brown said that a complaint was made to him on the evening of the 3rd inst., about twenty minutes to five. About 9.45 p.m. he saw the defendant, who answered to the description given him by Sergeant Tiernan. He arrested him. When he asked him for his name he at first refused to give it. He then said his name was Kelly, and afterwards said it was Smith. He charged him with obtaining a pair of boots by false pretences, and he said, "Not guilty." "Where are the boots?" "Find out." The next day on the way to the jail he said if they would allow him to get a pint of porter he would tell them where the boots were. Defendant - You asked me was I sick, and if I would get a pint of porter would I tell where the boots were. A pint of porter never bought me, nor two pints. The Chairman said that a prima facie case had been made against the defendant, and he would be returned for trial at the next quarter sessions. Defendant - I never saw the woman in my life. I never got the boots from her. I know nothing about them.
          HILLSBOROUGH - On Saturday last, at the monthly court of petty sessions, Herbert Walker and James Ferris, for being drunk and disorderly, were each fines 2s 6d and costs. Robert Kerr, for being drunk whilst in charge of a horse and cart, was mulcted? in 5s and costs. Brief reference was made to the death of Mr. T. S. Howe, J.P., and on the motion of Mr. Henry, seconded by Mr. Lindsay, the clerk was instructed to forward a letter of condolence to the bereaved widow and family. The Chairman expressed his personal regret at the loss the Bench had sustained by the death of Mr. Howe.
          LIMAVADY - At Limavady Board of Guardians on Monday, on the reading of the minutes, which contained an entry that the workhouse porter, Mercer, had been drunk during the Christmas week, Mr. McDonnell asked was he sober since last Board day. The Master - He was not. Mr. McDonnell - Then there is no necessity for bringing him here. I think he should be dismissed. Mr. Church moved that the porter be asked to send in his resignation. Mr. McDonnell seconded, and this was agreed to.
          MAGHERAFELT - At a special meeting the Board of Guardians on Thursday, Col. Clark, D.L., vice-chairman, presiding, a representation under the Labourers' Acts was received from ratepayers in the Ballyronan electoral division, recommending the building of cottages for labourers named Robert Rogers and Edward Conville. A special meeting was directed to be summoned to consider same on the 19th inst. A letter was read from Edward McCartney, an occupant of a newly-built cottage, stating there was no crook to hang his pot or kettle on the fire, that the hearth was below the kitchen floor, and that on Tuesday morning last the rain came in at the western gable. The Guardians decided to refer this letter to their agent for a report.
          MONAGHAN - A young man named Henry McGinley, who resided with his mother and brother in Old Cross Square, Monaghan, died with very painful suddenness on Sunday. It appears that deceased had been complaining for some days, but had been well enough to attend his daily employment. He came home from his work on Saturday at dinner hour, when he went to bed. His illness then became alarming, and Dr. Hall, J.P., and Dr. M. R. Whitla were summoned in attendance, but notwithstanding all their efforts the young man expired as has been stated.
          A special court of petty sessions was held in Monaghan on Saturday - Mr. P. Rafferty presiding - to investigate a charge of cattle stealing preferred at the instance of District-Inspector Thomas Cahill against an artillery reserve man named James McLaughlin. Mr. C. J. Rafferty, solicitor, appeared for the accused. Some nine witnesses were examined on behalf of the Crown, and from their evidence it seemed that Major L. S. O'Brien, who resides at Ballyleck House, missed a bullock, value for between £8 and £9 from his stock on the 29th ult. On the same morning, between seven and eight o'clock, the prisoner, who resides in a cottage close to Major O'Brien's place, sold a bullock in Clones fair to J. J. Murphy, a Monaghan victualler. Prisoner asked £9 for the animal he sold, and Mr. Murphy purchased it for £8 5s. The bullock was killed, and the hide disposed of to James Martin. The hide was produced, and was red and white, and Major O'Brien stated that the animal which he lost was of the same colour. Sergeant McLaughlin deposed to the arrest. The prisoner was returned for trial to the quarter sessions, bail being accepted for his appearance, himself in £40 and two sureties of £20 each.
          MONEYMORE - On Saturday, or rather early on Sunday morning a fire broke out in the house of Mr. T. Harbison, Conyngham Street. The fire was discovered by Mr. Harbison, who had been in Magherafelt, some six miles away, on business and was returning home. He instantly gave the alarm, and all the inmates were quickly in a place of refuge. By this time the roof had caught and was burning fiercely, and the houses in the immediate vicinity wee for a long time in extreme danger. Owing to the inadequate water supply, however, the flames could not be checked, and consequently the house was burned to the ground. Mr. Harbison, who was a publican, had an enormous quantity of all sorts of liquor destroyed. It is not exactly known how the fire originated.
          NEWRY - Almost a Fatality - Between twelve and one o'clock on Sunday the police deemed it prudent to have conveyed to the workhouse hospital a man named John O'Loughlin, an army pensioner, who was found on The Mall in an unconscious condition. It appears that O'Loughlin was "dry," and drank in mistake the contents of a bottle of patent medicines for 'external use,' which he supposed at the time was another liquor. He had gone out, when he shortly collapsed, and at present lies in a very critical condition.
          Equity Court - Daniel O'Hare v. James and John O'Hare. - This was an equity civil bill brought by Daniel O'Hare for the administration of the personal estate of his father, Daniel O'Hare, Derrycraw, deceased, to have the estate distributed under the control of the Court. Mr. James Williamson, B.L., appeared for plaintiff, and Mr. John Cusack, B.L. (instructed by Messrs. Sheridan & Russell) for defendants. On hearing the evidence on both sides the usual order for administration was made, and for the taking of the accounts before the Clerk of the Crown and Peace. His Honour also gave directions for the letting of the lands in tenure for the season and the sale of the chattels, the proceeds to be brought into court.
          The Strain Minors - Mr. John Cusack, B.L. (instructed by Messrs. Sheridan & Russell), applied on behalf of Mr. Wm. Strain, of Creevey, that he should be appointed guardian of his three nephews, the children of applicant's brother, Charles Strain, formerly of Newry, now of America. M. Cusack stated that the children became entitled to a sum of £81 18s 3d, under the will of their maternal grandmother, which had been invested in Consols in their names, and his application was, with the consent? of the father, that the money should be paid to applicant, who was maintaining and educating his children. His honour made an order appointing Wm. Strain guardian, that the Consols be sold, that the money be lodged in court, and applicant receive a sum of £12 a year for support and education of the minors.
          Ballybot Petty Sessions - These weekly sessions were held at 10-30 o'clock last Monday morning in the Ballybot Courthouse before Messrs. Henry Turner, R.M. (presiding); J. L. D. Meares, C.E., J.P.; James Aiken, J.P.; and Thomas O'Hare, J.P. District-Inspector F. S. Wade and Mr. Robert Erskine, C.P.S., were in attendance. Constable Stephen Reilly summoned Charles O'Hagan, Lissummone, for being drunk while in charge of a horse and cart on the 5th inst. This was defendant's fourth offence for drunkenness within the past twelve months. Defendant was fined 21s and costs or a month's imprisonment.
          Acting-Sergeant Williamson prosecuted Wm. Crilly, publican, Monaghan Street, for having his licensed premises open at prohibited hours on Sunday, the 1st January 1899, to wit., at 7.10 in the evening. Mr. J. H. Russell (Messrs. Sheridan & Russell) appeared for the defendant. The complainant's case was that he noticed two men knock at defendant's door, and they were admitted by another. Complainant and Constable Somers entered and found the men in the bar with glasses and liquor before them. The defence was that the men were customers of defendant, and he invited them in for a drink while they were returning from their work. When there the police entered, and were told by Mr. Crilly that the men were invited in and had only one drink each, which was not paid for. After consultation the chairman said the magistrates were unanimous in convicting in the case. Mr. Crilly would be fined £2, the conviction not to be recorded on the licence. The two men found on the premises were fined 5s and costs each.
          Constable Looby summoned James McGivern, Castle Street, for using abusive language towards a justice of the peace, Mr. Henry Turner, R.M., on Friday, 6th January, after the Borough Court. Mr. Cowan, solicitor, asked that the case be adjourned for three months, as the man was sorry for the words he used. Chairman (Mr. Turner) - As far as I am concerned, I will be only too glad to accede to this application. Defendant was discharged with a caution.
          Mr. Cowan, for John McLoughlin, Chapel Street, applied for a warrant for the arrest of John McAteer, a brother-in-law to McLoughlin, for malicious injury to applicant's house on Saturday night last. The Chairman said the magistrates were slow in issuing warrants for the arrest of persons, and thought a summons, if served on the defendant at once, would meet the case. Mr. Cowan - It may have the desired effect of keeping him clear of the town while this thing is hanging over him. The Court then rose.
          NEW BLISS - On Friday night a terrible burning accident occurred at Drumakeel, near Newbliss. It appears that Patrick Kelly, a labourer, and his wife went into Newbliss to make some purchases, leaving their two children - ages 7 years and 3½ years respectively - in the house. The younger child lifted a small hand lamp which she was lighting, and was carrying towards the fire, when it set fire to the child's clothing. The other child heroically went to her younger sister's aid, and succeeded in extinguishing the flames, but not until horrible wounds were inflicted about the head and face, from which the child died on Saturday. An inquest was held on Monday.
          OMAGH - At the petty sessions on Monday Captain J. N. McClintock and Wm. Ritchie were summoned by Wm. Wilson for having trespassed on his land on the 22nd December in pursuit of game. Mr. Carson represented the defendants. Complainant gave evidence as to the defendant's having galloped over his lands. Defendants belonged to the Seskinore Hunt Club, and they were after a hare on his lands at Tattykeel and Aghagallon. In reply to Mr. Carson, he said that the dogs were in his fields. Mr. Carson said the defendants were not hunting on the complainant's lands; some of the dogs had simply strayed into his fields. Complainant said that his fences had been destroyed, and Mr. King Houston, one of the members of the club, promised that they would be repaired. The case was dismissed on the merits.
          Thomas McClay, fishery inspector, had James Pine Patterson summoned for having killed a salmon in the close season on the 14th December last. Mr. C. Mullin prosecuted and Mr. Carson defended. The case was dismissed, as was also that against the girl who was summoned for having the salmon in her possession.
          William Kyle, bill-poster, was fined 1s and costs for having maliciously injured certain posters, the property of the Great Northern Railway Company.
          PORTGLENONE - The monthly court of petty sessions for the united districts of Portglenone and Innisrush was held on Thursday, before Mr. John McMeekin, J.P. (chairman), and Dr. Dysart, J.P. Thomas J. Murphy was charged by Sergt. McClelland with being drunk and disorderly. Fines 2s 6d and costs. Robert Lamond, for a similar offence, was fined 1s and costs, at the suit of the same complainant. Constable Spillane charged John McGrandle with drunkenness. Fined 1s. A number of persons were fined in 1s 5d for breaches of the muzzling order, the chairman remarking that heavier fines would be imposed in future. Daniel Craig & Sons sued Robert Stewart to recover £1 7s, value of linen yarns committed to him to manufacture into cloth, and detained beyond term of contract. A decree for the amount was granted. The same plaintiff summoned Sara McCaughey for breach of contract. A decree for £1 15s was granted, and a fine imposed also. Sara Madden summoned Edward Birtt for £1 11s 9d, amount of goods sold and delivered. Decree for amount. The same plaintiffs had a similar case against John Reenan. Decree for £1 4s 10d granted. Mr. Wm. J. Knowles, High Constable for the Barony of Lower Toome, obtained decrees against several persons for non-payment of county cess. Licenses to sell explosives were renewed by the Court.
          RATHFRILAND - On Monday morning Constables Donaldson and Giblin, acting on a warrant, arrested, in the townland of Cabra, about three miles from Rathfriland, a woman named Bridget Crilly, a mendicant, of no fixed residence, as being a dangerous lunatic. She was conveyed by car to Rathfriland, and was brought up at the police barracks, before Messrs. J. M. McClenehan, J.P., and William Davidson, J.P. Their Worships, on the certificate of Dr. J. M. Elliott, made the necessary order for the committal of the accused to Downpatrick Lunatic Asylum.
          The monthly court of petty sessions was held in Rathfriland on Friday before Mr. J. M. McClenehan, J.P., presiding. Robert Kilpatrick, Inland Revenue officer, Banbridge, summoned Jacob Edgar, Teiragosey, for carrying a gun without a licence on the 31st October last. Mr. Barrett, Inland Revenue supervisor, Armagh, prosecuted. Their Worship imposed the minimum fine of £2 10s, but strongly recommended that that amount be reduced to 5s.
          Michael King, Rathfriland, summoned John Keenan, Drumrath, and Rose Keenan, his wife, for assault. The case was adjourned for a month.
          Constable Donaldson summoned a lad named Thomas Annett, Newry Street, Rathfriland, for being drunk and disorderly on the 25th December. The nominal fine of 2s 5d and costs was imposed.
          STEWARTSTOWN - On Thursday a young man named Francis McShane, aged fourteen years, a servant boy in the employment of a farmer names Mr. Anderson, was coming down a ladder from a loft when it slipped, and he was thrown to the ground, his side striking against a machine that was lying close by. Mr. R. J. Boyd, M.D., Stewartstown, was sent for, but before his arrival the poor boy had succumbed to his injury. The Coagh constabulary have communicated the facts to the coroner, Mr. John Malone, coroner, held an inquest on the body of a boy named Francis McShane, aged 13 years?, a servant in the employment of Mr. Anderson, of Ballymaguire, who died the previous evening. Deceased complained of a pain in his side from the effects of a fall off a ladder leading to a loft, the circumstances already reported in the "Evening Telegraph." He was found by Mr. Anderson and Mr. Gibson, who applied restoratives and put him to bed. A verdict of accidental death was returned.
          SIXMILECROSS - The monthly court of petty sessions was held on Thursday, before a full Bench of magistrates. Sergeant Venart had Joseph McDowell summoned for drunkenness. This case had been adjourned from the June sessions to enable the defendant to reform. The sergeant said defendant had not improved any, but was drunk on the 20th June. The defendant did not put in an appearance, and the Court imposed a fine of 10s and costs. Sergeant Venart summoned Patrick McLongstal for being drunk. The complainant said it was defendant's first offence. A fine of 1s and costs was imposed. Constable McGee said he found Mary Ann Keenan drunk on the 8th December. The Bench inflicted a fine of 1s and costs.
         Mary Ann Redfern summoned Frank Owens to recover 9s. Defendant did not appear, and the magistrates decided to adjourn the case till next court day.
          Patrick Grimes summoned Frank Donnelly to recover 8s, due for house rent. A decree was given for the amount claimed.
          Patrick Griffin, baker, summoned Patrick Rodgers for having discharged him from his employment, not having given him the usual fortnight's notice. The defendant said complainant was of no use to him, as he had been constantly drunk. On one occasion he spoiled a batch. Mr. Dunsterville - How many times was he drunk? Defendant - He was drunk on the 11th November and also on the 19th December. The magistrate dismissed the case.
          TANDRAGEE - A girl about 23 years of age named Margaret Speers met with an accident on Saturday whilst engaged working in Mr. Sinton's weaving factory at Laurelvale. Her hand got caught in the machine at which she was working, and was frightfully lacerated, some of the fingers being almost severed from the hand. She was conveyed to Dr. Taylor's surgery, and had her wound dressed.
          An extensive farmer named Atkinson McKee, residing in the townland of Maymacullen, a short distance from this town, met with a serious accident on Thursday. He was seated in a cart drawn by a spirited young horse, which having got frightened bolted and made off. The cart coming in contact with a ditch instantly over-turned and hurled the occupant to the ground, the full weight of the cart coming on the unfortunate man's body.
          TOOMEBRIDGE - At the monthly petty sessions on Monday District-Inspector Hurst, Antrim, charged Mary McCourt, Moneyglass, with having at the latter place concealed a certain quantity, that it to say, half a pint, of spirits which had been illegally distilled, on the 20th December last. Mr. J. I. Donaghy, Magherafelt, appeared for the defendant. The Court fined the defendant in £100, reduced to £6. The same complainant charged Thomas Laverty, Ballyscullion, with having, as occupier of certain lands situate at Ballyscullion East, a certain quantity of spirits, that is to say, half a pint of private concealed spirits, which were seized by Sergeant Clarke. The case was dismissed without prejudice. The same complainant also charged James Duffin with a similar offence. The case was dismissed without prejudice. The same complainant also charged John McMullan, of Muckrim, with having, on the 17th December last, a vat, still head, and worm concealed on his premises. Mr. J. K. Currie, Ballymena, appeared for the defendant. The case was dismissed. Notices of appeal were given in several of the cases dismissed. The same complainant charged Robert Harris, Millquarter, in two summonses, with having in his possession a copper worm for illicit distillation purposes on the 16th ult., and with having in his possession a still on the 17th ult. Mr. Currie defended. Their Worships dismissed both cases on the merits.
          Andrew King, inspector of fisheries, Toomebridge, charged John McErlean with having fished with a net, without a licence entitling him to do so. Mr. Currie prosecuted, and Mr. Donaghy, who defended, pleaded guilty on behalf of the defendant, who was fined in £6 and costs. Mr. Donaghy said he would memorialise, and put the facts of the case in the proper quarter. Mr. King produced in court some 27 salmon nets which he had seized recently at Ballyscullion, and which were illegally used in the close season. As no one came into court to claim the seizures, the nets were forfeited in the usual way. Mr. Currie, who represented the fishery authorities, said that Mr. King had in his possession a gun which some party had thrown into a plantation at Ballyscullion on seeing the approach of the water bailiffs, The owner of the gun fled. It was understood that Mr. King should retain possession of the gun until some legitimate claimant turned up. Daniel Craig, Grange Park, summoned James McMullan, Ardnaglass, to recover linen yarns, value £2 2s, given by complainant to defendant to weave into cloth. The defendant was fined 6d and £2 2s compensation.
          The Grosvenor Street Fatalities, Inquest on the Victims, A Mysterious Occurrence, Verdict - Mr. E. S. Finnagan, Coroner for Belfast, sat in the Recorder's Court at eleven o'clock this morning, and opened an inquest on the bodies of Margaret McAtavey, aged 17, and Mary Ann Clements, aged five, who lost their lives under circumstances already reported in the lamentable occurrence at 154 Grosvenor Street on Wednesday morning last. Head-Constable Magauran and Sergeant Stoddart, Roden Street Barracks, watched the proceedings on behalf of the police. The first witness examined was John McAtavey, who stated that he resided at Drumboe, County Monaghan. The deceased girl, who was 17 years of age, was his daughter, and was a servant in the house in which she died. He last saw her on this day month at Drumboe. On that day she left Belfast. She had been employed previously with friends in the country, but never was in service in town. So far as witness was aware deceased did not know anything about the turning on and off of gas. Mrs. Clements, mother of the deceased child, was then sworn, and was proceeding to give evidence when his Worship said that he would not require her, as she seemed to be in a delicate state of health. He gave her permission to leave the court. Isaiah Clements, the father, was then called and sworn. He said the deceased girl, McAtavey, was servant in his employment about a month. The body of the deceased child, Mary Ann Clements, was lying at 62 Townsend Street. On the previous night at nine o'clock the servant girl and deceased child were in their usual health. He gave the deceased girl instructions on the night regarding the children, as he and his wife had arranged to be absent for the night. On his return next morning he found both dead. There was a strong smell of gas in the house. The servant knew how to turn off and light the gas. John McGarry, 179 Grosvenor Street, flesher, was the next witness. He said that at ten o'clock on the 4th inst. he saw Mrs. Clements at her own door. She could not get it and witness sent his boy over with a key and let her in. A minute later she came to the door screaming with the infant in her arms. Witness went over and she said that all in the house were dead. He sent for the doctor and went into the house where the smell of gas was fearful. They went into the front attic where the dead were and he took out the window. He found the servant in the bed dead. The gas was turned on full and witness turned it off. There was a good stopper on the branch. witness subsequently went for the doctor. Head-Constable Magauran said there were other witnesses but they could throw no additional light on the matter. The Coroner said he would not examine them. Professor Lorraine Smith, professor of pathology in the Queen's Collage, deposed to making post-mortems of the bodies. The organs, on the whole, were healthy. The lungs indicated violent breathing. There was also haemorrhage in the child's lungs, which pointed to the same breathing. He examined the blood of the elder girl for carbonic oxide and he found it saturated to an extent of 76 per cent. The Coroner - Wasn't that a very large quantity? - Yes. Professor Smith explained to the jury that the carbonic oxide took the place of the oxygen, and therefore the percentage he had mentioned was a large percentage of the power which a person had. Regarding the child the percentage was somewhat less, being 70. Death in both cases was due to gas or carbonic oxide poisoning. The Coroner - Is that a painless death? Witness - perfectly painless. I believe that recently there has been a change made in the manufacture of gas by mixing coal gas with water gas? - There has. I believe a select Parliamentary committee has been investigating this question from time to time? - Yes, quite recently. The object being to have a Bill introduced into Parliament fixing the quantity of this water gas which may be mixed legitimately with coal gas? - Yes. Am I correct in saying that the report of this committee will soon be published? - I believe so. Some of the most experienced experts in the three kingdoms were examined before that committee? - Yes, a large number of witnesses. Is carbonic oxide also in the ??? - Yes. I believe it is more deadly than the coal gas oxide? - There is a large ?? the water gas. Dr. McHarry, Grosvenor Street, deposed he ? post mortem examination in conjunction with Professor Smith. He agreed with what he ? ? ? and had nothing further to add. The Coroner, in summing up, said he was sure they all sympathised very much with the poor girl's relatives who lived in County Monaghan, and also with the father and mother of the deceased child. He was sure their sympathy went out very strongly to them. This girl had not been acquainted with the working of gas, and probably had never seen the management of it before she came to Belfast. She had been instructed by her master and mistress how to turn on and off the gas. In that case no doubt the poor girl had made a mistake, and he thought they would come to the conclusion that no blame was to be attached to any person. The jury, after a few minutes deliberation, found that the deceased came to their death by gas poisoning, and attaching no blame to any person in connection with the affair. They also wished to express their appreciation of the conduct of Dr. McHarry in his efforts in saving the life of the infant child. The Coroner conveyed this expression of opinion to Dr. McHarry, and The proceedings came to an end. The remains of the little girl, Mary Ann Clements, were removed from her grandfather's residence, 62 Townsend Street, at two o'clock this afternoon for interment in the City Cemetery. The remains of Mrs. Clements, grandmother of the little girl, were removed from the same house for interment at the same time. Mrs. Clements resided at Townsend Street, and died on Tuesday last, and it was while the parents of the deceased girl were at the wake that the regrettable affair took place in Grosvenor Street. The chief mourners were - Mr. John Clements, husband of the deceased woman, and Mr. Isaiah Clements, father of the little girl, while there was a large attendance of friends. The double funeral under such pathetic and tragic circumstances attracted considerable attention on the way to the cemetery, where both bodies were interred. The survivors of the sad occurrence are progressing favourably.
          Serious Fracas Near Derry, Police Versus Civilians, Swords and Revolvers Drawn, Constables Severely Injured, Londonderry, Friday - (Just an outline, the story is very long) - According to news received from Londonderry this morning what seems to have been a desperate encounter between constabulary and civilians took place at Burnside, six miles from Derry, on Wednesday night, and which formed the subject of a preliminary investigation at the Burnfoot Police Barracks yesterday by Colonel Tynte, R.M. In appears that between eight and nine o'clock on Wednesday night, while Constables Smith and Dolphin were on Patrol duty convenient to Burnfoot, their attention was attracted by a number of persons coming from the Derry direction shouting and singing and creating considerable disturbance. The constables drew to the one side till the parties came up and then advised them to make less noise and conduct themselves properly. There were five or six young men together, all more or less under the influence of drink. One of them answered the police by saying that they were on the public road and they defied them to interfere with them. As they refused to proceed home two of the noisiest were placed under arrest, and the constables proceeded back with them in the direction of the barrack. They came quietly enough portion of the way, but when near Mr. Wallace's farm premises, a short distance outside the village, James Doherty gave his hat to one of the others and shouted "Let us be into them, boys; now is our chance," and immediately the constables were assailed on all sides with sticks, stones, and everything that came handy. They stuck gamely to their prisoners till a blow from a stone, weighing about a quarter of a cwt., thrown from the other side of the hedge, placed constable Dolphin almost hors de combat, and in self-protection the officers had to draw their swords and revolvers. In the melee, which lasted for a considerable time, the prisoners escaped, but one of them, Edmund Doherty, was re-taken by Constable Smith, who held him at the point of the revolver. Constable Dolphin, who was covered with blood from the wound on the head, was carried into Mr. Wallace's. where he remained till assistance arrived from the barrack. Constable Smith did not escape unscratched, as he received a bad black eye and a severe cut on the back of the head. On word being conveyed to the barrack assistance arrived, and Edmund Doherty was taken to the lock-up and Constable Dolphin was assisted to the barrack. Here he was seen by Dr. Hamilton, who dressed his wounds, and yesterday he was confined to bed. The other parties who took part in the affray were afterwards arrested by the police. The names of the prisoners are - John, James, and Edmund Doherty, of Gortniskea; Patrick Gill, Patrick and Francis Doherty, of Monreagh. All the accused are of the working class, strong, athletic young fellows, so that on the general scrimmage with the police the latter must have been considerably over-matched. When they were charged at the police barrack yesterday most of them bore signs of the struggle, one of them in particular having a nasty cut on the head. (the court case is a repeat of what happened) there is mention of a Sergeant Wylie. Colonel Tynte pointed out that so far there was no evidence against John Doherty. Did the Crown expect to produce any fresh evidence against him? Head-Constable Williams thought not, and the prisoner was discharged. The other prisoners were remanded for eight days, bail being refused, They were removed to Ferry Jail by the 5.45 train, securely hand-cuffed and under a strong escort of police.
          Impending Irish Military Movements - The following changes of station of cavalry and infantry during the year 1899-1900 were amongst others announced from the War Office last night:- Cavalry - Scots Greys, Edinburgh to Dundalk; 6th Dragoons, Dundalk to Curragh, probably in the spring. Infantry 1st Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Enniskillen to Newry; 2nd North Staffordshire, Newry to Dover; 2nd Royal Fusiliers, Curragh to Athlone; 1st Royal Munster Fusiliers. Fermoy to India (probably December); 2nd Royal Munster Fusiliers, India to home; 1st Royal Scots, Glasgow to Belfast; 2nd Liverpool, Belfast to Mullingar; 2nd S. Wales Borderers, Pembroke Dock to Dublin; 1st Yorkshire Light Infantry, Dublin to Sheffield.
          Royal Honours to Belfast Tradesmen - The employees of Mr. John Erskine, of North Street, having forwarded two Irish-made travelling caps to their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, have received the following reply - "Sandringham, Norfolk, 29th December, 1898 - I am directed by the Prince of Wales to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, and to request you to convey to your employees the expression of the best thanks of the Princess of Wales and himself for the two caps which they have been so good as to transmit for their Royal Highnesses acceptance. I am sir, your obedient servant, Francis Knollys."
          Relatives Missing - Notices as Under are Inserted Free -
    Meek, Wanted to know the address of James Meek, a native of Co. Antrim, Ireland. Last heard of in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1889. Any information of him will be thankfully received by his anxious sister, Jeannie Meek, 35 Stonyford Street, Belfast. American and Australian papers please copy.
     Davison, Wanted to know the whereabouts of George Davison, who left Ballyclose, Cullybackey, about 25 years ago. Last heard of about 4 years ago in Melbourne, Australia. Any information gladly received by his nephew, William Davison, Cullybackey.
     Boyd, Wanted to know the whereabouts of Rachel Boyd, who was last heard of in Nelson, New Zealand, about 13 years ago. Any information will be thankfully received by her brother Samuel Boyd, Clough, County Antrim, Ireland. Australian and New Zealand papers please copy.
     Quigley, Information wanted of Michael and William Quigley, late of Limavady. They were last heard of at Havelock Hotel, Havelock, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, in 1878. Any news regarding them will be thankfully received by their brother and sisters, John, Sarah and Alice Quigley, 125 Spamount Street, Belfast
     Reilly, Information is asked for of Bridget Reilly, who left Holywood in September last. Her sister would be glad to hear of her. Any communication addressed to Mrs. Paul, 80 Macauley's Terrace, Cliftonpark Avenue.
     Law, Information wanted of Edmund Law, last heard of in Swansea, England, about 7 years ago. Any information concerning him would be gladly received by his sister, Caroline Law, at 104 Upper Malvern Street, Belfast. Glasgow papers please copy.
     Armstrong, Wanted to know the whereabouts of Patrick Armstrong, last heard of 7 years ago in New York. Any information thankfully received by his brother and sister, James and Mary Armstrong, 71 Millfield, Belfast. American papers please copy.
     Walker, Wanted to know the whereabouts of Hugh Walker, who left Liverpool 14 years ago in the ship Maggie Millar; last heard of in San Francisco in the year 1890. Information will be gladly received by his mother Eliza Walker, 5 Lincoln Place, Belfast, Ireland. American papers please copy.
     Houston, James Houston, of Ballynamaddy, Glarryford, County Antrim, is anxious to hear from his brother, John S. Houston, who went to America over 10 years ago; last heard from in 1896. He was then stopping with Mr. T. J. Carney, of Ackley House, Willisville, New York, Allegany County. American papers please copy.
     Stewart, Wanted to know the whereabouts of James Dundee Stewart, who left his home on May, 1898. He was a Joiner to trade, and when last heard of was in England. Any information will be thankfully received by his wife, K. Stewart, c/o Miss Clifford, Joymount, Carrickfergus. English papers please copy.
     Mulholland, Wanted to know the whereabouts of Charles Mulholland, who sailed from Liverpool in 1866, for New York. And was last seen going to the gold diggings sex years ago. Information will be gladly received by his sister, Margaret Mulholland, 56 Keegan Street, Belfast.
     Harrison, Would Henry Harrison, Holt Harrison, David Harrison, brought up at a place called the Cross, Gilford, Ireland, kindly write to Best, Carryduff Post Office, Mealough, Near Belfast, Ireland.
     Miller, Wanted to know the whereabouts of Joseph Miller, left Donemana (County Tyrone) about 45 years ago. He went to Montreal. Afterwards he went to the country and served a farmer for some years. After that he came in nearer the town and had a farm to himself. Any information in regards to him shall be thankfully received by his nephew, Andrew Miller
     Nelson, Wanted to know the whereabouts of William Nelson of Seaford, County Down, Ireland. Last heard of about 16 years ago, Feredensvale, Near Fort-Adams, Mississippi, U.S.A. Any information will be thankfully received by David Nelson or his sons, at 13 Belmont Avenue, Strandtown, Belfast, Ireland. American papers please copy.
     Clements, Wanted to know the whereabouts of James Johnston Clements, last postal address was Post Office, Adelaide, New South Wales, Australia, who left Belfast about 40 years ago, and received last letter from his about 15 years ago. Any news of him living or dead will be thankfully received by Samuel Clements, 54 Divis Street, Belfast, Ireland. Australian papers please copy.
     McKesson, In the year 1746 Alexander McKesson emigrated from Limavady to America leaving behind him his brother Neil. If the descendants of the latter should happen to see this, would they kindly communicate with J. A. Wensley, Moneymore, County Derry.
     Ervin, Wanted to know the whereabouts of Gilbert James Ervin last heard of in Philadelphia in 1887. Any information concerning him will be thankfully received by his wife and daughter, Maria Ervin and M. S. McK., 25 Sherbrook Street, Belfast.
     McFall, Left his home on November 6, John McFall aged 17, very fair complexion, height 5 feet. Any information will be thankfully received by his mother, at 31 Unity Street. Glasgow papers please copy.
     McQuillan, Information regarding the whereabouts of Lena McQuillan, of Aughallon, County Antrim, who was last heard of in Fleetwood Street, about sixteen years ago, and who is supposed to be in service in England, will be thankfully received by her uncle, William Bryans, 19 Northumberland Street, Belfast. English and Scotch papers please copy.
     Connor, Wanted to know the whereabouts of Henry Connor, who left Maghera about 18 years since and has not been heard of for the last 6 or 7 years, when he was in Melbourne. Also of Archy Connor, who left Maghera for New Zealand about 20 years ago, and has not been heard of since about three years after his arrival there. Any information will be welcomed by James Connor, Maghera, County Derry, Ireland.
     Geach, Information wanted of Mrs. Jonny Geach, last letter received in March, 1896. Address at that time 370 West 35 Street, New York. News regarding her, will be thankfully received by her mother, Jane Morrow, 6 Burke Street, Belfast.
     Milliken or Walker, Minnie Milliken, 50 Hardcastle Street, Belfast, desires the address of her sister-in-law, Mary Ann Milliken or Walker, last heard of in New York.
     Lindsay, Information as to the whereabouts of Solomon Lindsay, last heard of in England, is sought for by Maggie Lindsay, of 99 Bellevue Street, Shankill Road, Belfast.
     Thompson, Wanted, the address of Thomas H. Thompson, formerly of Magheratimpany, Ballynahinch, County Down. Last heard of in Skellion Flat, Macleary River, N.S.W. Write home at once - Urgent
     Love, Information wanted of George Love, Brick layer, left Dublin year 1890. Last heard of, January 1894, was then in Perth, Western Australia. His brother Joseph Love inquiries.
     McMullin, Wanted to know the whereabouts of James McMullin, who left Ballygoney, County Londonderry, about 48 years ago; last heard of going to California. Any information concerning him, either living or dead, will be thankfully received by his sister, Mrs. Gregg, Urble, Coagh, by Moneymore, County Tyrone, Ireland. American papers please copy.
     O'Hara, Wanted to know the whereabouts of Ellen O'Hara who left Gloonan about 40 years ago, last heard of 25 years ago when she was living in the State of Illinois, America. Any information regarding her will be thankfully received by her daughter Jane O'Hara, (or Elliot) or her Neice, (Niece) Mary Moore, Robert Street, Ballymena, Co. Antrim, Ireland
     Davidson, Wanted to know the whereabouts of John Davidson, who left St. Marnock's, Malahide, County Dublin, ten years ago. When last heard from was living at either 3 or 7 Cadogan Square, London. Any information will be thankfully received by his brother, James Davidson, Stillorgan, County Dublin, or his sister Mrs. Ross, Killyleagh, County Down. English papers please copy. (SEE RESULT)
     Kinner, Jane Kinner desires to know the address of her son; last heard of in Canada three years ago. Any news of him will be thankfully received by his mother Jane Kinner, 6 Winburn Street, Belfast
     Keery, Relatives wish very much to know the whereabouts of Francis Samuel McKee Keery, who is supposed to have gone to New York in the year 1893. Any information will be gladly received by his sister L. Keery, 71 Vartry Road, South Tottenham, London. American papers please copy.
     Davidson - Miss Ross, Killyleagh, Co. Down, returns her best thanks to the Editor of the "Belfast Weekly Telegraph," for finding her brother, who was ten years missing. The following speaks for itself :- "Dear Sir - I inserted an advertisement in your paper for my brother, John Davidson, some time ago. I am glad to tell you I have heard from him last week - Mrs. Ross, Killyleagh, Co. Down
          Antrim and Down Protestant Orphan Society - Last week a meeting of the general Committee was held in the offices of the society, 4 Clarence Place, for the purpose of electing a number of orphans from the list of applicants for admission to the benefits of the society. Fifty-one children who were recommended last week were declared elected, as follows:-
   James Gordon, Frederick Samuel Swann, John Henry Swan, George Cecil Green, and Charlotte Annie Green, All Saint's, Belfast
   Thomas Edward McKeay, Ballymacarrett
   Agnes Harte, Annie Harte, Joseph Johnston, and Elizabeth Edith Creaney, Christ Church, Belfast
   Benjamin McWilliams and Alexander McWilliams, Donaghadee
   Lily Weir and George Weir, Dundela
   Emily Sarah Montgomery and David John Montgomery, Dundonald
   James Johnston and Andrew Johnston, Jordanstown
   Jane Elinor Uprichard, Knock-Columbkill
   John Downey and Priscilla Downey, Larne
   James Goodman and Ellen Goodman, Newtownards
   Alex Jardine, Seapatrick
   James Goodfellow, Mary Anne Goodfellow, Henrietta McClelland, and Mary McClelland, St. Aidan's
   Wm. Adolph Rourke, Sarah Bradshaw, and Ruth Long, St. Andrew's
   Violet Courtney, Henry Courtney, Mary McWhirter, and Sarah Anne McWhirter, St. Barnabas'
   Mary Campbell, St. John's, Malone
   Margaret Ellen Quin and Margaret Gould, St. Luke's
   William James McEvoy, Sarah Taylor, Annie Marshall, and Caroline A. Fulton, St. Mary's
   Sarah Bunting, St. Matthews, Belfast
   Wm. McCormick, Andrew Scott Nelson, Martha Connolly, and William G. Black, St. Paul's
   Cassie Calwell, Drew Memorial (St. Philip's)
   Samuel Edward Killops and Thomas John Killops, Whitehouse
          Serious Fire in Bangor, Grocer's Shop Destroyed, Nothing Saved but a Parrot, Bangor, Monday - The premises of Mr. William Hanna, grocer and general merchant, Main Street, Bangor, were destroyed by fire yesterday. Mr. Hanna and his family were absent at morning service in the First Presbyterian Church when the servant girl somewhere about a quarter-past twelve o'clock noticed smoke coming from the direction of the shop, and heard a crackling noise. She at once ran to the church and caused her master to be appraised of the circumstance. He immediately proceeded to his house, and unlocking the door of the shop a dense volume of smoke and flames compelled him to retire. In the meantime Mr. P. Murphy and others quickly put themselves in communication with the officials of the Town Board. A couple of lengths of hose and several stand pipes and nozzles were got ready and taken to the fire, which by this time had got a firm hold on the lower part of the premises, and the shop windows fell out. When a jet of water commenced to play the flames spread out on the footpath. Unfortunately the water supply for some reason or other was most deficient, and in consequence the many volunteers were unable to show satisfactory results for their labours. Not long after the discovery of the fire an explosion took place, caused by the ignition of a few pounds of explosives, said to be gunpowder, and the sound was heard many hundred yards away, startling those who were unaware of its cause. In addition to the deficiency of the water supply, the exertions of those making such efforts to extinguish the fire were further handicapped by the somewhat defective state of the hose. The fire became fiercer every minute in the premises, and a couple of young men proceeded to the roof of an adjoining house and poured water against the gable wall of the burning building, but they were not able to continue this long, as their was danger of the gable falling. The hose was brought to bear on the front of the house, but the supply of water became so small that it was unable to force itself through the nozzle, and the water had to be dropped through the nozzle with buckets, the contents of which were thrown by the police and others on the burning premises. The flames were commencing to eat their way rapidly through the extensive range of outhouses, and as it was thought that, if the wind changed in the direction of the First Presbyterian Church, a number of intermediate houses would inevitably be destroyed, the Belfast Fire Brigade was sent for, and arrived after two o'clock under the chief officer. Previous to their arrival the supply of water was so wretched that a horseman had to be despatched at a gallop to the reservoirs at Conlig to have all the pressure possible put on, and the supply to private houses was cut off. This creditable though tardy decision was the means of concentrating the supply at the fire, and when the Brigade arrived they were able to attach to jets, and their steam engine forced the water to all the height necessary. Shortly before the arrival of the Brigade the body of the house had collapsed, and all that practically remained to be extinguished in the premises proper were the burning plant and debris. There was a considerable danger in the rear, and Mr. Parker sent a one of hose and a few men to that part, and, after some time in playing on the fire and knocking down dangerous roofs and walls, the progress of the fire at the back was arrested. Shortly before this time those living between the burning house and the Presbyterian Church thought that the fire was about to spread in their direction, and they set about removing their furniture, and threw water on the roofs of their dwellings, and outhouses. Fortunately the wind was kind to them, and kept the flames in a direction where the danger was not so great. Practically nothing was saved from the shop or dwelling save a parrot, even Mr. Hanna's books and ledgers being destroyed. After three hours' hard work the Belfast Fire Brigade got home. The premises, which are completely gutted, are, it is believed, fully covered by insurance. It is believed that the fire was caused by a case of matches falling on the floor or having been knocked down by a rat or mouse. THE SCENE THIS MORNING - A regrettable mistake. Early this morning large crowds were still congregated around the scene of yesterday's conflagration, and water continues to be played on the smouldering debris. Nobody need take credit for extinguishing this particular fire, inasmuch as it simply burned itself out, the shop premises, dwelling-house, and outhouses all being completely gutted. During the early part of last night, when the back of the main building fell, several of the local volunteers narrowly escaped being injured by the falling bricks, and Mr. Wm. Hanna, jun., at the first alarm had his hand severely injured in forcing a window in order to save a pet parrot. There was no want of pressure from the town's main, as reported in this morning's newspapers, since the scarcity of water arose by someone inadvertently, and no doubt with the best intentions, turning off the valve at Catherine Place. Immediately this error was found out and long before the new reservoir was turned on, there was a plentiful supply of water. When the mistake was detected the ordinary pressure was so good that the Bangor men were able, before the arrival of the fire-engine from Belfast, to throw the water to the full height of the burning building. The premises are insured in the Prudential and Sun Fire Insurance Companies to the extent of over £2,000, but the loss sustained is estimated greater than the amount insured for.
          Irvinestown Petty Sessions. - Irvinestown Petty Sessions were held on Friday, before Messrs. W. D'Aercy Irvine, D.L. (presiding); R. G. Bull, R.M.; and A. F. Maude, Justices. An old woman named Ellen McFaggy was charged by Constable Doherty with being drunk on the 24th December. Second offence. Ellen said she took a wee taste on Christmas Eve, and she was not in good health. Fined 5s and 1s and 6d costs, or in default six days in Enniskillen Jail. She was allowed time to pay the fine.
          Sudden Death in Irvinestown Workhouse - An old man named Henry Ogle, aged 80 years, died very suddenly in Irvinestown Workhouse on Thursday. The deceased, who for some time previous had been suffering from heart disease, was going up a flight of stairs in the building, when he fell backwards. He was picked up in an unconscious condition. Dr. Graham was immediately in attendance, but the poor man never regained consciousness, and expired shortly afterwards. Death was due to shock. An inquest was held on the body on Friday by Mr. George Atkinson solicitor, coroner for the district.
          Belfast Man in the Cuban War, Receives The Congress Decoration - We related a few weeks ago the story of the gallant part borne in the Cuban War by a townsman of Belfast, James Bashford, son of Mr. Charles Bashford, Percy Street. He belonged to the Illinois Naval Reserves, who volunteered to go to Cuba. Bashford, who says he has had enough of war and shipwreck, is proud of his experiences, and of the fact that he has made the best record of any of the Reserves from the States. His brave services have been signalised by the conferring upon him of the Decoration of Congress - a valued honour, which carries with it a pension, and is the equivalent of our Victoria Cross. In the course of a recent letter to his father, James Bashford gives further details of his experiences. He was the only man detailed on scout duty in Porto Rico, and was three days alone in front of the batteries of San Juan. At one time he was within a hundred yards of the Spanish picket, and had to lie in one position six hours before he could get away. He succeeded, however, in getting the necessary information, and brought a chart of the batteries on board his ship, afterwards having the pleasure of seeing the batteries he had positioned defeat the Dons. "When I was coming back to the States on board the Infanta Marie Teresa," he proceeds, "we got caught in a terrible storm off San Salvador. The Teresa was a burned-out warship, and her bolts commenced to jump out, the big military mast fell overboard, and she was rocking fearfully; we thought every moment would be out last. Somehow I did not feel afraid, and must have showed it to the captain, as he selected me alone out of 110 men to go overboard and catch the life-raft. It was a tough job, and I thought several times I wouldn't make it, but I got it alright, and took off ten men the first time. I then had charge of the lifeboat, and was in it five hours completely naked - not even a lifebelt on. When we got them all aboard my body looked as if it had been pounded with a hammer, black and blue all over, but I feel no ill effects of it yet. I had a great time when I got back. They took me to a banquet they had arranged, where we all discussed our war experiences. I am now an ensign in the Reserves." Two Senators of the Illinois State have conveyed to Bashford their personal thanks for upholding the honour of the Illinois Naval Reserves in the manner he did.
          Funeral of Mr. Richard Wortley, Belfast - On Sunday afternoon the remains of Mr. Richard Wortley, who was popularly known amongst the working men of Belfast, and prominently identified as a trades unionist, were conveyed from his residence, 153 North Queen Street, for interment in the City Cemetery. The cortege was very large, and was representative of almost every trade of the working men in Belfast. Deceased had been ailing since June last, immediately previous to which he presided over the meetings of the Trades Council, of which he had been three times elected its president. He was a tailor by trade, and took a deep interest in the Tailors' Association, he being a member of the executive society, and secretary of the Tailors' Federation.
          Dundalk Quarter Sessions (Before Judge Kisbey, Q.C.) - Keenan v. O'Hare, This was an application by John Keenan to have the estate of Mary Anne Keenan, widow, deceased, of Carlingford, put up for sale. Mr. Dickie appeared for plaintiff, and Mr. Sheridan for defendant. The evidence showed that the plaintiff's mother, Mary Anne Keenan, died on 27th of April 1894, and made a will leaving the house and farm in which she was living to him and his sister. The house was divided between them, but disagreements subsequently arose between them, and plaintiff not sought to have the house sold. His Honour said he would make an order for the sale of the house, and then both parties would have an opportunity of bidding for it.
          Action Against the G.N.R. Company - This was an action brought by Patrick Woods, of Carrickmacross, against the G.N.R. Company to recover £40 damages sustained by the plaintiff owing to the delay by defendants in the carriage of 92 sheep belonging to plaintiff, between Oldcastle and Dundalk, in the month of October last. Mr. Sheridan appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Rogers for the defendants. A large number of witnesses were examined on behalf of the Railway Company to show that the sheep were late at the station for the first special train, which was leaving Oldcastle for Drogheda. His Honour gave a dismiss on the merits.
          Gibney v. G.N.R. Company - This was an action brought by Thomas Gibney, of Chapel Lane, Dundalk, to recover £35 10s for loss and damage sustained by reason of the negligence of the Railway Company in carrying sex head of cattle for plaintiff between Drogheda and Dundalk on the 31st of October last. The following jury was sworn to try the case:- Messrs. John F. O'Hanlon, Dundalk (foreman); M. Dawe, Philip Fay, Terence McCann, J. R. Lawless, and Michael Halfpenny. Dr. Moynagh appeared for plaintiff, and Mr. Rogers for defendant. Dr. Moynagh stated the case for plaintiff, from which it appeared that on the 31st of October the plaintiff booked six head of cattle from Drogheda to Dundalk, and he telegraphed to his brother-in-law to meet them. The cattle were sent to Belfast, however, as he afterwards discovered, and were only brought back to Dundalk next day. Meantime they suffered from exposure and neglect, and plaintiff claimed £21 10s on this account. The Railway Company admitted that there was some mistake by the railway officials at Drogheda, but that plaintiff did not suffer the amount of damages he claimed. After a lengthened hearing, the jury found for plaintiff in £21. In a second claim for £14 for the loss of a cow in transit between Dundalk and Belturbet on 3rd November brought by the plaintiff against the Railway Company, the jury found, by direction of his Honour, a verdict for the defendants.
          Mother and Son - Anne Meehan?, Cappogue, processed her son, Joseph Feehan? of same place, for £8, being amount due to plaintiff on foot of an agreement. Mr. Dickie appeared for plaintiff, and Dr. Moynagh for defendant. After hearing the evidence, his Honour gave a decree for £4.
          Claim by a Labourer - Patrick McGahon, of Silverbridge, processed Patrick Myers, South Marsh, for £16 12s, for balance of wages due to the plaintiff by defendant for work and labour done. His Honour dismissed the case on the merits.
          O'Neill v. Roddy - Michael F. O'Neill, coal merchant, processed Patrick Roddy, Broughton Street, for £7 10s for work and labour done. A sum of £4 18s 10d was lodged in court, and his Honour gave a decree for £5
          Illegal Seizure - Jane Rooney, of Blackrock, sued Sir Gerald C. Robinson, Bart., Dunleer, High Sheriff of Louth, for £8 10s, the value of a bicycle seized by defendant. The evidence went to show that plaintiff purchased a bicycle some time ago for £4 10s from a Mr. Watson. She bought the bicycle for her son Thomas, who worked in the Pork Factory in Dundalk, but he did not live with her. It appeared that there was a decree out against her other son Robert, but she had nothing to do with it. The Sheriff, in pursuance of that decree, seized the bicycle and sold it for £5 10s. She gave Mr. Watson £2 for the bicycle, and was to give him £2 10s in August last, but she did not do so owing to the machine being seized, and he had frequently applied for the balance since. His Honour said she had a very honest claim, and he would give a decree for £5 10s, the amount realised by the sale of the bicycle.
          Roddy v. Hoey - Michael Roddy, of the Marshes, Dundalk, sued Catherine Hoey, widow, and Patrick Hoey, farmer, of the Marshes, for £10, for that the defendants, on or about the 9th of July last, took into their possession a bullock, the property of plaintiff, and refused to deliver up same. The evidence adduced (produced) went to show that the farms of both parties adjoin, and on the 9th of July the defendant was removing some 23 cattle from one field for another, when one of plaintiff's bullocks got amongst them and defendant drove it away, and refused to deliver it. For the defence, evidence was given that there bullock belonged to defendants. Evidence in support of this was also given, and to show that it was calved in Hoey's. A large number of witnesses were examined on both sides, and his Honour dismissed the case.
          Action About a Snug - Michael Rice, of Park Street, sued John F. O'Hanlon for £7 10s, being the value of a snug for the licensed premises, plaintiff's property, taken by defendant, and converted to his own use. The case for plaintiff was that the snug was in a shed in the yard at the rere of the premises when plaintiff came into possession. He then, the plaintiff alleged, took it out of the shed and fitted it up in the shop. Plaintiff valued it at £7 10s. For the defence, it was sworn that when Mr. O'Hanlon came into possession of the premises the snug was fixed in the shop. His Honour considered it was a bogus claim, and dismissed the case on its merits.
          Application for an Instalment Order - This was an application by Messrs. Williamson to have the amount of a decree which they obtained against George Coburn, of Camp Street, paid in instalments.
          Military Promotion - The "London Gazette" recently contained the following:- 6th Dragoon Guards - Lieutenant John Smiley, from the 4th Battalion Princess Louise's Argyll and Sunderland Highlanders, on augmentation. It may be stated that Lieutenant Smiley is the eldest son of Mr. H. H. Smiley, J.P., of Drumalis, Larne? and ??llowhill, Paisley
          Dundalk Petty Sessions - These Sessions were held on Friday, before Captain Beresford, R.M. (in the chair), and Mr. Wm. Tempest, J.P. :-
          Cruelty to Children - Mr. Christopher Whelan, inspector under the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, summoned John Hanlon, a well-known local character, for ill-treating his wife and family. Mr. Whelan deposed that on the 23rd of last month he visited the house of John Hanlon in this town. He found his wife and family - consisting of four children, the eldest of whom was nine years of age - there. They were all poorly clad, and did not appear to be nourished. There was nothing in the house except a small piece of bread. Defendant's wife said she had only a penny in the house on that morning, and the piece of bread that was in the house she said she got from the neighbours through charity. Defendant was not there. Witness did not caution him, because he was imprisoned for two months in June last for a similar offence. Mary Hanlon, the wife of defendant, was called, but she expressed her wish to get rid of defendant altogether. She gave evidence of the cruelty of defendant towards her and her children, in not giving her any support. However, since the inspector was there he gave her 13s 6d, but very little previous to that. Since June last he did not give her much of his earnings, and her children were often hungry. Sergeant Smyth, Bridge Street, deposed that on the previous night defendant's wife came to the barrack, and complained that she was afraid of defendant on account of this case coming on. He was obliged to send his men over to the house at 12 o'clock in consequence of the complaints made by Hanlon's mother-in-law. As far as the police were concerned they had not a big record against Hanlon, but he did not treat his children very well, as he was away from home the half of the time. Mrs. Hanlon cared them very well. The children appeared to be in a very neglected condition, and he was obliged to buy bread for them on one occasion. Hanlon cross-examined the sergeant to show that there was never anything against his character. The witness said he had been away in Scotland and other places to evade the execution of two warrants that were out against him for drunkenness. Defendant examined his son, Peter Hanlon, who follows the same avocation as himself, a chimney sweep, to show that he and his father gave his mother about 13s 6d last week. In cross-examination by Mr. Macardle, the witness said he refused to give his mother any money when his father was in jail, because he could not stop in the house with her. When they came home they found his mother lying in bed at 10 o'clock in the day and no food ready for them. Mr. Macardle - Do you drink any yourself? Witness - Ah, just when I take the notion. (Laughter)  The magistrates decided to adjourn the case for a month to see how defendant would conduct himself in the meantime.
          The next case was against Thomas McCrudden of Kelly's Court, for neglecting his wife and children. Mr. Whelan deposed that in this case he visited defendant's house on the 23rd of December, and found no one there. The wife and two children were in a neighbour's house. There was no food or fire in the house, and the children seemed greatly neglected. There was an old bed in one corner of the house, but it seemed more fit for a dog than for human beings. He had the house under observation for some months past, and on one occasion he was going to summon defendant, but he had learned that he was undergoing three months imprisonment for an assault on his wife. Witness cautioned him several times, but he did not improve, and he always asked for a chance. He was a sweep, and earned good wages at this season of the year. Mary McCrudden, wife of the defendant, gave evidence of the cruelty of defendant towards herself and her children. He could earn good wages if he would mind his business, but he did not, as he was always drinking. When he would come home drunk at night he used to put herself and the children out on the street at a late hour. The magistrates decided to send the defendant to jail for a month. Defendant appealed to the Bench to not send him to jail, and he would improve if they gave him a chance. In support of his appeal he asked the magistrates to examine Sergeant Smyth as to his character. Sergeant Smyth deposed he knew the defendant. He saw him every day, but he was generally drunk. He believed his children were systematically neglected. The Bench decided to adhere to their decision.
          Another case at the suit of the society against Margaret and William Nelson, of Wrightson's Lane, for neglecting their children, was adjourned for a month, as the defendants promised to reform.
          Inland Revenue Prosecution - Mr. Richard Murray, supervisor of Inland Revenue, prosecuted a young man named Joseph Steede, from Ladywell Terrace, for having on the 30th November, carried a gun without a licence. Constable Sweeny deposed to having found the defendant carrying a double-barrelled breach revolver. In answer to witness he said he had been out shooting, but he could not produce any licence. Dr. Steede, inspector of National schools, father of defendant, stated that his son was an invalid, and could not attend court, but he wished to make a statement. His son or himself never wanted to evade paying the licence. In the month of September last witness came into Dundalk on two occasions to pay the licence, but the office, was closed. Owing then to a domestic trouble, and to the fact that his son had gone to Dunany he forgot all about the matter, but if he wanted to avoid paying the licence the gun could have been taken with a load of furniture taken by Messrs. Cooper to Dunany, and for which he produced a receipt. However, the licence had been since taken out. The magistrates fined defendant £10, but recommended that it should be reduced to £2 10s, and further mitigated to the sun of 5s.
          Alleged Serious Assault - John Hartigan, alias Hennessy, was again brought up in custody, and charged with having on the night of the 26th of December, at Wrightson's Lane, Dundalk, seriously assaulted his mother. Mr. McCarthy said he would have to apply for a further remand, as the injured woman was yet unable to appear. Prisoner was accordingly remanded.
          Newtownbreda Petty Sessions - Alleged Assaults, George Andrew and James Dorman were summoned by Isabella Dorman and James Dorman, Drumbo, for having assaulted the former and maliciously injured a haystack, the property of the latter. Mr. Magennis, in opening the case, stated that on the night of the 26th November the two defendants came into his client's yard with their coats up over their heads, and as Mrs. Dorman was crossing the yard with a bucket in her hand Dorman ran at her with his head, and his client threw a handful of mash that was in the bucket into his face, and prevented him from striking her with his head. Mrs. Dorman was then examined, and bore out this statement. James Dorman deposed that on the night in question his door was struck two or three times, as if it was going to be smashed in. The ropes of the hay and corn stacks were cut, and hay and corn strewn about the yard. Cross-examined - When witness ran after the defendants he had a whip in his hand. Witness was not in the yard when his wife was interfered with. He did not see them commit the injuries to the hay or straw. To Mr. Bowlby - Witness could not tell how much would cover the damage done. For the defence, Mr. McErlean contended that if any assault took place it was through Mrs. Dorman, who had committed the assault upon his client, James Dorman, by throwing the mash of pulped turnips and grains in his face. Under the circumstances he would ask for a dismiss, with 20s costs. The magistrates dismissed all the cases, but allowed no costs on either side.
          James Hunter, Ballycone, summoned Arthur Dowling, Melough, for having assaulted him at Breda on the 23rd ult. Complainant stated that on the day in question defendant followed him on to the Newtownards Road, bantered him to fight, struck him on the face, and guzzled him by the throat. Witness had given him no provocation. Jane Hunter and Robert Dickson having been examined, a fine of 5s and 3s 6d costs was imposed.
          Drunk in Charge - Constable Carr summoned Thomas McClelland for being drunk while in charge of a horse and cart at Knockbracken on the 2nd ult. Fines 10s and costs. Maria Osborough, a servant of McClelland's, who was drunk at the same time and place, was fined 2s 6d and costs. Constable Ardell summoned Philip McGrillan, Ballynahinch, for being drunk while in charge of a horse and cart at Newtownbreda on a recent date. Fined 10s and costs. Charles McGrillan, for being drunk at the same time and place was mulcted? in 2s 6d and costs.
          Carryduff Assault Case - Hugh Boyle was put forward on remand, charged with having seriously assaulted one, Jas. McAtavey, on the 5th ult., at Carryduff. As the injured man was still unable to appear, on the application of Sergeant Quinlan, a remand for a week was granted.
          Wanted! An Orangeman - James Mooney, a navvy, hailing from County Louth, was summoned by Sergeant Quinlan, for being drunk and disorderly at Carryduff on the 26th ult. The disorderly conduct consisted of shouting he could "beat any Orange w___ in the locality." Owing to the Christmas festivities, he was allowed off on paying 5s and costs.
          Footpath Cycling - Nicholas March, Ballynahinch, was summoned by Constable Flanagan for riding a bicycle at Carryduff on the 8th ult. Defendant, who did not appear, was fined in 5s. and costs.
          Dogs - A considerable number of persons were fined in 2s 6d and costs fort allowing their dogs to wander about without being muzzled.
          Funeral of a Belfast Linen Merchant - Last Monday, at 1-30, the remains of the late Mr. Samuel Symington, sen., were removed from his late residence, Rockfield, Dungannon, for interment in the City Cemetery.
          Terrible Murder in the South - A brutal murder is reported to have been committed at Gort Mashalla, eight miles from Nenagh, on Thursday night. A man named Denis Maher was savagely attacked whilst proceeding from Nenagh to Newport, his body being found on the road yesterday morning with the head beaten to pulp. He was not quite dead when discovered, but succumbed to his injuries in the course of the day. Two arrests have been made. No motive for the attack can be assigned.
          Execution at Kilkenny - Patrick Holmes was executed in Kilkenny Jail for the murder of Widow Lalor, at Courleigh, some months ago. The condemned man was awakened at half-past six. He ate a scanty breakfast, and spent some time afterwards with the chaplain. he submitted quietly to the pinioning, and walked firmly to the scaffold, betraying no emotion. Death is said to have been instantaneous. Scott was the executioner.
          Funeral of Mrs. Leetch, Harryville - The remains of Mrs. Leetch, the beloved wife of Mr. Samuel Leetch, and daughter of Mr. John Davison, were removed from her husband's residence, Henry Street, Harryville, for interment in the Ballymena New Cemetery on last Friday afternoon at two o'clock, and the funeral cortege was exceedingly large and respectable. The late Mrs. Leetch gave birth to a stillborn baby six weeks ago, and her state of health was extremely critical for some time afterwards. Through the skilful treatment of Dr. W. R. Davison, her medical attendant, and by careful nursing, she rallied more or less, and some slender hopes were entertained of her recovery. In the early part of last week, however, she had a relapse, and her friends learned with much sorrow that the dissolution was nigh at hand. She, in about thirty hours afterwards (on the 4th inst.) passed peacefully away, the immediate cause of death being enteritis. The deceased leaves a husband and four of a family, as well as her other friends, to mourn her loss, and to these we tender our earnest sympathy and condolence in their sad bereavement. The handsomely mounted casket containing the remains bore the following inscription :- Agnes Leetch, Died January 4, 1899, Ages 30 years. Out of respect to the memory of the deceased, the remains were borne on the shoulders of friends behind the glass-panelled hearse along Henry Street and to the Ballymena end of Harryville Bridge. The Rev. A. C. Hill, Clonavon Congregational Church, conducted impressive services both at the house and the grave. The chief mourners were:- Messrs. Samuel Leetch (husband), John Davison (father), Charles Davison (brother), James Leetch, William Leetch, and Robert Thompson (brother-in-law), Master Bertie Davison (nephew), Messrs. Wm. Leetch, Robert Simpson, and John Sloan (friends)
          Destructive Fire in Belfast, Felt Works Destroyed, Workman Burned to Death, Narrow Escape of the Employees, Extensive Damage, Belfast, Tuesday - A destructive fire, unfortunately attended with loss of life, broke out yesterday morning in the extensive felt and manure works of Messrs. Francis Ritchie & Sons, Mountpottinger Road, Ballymacarrett. The unfortunate man McMillan, who was burned to death, was working at one of the machines in the corner of the building with a man whose mane is believed to be Nugent. Near by, a woman named Osborne who is stated to be a married daughter of McMillan, was working at another machine, and as far as can be ascertained up till the present it was at this machine that the fire, which had such a disastrous ending, commenced. The workers were performing their ordinary duties when suddenly a flash of flame was seen to rise from beside the machine. Osborne had a narrow escape, and immediately ran out of danger, while the flames inside a couple of minutes spread with almost incredible rapidity. Witnesses were Patrick Keegan, 6 Chemical Street, John Martin, 34 Mountpottinger Road, Benson Wilson, Samuel Stott, fireman
          Another Gas Poisoning Case in Belfast, Two Persons Asphyxiated by an escape of Gas, Sad death of a house keeper and child, Belfast Tuesday - Scarcely a week has elapsed since it was our sad duty to chronicle the deaths by gas poisoning of two persons on Grosvenor Road, and yesterday a tragedy of an exactly similar nature, and involving the loss of two lives, has to be reported in the city. The victims are an aged woman named Mary McAnally, who acted as housekeeper to a Mr. John H. McCabe, of 9 Park Lodge Crescent, Oldpark Road, and Minnie, the three-year-old daughter of Mr. McCabe. Mrs. McAnally acted as housekeeper to Mr. McCabe, who has three other children, the deceased child, Minnie, being the youngest. The child occupied the same room as the old woman, viz., the front attic, and it is a singular coincidence that it was in a front attic that the recent lamentable occurrence took place in Grosvenor Street. They both retired to rest at the usual hour last night, but we have not yet been able to ascertain whether or not they slept in the same bed. Mr. McCabe and other members of his family slept in the other apartments of the house, and when they arose this morning, a strong escape of gas was felt. There was no sign of the housekeeper being astir, and Mr. McCabe becoming alarmed, opened the door of her room about half-past eight. He was met with an almost overpowering escape of gas, but on proceeding to the bed he found Mrs. McAnally lying quite dead, and the child's life also seemed to be extinct; but a closer examination showed that she was still alive, though unconscious. Both were lying peacefully as if asleep, and were evidently overcome without a struggle. Dr. Tomb, of Crumlin Road, was at once sent for and arrived in a short time. The woman was, however, beyond human aid, and nothing could be done in her case. The doctor, however, at once set about restoring animation in the child, who was in a very serious condition. His efforts unfortunately proved unavailing, and the little girl passed away at noon without regaining consciousness, much to the grief of her parents. The police were acquainted of the sad deaths of the two persons, and Sergeant Munn, of Leopold Street, in whose sub-district the occurrence took place, after investigating the facts of the case, reported the matter to the City Coroner. Mr. Finnigan decided to hold the double inquest at about eleven to-morrow morning in the Workingmen's Hall, Danube Street. The affair has created a great sensation in the locality, and general sympathy is expressed for the bereaved parents. The deceased woman was 78 years of age, and the child was between four and five. (The inquest states Mary McNally?'s age as 57)
Inquest information - Catherine Dogherty, Ballyclare Street, daughter of Mary McNally age 57, child's birth date was 18th September. There was a chair right beneath the gas bracket when witness visited the room.
          The Ballyconnell Murder, Execution at Armagh - The execution of the young man Thomas Kelly (26) hotel keeper, for the murder of his father, Bernard, at Ballyconnell, on the 8th October, took place this morning in Armagh Jail. The crime for which Thomas Kelly paid for with his life was of the most callous and cold-blooded description. The only motive which prompted its commission it would seem was the sheer desire to take life, the life of a father, who, worn out with rakish habits of a spendthrift son was finally obliged to adopt in regard to him somewhat stern and repressive measures. This evidently played upon the vengeful disposition of the future convict, who seems to have nursed his wrath with such malign intent that he eventually nerved his arm for the perpetration of the awful act which created such a wild sensation in the village of Ballyconnell on the afternoon of the 8th October. For four or five years before this strained relations prevailed between father and son. Indeed, as the result of some family dispute the youth was at the commencement of this period sent to America, but after staying there for a couple of years he returned home. Since then he appears to have passed his time in an idle, worthless fashion. His habits were apparently those the now almost extinct individual, the country quireen. An Expert Shot, he roamed about the country bagging game, which occasionally came in useful to his father, who kept a small hotel in Ballyconnell. Otherwise he did not afford much help. On the contrary, he appears to have been a great incumbrance, (encumbrance) and in the end his parent was obliged, owing to his son's peculating habits, to issue orders that he was not to be allowed behind the counter. That the intent to take the life of his father long existed in Thomas Kelly's mind is shown by an incident which took place as far back as three years ago.  One evening during twilight while his father was crossing the yard a shot was fired in his direction. The old man shouted out, but neither he nor an employe by whom the affair was witnessed could ascertain by whom the firearm had been discharged. Strangely enough, however, for a fortnight or three weeks afterwards young Kelly disappeared, and his whereabouts were absolutely unascertainable. This would seem to imply that he then thought he had either killed or grievously wounded his father, and his subsequent return may be accounted for by accepting as fact that he had obtained information that no serious damage had been done. On his return bickerings between father and son continued. The convict's mother, who was alive at the time, endeavoured to smooth matters over, but with little result. The cat and dog sort of existence prevailed, and after the unfortunate woman died in December, 1897, the feelings entertained by the men towards one another became more and more embittered. The young man indeed went from one excess to another, and his worthlessness and general good-for-nothingness became, if anything, more pronounced. Naturally this exasperated his father, but he could get no good of the young man, and three months before his untimely death he ordered him back to America. Unfortunately for himself, and for his father, Thomas Kelly did not go. He rather seems to have regarded the peremptory order as another to be added to the long list of grievances which he had stored in his breast against his father. His conduct accordingly became more dogged and sullen. The beginning of the end arrived six weeks before the perpetration of the murder. The incident which led up to it was in itself trivial. Thomas Kelly, it would appear, during the last week of August desired to take out one of his father's cars. Permission was refused, and a further quarrel broke out between parent and son. From this until 8th October they never spoke to one another, they took their meals at different times and at different tables, and their general demeanour was that of undisguised hostility. The 8th of October thus arrived. On this day Bernard Kelly set out for Belturbet at three o'clock in the afternoon to make inquiries regarding a cheque which had been dishonoured in the local bank. Before he left he took a rather extraordinary step. So that his son could not abstract money from the till or help himself to drink he securely locked the premises. This strange measure was adopted despite the fact that he had a barman in whom he could place implicit confidence. But the shopboy had previously found it impossible to keep Thomas Kelly from behind the counter, and it is not too much to conclude that it was the representation of this circumstance that had induced the father to so unceremoniously shut up the place. The old man would not return from Belturbet until two minutes to seven o'clock, and it is interesting to note how his son in the meanwhile passed his time. It is evident that he clearly fathomed what was his father's motive in closing the shop at such an unusual hour of the day, but he kept his anger to himself, and nonchalantly amused himself by firing at crows happening to pass over the yard attached to the premises. This continued until shortly before six o'clock, when he returned to the house, and placed the gun on a shelf between the kitchen and the hall. He then went and stood at the hall door, and continued looking in the direction his father would walk from the railway station. At this time two servant girls, Annie McManus and Catherine McAteer were in the kitchen looking after their household duties, while John Reilly and a daughter of deceased, who was confined to her bed through illness, were also on the premises. As the time approached for Bernard Kelly's home-coming his son walked through the hall door into the kitchen, and passed through the scullery into the yard. Within a few minutes the old man arrived, and he was admitted by Reilly, with whom he immediately went into the shop, by a door leading from the hall, to speak about some matters of business. While they were there the future convict returned, and slightly opening a door which looked from the kitchen to the shop, he was observed by the female domestics to peer in the direction of where his father stood. He then took down the gun from the rack in which he had previously placed it, and asked for some tow and a washrod with which he had been in the habit of cleaning the firearm. The girls told him where he could get them, and having obtained them he proceeded apparently to clean the gun. At the time he was standing close to a table near the door, towards which his back was turned. Suddenly he turned round and faced the shop. Cocking the gun, he raised it to his shoulder. But he had not yet steeled himself for the terrible deed. He again lowered the weapon, but he immediately raised it, and with deliberation discharged it at his father, who received the charge point blank. The old man fell weltering in his gore, 100 grains of shot having lodged in the region of his chest and stomach. Some eight or nine pellets had indeed penetrated the heart. The liver, stomach, and lungs were likewise riddled. The case was hopeless from the very first, and though medical aid was summoned all the practitioner who attended could do was to endeavour to alleviate the unfortunate man's dying agony. Half an hour after the gun's discharge Bernard Kelly was no more. His son's conduct in the meantime was most extraordinary. With the utmost sang froid he placed the weapon which had contained the fatal charge to one side as he coolly exclaimed, "the gun went off." He then walked out of the house, and it knew him no more. He went to the constabulary barracks, and asserted that the gun went off accidentally. But this explanation of the affair did not pass muster for long. Quickly it was seen that the gun had been discharged with deadly intent, and Thomas Kelly was arrested. He still persisted that his father's death was the result of accident. The magistrates before whom the informations were taken declined to accept the plea, and he was returned for trial to the Winter Assizes. Trial At The Assizes, The Death Sentence - His case came on at Belfast before the Lord Chief Justice, Sir Peter O'Brien, Bart., on Wednesday, 7th December, and lasted the whole of that day, and the greater part of the next. His defence was made by Mr. George Hill Smith, B.L., one of the cleverest criminal lawyers in Ireland, but despite his advocacy, the jury found the case made for the Crown was so convincing that after an absence of two hours they returned a verdict of guilty. They recommended the young man to mercy, but the Lord Chief Justice, while characterising the finding as an eminently proper one, held out small hopes of the sentence of death which he passed being set aside, even for the awful alternative of penal servitude for life. The closing scene in the young man's career took place this morning, when, as ordained by law, he expiated his offence on the scaffold.
          About eleven years ago a young man named William Thompson was sentenced to be hanged there (Armagh Jail) for shooting his brother-in-law at Knocknamuckly, near Portadown. Thompson was convicted of shooting his brother-in-law at the communion rails in Knocknamuckly Church on the day of his second marriage, and just as the ceremony was about to be commenced. He was tried before Mr. Justice Murphy at Armagh Assizes, and sentenced to be hanged. Thompson, on being asked the usual question whether he had anything to say why sentence of death should not be passed upon him, made a powerful and memorable speech from the dock, which was delivered in such a telling manner that its effect was clearly visible on every individual present, there being hardly a dry eye in the court at its conclusion. It is not generally known that this speech, which was reported at length in all the important papers in the country, was a studied one, and had been carefully prepared in shorthand by Thompson some time before its delivery in anticipation of the verdict of the jury. A petition praying for Thompson's reprieve was granted by the Lord Lieutenant a few days before the date fixed for the execution, and he was sentenced to penal servitude for life. A remarkable story, and one which up to the present has remained uncontradicted, is that Thompson some time ago escaped from Mountjoy Prison, and is now in good circumstances in the United States.
          The last execution in Armagh was that of a man named Stephen McKeown, who was known as the Forkhill murderer. He was executed by Marwood about twenty-three years ago, and was the first to be hanged out of the public view in the city. His crime was the murder of a pretty country girl named Mary McShane. This murder was of a most brutal nature, the woman's head having been battered in with large stones. She was supposed to have taunted him with having received "blood money," and it was currently believed that McKeown was not a novice at committing bloody deeds. McKeown was a powerfully built and muscular man, and was in the prime of life.
          The execution previous to McKeown's was that of a man named Barry, who was sentenced to death for the attempted murder of a magistrate named Mr. Cholmondley, who resided near Crossmaglen. This attempted murder was committed at a time when crime and conspiracy against law and order were rife in this country, and although Mr. Cholmondley recovered, and begged the then Lord Lieutenant for Barry's life, his Excellency refused, and ordered that the extreme sentence be carried out. It is said that two other men were hanged in County Monaghan at the same time for complicity in the same or a similar conspiracy. The evidence upon which Barry was convicted was of an extraordinary nature. Mr. Cholmondley was shot, and the "colfin" of the gun was preserved, and was found to be a piece of a newspaper. Subsequently when Barry was arrested and lodged in Armagh Jail on suspicion, one of his relatives brought him in some food wrapped in paper, into a hole in which paper the colfin of the gun fitted, and the evidence was complete. Barry was the last man who was hanged in front of the jail.
          The execution before Barry's was that of a man who came from Lurgan, and who was hanged for the murder of two brothers in that town. This man was known as "Lying Phil." The execution took place from a permanent scaffold with an iron grating as the trap. The scaffold was situated somewhere near the present entrance door. In this case it was popularly believed that a local drunken character named Kearney was the hangman, as he offered to carry out the execution (for which, it is said, tenders were actually received) for £5, the lowest sum asked. Kearney lived in Armagh for many years after the execution, and was ever afterwards known as "Hangman Kearney." It is related that the hangman, whose face was hidden, was recognised by the fact that he had had at one time a withered arm, and the fingers of one hand were shorter than those of the other.
  In the iron frame work of the old scaffold was wrought a "death's head," which added greatly to the gruesome spectacle.
          The only execution of a man and woman ever known to have taken place in Armagh was the famous "Cockabendy" murder executions, when a man named Edger and a woman named Mulholland were executed for the murder of the latter's husband. Mrs. Mulholland was the only woman who had ever been hanged here. She was a young woman, and her husband was an old man whose occupation was a car driver. After her marriage she met Edger and fell in love with him. Edger was said to be a good looking man, but peculiarly shaped, in consequence of which he was called "Cockabendy." Mulholland, on returning home one night, said he was cold, and his young wife, under colour of warming his feet, put her petticoat over them, and suddenly bound his legs tightly. Her lover then appeared, and between them they battered old Mulholland to death with a bludgeon. "Cockabendy" made his entrance to the house down the chimney. Mrs. Mulholland afterwards confessed, but she and Edger were publicly hanged in Armagh Jail in presence of an immense crowd from almost every part of Ulster.
          Prior to the execution of "Cockabendy," two men named Woods and Hughes were hanged for the murder of a land agent named Powell. They were also hanged by a local hangman, and the story is told that Woods made several frantic but ineffectual attempts to escape from the gallows, but was each time forced back into position, and eventually shot head foremost through the iron trap.
          One of the most remarkable executions which has ever taken place in Armagh, or, in fact, in Ireland, was the execution of Major Campbell, an officer of a detachment of Highlanders stationed at Armagh. He was sentenced to death for killing another officer in a duel which was fought in consequence of an altercation at the mess table. Campbell was tried and found guilty, and strenuous efforts were made to obtain a reprieve, but without avail. Major Campbell's own company formed a guard around the gallows when the execution took place. It is said that they had offered to rescue him, but he refused, saying that he deserved to die and would not shirk the consequences of his rash act. It is recorded that as the trap fell a great sigh went up from every soldier of the guard.
          Men Suffocated in a Lighter, Sad Occurrence in Scotland - Particulars have reached Glasgow regarding a sad occurrence at Fortwilliam. In connection with the new Mallaig Railway works the steam lighter Wharfinger, of Glasgow, was berthed on Saturday at Kenlochiel Pier, near Fortwilliam, with a cargo of coals and feeding stuffs for the railway contractors. The work of discharging went on until early on Sunday morning, when the crew retired. At half-past nine o'clock in the morning Captain Ferguson, hearing no one astir, went to the men's quarters, and on opening the door was almost over-come with foul air. He succeeded in hauling out his son in an almost unconscious condition, and on obtaining assistance the remaining five members of the crew were brought out. Three - Thomas Fraser, fireman, and Duncan McBride, and Daniel Ferguson, all of Lochgilphead were unconscious, and remain in a critical state still. Two - Duncan Crawford, aged fifty-five, mate, Lochgilphead, married and large family, and Patrick Keenan, engineer, native of Inishene, County Monaghan - were dead when taken out. The deaths were due to suffocation by coal gas, intensified by the fumes from paraffin lamps used in their bunks.
          Remarkable Adventures of a Belfastman in Africa, Encounter with Lions - The following graphic description of the horrible experiences of a young Belfastman is given by Captain  the Honourable Arthur Lawley in last month's "Blackwood's Magazine." Thomas Bland, who had such narrow escapes as are here recorded is quite a youth, and is a son of General Bland, of Whiteabbey, and a member of a well-known local family. (long story, he got chased by 2 lions who ended up eating both his horses, his gun jammed and he climbed up a tree and was eventually rescued)

Births, Marriages and Deaths
Belfast Weekly Telegraph Saturday 14th January 1899

Belfast Weekly Telegraph Saturday 14th January 1899

Courtney, January 4, at 116 Deramore Avenue, Belfast, the wife of William Courtney, of a son. Both doing well.
Edgar, January 6, at 255 Ravenhill Avenue, Belfast, the wife of James Edgar, of a son.
Hamilton, January 4, 1899, at Dundrum, Co. Dublin, the wife of R. P. Hamilton, of a son.
Jordan, January 2, 1899, at 57 Melrose Street, the wife of J. Jordan, of a daughter.
Kaye, January 5, at the Grammar School, Loughborough, the wife of C. W. Kaye, Head Master, of a son.
Kennedy, January 5, at the Manse, Lurgan, the wife of the Rev. Charles W. Kennedy, of a son.
Molineux, December 29, at Harpford Vicarage, Devon, the wife of Rev. G. E. Molineux, of a son.
Wilson, January 2, at 9 Eden Park, Kingstown, the wife of Charles J. Wilson, of a son.

Belfast Weekly Telegraph Saturday 14th January 1899

Martin - McConnell, January 3, at Windsor Church, by the Rev. A. J. Wilson, H. Herbert Martin, the eldest son of Mr. John Martin, Galwally, to Margaret, the eldest daughter of Mr. R. J. McConnell, The Moat.
Moore - Logan, December 26, at St. Enoch's Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Charles Davey, B.A., Thomas James Moore, the youngest son of Samuel Moore, Esq., late of Ballymena, to Elizabeth (Lizzie) Logan, the second daughter of the late William Logan, Belfast.
Murray - Phillips, December 28, 1898, at St. Anne's Church, Belfast, by the Rev. Dr. Spence, Andrew Murray, Castle View Buildings, Bangor, to Margaret Phillips, daughter of John Phillips, Photographer, Belfast
Neill - Davidson, January 4, at Donegall Square East Wesleyan Methodist Church, by the Rev. W. S. Carey, Robert Neill, son of the late John Neill, Belfast, to Jessie, daughter of the late Samuel Davidson, Larne, County Antrim.

Belfast Weekly Telegraph Saturday 14th January 1899

Adams, January 4, at her residence, 2 Shamrock Street, Jane, the dearly-beloved wife of Thomas Adams.
Armstrong, January 4, at 7 Chamberlain Street, Annie, the dearly-beloved daughter of William and Susan Armstrong
Armstrong, January 8, at her residence, Main Street, Ligoniel, Ellen, the beloved wife of James Armstrong.
Bell, January 5, at his residence, 42 Upper Charleville Street, William (Wee Willie), the dearly-beloved son of Robert and Lizzie Bell, aged 5 years and 6 months.
Bell, January 3, at Cavendish Lodge, Beeston, Notts, George Edward Bell, entered into life, ages 46 years.
Bennett, January 5, at 169 Sandy Row, Belfast, William, the dearly beloved husband of Caroline Bennett, second son of the late George and Margaret Bennett.
Boyd, January 4, at his residence, 22 Israel Street, Belfast, William, the dearly-beloved husband of Jane Boyd.
Boyd, January 6, at 19 Marquis Street, Newtownards, Isabella, the second daughter of the late James Boyd.
Brown, January 3, at his residence, 91 Snugville Street, Samuel Brown, the beloved husband of Mary A. Brown.
Buckle, January 4, at her residence, Donaghadee, Margaret Buckle, aged 89 years, relict of the late Thomas Buckle.
Carson, January 5, at 39 Milford Street, Belfast, Bridget, the dearly-beloved wife of William Carson.
Caughey, January 3, at his sister's residence, 20 McAdam Street, off Sandy Row, Hamilton Caughey, formerly of Downshire Road, Holywood.
Cherry, January ?, at the residence of his son-in-law, 61 Mountview Street, Belfast, Moses Cherry, formerly of Lisburn.
Clements, January 3, at her residence, 62 Townsend Street, Mary Ann Clements
Clements, January 4, at 154 Grosvenor Street, Mary Ann, the eldest daughter of Isaiah and Maud Clements, aged 5 years.
Cowan, January 3, at 204 Grosvenor Street, Belfast, John Cowan, late of Banbridge.
Crawford, January 4, at Foxvale House, Cregagh Road, Belfast, Jane, the dearly-beloved wife of Alexander Crawford.
Cunningham, January 4, at her residence, 5 Glenalpin Street, Agnes Cunningham.
Davidson, January 8, at the residence of his neice, (niece) James Davidson.
Dickie, January 5. 1899, at 4 Cavendish Terrace, Antrim Road, Bella, the beloved wife of Rev. M. Dickie, Methodist Missionary, Brazil, South American.
Doyle, January 5, at 17 Station Street, Anne, the wife of Felix Doyle - R.I.P.
Duffin, January 7, at 13 Nevis Avenue, Dora, the infant daughter of Samuel and Mary Agnes Duffin, aged 3½ months.
Ferguson, January 5, 1899, at her residence, 100 Jocelyn Avenue, Maggie, the beloved wife of James Ferguson.
Gardner, January 4, at his residence, 40 Epworth Street, Belfast, Benjamin Gardner.
Garside, September 4, 1898, at Johannesburg, South Africa, Catherine Garside (Katty), aged 27 years, second daughter of Richard Rodgers, Woodstock Villas, Victoria Street, Hill End, South Brisbane, Queensland, formerly of Woodstock Road, Mountpottinger, Belfast.
Graham, January 6, at her late residence, 35 Apsley Street, Mary, the dearly-beloved wife of John Graham.
Graham, December 25, at her residence, 2422 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Maggie, the dearly-beloved wife of William Graham, and youngest daughter of the late Daniel Hall.
Harper, January 9, at his son's residence, Braniel, John Harper, in his 96th year.
Henderson, January 3, at the Belfast Union Hospital, Henrietta, aged 14 years, the dearly-beloved daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth Henderson.
Hill, January 4, 1899, at 48 Lord Street, Mountpottinger, Coris Victoria, the dearly-beloved daughter of Phares and Martha Hill.
Irvine, January 8, at his residence, 16 Percy Street, Belfast, John Irvine, aged 70 years.
Johnston, January 3, at Rockmount, Galwally, Belfast, James Johnston.
Kennedy, January 5, at her residence, Carnane, Templepatrick, Agnes, relict of the late William Kennedy.
Kernahan, January 6, at 14 Baskin Street, Ballymacarrett, William, the dearly-beloved son of James and Jane Kernahan, aged 9 months.
Kerr, January 8, at 88 Rugby Avenue, Eliza, relict of the late William Kerr, Townley Hall, Drogheda.
Keys, January 3, at 8 Shamrock Street, Belfast, William James Keys, twin son of William James and Isabella Keys.
Leetch, January 4, at her husband's residence, Henry Street, Harryville, Ballymena, Agnes, the dearly-beloved wife of Samuel Leetch, and daughter of John Davison. (story here)
Mahaffey, January 7, at her residence, 56 Geoffrey Street, Belfast, Sarah Ann, the dearly-beloved wife of the late William Mahaffey.
Majilton, At 11 Abbey Street, Bangor, County Down, Br. John Majilton, late of Bangor Tent No. 2237.
Malcolm, January 6, at 42 Shore Street, Holywood, Robert, the dearly-beloved husband of Jane Malcolm.
Marks, January 6, at her residence, 34 Marine Street, Letitia, the beloved and lamented wife of Isaac Marks
Maxwell, January 4, at 141 Mill Street, Newtownards, Margaret Maxwell.
McBride, January 5, at her residence, Myrtlefield, Dunmurry, Sarah, widow of the late James McBride.
McCarthy, January 9, at Rossville, Ballyhackamore, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Timothy McCarthy
McCartin, January 3, at her father's residence, 34 Lagan Street, Belfast, Mary, the youngest daughter of Hugh McCartin. - R.I.P.
McClune, January 5, 1899, at 4 Emerson Street, Belfast, Jane, relict of the late Robert McClune.
McDonald, January 4, at his residence, 93 Dover Street, William, the dearly-beloved father of Joseph and Frederick McDonald.
McKelvey, January 6, 1899, at 58 Cosgrave Street, Belfast, Letitia McKelvey, late of Donacloney.
McKersie, January 5, at her residence, 18 Upper Frank Street, Mary Lyle, relict of the late James McKersie.
Meneely, January 4, at her residence, 68 Castlereagh Road, Jane Meneely.
Mulvihill, January 4, 1899, at Leopold Street R.I.C. Barracks, Anne, the beloved wife of Head-Constable Mulvihill.
O'Hara, January 4, at 71 North Queen Street, Jane, the dearly-beloved wife of George O'Hara.
Patterson, January 5, at his brother's residence, 168 Snugville Street, William John, the youngest son of the late James Patterson, Hillsborough.
Reid, January 4, at 99 Maryville Street, Amelia Mabel, the only and dearly-beloved child of William E. and Margaret Reid, aged 2 years.
Robinson, January 3, 1899, at the residence of her son-in-law, 54 Belmont Avenue, Belfast, Margaret Robinson, the beloved wife of the late Edward Robinson, Belfast.
Rodgers, January 5, at her residence, 11 Charlotte Street, Ellen Rodgers.
Stewart, January 5, 1899, at the Belfast Asylum, Rosanna Stewart.
Thompson, January 7, at her residence, 221 Shankhill Road, Margaret, the beloved wife of Samuel Thompson.
Todd, January 6, 1899, at her residence, 7 Irwell Street, Broadway, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of John Todd.
Wade, January 6, at No. 1 Powerscourt Street, Hoptin Wade.
, January 5, at 7 Battenberg Street, Mary, the wife of David Walker, Castlereagh Street.
Wilson, January 5, at 172 Cambrai Street, Susan, the second and dearly-beloved daughter of Thomas and Maggie Wilson.


Belfast Evening Telegraph Tuesday 6th November 1906

          Must Enter by Back Door - In the Belfast Police Court to-day, before Mr. Garrett Nagle, R.M., James Campbell was charged on a warrant with an assault upon his wife, Catherine Campbell, 208 Snugville Street. Mr. J. S. Osborne prosecuted, and Mr. W. Tughan defended. The woman said she was married almost 20 years ago. She had her husband often before the Court for assaulting her. On the night of the 31st October he came home with some drink taken, and was very violent. He threatened to split her head with a chair, and then knocked her down with a blow on the forehead. He swore he would have all their lives. His profession was "grooming horses and public houses." (Laughter) Asked by Mr. Tughan why she never allowed her husband to enter the house by the front door, she replied that he never had any ambition to come in by the front door. (Laughter) Constable Smyley said it was true that the prisoner was not allowed in by the front door, and he believed it was not all sunshine at home with him. The accused was put back.
          Lady "Palmist" in Dock, Differences with the Landlady - Mary Watson, who was charged with drunkenness and disorderly conduct in the street, was described by the prosecuting constable in the Belfast Police Court this morning as a woman who "read hands and cut cards." Prisoner (laughing heartily) - I wish I could, and I wouldn't be here. (Laughter) The landlady objected to the "palmistry" in the house, it was stated. Prisoner - "I would not mind the landlady's children and let her flirt about the town, so she put me out." "If I have done anything wrong," she reflected, "I am sorry." Mr. Nagle - 5s and costs.
          Alleged Bogus Art Company, Prosecution in Belfast. - A remarkable case of alleged false representation was heard in the Belfast Custody Court this morning. The prisoner was John Hinds, and the prosecution alleged that he had obtained sums of 3s 6d from Mrs. Harriett King, 3 Little Brunswick Street, by false pretences. Mr. E. Cooksey conducted the prosecution, and Mr. Wm. Tughan appeared for the accused. Constable Barrett said he arrested the prisoner in Roden Street Barracks on Monday night. After the charges were read over to him he said, "The magistrates who granted the warrants to them two 'toe-rags' are as bad as themselves. It is hard lines when an honest man cannot get a living without being charged with embezzlement. You are aware, Mr. Barrett, that I had to leave 6 Soudan Street about two weeks ago over a quarrel. You could have called for me in the morning, and I would go with you. Now that the old 'toe-rags' have done this, I will not give them the enlargements until they pay me the last halfpenny. I do not give one jot about me only for having to lie in the cells until to-morrow morning. If bail gets me out, I can get £20, £40, £50, or £200 if required." The constable added that he found four photographs in prisoner's possession, and at his lodgings 41 photographs and a number of billheads purporting to be issued by the Irish Art Company, State Chambers, 75 High Street. There was no such company at that address. About twenty people had come to him (the constable) claiming photographs given to the accused. Mrs. King said prisoner called at her house, representing that he was travelling for the Irish Art Company, asking had she any photographs she would wish enlarged. She replied that she had not, but he insisted on getting an order. She then gave him a photograph of her sisters to be enlarged for 10s 6d, payable by instalments. She paid him 1s then, and weekly instalments up to 3s 6d. She called for the photograph, but he said the enlargement was not finished. She never got the photograph or enlargement. Prisoner was remanded for a week, Mr. Tughan protesting that the proceedings were uncalled for and monstrous. Prisoner had an agency for a well-known London firm, and the photographs in question would have been enlarged in due course. Bail was fixed at £10.
          Lightning Strikes House at Dalkey - On Sunday evening the house known as "Ardsunnas?," Torco Hill, Dalkey, occupied as a summer residence by Sir Patrick Coll, late Crown Solicitor for Ireland, was struck by lightning and badly damaged, a chimney stack being sent through the roof into a bedroom beneath, and wrecking its contents. The house was unoccupied at the time, and the extent of the damage was not discovered till Monday.
          At Newtown Anner, near Clonmel, on Sunday a footman named Tray, in the employment of the Duchess of St. Albans, committed suicide by blowing out his brains with a revolver. Jealousy in connection with a love affair is the cause assigned.

The Silent Land
IV - Clifton Street Burying-Ground (By "The Chiel")
Belfast Evening Telegraph Tuesday 6th November 1906

          Although the name "New Burying Ground" still appears on a rather modern-looking brass plate at the entrance gate in Henry Place, it is well over a century since, according to Benn, the following advertisement was given publicity:- "Poorhouse, March, 1797 - The Public are informed that the Burying Ground near the Poorhouse is now ready, and that Messrs. Robert Stevenson, William Clark, and John Caldwell are appointed to agree with such persons as wish to take lots." And it would appear from the date that the gentlemen concerned in this venture were no novices in business. They must have possessed a sort of prophetic instinct that trouble was brewing, but could they possibly have foreseen a rebellion? You will find sufficient proof that their confidence was fully justified if you stroll through the grounds which form the eastern side of Carlisle Circus. Every now and again in this perfect labyrinth of tombs you may notice dates which follow very closely on the date of the advertisement. But all other considerations are ousted in the joy of surprises at the familiar names of famous townsmen - men famed in every business and profession that has made the city renowned. One gets puzzled with the rush of memories. Here is the tomb of the distinguished Dr. Alexander Henry Halliday, the intimate friend of Dr. Drennan and of Lord Charlemont, who was reviewing officer in the days of the Belfast Volunteers. His will was a work of art. At the wall which skirts Antrim Road lie the remains of his companion, Dr. William Drennan, who played such a prominent part in the "Hearts of Steel" rising. When endeavouring to dissuade the "Hearts" from attacking the military barracks and releasing their comrade, the doctor was seized by the mob and sworn to aid them. He carried out the terms of his oath, got Douglas released, but not before many of the mob had been killed and wounded. He was acquitted of a charge for seditious libel in 1794. His memorial bears the following inscription:- "Pure, just, benign; thus filial love would trace The virtues hallowing this narrow space. The Emerald Isle may grant a wider claim, And link the Patriot with his country's name."  What may have been the original memorial lies broken and defaced, but the present tablet is comparatively new in appearance. Most of the plots in the vicinity are protected by tall iron railings, and in some cases stout vaults with iron doors and bars serve as a resting-place. These are all relics of the body-snatching days. The place is so full of interesting memorials as to be positively bewildering. Here is the burying ground of Narcissus Batt - the Batts of Purdysburn; although the last of the line is buried at Ballylesson - and there Rev. Gilbert Kennedy, the second minister of the Second Congregation, succeeding Rev. James Kilpatrick, a man of note in his day. James Luke, the banker; John Gregg, a name also connected with the city's progress; Valentine Jones, "an eminent merchant and a gentleman of the first respectability," and very many more are all gathered together here in a final rest from their labours. Occasionally we come across something out of the ordinary. Men of learning are often eccentric, and one tablet exemplifies this. Here is the photograph:-

          Through the generosity of a local admirer the present tablet was recently erected to replace the original, which had decayed. This covered the remains of an eccentric College Professor, at one time connected with the Belfast Academical Institution. He has for a neighbour a colleague - the Revd. William Cairns, LL.D., for 33 years Professor of Logic and Belles Lettres in the Royal Belfast Academical Institution. Died 1848. Aged 64 - and if his term of tutorship only ended with his death he must have joined the staff shortly after the opening in 1814, when he had as a colleague James Sheridan Knowles. The newspaper world is represented by Francis Dalzell Finlay, founder of "The Northern Whig," and Alex. MacKay, jun., who was connected with the earlier days of "Belfast News Letter." Even so long ago as 1800, shipbuilding had lost several masters, notably the Ritchies, from whose yard in 1807 was launched "a very large ship of 400 tons burthen." Think of this and then the Adriatic a century later!
          Many of the families, who have still living representatives are providing new memorials. These are generally placed in front of the original tombstone, and thus the antiquity and the records are both preserved. Chief among these is - The Sinclaire Family, about which Benn says "Whether we consider their consistent political opinions or their high standing in commerce, the Sinclaire family must be deemed one of the most important in Belfast." There are the Hyndmans, with the statue of a dog on top of the new stone, and the legend is that this is the representation of a faithful animal (belonging to the family) that was so much distressed at its mistress's death it could not be torn from her grave, and it eventually died there. Not far away are the Joys and the Ekenheads, while a very modest memorial covers the last resting-place of the parents of Sir Donald Currie, who so recently has shown Belfast how fortunate she was to be his birthplace. It would simply demand an entire volume if I attempted to give anything like a full list. There is also in a fair state of preservation the grave of Michael Atkins, Esq., the actor, whose story was recently told in these columns. But we will turn to the lighter side, and I will reproduce gems which I have gathered from this mine of information. On a "flat" stone is the following:- Raised to the Memory of Henry McDowell, oldest son of Henry McDowell, of Belfast, in the 7th year of his age.  For his years, this engaging boy was intelligent and pleasingly inquiring, Evincing an eager desire for information and blending with sweetness of temper a disposition the most affectionate. By his endearing manners exciting early and warm attachments. By his death leaving behind him deep and sincere regret. - He certainly accomplished a great deal in his seven years, but many parents would not consider "the desire for information" in their children anything to write epitaphs on, while the "pleasingly inquiring" youngster is the worry of many a fond father's life even to-day.
          In another portion of the graveyard we have one erected to Captain John Mullin. He was probably a sea captain, but his virtues and other things are eulogised in the following couplet:- "Fair science frown'd not on his humble birth But melancholy marked him for her own." - In the early years of the 19th century it appears to have been the custom to express the grief or otherwise in verse. That it was sometimes "otherwise" is proved by the following, taken from a small insignificant stone hidden among the overhanging trees, and over-shadowed by the larger memorials around it:- Charles Minnifs (Minniss), jun., who departed this life March 25, 1806. Aged 24 years. How loved, how valued once, avails thee not To whom related or by whom begot, A heap of dust alone remains of thee 'Tis all thou art and all the proud shall be. - Someone must have been unhappy when they chose or composed that verse. But here is a grave, which I would have overlooked had it not been pointed out to me, and yet many seek it under a false impression. A plain black railing with a metal tablet and the simple inscription. - The Burying Place of Henry Joy McCracken - Many visitors to the graveyard take this to be the insurgent chief, and flowers are frequently deposited there, but although he may have been some relation of the hero of '98, I am assured the person buried there cannot possibly be the great man of that name. In the next plot almost is a memorial, nearly hidden by the long grass, to Dr. Stuart, the historian, of Armagh - once connected with Christ Church, Belfast." The cosmopolitan nature of the inhabitants is further enhanced by the presence of a few foreigners:- Here Lieth the body of Nicholas Burdot of Chaumont in Bossigni in Champagne. - and near by is one to a "Dorenza Eid." Suddenly I drop down to examine another poetical epitaph. It is to John Pritchard Clarke - three months:- "Grieve not my parents dear, I am not dead but sleepeth here, My debts are paid and that you see Prepare for death and follow me." - He certainly was wise for his years, and if he was consulted at all in the construction of his epitaph, he was a patriarch in wisdom. Imagine having debts at three months!
          Everywhere one turns they are confronted with the most elaborate arrangements - quite different from anything in other cemeteries. Here is a miniature chapel to the late William Dunville, with ornamental iron gate, through which we can see the glint of embossed medallions to the memory of different members of the family. The Bristows, of banking fame, are strongly represented, and there is one to John Hamilton, who was, I presume, one of - The Four Johns - concerned in the early financial institutions of Belfast. In his "History of Belfast," Mr. Benn says there were no constables in Belfast in 1801, but they must have been introduced shortly after, for we have a memorial here to - John Smyth, High Constable of Belfast, - who died in 1810. We have a curious case in a stone which records that - Here Lyeth the Body of James McGee, - and, after giving particulars, states he died in 1714, "& of aged 80 years." There also lies here - James McGee, Merchant in Belfast, son of James McGee. - and he died in 1703 "and of age 25 years." As the burying-ground was not opened for nearly a century after they died, their remains must have been transferred from "Belly Robart & Parish of Holliwood." A widow consoles herself with the following:- "Oh shade revered, this frail memorial take 'Tis all alas thy sorrowing wife can make Faithful and just, and humble, and sincere, Here lies a valued friend - a husband dear. Composed in suffering and in joy sedate Good without noise, without pretensions great." The grounds are divided into two separate sections by a wall running parallel with Antrim Road, and it is natural enough that the lower or new portion does not contain so much of interest to the antiquarian. But several of those mentioned earlier in this article are to be found there, in company with others prominently identified with the later history of the city.
          One striking memorial is that of the Ewarts of Glenbank. The single tablet bears the names of quite a formidable roll of members of the family. Twenty-five names already appear, and there are some yet to be added. In another part of the same section there sleeps a late master of the Academical Institution, along with his three wives, whose names and ages are given in detail. A pathetic note is introduced when we stand in front of a little granite column on which is recorded the fact that two brothers lost their lives at sea, both at exactly the same age - nineteen years, and fifteen years separated the dates of the fatalities. A flat stone, protected by a rusted railing, from which the record is almost obliterated, cover the remains of a colonel, who, it appears, was a man about town in his day. At one time worth £50,000, the vagaries of fortune left him penniless, and he was buried by private subscription. Every stone seems to breathe chapters of local history, and although when the new section had been opened the fashion in epitaphs had changed considerably, yet the names alone furnish substantial food for thought to those interested in local history.

Births, Deaths, & Marriages.

Belfast Evening Telegraph Tuesday 6th November 1906

Anderson, November 6, 1906, at her residence, 113 Ogilvie Street, Belfast, Mary Jane, the beloved wife of James Anderson. Her remains will be removed from above address, for interment in City Cemetery, on Thursday afternoon, at three o'clock. Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation. "Gone to be with Christ, which is far better." James Anderson
Clegg, November 5, at her son-in-law's residence, 9 St. Andrew's Square North, Martha Clegg, relict of the late William Clegg, P.L.G., of Roselands House, Falls Road. Her remains will be removed, for interment in City Cemetery, on Thursday afternoon, at three o'clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. - English papers please copy. Maggie & Moore Robinson.
Cleland, November 5, at Clondnaglare, Margaret Cleland. Interment in family burying-ground, Drumaghlis, on to-morrow (Wednesday) afternoon, at one o'clock. John Cleland.
Craig, November 6, at her residence, High Street, Comber, Elizabeth Craig. The remains of my beloved mother will be removed, for interment in the Unitarian Burying-ground, on to-morrow (Wednesday) afternoon, at two o'clock. John Craig
Crawford, November 6, at Royal Victoria Hospital, Thana Crawford, son of late Samuel Crawford, aged 16 years. The remains of my beloved son will be removed from 61 Imperial Street, for interment in City Cemetery, on Thursday afternoon, at two o'clock. Eliza Crawford.
Dillon, November 6, at his residence, 19 Eccles Street, Robert Dillon. The remains of my beloved brother will be removed, for interment in Carnmoney Burying-ground, on Thursday, at twelve o'clock noon. Friends will please accept this intimation. We mourn our loss. John Dillon.
Ferguson, November 5, 1906, at his late residence, 6 Catherine Street North, John Ferguson, Hairdresser, late Great Patrick Street, and dearly-beloved husband of Catherine Ferguson - R.I.P. Funeral on to-morrow (Wednesday) afternoon, at half-past one o'clock, for Milltown Cemetery. Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation. Inserted by his loving Wife. Catherine Ferguson.
Fryers, November 5th (suddenly), at her residence, Kilmakee, Dunmurry, Eleanor, dearly-beloved wife of Thomas Fryers. Funeral on to-morrow (Wednesday), at one o'clock, to Soldierstown Burying-ground. Thomas Fryers.
Hamill, 5th November, 1906, at her residence, Trench House, Belfast, fortified by the rites of the Holy Catholic Church, Maria Agnes Josephine Hamill, fifth daughter of the late John Hamill, Esq., J.P., and sister of the late Arthur Hamill, Esq., D.L., J.P. Interment in family vault, Hannahstown, on to-morrow (Wednesday) morning, at ten o'clock - R.I.P.
Hanna, November 6th, at her mother's residence, Alexandra Gardens, of heart failure, Grace E. Hanna. Funeral private. No flowers.
Jones, November 6, at the Infirmary, John Jones, late of Fleetwood steamers clerical staff, ex-Secretary Railway Clerks' Association (Belfast Branch), member of Clarion Fellowship. Funeral notice later.
Kelly, November 6th, at his son's residence, 78 Hatfield Street, John Kelly. - R.I.P. The remains of our dearly-beloved father will be removed, for interment in Kilwarlin Burying-ground, on Thursday morning, at ten o'clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. Patrick & John Kelly.
Leeman, November 6, at her son's residence, 22 Chelsea Street, Ellen, relict of the late William Leeman, late of Montrose Street. Her remains will be removed from above address, for interment in Kilrush Burying-ground, on Thursday, at twelve o'clock noon. Friends will please accept this intimation. James Leeman.
McCarroll, November 4th, at 17 Langley Street, Mary, the dearly-beloved wife of Alexander McCarroll. Her remains will be removed from the above address on to-morrow (Wednesday) morning, at eleven o'clock, for interment in Ballylinney Churchyard. Friends will please accept this intimation. - American papers please copy. Alexander McCarroll.
McConnell, November 6th, at his late residence, 187 Woodstock Road, Hugh, the dearly-beloved husband of Eliza McConnell. His remains will be removed from the above address, for interment in the family burying-ground, First Boardmills, on Thursday, at twelve o'clock noon. Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation. Eliza McConnell.
McCord, November 5, 1906, at his son's residence, 31 Heatherbell Street, Robert McCord. The remains of our beloved father will be removed from above address, for interment in Dundonald Cemetery, on to-morrow (Wednesday) afternoon, at half-past two o'clock. Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation. Francis & Robert McCord.
McNeice, November 5th, at her father's residence, 2a Merkland Street, Lizzie sixth and dearly-beloved daughter of Samuel and Jane McNeice. Her remains will be removed from above address, for interment in Dundonald Cemetery, at two o'clock, to-morrow (Wednesday). Friends will please accept this intimation. "Thy will be done." Samuel & Jane McNeice.
McNeilly, November 5, at his residence, Prockless, William John McNeilly. Funeral to-morrow (Wednesday), at twelve o'clock noon, for Second Ahoghill Presbyterian Church Burying-ground. Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation.
Parker, November 5, at 25 Cavehill Road, Belfast, Isabel (Isa), dearly-beloved wife of Alexander Parker, and second daughter of Archibald McFaul, Whiteabbey. Her remains will be removed, for interment in Carnmoney Burying-ground, to-morrow (Wednesday) afternoon, at two o'clock. Friends will please accept this intimation. Eastern C.C. Members are requested to attend the funeral of Mr. Alex. Parker's wife. John Tumilson, Secretary.
Thompson, November 6, 1906, at her late residence, 14 Flora Street, off Beersbridge Road, Annie E., the dearly-beloved wife of William J. Thompson. Funeral arrangements in to-morrow's paper. William J. Thompson.

In Memoriam

Halliday, In fond and loving memory of our dear son, James Cleland (Wee Jim), who departed this life on the 6th November, 1904, and was interred in the City Cemetery, Belfast. Fairer than the flowers above him, Fading on his still, cold breast, Placed by loving hands that loved him, Our darling son has gone to rest. Inserted by his loving Father and Father? W. J. & Isabella Halliday, 27 Mill Street, Newtownards.
Morrow, In loving memory of Robert (Robbie), son of Robert and Jane Morrow, who departed this life on the 6th November, 1894, aged 19 years, at Ferndale, Lisburn Road, and was interred in Ballylesson Churchyard. Sadly missed by his loving mother. 87 Donnybrook Street, City.
Thompson, In loving and affectionate remembrance of our dear mother, Margaret Thompson, who died on the 6th November, 1902, and was interred in Ballymena Churchyard. She is gone, but not forgotten, Just four years to-day, But the thought of her is something, That will never fade away. Worthy of true respect was she, From those she left behind; A better mother never lived, A mother good and kind. Inserted by her loving son and daughter, Thomas & Margaret Jane Thompson, 10 Mountcollyer Street, Belfast.


Belfast Evening Telegraph Friday 20th July 1917

          Diamond Jubilee Wedding

Sillars - Walker - July 19, 1857, at St. Anne's Church, Belfast, by the Rev. T. S. Miller, Alex Sillars, to Jane Walker, 33 Glentoran Street


Allen - July 20, 1917, at his residence, Drumlin, Donacloney, Samuel James Allen. His remains will be removed on Sunday at 3 p.m., for interment in Waringstown, Meeting-house Green


Mr. S. A. Deans, L.D.S., 141 Ormeau Road, Belfast, will be out of town till 31st July, 1917

News Items

Japanese to Hang. Belfast Dock Murder. Death Sentence on Kawabe. Other Two Accused Acquitted - The recent tragedy at the Belfast Docks, as the result of which a fireman named Robert Scarborough, of the cargo steamer Earl of Elgin, was done to death, had its sequel at the Belfast City Assizes to-day, when three Japanese seamen names Matsuro Kawabe, Masham Kurata, and Masatake Yasugi, were arraigned in connection with the crime. All three accused were put forward on the capital charge, and on a separate count Kurata and Yasugi were charged with aiding and abetting Kawabe in the commission of the murder. The Right Hon. Mr. Justice Ross, who was the presiding judge, assigned Mr. T. W. Brown as counsel, and Mr. T. A. McLernon as solicitor for the prisoners. Mr. Wm. Moore, K.C., M.B., and Mr. Geo. Hill Smith, K.C. (instructed by Mr. J, R, Moorhead, Crown Solicitor), supported the prosecution.  The preliminaries in the case included the swearing of a shorthand writer to take a note of the evidence and of a Japanese interpreter. The latter, whose name was given as N. Mayeda, attended at the request of the Japanese Consulate in London. The prisoners pleaded not guilty. Opening the case for the prosecution, Mr. Moore said a Belfast jury invariably gave careful attention to any case demanding their consideration, but in this case they required, and the Crown required, to be particularly careful as the prisoners involved were foreigners, and two of them, at least, were unacquainted with the English language. First of all, he would like to tell them that the interpreter they had got from the Japanese Consulate in the English Metropolis was a shipping agent, who was a native of Japan, who spoke his own language and the language of this country fluently, and who had previously acted in the capacity which he was now going to fill in that court. Everything possible, therefore, had been done to ensure that the prisoners would have a fair trial, and to ensure that their interests would be adequately protected. The interpreter told him that they realised the nature and gravity of the crime - the most serious crime known to British law. Proceeding, counsel explained that the victim of the tragedy was a man in the prime of life named Robert Scarborough, who was a working seaman living by his labour. Though supposed to be of American origin, he had lived in London when not pursuing his avocation as a fireman. That he was foully done to death did not admit of doubt, and it would be for the jury to determine the responsibility that attended to the prisoners. The facts were these:-  The Tragedy Described.  Early in July a ship called the Earl of Elgin came into Belfast. The prisoners and the deceased were amongst the crew. On the morning of arrival a dispute arose over the breakfast or the cooking. The fireman complained, and the cook, Yasugi, said the fault was not his. But this dissension over the food, it appeared, went on all the forenoon. At one o'clock the cook got paid off. At six o'clock in the evening he returned to the ship for his kit or personal belongings. Scarborough was having his tea on deck at the time, and the wrangle which had disturbed the relations between himself and the cook was revived by the latter saying, "Come ashore and fight it out." Both men immediately went ashore, where there was already a miscellaneous crowd of dock workers. Scarborough to them, "Will you see I get a fair fight," and to Yasugi, the cook, he added, "Will it be a fair fight?" The latter was not heard to answer back. The tragedy all happened like a flash. Scarborough held out his hand as a prelude to the fight. The cook seized the outstretched hand, and with a leg twist from behind Scarborough was sent reeling. Whilst he was in a stooping posture, and held by Yasugi, the prisoner Kurata punched him low down on the back, and the Kawabe, who, up to this had been a silent observer, rushed over and stabbed Scarborough five times in the back. One of the stabs penetrated a blood-vessel under the left shoulder, and the unfortunate victim bled to death. His life passed out in the course of a few seconds, like the life of a candle, and the Crown said the three prisoners were jointly responsible for his murder. When the alarm was raised Kawabe rushed away and was seen to drop a knife between the jetty and the edge of the vessel. Kawabe got so excited that, after regaining the ship he jumped over the edge of the vessel into the harbour in an effort to escape. There was no evidence of any provocation in the case; there was no conflict or outburst such as sometimes took place at the quayside. It just appeared to be a case of cold-blooded murder. Kawabe when cautioned said, "I used the knife to frighten Robert." The cook said, "When I was fighting Kawabe came to separate," and Kurata's retort was, "I went to the place to part them." After the interpreter was sworn. The chief officer of the Earl of Elgin gave a dramatic account of the scene on board the ship preceding the conflict, and said he was subsequently an eye-witness to seeing Kawabe drop the knife overboard. He mentioned, amongst other circumstances, that at the breakfast on the morning of the tragedy he saw the cook, now one of the prisoners, with the contents of a breakfast all over his head, as if someone had thrown it about him. A large number of other witnesses were called to corroborate the facts stated by counsel for the Crown.  Plea For The Accused.  Mr. Brown made an eloquent and powerful plea on behalf of the accused. He asked the jury to hold that there was no evidence to warrant them coming to the conclusion that there was any conspiracy amongst the three to take Scarborough's life. The two men who fought first had thousands of years of different traditions behind them, and what one would understand by a fair fight would be different from what the other thought. He made a strong appeal to the jury if they held that the hand that inflicted the blows was Kawabe's to bring in a minor verdict of manslaughter. Mr. Smith replied on behalf of the Crown. His Lordship, in summing up, commented on the scrupulous and impartial fairness of British law to every human being who put his foot on our shores. Dealing with the details of the tragedy, he said he found no evidence of conspiracy to carry out a felonious enterprise on the part of the three men. He saw no reasonable ground for the contention, although the Crown were bound to put it forward. He saw nothing of substance that should really lead to a conviction of the cook or Kurata, and if the decision lay with him he would acquit them. It was different in the case of the other man. If a man was found to be killed by another prima facie that was murder. In every case it was murder unless the man who had dome it was able to justify it, and was able to show some circumstance that reduced it to the lesser offence of manslaughter. It was not necessary for the Crown to prove motive. What explanation or justification was there here? Was there any justification at all for the man going out and stabbing the other man practically to the heart? None whatever, They must be as patient as possible and concede everything that was possible, and they must do their duty. They must have regard to their oaths and protect society. If the jury came to the conclusion that there was no doubt in the matter let them do their duty, no matter what the consequences might be. The jury retired to consider their verdict at 3.30. Kawabe was sentenced to be hanged on August 21. Other two acquitted.

The Falcarragh Tragedy. A Further Remand. A further formal remand was granted at Derry yesterday evening on the case in which the soldier, John Greer, is charged with the murder of an old woman named Margaret McFadden, at her cottage at Derryreel, Falcarragh, in May last.

Derry Assize Sentences
Belfast Evening Telegraph Friday 20th July 1917

Afraid to Acknowledge Debts. At Derry Assizes on Thursday, Joseph Malone, a rag-gatherer, who pleaded guilty to assaulting his wife with the tongs, was sent to jail for a month.
Elizabeth McConaghy, aged 41, formerly a lady's maid at Malta, and the wife of an ex-soldier, who pleaded guilty to attempted suicide, informed his Lordship that she had contracted debts unknown to her husband, and was afraid to acknowledge them to him. A police sergeant said the accused was greatly addicted to drink. His Lordship said he did not like to be unkind to a poor creature like the accused, but in her own interest he would send her to jail for six months without hard labour.

Ulster Military News - Latest War Honours

          U.V.F. Sergeant's Bravery. Northern Military Medals - A further list of war honours gazetted on Thursday evening includes the award of the Military Cross to Second-Lieutenant G. Reeve, Royal Irish Fusiliers, and Captain Wilfred A. McCloughry, Australian Light Horse (attd. R.F.C.). The former rose from the ranks of the regiment, in which he has served for many years, and his next-of-kin live in Northampton; the latter is a nephew of Mr. W. A. McCloughry, Main Street, Larne, which town he recently visited, He gets the M.C. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion. On many occasions he has displayed the highest courage and skill in successfully bombing stations and trains, often at very low altitudes, and has always given a fine example of energy and determination.
          The Distinguished Conduct Medal awards include a Bar to that decoration for Corporal J. Fisher, Machine Gun Corps, a member of the U.V.F. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when in charge of a machine gun in a very exposed position. During an enemy bombardment and raid he continued to serve his gun, though repeatedly struck and bruised by shrapnel, until the situation became normal. Though dazed and deafened he stuck to his post until relived, and his splendid example had a far-reaching effect on N.C.O.'s and men of his company. (D.C.M. gazetted 22nd September 1916). Corporal Fisher is a member of the Ulster Volunteer Force in County Donegal. He joined the county battalion of the Ulster Division in 1911, and transferred to the Machine Gun Corps, with which he won the D.C.M. originally at Thiepval. He is a son of Mr. J. Fisher, Carrigart.
          The awards of the D.C.M. previously notified in our columns to the Company-Sergeant-Major R. Neville, Royal Irish Fusiliers, 63 Beersbridge Road, Belfast, and Sergeant J. Lennon, Royal Irish Fusiliers, of Annaghanoon, Waringstown, are also gazetted. Details of the careers of each have already been published.
          6/10540 Sergeant Jas. G. McGough, Royal Irish Rifles, who, as already announced, has been awarded the Military Medal, is a brother of Mr. Thos. McGough, proprietor of the Premier Billiard Hall, 72 Ann Street, Belfast. The gallant N.C.O. had been in America for several years, but came home to enlist on the outbreak of war. He took part in the landing at Suvla Bay, at which he was wounded, and subsequently was engaged in the suppression of the rebellion in Dublin. Transferred to an Ulster Division battalion, he returned to the front twelve months ago. Two younger brothers of Sergeant McGough's are on active service with the A.S.C.
          14/15495 Lance-Corporal Wm. Q. E. Hill, Royal Irish Rifles (Lewis Gun Section), who, as reported in Wednesday's issue, has been awarded the Military Medal, is a son of Mr. John Hill, 1 Chadwick Street, Belfast. He was a member of the Young Citizen Volunteers, and was in the office of the Corporation gasworks before enlistment.
          15/11905 Rifleman Wm. A. Cooke, Royal Irish Rifles, one of the latest recipients of the Military Medal (announced in Wednesday's issue), is 20 years of age, and the eldest son of Mr. Joseph Cooke, 162 Cosgrave Street, Belfast. He is a member of the North Belfast Regiment, U.V.F., the Orange Institution, and prior to enlistment was an apprentice in the Co-operative Society, Brougham Street.
          Corporal John Rowney, Royal Engineers, who was presented with the Military Medal by the King at Hall recently, is a Belfastman, his wife residing at 14 Delaware Street, Belfast. He enlisted on the formation of the Ulster Division, prior to which he was employed at Thompson's Flour mills.
          Lisburn Men's Distinctions. The Military Medal has been awarded to the following Lisburn men :-
Sergeant Joseph Clarke, R.I.R., son of Mr. Joseph Clarke, Magheraleave Road, who had another son recently reported killed.
Sergeant Victor Beattie, R.I.R., son of Mrs. T. J. Beattie, Bachelors' Walk, who has two other sons serving with the colours.
Lance-Corporal R. Poots, of the New Zealand Division.
Mr. Lawrence A. Griffer, Billinge Avenue, Blackburn, motor ambulance driver in the Friends' Ambulance Unit of the British Red Cross attached to a division of the French Army, has been awarded the Croix de Guerre. He is a grandson of the late Mr. E. Stears, manager Lisburn gasworks, and nephew of Mr. S. Stears, Belfast gasworks.

Lance-Corpl, J. Beastall, Royal Irish Rifles; Rifleman R. M. Adair, Royal Irish Rifles; Rman. G. Glass, Royal Irish Rifles; Private S. H. Hall, Canadian Infantry; Sergt. J. McCallum, Royal Irish Rifles; Co.-Sgt.-Maj. W. J. Rourke, Royal Irish Rifles; Rman F. Crozier, Royal Irish Rifles; Pte. A. McLaughlin, Northumberland Fusiliers; Lance-Corpl. Wm. Weir, Royal Irish Rifles; Private F. Barnes; Royal Irish Fusiliers; Private Wm. Graham, R.M.L.I.; Bugler D. Ayre, Royal Irish Rifles; Sergt. C. J. Wheelwright, Royal Irish Fusiliers; B. Crichton & Rflmn. J. McIlwrath, Royal Irish Rifles - Lieutenant Samuel Robinson, R.N.R.
Belfast Evening Telegraph Friday 20th July 1917

M.C. for Derry Officer

Lieut. P. J. Hourihane, Royal Garrison Artillery, who has been awarded the Military Cross for conspicuous gallantry in attending the wounded under heavy shell-fire, is the eldest son of Mr. Hourihane, The Cottage, Clarendon Street, Derry, inspector of Customs and Excise.

Belfast Casualties.

          Intimation has been received that Rifleman Samuel Whelan, Royal Irish Rifles, was killed in action on June 21. Deceased, who was one of four brothers on active service, enlisted a little over twelve months ago from Ewart's Crumlin Road Mill. He was 19 years of age, and was a son of Mr. Charles Whelan, 16 Ewart's Row, Belfast, himself an old soldier. The late Rifleman Whelan, who had only been at the front three months, was a brother of Mrs. Rankin, Ballycorr Road, Ballyclare.
          Mrs. Price, 147 Cupar Street, Belfast, has been advised that her son, Bombardier Wm. Price, R.F.A., has fallen in action. He had six years' service, and enlisted at the age of 17. A brother of deceased is Trooper Henry Price, N.I.H. Writing to the bereaved mother, an officer says her son was an excellent N.C.O., and much respected by the officers and man, and adds - "He was a very brave fellow, and was killed while getting his men under cover."
          Pte. J. McComb (40,940), Scottish Rifles, was officially reported missing on May 3, and has not been heard of since. His parents, formerly of Butler Street, Belfast, and now resident at 5 Walker Street, Partick, would be glad to hear from anyone who may be able to give information concerning their son's fate or whereabouts.
          Official intimation has been received that Pte. Samuel Lowry, Inniskilling Dragoons, died on the 2nd inst. of wounds received in action. Deceased during his twelve years' service with the colours had spent a considerable period abroad, and when war broke out proceeded to the front from India. He was a good and efficient soldier, and very popular with his comrades. He was a son of Mr. David Lowry, 22 Empress Street, Belfast.
          The War Office reports that Rifleman John Crossan, Royal Irish Rifles, who had been missing since July 2, 1916, was killed on or about that date. He was in his 20th year, and the fourth son of the late Mr. Daniel Crossan, Ligoniel, whose other two sons, Charles and William H., are also serving King and country. Deceased was a member of the North Belfast Regiment U.V.F., and before the war was an apprentice driller at Workman, Clark's. His two sisters reside at 32 Keswick Street, Belfast.

Provincial Casualties

          Official intimation has been received that Private Edward Adair, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, who was reported missing on 1st July 196, is now regarded as having been killed about that date. He was the youngest son of Mr. Robert Adair, Robert Street, Newtownards. He joined the Inniskilling in November 1914, going to France with the Ulster Division. Mr. Adair has another son, Gunner J. Adair, R.F.A., serving.
          Mrs. Annie Downey, 13 Union Street, Derry, has been notified that her husband, Private Wm. Downey, Royal Irish Regiment (Irish Brigade), died overseas on 7th June from wounds received in action. Private Downey entered the Army from the employment of the Derry Gaslight Company.
          Reported missing on July 1, 1916, Lance-Corporal Donald McGowan, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (Derry Regiment), of 55 Fountain Street, Derry, is now officially reported killed in action on that date. Lance-Corporal McGowan was a member of the Church Lads' Brigade, and also of the Murray Club of Apprentice Boys.
          Mrs. Morris, 34 Fountain Place, Derry, has received official intimation that her husband, Private John Norris, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (Derry Regiment), reported missing on the 1st July, 1916, was killed in action on that date. Prior to enlistment Private Norris was in the employment of Messrs. Bigger's, Ltd.
          Mr. William John Moore, Macosquin, Coleraine, has received intimation that his son, Sergt. William Moore, Australian Forces, has been wounded.
          Official intimation has reached Mr. James Adams, Carncullagh, Dervock, that his son, Rifleman James Adams, Royal Irish Rifles, has been killed in action.
          The War Office has notified Mr. David Johnston, Bushmills, that his son, Rifleman Daniel Johnston, Royal Irish Rifles (Central Antrim Volunteers), who had been missing since the 1st July, 1916, is believed to have been killed on that date. Prior to enlistment deceased was a local postman and cycle mechanic.
          Mrs. Given, Omagh, wife of Lance-Corporal James Given, Manchester Regiment, who was recently reported wounded and missing, has received a letter from her husband stating that he is a prisoner of war in Germany. Lance-Corporal Given, who was a reservist, has been twice previously wounded.
          Ards Man's Lucky Home Leave. Able-Seaman James McKellan was a member of the crew of H.M.S. Vanguard, which blew up while at anchor, on 9th inst., there being only two survivors left of those who had been aboard. Amongst the fortunate naval men on shore leave was Able-Seaman James McKellan, who was spending his short holiday with his relatives in Newtownards. He is the son of the late Regimental-Sergeant Major McKellan, who was a popular non-commissioned officer of the Royal North Downs (4th Battalion R.I.R.). Able Seaman McKellan has been for some 19 years on the Navy, and had not been home in Newtownards for the past ten years. It was a lucky home leave for him.
          Major Falls in Enniskillen. Major C. F. Falls, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, has arrived in Enniskillen from France on a brief holiday. He is looking remarkably well after his two years at the front, and is being welcomed by hosts of friends in Fermanagh. He is accompanied by his son, Lieut. Leslie Falls, of the Canadians, who was badly wounded some time ago, but is now apparently quite well again.
          Second-Lieut. Barrie's Good Luck. Mr. Hugh T. Barrie, M.P., the Manor House, Coleraine, has received a letter from his son Second-Lieut. Frank Barrie, Royal Flying Corps (now a prisoner of war in an officers' camp at Hanover, Germany), conveying the glad tidings that he is well and unhurt. The gallant young officer states that on the 2nd June his 'plane was shot down, and smashed by enemy anti-aircraft guns. His escape without even "a scratch" must have been nothing short of miraculous.
          Military Medallist Killed. The first Portstewart soldier to win the Military Medal has given his life for his country. Confirmation that Pte. Thomas Finlay, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, was killed on the battlefield on the 26th June has been received from the Record Office by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Finlay, Burnside. Deceased was 23 years of age, and had been twenty months in France. He was a member of the local contingent of the U.V.F. A non-commissioned officer, writing from France after Pte. Finlay had gained the Military Medal, said:- "The battalion and the men of Portstewart are proud of him, and they have every right to be."
          Down Motor Accident. Injured Man's Condition. Inquires at Newtownards Union Hospital to-day show that there is marked improvement in the condition of Mr. Robert Kane, Millisle, Co. Down, who was seriously injured in the motoring accident that occurred about mid-way between that village and Donaghadee, on Tuesday night, when his car was over-turned on the road. A correspondent calls attention to the valuable assistance rendered on the occasion by Mr. James O'Neill, jun., Millisle. The latter, he says, was driving home at the time, and observing what had occurred, lent all the aid in his power, which included conveying Mr. Kane, as well as others, who were less seriously hurt, to Donaghadee for medical attention, and also procuring the motor-car in which Mr. Kane was brought to hospital.
          Twenty Treasury Notes Missing. Three women named Annie Williamson, Maggie Cahoon (or Douglas), and Bridget McGookin, were charged in the Belfast Custody Court to-day, before Mr. John Gray, R.M., with the larceny of a quantity of money, the property of John Haddon, an officer on board one of his Majesty's transports. District-Inspector Atteridge prosecuted. Constable Sheehan, Smithfield Barracks, stated that yesterday afternoon he arrested the prisoners in Union Street. Witness went to an ice-cream shop and found a couple of pieces of cloth similar to that worn by the prisoner Cahoon. When he cautioned the accused Cahoon at the time of her arrest, she said she was at home on the day in question. "He didn't charge me. I left him with his pockets full of money. Whoever her chum is has it. I only got the change out of 10s." The prisoner Williamson said, "Well, I am not guilty of £20. The first girl he was with - you should ask him that" The other woman, named Bridget McGookin was arrested this morning, and when searched a sum of 3s 1½d was found in her possession. John Haddon stated that Cahoon took 7s from him in an ice-cream shop. He met the other two women who were in his company, near the General Post Office, when one of them said, "Here is the peelers," and each ran in a different direction. Subsequently witness missed twenty single Treasury notes he had in his pocket. Bridget McGookin was discharged, while the other two prisoners were remanded for a week in custody.

Births, Marriages, and Deaths
Belfast Evening Telegraph Friday 20th July 1917


Shrubsole - June 17, 1917, at Thornton Heath, Surrey, the wife of Edgar S. Shrubsole, of a daughter.


Algie - July 20, 1917 (suddenly), at 17 Ann Street, Newtownards, John Algie. The remains of my beloved father will be removed, for interment in Movilla Cemetery, on Sunday, 22nd inst., at 4 p.m. Friends will please accept this intimation. James Algie
Bell - July 18, 1917, at the residence of Thomas Smyth, Dunanney, Carnmoney, Margaret Bell, youngest daughter of the late Clements Bell, Ballynalough. The remains of my beloved sister will be removed from above address, for interment in Templepatrick Old Burying-ground, on to-morrow (Saturday), at 12 o'clock noon. Agnes Dickey
Bleakley - July 19, 1917, at Purdysburn Hospital, John Alexander, eldest and beloved son of Thomas W. and Agnes Bleakley. Interment in Mullavilly Churchyard (by motor), arriving about p.m. Thomas W. and Agnes Bleakley, 8? Carmel Street, Belfast
Boyd - July 19, 1917, at her residence, Rathmore, Dunadry, Alicia Ann, beloved wife of the late John Boyd. The remains of my beloved mother will be removed, for interment in Donegore, on to-morrow (Saturday), at 3 p.m. W. W. Boyd
Brown - July 19, 1917, at her residence, City Nurseries, Ballyhackamore, Mary Ann, the dearly-beloved wife of Samuel Brown. Her remains will be removed for interment in Dundonald Cemetery, on to-morrow (Saturday), at 2 p.m. Friends will please accept this intimation. Deeply regretted by her sorrowing Husband and Family.
Brown - July 19, 1917, at her residence, City Nurseries, Ballyhackamore, Mary Ann, the dearly-beloved wife of Samuel Brown. Her remains will be removed, for interment in Dundonald Cemetery, on to-morrow (Saturday), at 2 p.m. Thy purpose, Lord, we cannot see, But all is well that's done by Thee. Inserted by her loving Daughter and Son-in-law. L. and R. McIlroy, 2 Castleview Terrace ~ Brother and Sister-in-law Wm. and A. Kelly.
Brown - July 19, 1917, at Bangor, Willie, aged 28 years, son of the late Archibald Brown (of William Brown & Sons, Printers, Chichester Street, Belfast). Funeral leaves Bangor, at 10.30 a.m., on to-morrow (Saturday), by motor, arriving at City Cemetery about 12 o'clock noon. Fred C. Brown
Chapman - July 19, 1917, at 24 West Street, Newtownards, Jane Chapman. The remains of my beloved wife will be removed, for interment in Movilla Cemetery, on to-morrow (Saturday), at 4 p.m. Deeply regretted. William Chapman
Downey - July 19, 1917, at her parents' residence, Station House, Glynn, Agnes Teresa the beloved daughter of Thomas and Agnes Downey. - R.I.P. Funeral on to-morrow (Saturday), by train leaving Glynn at 7.54 a.m., for the family burying-ground, Randalstown. Thomas and Agnes Downey
Watson - July 19, 1917, at the Hospital, Lisburn Road, Agnes Watson. The remains of my dearly-beloved wife will be removed from her late residence, 57 Jerusalem Street, on Sunday, at 2 p.m., for interment in Soldierstown Churchyard, Moira. Friends will please accept this intimation. Gone to be with Christ, which is far better. Deeply regretted, Samuel Watson
Watson - July 19, 1917, Agnes, second and dearly-loved daughter of the late Joseph and Elizabeth Scarlett. Deeply regretted by her Sisters and Brothers, 117 Sandy Row


Mrs. Gray and Family desire to return their sincere thanks to the many kind friends who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement; also to the Ulster True Blues L.O.L. 516 and Johnston's B. Preceptory 248 for their kind letters of sympathy. Hoping this will be accepted by all - 62 Bright Street.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hodgett desire to thank the many kind friends who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement, especially the neighbours and those who sent floral tributes. Trusting this will be accepted by all. - 12 Westbourne Street
Mrs. Jamison and Family desire to return their sincere thanks to the many kind friends and neighbours who so kindly sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement; also those who sent wreaths, floral tributes, or letters of sympathy. Hoping this will be accepted by all. - Church Street, Antrim

In Memoriam

Morgan - In loving memory of my dear mother, Margaret Morgan, who died the result of an accident on July 20, 1916, and was interred in Milltown Cemetery. On her soul, sweet Jesus, have mercy. Inserted by her loving Son, John Morgan (on active service)
Morrison - In loving memory of our dear mother, who departed this life on the 20th day of July, and was interred in Ballyclare New Cemetery. I miss you, mother, as day by day I travel o'er life's dreary way; When days are dark and friends are few, Oh! mother, how I long for you. One year has gone since mother left us, How we miss her smiling face, But she left us to remember no one else can fill her place. Ever remembered by her loving Daughter, Annie. Also her sons, James and Robert. Cogry, Doagh
Morrison - In fond and loving memory of my dear mother, Annie Morrison, who departed this life on 20th July 1916, and was interred in Ballyclare New Cemetery. Oh! for the touch of a vanished hand and the sound of a voice that is still. Sadly missed by her loving Son. Hugh Morrison, 13 Dock Street, Belfast

Youthful Belfast Criminals. At the Belfast Assizes this forenoon two youths named James McMichael and James Garvey were sentenced to a year's imprisonment for the larceny of 4 stone of rags from a railway company's premises in the city. In sentencing the prisoners the Right Hon. Mr. Justice Ross said McMichael had already been in the Borstal Institute, but in his case treatment, which was often attended with reforming influences, had proved quite useless. He had been repeatedly convicted of larcenies and minor offences. Garvey, who was in the Army, had been already convicted of insubordination, malicious damage to glass, and obtaining relief under false pretences. Society must be protected against the depredations of such criminals.

Assessment of Damages. Action Against City Council - In the Grand Jury Room of the County Courthouse, Crumlin Road yesterday, before the Sub-Sheriff (Mr. James Quail) and a jury, the action of George Reynolds, gardener, and Jane Ann Reynolds, his wife, both of Stormont Gate Lodge, Dundonald, against the Belfast City Council came on for assessment of damages for personal injuries sustained by the female plaintiff on the 8th February last on the Newtownards Road whilst a passenger on a tramcar of the defendants. Interlocutory judgment had been marked in Dublin, and the usual writ of inquiry issued to the Sheriff. Mr. George Hill Smith, K.C., and Mr. William Beattie (instructed by Messrs. J. L. Galway and Hawthorne) appeared for the plaintiffs, and Mr. Henry Hanna, K.C., and Mr. Thomas Harrison (instructed by Mr. Frank Kerr) represented the defendants. After evidence, counsel for the plaintiffs and defendants addressed the jury, who assessed the damages as follows:- To the plaintiff, George Reynolds, £60, and the plaintiff, Jane Ann Reynolds, £250.

A Popular Medicine. Summoned at Dungiven Petty Sessions for being drunk, Margaret Brolly, of Fortnaghey, was fined 1s and costs. The constable said the defendant was so incapably drunk that she was lying on the roadway. The complainant stoutly denied the allegation, and explained that she was ill, and was suffering from the medicine she had taken. (Laughter)

Moy Farmer's Sudden Death - Robert Reid, who is stated to be a large and prosperous farmer from Culveroy, Moy, County Tyrone, expired yesterday in Newry under sudden and tragic circumstances. It appears he only arrived in Newry in the morning to visit his fiancé at Ashgrove, a short distance outside the town, and had just partaken of dinner when he complained of a pain in his side and expired in a few minutes.

U.V.F. Patriotic Fund - "Forget-me-not Day" was duly observed in Donaghadee, when a house-to-house and street collection was taken up in aid of the above. There was a generous response on the part of the residents and visitors, and the amount contributed amounted to about £125. The ladies in charge of the districts - Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Mulholland, Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Geddis, Mrs. Caldwell, Mrs. McCullough, Misses Manley, Miss Watson, and Mrs. William Milliken and their collectors - were indefatigable in their efforts, and, the great success achieved was in no small ?????? due to their enthusiasm. To Miss S. Robinson who so kindly made and hand painted satchets, much credit is due, and also Mr. R. F. McCrea, of the Ulster Bank, who kindly acted as hon. treasurer, and to Mr. W. Milliken, who acted as hon. secretary and organiser and to whose untiring efforts the size of the collection is largely due.

not local - Smoking in Danger Area - Explosives Inspector Fined - At Dartford to-day, Edward Digby, an inspector under the Explosives Act, was summoned for smoking in a munitions factory. Ecidence (evidence) was given that defendant left the dining-room and went downstairs into the danger area smoking a cigarette. Shoking (smoking) was prohibited, except in the dining-room, and it was defendant's duty to enforce this regulation. A fine of £20 was imposed.
A Soldier's Frenzy - Wanted Release From His Misery - At the Leeds Assizes yesterday Arthur Peacock, a soldier, aged 41, was charged with murdering a comrade named Charles John Yates, with whom he was out walking near Ripon. Peacock had become suddenly insane when he perpetrated the deed. In a letter to his commanding officer the prisoner wrote that he could not stand the pain in the head any longer, and asked to be put out of misery. Prisoner was ordered to be detained during the King's pleasure.

For King and Country
Belfast Evening Telegraph Friday 20th July 1917

Crossan - Missing since July 2, 1916, now reported killed on that date, Rifleman John Crossan (14221), R.I.R., youngest son of the late Daniel and Elizabeth Crossan, late of Ligoniel. Honour's crown is thine, dear brother, You've joined that glorious band, Who gave their lives for freedom and the dear homeland. Dearest brother, how we miss you, No tongue on earth can tell; you were our thought both late and early, and now in Heaven, dear John, you dwell. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Sisters, Maggie and Hannah Crossan, also his two brothers (both on active service), 32 Keswick Street
Lowry - Private S. Lowry (1738), Inniskilling Dragoons, died of wounds received in action on 2nd July, 1917, dearly-beloved son of David and M. Lowry. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Father and Mother, Brother and Sisters. David and M. Lowry. 22 Empress Street ~ He died at his post like a soldier brave, He answered his country's call; He sleeps far away in a hero's grave, For his country's cause he did fall. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Sister and Brother-in-Law, J. and S. McIlroy, 71 Mount Street
McConnell - Killed in action on July 9, 1917, Corporal Isaac McConnell, R.E., beloved husband of Jeannie McConnell, 1 Roden Street, and The Studio, 27a Donegall Place
Price - Killed in action on the 14th April 1917, 66133, Bombardier William Price, R.F.A., youngest son of Elizabeth and the late Henry Price. A few more years shall roll, a few more seasons come; and we shall be with those that rest, asleep within the tomb. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Mother and Aunt. - 147 Cupar Street, Belfast ~ Deeply regretted by his loving Sister and Brother-in-law, William and Katie Lavery, 4945 North Hoyne Avenue, Chicago, U.S.A. ~ Deeply regretted by his loving Brother and Sister-in-law, Henry and Jeannie Price (the former on active service), 9 Blayney Street, Belfast ~ Deeply regretted by his loving Brother and Sister-in-law, John and Nellie Price, 6 Artana Street, Belfast
Smyth - Missing since July 1, 1916, now reported killed on that date, Rifleman David Smyth (18802), Royal Irish Rifles, dearly beloved son of David and Elizabeth Smyth, Miss Street, Comber. Somewhere in France he lies, Somewhere we cannot tell; Numbered with unknown heroes, Who for their country fell. No loved one was near him, To bid a last farewell, But we hope to meet in the better land, Eternally to dwell. Inserted by his sorrowing Father, Mother, Sister, and Brothers (one of the latter on active service) - Miss Street, Comber
Whelan - Killed in action on 21st June 1917, Rifleman Samuel Whelan, R.I.R., youngest soldier son of ex-Trumpeter Charles Whelan, 16 Ewart's Row, Belfast. When the God of battles musters all our heroes who were slain, In the ranks of that great army, there our brother we'll meet again. Deeply regretted by his Father and Brothers, James, Charles, and Ernest (on active service). Also his Sister and Brother-in-law, Sara and W. J. Rankin, Ballycorr Road, Ballyclare

Our heroes - In Memoriam

Donnelly - In loving memory of my dearly-beloved husband, Rifleman John Donnelly (7735), 6th Batt. R.I.R., died from fever on 20th July, 1916, No. 4 General Canadian Hospital. Salonika. God is good, he will give me grace, to bear my heavy cross; He is the only one who knows how bitter is my loss. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Wife and three little Children, 70 Bellevue Street


Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917

Page 5

News Items :- Column One - Brevities; The Tenters' Strike; The Wages of Miners; Hun Ex-Shareholders in Belfast Hotel; Ulster Bank, Ltd., O.G.M.
Column Two - Fighting of Fiercest; Latest Record of Casualties; Air Raid in Flanders; Kaiser and his Flock
Column Three - Future of Belgium; Singular Peace Rumours; Italians Raid Enemy Railways; The Fighting in Tripoli; Soviet Silliness; No French Shells for Russia; Alleged Diversion; Convention Leaves Cork; Purdysburn Hospital; World's Swimming Records
Column Four - Dead Hunger-Striker; New British Empire Order; The "Our Day" Movement
Column Five - Record U-Boat Losses; 14 Merchantmen Sunk; Franco-Italian Losses; Coast Defence Post Shelled; Overdue Steamer; Hostages on Hospital Ships; Allies Will Not Greatly Sorrow; American Shipbuilding; Dutch Torpedo Boat; Robert James, 97 years of age felling trees
Column Six - Today's Markets
Column Seven - Deaths (Continued from Page 3?) -
Beattie - September ?? 1917, at his residence, 30 Gaffikin Street, Samuel, the beloved husband of Mary Jane Beattie. His remains will be removed from above address, for interment in Donacloney Meeting-House on Saturday, at 11 o'clock (by motor). "Thy will be done. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Wife and Family.
Kerr - September 27th, 1917, at 9 St. James' Street, Antrim Road, Mary A. Kerr (late of 161 Springfield Road). - R.I.P. Funeral private. James Murray
Column Seven continued - To-Day's Sporting

Page 6
Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917

     Imprisonment for Life. Sentence on Gen. Sukhomlinoff - Petrograd, Wednesday - Gen. Sukhomlinoff, ex-Minister of War, has been condemned to hard labour for life. Mme. Sukhomlinoff was acquitted. The Court found General Sukhomlinoff guilty of high treason, fraud, and breach of trust. The jury returned a verdict of guilty on twelve out of thirteen charges preferred against General Sukhomlinoff, and a verdict of not guilty on the first charge accusing him of inaction and inertia during the war, with the object of assisting the enemy by weakening the Russian armed forces.
     Every woman wants pink cheeks. They mean not only beauty, but health. Then put the colour in your cheeks, not on them. The glow of health is the red of healthy blood showing through translucent skin. It is impossible unless you possess rich, red blood. When a girl's colour fades and she looks debilitated, is short of breath, when her heart palpitates after every slight exertion and she has pains in various parts of the body, she needs Dr. Williams' pink pills for pale people. They are the remedy best suited to restore the blood, bring brightness to the eyes, and put colour in the cheeks and lips. The only other treatment needed costs nothing. It is this: Give the patient plenty of fresh air, moderate exercise every day, not enough to cause fatigue, and use care in the diet, for the food craved for by the anaemic is often not the best for the sufferer.
     London Hospital Romance - The meeting of a lady visitor at the City of London Military Hospital, Hackney, with a wounded corporal has had a happy ending in the marriage of the couple at the parish church of East Boldre, Hants. The lady is Madeline Dorothy, youngest daughter of Mr. Hopkins, chief inspector of the Metropolitan Police at Hackney, and the bridegroom is Corporal Martin H. M. Draper, of the Royal Fusiliers. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. John Draper, father of the bridegroom.
     Blinded with Vitriol. English Miner's Revenge - Thomas Radford, a miner, ages 37, was yesterday committed for trial by the Nottingham magistrates, for causing grievous bodily harm to Annie Waldron, an employee of the Great Central Railway. Prisoner, enraged at the woman having deserted him, purchased some oil of vitriol, lay in wait for her, and rendered her completely incapable of further sight by throwing the oil in her face. His sister, he confessed, had been sent to prison for a similar offence.
     New Zealander's Suicide. Would not go to the Front - A verdict of suicide whilst of unsound mind was returned at an inquest at St. Pancras yesterday on Edward Brown (35), a private in the 4th Reserve Battalion of the Wellington (New Zealand) Regiment, who shot himself at the Y.M.C.A., Holborn. Lance-Corporal Alderman said that deceased joined in March, and arrived in London in August. He was always very reserved and depressed. On the way he said that he wished the boat would do down, because he had no desire to go to the front, and in fact did not intend to do so. Private Bignold said that last Thursday he came with deceased to London on four days' leave. On Sunday they were preparing to go to the station to return to camp when deceased was found shot with a revolver by his side. On joining his forces he said that he was an agnostic. The six-chambered revolver was fully loaded, and one cartridge had been spent. Dr. Splisbury said that the bullet penetrated the heart and passed through the spine. It must have been held close to the body.
     Wanted - Women Engineers. 1,000 Asked for at Once - A thousand women are wanted at once to train for engineering and other advanced forms of work in munition factories. The call is urgent, and to enable patriotic women to offer their services immediately the training section of the Ministry of Munitions is providing free instruction in machine work, (general and more advanced), oxy-acetylene welding, aeroplane woodwork, optical instrument work, draughtsmanship, electrical work, core-making, &c., &c. Instructional workshops, where the conditions of the best modern factories obtain, have been set up in London, Birmingham, Bristol, Luton, and Manchester, and other training centres have been established in 12 metropolitan areas and in 24 provincial districts, as well as in four centres in Scotland. An appeal is made to women who are adaptable and intelligent, of good physique and between the age of 18 and 35 years to offer themselves at once for training in this essential war work.
     Women as Shunters. A protest has been made by the Executive Committee of the National Union of Railwaymen against the employment of women as shunters on the railways.
     Beer Must go Round - At North London Court yesterday Mr. Hedderwick announced that from Monday next he should severely deal with any persons charged with drunkenness. He made this announcement because of the present shortage of beer as he considered it was unfair that some people should take more than their share and deprive those who wanted a reasonable quantity of their fair amount.
     Constables Break Bail. - Police-Constables Frank Tooth and Alfred Rowledge, of the F. Division, stationed at Ladbroke Grove Police Station, Notting Hill, London, failed to surrender to their bail (in £50) at Marylebone, to answer the charge of being concerned together on September 14 in stealing £25 from Trooper Robert McMonigle, an Australian, at his address in Cornwall Road. The Magistrate issued warrants for their arrest.

  • These Gunners have built their quarters around the emplacement for their guns.
    Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917

    Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917

Sergt. Wm. Foster, Royal Irish Fusiliers, ?3 Central Street, Belfast, severely wounded (Photo: Gledhill)

Rifleman Jas. Nelson, Royal Irish Rifles, Corporation, Killyleagh, wounded. (Photo: Pidduck)

R'man. Edward Haggan, Royal Irish Rifles, Castle Street, Carrickfergus, killed in action

Rifleman John Agnew, Royal Irish Rifles, 31 Lawyer Street, Belfast, killed in action

Corporal Joseph McKenna, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, 16 Burlington Street, Belfast, killed in action

Lance-Cpl. Geo. Wallace, Royal Irish Rifles, 1 St. Leonard Street, Belfast, killed in action. (Photo: Thompson)

R'man G. Downey, Royal Irish Rifles, Belfast, wounded

Lce.-Cpl. John Robinson, Royal Irish Rifles, 62 Earl Street, Belfast, suffering from gas poisoning

Pte. S. Cordner, Royal Irish Fusiliers, missing. Information to his mother at 5 Sandy Row, Lurgan

Corporal Wm. J. Gourley, D.C.M., Royal Engineers, and R'man. John Gourley, Royal Irish Rifles, sons of Mr. D. Gourley, 156 Donegall Road, Belfast. The former died from illness, and the latter has been wounded for the second time

Rflmn. Arthur Phelan, Royal Irish Rifles, 50 Ogilvie Street, Belfast, wounded. (Photo: Ashleigh Studio)

Pte. Wm. J. Barrett, Royal Innis. Fus., died of wounds, was a son of Mr. John Barrett, Aughinedarra, Fivemiletown

Trooper H. McKimmon, North Irish Horse, 8 Rosetta Terrace, Ormeau Road, Belfast, wounded and gassed. (Photo: Lyttle)

Private Ed. Callacher, Royal Irish Fusiliers, 5 Kilmood Street, Belfast, wounded. (Photo: Abernethy)

Rflmn. Alex. Boland, Royal Irish Rifles, 21 Gosford Street, Belfast, killed in action. (Photo: Mercer Bros.)

Sergt. H. McCormick, Royal Irish Rifles, wounded and missing. Information to Mrs. McCormick, 7 Monarch Street, Belfast. (Photo: Thompson)

Pte. Wm. Campbell, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, 27 King Street, Derry, killed in action

Page Three
Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917

Ulster Military News, Major Ross Smyth's Sad Death, Belfast Officers Wounded, Five Doctors Win Decorations - The following officer casualties are reported by the War Office to the next-of-kin:-

Wounded - Captain J. P. O'R. Wray, General List, Willoughby Place, Enniskillen
Second-Lieut. D. Purdy, Rifle Brigade, 50 Hatfield Street, Belfast
Second-Lieut. P. W. Frew, Royal Irish Rifles, Knockbreda Road, Belfast

Accidentally Killed - Major Ross Smyth, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Ardmore House, Londonderry

Officers in the Casualties -
Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917
     Major Ross Acheson, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Ardmore House, Londonderry, who died at his residence this morning from injuries sustained while driving home from Ebrington Barracks on Tuesday night, was one of the best-known officers in the North-West of Ireland. Born in 1862, he was the eldest son of the late Mr. John Acheson Smyth, Larchmont, Londonderry. He entered the Royal Irish Regiment in 1885, retiring after 18 years' service, in the course of which he took part in the Chin-Lushai Expedition in 1889-90, and the Boar War. in which he was wounded and mentioned in despatches. Deceased took a leading part in the work of the U.V.F. in Derry, and when the Ulster Division was formed he had the honour of being appointed to command the Derry Regiment of the Inniskillings. He was wounded on 1st July, 1916, and was subsequently invalided home. Since that time he had served with reserve battalions of the Inniskillings. The deceased was married in 1892 to a daughter of Mr. Thos. Malcolmson, on Minella, Clonmel, by whom he had two sons and a daughter. One of his sons died in infancy, and the other son Sec.-Lieut, J. R. Smyth, Royal Irish Regiment, was killed in action early in the war. Co. Ross Smyth was a Deputy-Lieutenant for the County of Derry, and belonged to a family which has resided in the district for nearly 200 years. The circumstances attending his lamented death point to a driving accident. The trap was found smashed on the roadside, and deceased was insensible beside it. He passed away without regaining consciousness.

     Capt. J. P. O'R. Wray, General List, reported severely wounded by the War Office, is the eldest son of Mr. J. F. Wray, LL.B., solicitor, Willoughby Place, Enniskillen. He was formerly a captain in the 8th Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, but was subsequently transferred to the General List on appointment to the West African Frontier Force. His only brother, Lieut. Cormac Wray, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, was killed in action over a year ago
     Second-Lieut. D. Purdy, Rifle Brigade, wounded by gunshot on 22nd inst., and now in hospital at the base, is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Purdy, 50 Hatfield Street, Belfast. He originally belonged to the 10th Royal Irish Rifles, in which he enlisted as a private and rose to the rank of sergeant. Recommended for a commission, after serving the usual term in a cadet school in Cambridge he obtained his commission in the Rifle Brigade on 26th April, 1917. This is the third time he has been wounded, the first being in the advance on the Somme on 1st July, 1916, and the second in December of the same year. Before the war Second-Lieut. Purdy was a member of the Special Service Batt. of the South Belfast Regiment U.V.F.
     Second-Lieut. P. W. Frew, Royal Irish Rifles, wounded on 21st inst., and admitted to hospital at the base on 24th inst., is a son of Mr. W. T. Frew, 58 Waring Street, and Knockbreda Road, Belfast. He enlisted originally in the Y.C.V.'s and was wounded on 1st July, 1916, subsequently entering a cadet unit, from which he was gazetted to a commission on 26th April 1917. He returned to the front two months ago, and was posted to another battalion of the Rifles. The War Office wire states that he has a shell wound on the head (slight).
     Lieut. F. H. Newell, Machine Gun Corps, son of Rev. C. F. Newell, vicar of Templepatrick, and grandson of Dr. Mussen, J.P., Glenavy, who, as reported in Wednesday's later editions, has been wounded, is progressing favourably.
     Former City Dentist Killed - Sergt. Tom Perrot, Australian Forces, who has been killed in action, was a son of Mr. Wm. E. Perrot, formerly of Belfast, and now resident in Australia. Deceased, who was a dentist in Belfast prior to the war, was a grandson of the late Mr. Wm. J. Perrot, Newtownards Road, and nephew of Mrs. Coote, Connsbrook Avenue, Belfast

Belfast Casualties - Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917
     Official news has been received that Sergeant Andrew B. Yeates, Royal Irish Rifles, has been killed in action. Deceased, who was in the employment of Messrs. Magee, Sayles & Co., Linenhall Street, was a keen all-round athlete, and was identified with the 9th Belfast Old Boys' Association and Sydenham Rugby F.C. He belonged to the original Y.C.V. Force and was a member of Mount Masonic Lodge No. 358. His mother resides at 52 Agincourt Avenue, Belfast. A brother, Sergeant Hugh Yeates, Royal Irish Rifles, was recently wounded, and is at present in hospital in Dublin.
     Lance-Corporal Joseph Napier, Royal Irish Rifles, killed in action, was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Napier, 132 Beersbridge Road, Belfast. Prior to enlistment he was employed at Messrs. McGowan & Ingram's. Another brother, Robert, is at present serving in France. Deceased was 19 years of age.
     News is urgently requested by Mrs. Gaynor, 52 Brookfield Street, Belfast, regarding the fate or whereabouts of her husband, Private Patrick Gaynor (2865), Leinster Regiment, who has not been heard of since July 31, when he was officially posted missing.
     Private Wm. J. McGarry, 20966, Royal Irish Fusiliers, has been reported missing since 16th August. Any information regarding him will be thankfully received by his sisters, Mrs. McBride and Mrs. Ward, who reside at 36 Library Street, Belfast
     Official news has been received that Corporal Harry Holmes, Royal Irish Rifles, has been admitted to hospital. His younger brother, Albert, of the Y.C.V.'s, has been in hospital since June 10, suffering from trench fever and appendicitis. They are sons of Mr. J. Holmes, 9 Southport Street, Belfast, who has two other sons on active service.
     Private James Rainey, Canadian Infantry, only son of Mr. James Rainey, Glencoe, Dunmurry, who was reported missing on 15th September, 1916, is now presumed to have died on or since that date

Provincial Losses - Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917
     Mrs. McBride, Currie's Quarter, Newtownards, has received intimation that her son, Rifleman Nathaniel McBride, Royal Irish Rifles, has been wounded, and is at present in hospital overseas. Prior to enlisting he was in the employment of Mr. James McCutcheon, grocer, High Street, Newtownards
     The death in action is reported of Private Archie Noble, Australian Forces, son of Mr. A. Noble, Auckland, New Zealand, and nephew of the late Mr. Mark Noble, Killycramph, Lisnaskea
     Private Wm. Monaghan, Royal Irish Fusiliers, killed in action on 16th ult., belonged to Darkley, Keady. His brother, Robert, is on active service
     Private Joseph Timothy, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, son of Mr. John Timoney, D.C., Cornaveigh, Donegal, has been wounded
     Private James McCloskey, formerly of New Row, Donegal, who belonged to an English regiment, has been killed in action. His wife and family of two reside in Church Street. Deceased had gone through the South African campaign
     Private Thomas Bogan, Inniskillings, son of Mr. John Bogan, shoemaker, formerly of Main Street, Donegal, and now residing in Glasgow, has been killed in action
     Mrs. David Wilson, Shrigley, Killyleagh, has been notified that her son, Lance-Corporal Joseph Wilson, has been wounded in the left arm. He is now convalescent. Before enlisting he was employed as an apprentice fitter by John Martin & Co., Ltd., Shrigley, Killyleagh
     Private S. McAllister, Royal Berkshire Regiment, North Street, Carrickfergus, has been wounded for the second time. He is now in hospital in London

Irish Fusiliers Losses - Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917
Wednesday evening's official list of casualties contained the following :-
     Royal Irish Fusiliers  Killed 27 - Wounded 294
     Royal Irish Rifles   Killed 4 - Wounded 4

War Honours - M.C. for Five Doctors - Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917
     An interesting feature of a series of decorations for gallantry which appeared in the London "Gazette" on Wednesday evening is the fact that five North of Ireland doctors have been awarded the Military Cross, viz., Capts. James Hill, R. G. Blair, D. McVicker, and G. T. Cregan. The acts for which the decorations are awarded will be announced in a later issue of the Gazette.
     Captain James Hill, one of the recipients, is a son of the late Mr. Samuel Hill, Finvoy, Rasharkin, Co. Antrim. He has served with the R.A.M.C. in Mesopotamia, Gallipoli, Egypt, and France, and it was for conspicuous gallantry on the Western front, on 1st ult., that he has now received the M.C. He graduated at the Queen's University of Belfast in 1912.
     Captain Ribton Gore Blair, R.A.M.C., another of the recipients, is a son of the Rev. R. Blair, incumbent of Ballinamallard, Co. Fermanagh, and brother of Mrs. H. L. McCready, Myrtlefield Park, Belfast. He graduated at the Queen's University of Belfast in 1914, and was for a time on the intern staff of the Royal Victoria Hospital. He has been serving for over two years with a field ambulance of the Ulster Division. His brother, Lieut. R. Cecil Blair, A.S.C., was recently mentioned in despatches.
     Particulars of the careers of the two other recipients - Captain G. T. Cregan, son of the Rev. James Cregan, formerly of Albertbridge Congregational Church, Belfast, and Cap. D. McVicker, son of Mrs. McVicker, Craignamaddy, Mosside, Co. Antrim, have already been noticed in our columns.
     Another recipient of the M.C. in the list is Captain Arthur Cyril Bateman, R.A.M.C., son of Dr. Bateman, Inspector of Schools, Kingstown, an International cricketer and old boy of Armagh Royal School
     Captain Daniel McKelvey, R.A.M.C., son of Mr. J. H. McKelvey, Dunbunraver, Gortin, who was recently awarded the Military Cross for gallantry while acting as medical officer of a battalion of the Gordon Highlanders, attended at Buckingham Palace on Wednesday, and received his decoration from his Majesty the King

Other M.C. Awards - Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917
Other Military Cross awards notified in Wednesday evening's "Gazette" include those of -
     Second-Lieut. Norman L. Robinson, R.F.A. One of the soldier sons of the late Dean Robinson, of St. Anne's, Belfast, and afterwards of Canada. He is a nephew of the late Lord Avebury, and is 27 years of age. Two of his brothers hold the King's commission.
     Lieut. F. Leathley, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers and R.F.C. This officer was born at Trillick, Co. Tyrone, and was educated at Mountjoy School, Dublin. He is a son of the Rev. J. Leathley, The Rectory, Dunboyne, and before entering Sandhurst he held a commission in the Special reserve of the Leinster Regiment, and passing out of Sandhurst he was gazetted to the Inniskillings in July, 1915, and later transferred to the Flying Corps.
     Capt. Robert R. Maxwell Perceval, R.F.A. (bar to M.C.). - The M.C. award to this officer was gazetted on 1st January, 1917, and the Bar on Wednesday evening. He is a son of Major-General E. M. Perceval, R.A., and grandson of the late General John Maxwell Perceval, Dillon House, Downpatrick. He is a nephew of Mr. R. D. Perceval, J.P., Kary Hill, Downpatrick, and holds the acting rank of major. He is 22 years of age.
     Second-Lieut. John K. Boyle, Royal Irish Rifles, son of Mr. E. Boyle, Pembroke Road, Dublin.
     Second-Lieut. Thos. McAlindon, Royal Irish Rifles, formerly a company quarter-master-sergeant in that regiment.
     Captain Richard de Ros Rose, Royal Irish Rifles, of Limerick, who went to the front recently from Belfast.
     The awards of the M.C. to Capts. W. A. McClatchie, R.F.C. (Belfast); Rev. J. Thom (Bar), A.C.D. (late of Cookstown); Lieut. E. Gribben (Cultra), Lieut. J. B. McArevey, Royal Irish Rifles (Newry); Second- Lieut, W., Kingston, Royal Munster Fusiliers, attached Royal Irish Rifles (Clonakilty), all of which have previously been notified in our columns, were also gazetted on Wednesday evening.

D.S.O. and Bar Awards - Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917
     Amongst the recipients of the D.S.O. are:- Captain the Hon. W. S. P. Alexander, Irish Guards, son of the Earl of Caledon, of Caledon, Co. Tyrone
     Captain (acting Lieut.-Colonel) H. W. D. McCarthy O'Leary, Royal Irish Fusiliers, son of Lieut.-Colonel William McCarthy O'Leary, of Coomleague, Millstreet, Co. Cork, who was killed in action at Pieter's Hill in February, 1900.
     A second Bar to the D.S.O. is awarded to Capt. and Brevet-Major G. V. W. Hill, Royal Irish Fusiliers, son of Brigadier-General A. W. Hill, C.B., Warminster, Wilts, and a noted Army cross-country runner, footballer, and hockey player.
     A Bar to the D.S.O. is awarded Major Oliver Nash Moriarty, D.S.O., R.G.A., Special Reserve (Antrim Artillery), who is a native of Dublin

French Honours for Ulstermen - A further list of French honours for British officers gazetted on Wednesday evening contains the following awards:-
     Croix de Guerre for Lieut.-Colonel Henry G. Young, Indian Army, son of the late Right Hon. John Young, D.L., Galgorm, Ballymena, and for Captain R. A. Macausland, Indian Army, son of Colonel Macausland, Woodbank, Garvagh

A Russian Decoration Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917
     Mrs. MacFarlane, 19 Langford Street, Belfast, has just received from the authorities the Russian Gold Cross of St. George awarded her husband, late Chief Petty Officer R.N.A.S., for gallantry during the attack at Brezezany, in Galicia, with the British armoured cars. Particulars of the career of this gallant petty officer have already appeared in our columns. His brother and sister live at 13 City Street, Belfast

Military Medal Award
     Private W. J. Martin, Canadian Contingent, has been awarded the Military Medal for bravery in the field. He is a son of Mrs. Martin, 6 Herbert Street, Waterside, Derry

Interesting Coincidence - Wednesday evening's "Gazette" contains the following announcements:-
     Temporary Second-Lieut. R. L. Thompson, M.C., Royal Irish Rifles, to be adjutant and quartermaster of a depot camp, to be transferred to the General List, and to be acting captain (with pay and allowances as lieutenant) whilst so employed, 6th Aug., 1917.
     R.A. - The under mentioned to be acting majors - Lieut. (acting Capt.) R. L. Thompson, M.C. (Belfast), 2nd July 1917. These officers are grandsons of the Right Hon. Robert Thompson, D.L., M.P. They have each won the Military Cross in the war,

Gazette Items Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917
     Regular Forces, Service Battalion, The under-mentioned temporary second-lieutenants to be temporary lieutenants:-
     Royal Irish Rifles, L. McMaster, 6th July 1917; S. McCay, 6th July, 1917; W. Pearson, 8th July 1917; S. Deans, 8th July, 1917; N. D. Malcomson, 9th July, 1917
     Royal Irish Fusiliers, W. Drury, 29th July 1917
     Royal Dublin Fusiliers, C. M. Molony, 18th August 1917
     Lieut.-Col. G. R. H. Cheape, late commanding the Y.C.V.'s was gazetted last evening to the command of a brigade, with the temporary rank of brigadier-general.
     Lieut. and Adjt. S. Waring (Leicester R.), Belfast, to be acting-captain, with pay and allowances of lieutenant while employed as adjntant (adjutant), 1st September, 1916
     Mr. Jack Flynn, of Belfast, who has been gazetted to his commission in the Royal Flying Corps, was formerly a prominent player in St. Malachy's Guilds, Belfast. He was educated at Ballyaghadereen College, Co. Mayo, and is now stationed in England.

Belfast Military Funeral. Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917
     The funeral took place this afternoon, with full military honours, from his late residence, 29 Witham Street, Belfast, of Lance-Corporal Richard Quinn, Royal Irish Rifles, who died with tragic suddenness in a train on Monday while being transferred from the Military Hospital, Victoria Barracks, to the Derry Hospital. The place of interment was Dundonald Cemetery, and the large turnout of the public at the funeral was expressive of the deep sympathy extended the relatives in their bereavement. The military firing party and band in attendance was drawn from the Northumberland Fusiliers. Before he joined the colours deceased was a conductor in the employment of the Belfast tramways. The arrangements in connection with the funeral were satisfactorily carried out by the firm of Mr. Arthur Stringer (Connswater branch)

Lecturer in Commerce, Holywood Man's Appointment
     At a meeting of the Library and technical Instruction Committee of the Belfast Corporation, held to-day, Alderman Mercier presiding, four candidates for the position of Lecturer in Commerce at the Belfast Municipal Technical Institute attended and were interviewed. After consideration the committee appointed Mr. Robert C. Ferguson, M.A., 3 Churchill Terrace, Holywood, to the position

Sale of Belfast House - Mrs. Betsy Bill's Estate Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917
     To-day, in the King's Bench Division, Dublin, before the Lord Chief Justice, in the case of Betsy Bill's estate, Mr. J. M. Whitaker (instructed by Messrs. McIldowie & Sons) applied for an order sanctioning the purchase of the premises, The Elmers, 39 Kirkliston Drive, Belfast, by Mr. Robert Law for £700, subject to the conditions of sale and on undertaking to pay Messrs. McIldowie a certain sum for costs. The premises consist of a dwelling-house, and efforts have been made for ten years to effect a sale. Mr. Harpur Crawford, auctioneer and valuer, of the firm of Alexander Crawford & Son, had made an affidavit stating that in his belief £700 was as good a price as could be obtained for the property. The Lord Chief Justice asked who was the mysterious individual Betsy Bill. Mr. Whitaker said she was the widow of John Bill, of Bloomfield, Belfast, who had been the owner. There were two mortgages, the first of which would be paid in full. The Lord Chief Justice granted the application.

Missing Guynemer - All France in Mourning - Mother Hopes Against Hope
Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917
     The Paris correspondent of the London "Daily Express" cables:- All France to-day is mourning her hero airman, Captain Guynemer. Every newspaper devotes columns to his life-story, for to all Frenchmen and Frenchwomen he was a symbol of that glorious youth that is continually making the supreme sacrifice for the liberty of France. Officially Guynemer is "missing" but every one except his mother, believes him dead. She is hoping against hope, and has written to the King of Spain asking him to try to get news of her son. Guynemer's grandmother is an English lady who has been resident in France for many years, and is not 70, quite blind, and suffering from heart disease. She is very devoted to her grandson, whom she brought up, and is still in ignorance of his fate, as it is believed the shock of the news would kill her.

Captain L. S. Duncan, Royal Irish Rifles, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, awarded the Military Cross (Photo: Lafayette)

Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917
The Baby Incubator installed in the Maternity Ward of the Belfast Union. It is complete, as shown, and only requires a small gas stove placed under the boiler which generates the heat through the pipes to the cabinet. The child lies in a small basket cradle, which is lifted out when feeding time comes. It should prove of great value in rearing weak and immature children.

Brighton Invaded by Aliens - Result of the Air Raids, Many Spend Night on Beach
     Owing to Monday's raid, something like 10,000 more aliens flocked into Brighton on Tuesday. Many spent the night on the beach and seats on the sea front. Brighton has been overcrowded for some months. Hundreds of families moved down there from London and the East and South-East Coast towns in order to be out of the raid areas. The majority of the visitors seem to have plenty of money, and they are of almost every nationality. There are no houses or even apartments to let in the town, while all the hotels are full. Many of the visitors take their own furniture down from London in motor-cars owing to the difficulty of getting furniture removers to accept their orders. One of the contributory causes of the trouble is declared to be the facility with which season tickets can be obtained.

Victim of Air Shock - Hackney's Best Known Doctor
     The death occurred on Tuesday of the oldest and best known medical practitioner in Hackney, Dr. James Henry Turtle, who for many years had been the divisional police surgeon. He was 74 years of age, and attended to his police duties to the last. Soon after Monday night's air raid he was taken ill, as the result, it is believed, of shock, as he was greatly upset, and died from apoplexy.

Man Who Spread Rumours - Strange Conduct of Ex-Officer Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917
     At Bow Street, London, Harold Hague Esplin (44), described as of no occupation, and giving his address as Didsbury, Manchester, was charged on remand with spreading false reports and making false statements in contravention of the Defence of the Realm Regulations; also with wearing without lawful authority, and falsely representing himself to be entitles to wear, a military uniform with decorations and badges. It was stated that the prisoner, wearing the uniform and badges of a lieutenant-colonel, with a bar of ribbons, had been seen to enter and leave in quick succession a saloon bar and several shops in the neighbourhood of Leicester Square. He had been circulating wild stories about an impending air raid. Captain H. T. Hewett, Assistant Provost Marshal, said that the accused served in the Boer War, and retiring as captain, was granted the honorary rank of major. In 1914 he rejoined the Army, but in January last, by sentence of court-martial, was dismissed the service. He obtained the uniform and decorations of a lieutenant-colonel from tradesmen by false pretences. Defendant's solicitor said his client was not at the time in a sound state of mind. He had been in a Canadian asylum. Mr. Graham Campbell said he found nothing in the evidence or papers before him to lead him to believe that the accused was not of sound mind. On each of the three original charges he would be sentences to six months' imprisonment in the second division - the sentences to be concurrent. A further charge was preferred against the prisoner of giving false particulars when registering as a guest at Anderton's Hotel, and on this charge he was sent for trial.

Music in the Raid - Tenant Played Tchaikowsky's '1812' (Tchaikovsky's) Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917
     A man was granted at West London Police Court a summons for assault against his landlord. He said that during the air raid he thought the best thing to do was to have some music, and he commenced to play on the piano. Mr. Rooth (the magistrate) - I suppose he thought it was sacrilege to spoil the German music? - Oh, no. I was playing Tchaikowsky's '1812' Did he think you were spoiling the German music above? - No. I was trying to drown it. (Laughter) Applicant said that the landlord was an amateur champion boxer, who came into the room and abused him, but would not fight. The landlord threw a jug and can at him and they hit him in the face. The Magistrate - Was not all this due to the excitement of the raid? - Oh, no. He came in specially to do it. Did you come to grips? - Yes, and he knows it. The man said that he was thrown out of his house that night.

Belfast Street Scene - Attack on Military Police Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917
     In the Belfast Custody Court to-day, before Messrs. James Roche, R.M.; Charles O'Neill, M.D.; and J. W. Wright, John McVeigh, 46 Alexander Street, and Margaret Matchett, 6 Lemon Street, Belfast, were charged with unlawfully assaulting Lance-Corporal Donoghue in the execution of his duty in North Queen Street, Belfast. District-Inspector Gerity prosecuted, and Mr. John Graham defended. Constable Michael Dolan stated that he arrested the prisoners at the Military Foot Police Barracks. When cautioned, McVeigh said, "I never did it. I was going to my work at the time." The other prisoner said, "I don't know what happened to me; I must have lost my head." Lance-Corporal Donoghue stated that he was conveying a prisoner to the Victoria Barracks, when a crowd followed and abused the witness and another man. In North Queen Street the crowd surrounded the military police and threatened them. The prisoner McVeigh, who was amongst the crowd, kicked the witness and called on the people to do likewise. Subsequently the woman Matchett struck him with an umbrella on the back of the head. Both the accused were arrested. Lance-Corporal James Magee corroborated the evidence of the last witness and said he saw stones thrown by people in the crowd. The defence was that the male prisoner was not the man who struck the soldier, but it was admitted that the woman hit him while in an excited condition. Mr. Roche, R.M., in imposing a fins of 40s or a month in default on McVeigh, said that there was no doubt that the prisoner was the man who kicked Lance-Corporal Donoghue. The military police would have to be protected, and if any further cases came before him much severer penalties would be imposed. Matchett was allowed out on caution.

Fined and Licence Endorsed
     William Quigley was fined 40s and costs in the Belfast Summons Court to-day, for having driven a motor-van in a reckless manner on the Upper Newtownards Road on September 21. His licence was endorsed.

Constable and the Airedale
     Mr. Graham (defending Patrick Donnelly, Ardilea Street, Belfast, who was summoned before Mr. R. N. Kennedy, J.P., in the Belfast Summons Court to-day, for keeping a dangerous dog un-muzzled) - Is it you, constable, or is it the uniform Donnelly's Airedale dislikes? Witness said he was afraid of the dog, which ran at him several times, but did not bite him. Mr. Graham - Do you mean to say, constable, that you are afraid of anything with two or four legs in the city of Belfast? Witness smiled. Mr. Graham said it was the law that a dog could have one bite. (Laughter). When Donnelly was let off with paying costs the clerk advised him to tie up his dog with a cable chain.

Births, Marriages, and Deaths
Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917


O'Sullivan - O'Brien, September 25, 1917, at the Catholic Church of St. Anselm's, Norwood, Southall, London, with Nuptial Mass, by the Rev. F. P. A. Macirone, John Patrick O'Sullivan, Canadian Cyclist Corps, only son of Simon O'Sullivan, Downshire Road, Belfast, to Sadie, second daughter of Joseph P. O'Brien, Strathairn, Ballygomartin Road, Belfast


Allingham - September 27, 1917, at 19 Lawnview Street, Woodvale Road, Belfast, Alice E., aged 15 years, dearly-loved and only daughter of George and Ellen Allingham. Her remains will be removed from above address, for interment in City Cemetery, on Saturday, at 2.30 p.m. God comfort the sad and lonely, Teach them Thy ways are love; Though the cross on earth be heavy, There's a brighter home above. Deeply regretted by her Father, Mother, and Brothers.
Coulter - September 27, 1917, at the Royal Victoria Hospital, George, the beloved husband of Agnes Coulter, and youngest son of the late George Coulter, Glasslough, Co. Monaghan. His remains will be removed from his late residence, 14 Lavinia Street, for interment in Newtownbreda Churchyard, on Saturday, at 2 p.m. - "Thy will be done." Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Wife and Family.
Devine - September 26, 1917, at the Sanatorium, Whiteabbey, Mary, the dearly-beloved wife of Henry Devine - R.I.P. Her remains will be removed from 32 Mountpottinger Road, on to-morrow (Friday), at 1.30 p.m., for interment in Milltown Cemetery. Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation. Henry Devine
Donaldson - Wednesday, September 26, 1917, Julia, relict of the late John Donaldson, Art Master, Brookhill Avenue, Belfast (formerly Mrs. J. Hastings Brown), and daughter of the late Nicholas Jenkins, of H.M. Customs, Cornwall and Belfast. Funeral private. No. flowers
Jeffers - September 25, 1917, at Cambridge Villas, Station Road, Sydenham (of pneumonia), Louisa Ellen, youngest and dearly-beloved daughter of Eliza and Edward Jeffers (late Station Officer, H.M. Coastguards, Marino). Her remains will be removed for interment in Holywood Cemetery, on to-morrow (Friday), at 2 p.m. Boston papers please copy. Sharman Crawford Masonic Lodge, 403, Holywood
Jeffers - Members of above Lodge are requested to attend the funeral of the daughter of their respected Brother, Edward Jeffers and sister of their respected Brother and Secretary, F. W. Jeffers, P.M. W. M. Brown, W.M., Robert C. Magill, Sec., pro tem.
Mack - September 26, 1917, at her son's residence 37 Victoria Road, Larne, Margaret A. Mack, relict of the late William Mack (photographer, Coleraine). Funeral to the New Cemetery, Larne, on to-morrow (Friday), at 2 o'clock. E. W. Mack
Spence - September 26, 1917, at his residence, 40 Clandeboye Street, Joseph Adam Spence, beloved son of Mary Ann Spence and the late Hugh Spence. Funeral private. And Tine's wild wintry blast, Soon shall be overpast; I shall reach home at last, Heaven is my home. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Mother, Sister, and Brothers. Also his Brothers-in-law - 43 Clandeboye Street
Ward - September 26, 1917, at her residence, 8 Conway Street, Mary Ann Ward - R.I.P. The remains of our dearly-beloved mother will be removed from the above address, for interment in Milltown Cemetery, on to-morrow (Friday), at 2.30 p.m. On her soul, sweet Jesus, have mercy. Inserted by her sorrowing Family
Watters - September 26, 1917, at his late residence, 274 Crumlin Road, Henry, beloved husband of Martha Watters. His remains will be removed from the above address on Saturday, at 1 p.m., for interment in Dundrod Family Burying-ground. Friends will please accept this intimation. M. Watters


Mrs. Hedley and Family desire to thank the many kind friends who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement; also those who sent floral tributes and letters of condolence. Trusting this will be accepted by all - 5 Parkgate Avenue

In Memoriam
Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917

Finlay - In loving memory of John, youngest son of Charles and the late Sarah Finlay (late of Bangor, Co. Down), who died at Christchurch, New Zealand, on September 27, 1916, and was interred in Timaru Cemetery. Ever lovingly remembered by his Father, Sisters and Brother. Jeannie Campbell, 8 Manor Street, Cliftonville, Belfast
Gaw - In fond and loving memory of our dear father, David Gaw, who departed this life on the 27th September, 1914, and was interred in Dundonald Cemetery. Ever remembered by his loving Sons and Daughter - 100 Riga Street
Gaw - In fond and loving memory of our dear father, David Gaw, who departed this life on the 27th September, 1914, and was interred in Dundonald Cemetery. Deeply regretted by his Son and Daughter-in-law, David and Jennie Gaw, 35 Penrith Street
Irvin - In loving memory of my dear sister, Sara Irvin, who departed this life on 27th September, 1915, and was interred in the family burying-ground, Carmavey. We think of her and speak of her, And miss her every day. Maggie Bell, Ben Vista, Antrim Road
Kerr - In fond and loving remembrance of my dear wife, Jinnie Kerr, who departed this life on 27th September, 1916, and was interred in Ballynure Burying-ground. Anchored by love, death cannot sever, Sadly we miss her and will for ever; Some day, some time, we hope to see, The dear face we hold in memory. Not gone from memory or from love, But to our Father's home above. Ever remembered by her Husband and little Son, Robert and Willie Kerr
Mullin - In sad and loving memory of my dear father, Thomas Mullin, who departed this life on the 27th September, 1916, and was interred in Milltown Cemetery - R.I.P. On whose soul, sweet Jesus, have mercy. Fondly remembered by his Son, James Mullin (on active service), 89 Unity Street
McKibbin - In sad yet loving remembrance of our dear mother, Agnes A. McKibbin, who fell asleep in Jesus on 27th September, 1911, and was laid to rest in Derriaghy Churchyard. Also our two little infants. "Safe in the arms of Jesus," Our hearts still cling to memory dear, Of her who is called to rest; And those who think of her to-night, Are those who loved her best. Still sadly missed by her loving Daughter and Son-in-law, A. and J. Rush, Annieville, Ormiston Crescent, Knock
Patterson - In loving memory of our dear son, Sammy, who died on 27th September, 1916, and was interred in Drumbo Burying-ground. Weep not for me, but be content, For I to you was only lent; The Lord has taken when was His due, And very soon He will call on you. Inserted by his sorrowing Father and Mother, Brothers, and Sisters, Coatestown, Upper Falls

For King and Country
Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917

Constitutional Brothers L.O.L. 631. - Hanley - The Officers and Members of above Lodge, deeply regret the loss of their respected Brother, Lance-Corporal David Hanley, killed in action, on 15th August 1917. George H. Dobson, Jun., W.M. Thomas Graham, Secretary
Monaghan - Killed in action on August 16, 1917. Private William Monaghan, beloved nephew of Lizzie Marks, Darkley, Keady, Co. Armagh. He will answer no more the roll call, Nor rush at the bugle sound; But, Lord, when the roll is called in Heaven, May his name in Thy Book be found. Inserted by his loving Aunt and Brother (the latter on active service). Lizzie Marks, Bob Monaghan
Napier - Killed in action on 6th August, 1917, (689), Lance-Corporal Joseph Napier, R.I.R., second son of Joseph and Sarah Napier. He sleeps in death far, far from home, He wons a soldier's grave; He laid his young life down, That others he might save. He never shunned his country's call, But gladly gave his life 0 his all; He died, the helpless to defend, A British soldier's noble end. Some day, some time, our eyes shall see, The face we loved so well; Some day we'll clasp his loving hand, And never say farewell. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Father, Mother, Sisters, and Brother. Also his Brother on active service, 132 Beersbridge Road
Napier - Killed in action on August 6, 1917, Lance-Corporal Joseph Napier, R.I.R. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Grandmother and Uncle Robert. Susanna Hamilton, 15 Thalia Street, Donegall Road
Napier - August 6, 1917, killed in action, Lance-Corporal Joseph Napier, R.I.R. Deeply regretted by his Uncle and Aunt, James and Elizabeth Somerset, 32 Kenilworth Street
Noble - Killed in action in France, 23rd August, 1917, Private Archie Noble, second son of Archie and Mrs. Noble, Devenport, Auckland, New Zealand, and nephew of the late Mark Noble, Killycramph (Lisnaskea) He fought for home and those he loved, And for his country's right; Until we meet in Heaven above, Our darling one, good-night. Deeply mourned by all his Friends. Falls L.O.L. 498
Wilson - The W.M. and Members of above Lodge deeply regret the death of their esteemed Brother, Adam Wilson, Irish Guards, killed in action. James Hanna, W.M., Robert Greer, Sec.
Yeates Killed in action on 16th August, 1917, Sergeant Andrew Breaky Yeates, R.I.R., second and dearly-beloved son of the late Henry Yeates and Mrs. Yeates, 52 Agincourt Avenue, Belfast - Deeply regretted

Our Heroes - In Memoriam
Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917

Doyle - In loving memory of our dear brother, Private John Doyle (150067) Canadian Army, killed in action, September 26, 1916. One of the first to answer the call - a sacrifice supreme, We cannot yet realise his death, it seems a hateful dream; Though we understand God's mercy in taking him to rest, The parting gave great anguish to those who loved him best. We will never forget you, Jack, nor your happy smiling face, You died for your King and country and the honour of your race. Inserted by his loving Brother and Sister, Thomas Doyle (now on active service), 103 Northumberland Street, Isabella Doyle, Winnipeg, Canada
Lockington - In loving memory of Private William Lockington, Irish Guards, killed in action, 27th September, 1916. Ever remembered by his loving Wife and little Daughter. Hannah Lockington, 114 Albert Street, Belfast
McClune - In loving memory of our only son, No. 8937, Rifleman Harry McClune, Royal Irish Rifles, who died at Malta on 27th September, 1915, from dysentery contracted at Dardanelles, and interred in Pieta Cemetery. Deeply regretted by his Father, Mother, and Sisters, 48 Denmark Street
McKeown - In loving memory of my dear brother, Private David McKeown (14440), Inniskilling Fusiliers, killed in action on 27th September 1916. No scream of shells disturbs his peace, Nor tramp of charging feet; The Commander above has said, "Well done." Need we grudge him the rest so sweet. Sadly missed by his sorrowing Sister and Brother-in-law and Family, Jane and John McCullough, also his Nephews, John, B.E.F., France; James (reported missing), 33 Barrington Street
O'Neill - In loving memory of our dear son, Private E. F. O'Neill, Irish Guards, killed in action, September 27, 1915 - R.I.P. Deeply regretted by his Father, Mother, Sisters, and Brothers (one of the latter on active service) - 5 Cranburn Street
Wilson - In loving memory of our dear son, Robert Hugh Wilson, New Zealand Force, who was killed in action on 27th September 1916. Deeply regretted by his Father and Mother, James and Margaret Wilson, Bellaghy
Worthington - In fond and loving memory of my dear husband Private Hugh Worthington (6980), Irish Guards, killed in action on September 27, 1916. How little I thought when I said good-bye, It would be the last parting between you and I; I loved you in life, you are dear to me still, But in grief I must bend to God's holy will. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Wife, Jennie Worthington, 54 Howard Street South, Also his Father-in-law, Thomas Kennedy

"Endangered Thousands." - Matches in Munitions Factories Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917
     At Nottingham, James Smith, a munition worker, aged 55, was sentenced to a month's imprisonment for being in possession of matches at a Government shell-filling factory. Defendant passed through a building where highly-inflammable materials were placed, and afterwards through a live shell store. The magistrates, who described this conduct as callous, said he had endangered thousands of lives. At Hawarden Sessions a plumber, ages 22 was sent to prison for a month for taking cigarettes and a match into one of H.M. explosives factories.

Army Which "Does No Fighting." Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917
     A well-dressed Englishwoman (19) told Mr. Chancellor (the magistrate), at Old Street Police Court, London, that a month ago she married a Russian seven years her senior, who had been in London for two years. She had since found that he had signed a declaration to serve in the Russian Army and would leave for Russia on Saturday. She now believed he already had a wife in Russia, and if he went back she was certain that she would never see him again. When she remonstrated with him on his duplicity, he said, "Do you think I was going to join the British Army and get killed when I can join the Russian army which does not do any fighting." He slapped her and bit her thumb. She was advised to take out a summons for assault.

Said He Was Tired of Life - Belfast Man's Tragic End Belfast Evening Telegraph Thursday 27th September 1917
     "Suicide whilst of unsound mind," was the verdict returned by the jury at an inquest held by the Belfast Coroner (Dr. James Graham) at the Royal Victoria Hospital on the body of a labourer named Joseph Spence, aged 33 years, of 42 Clandeboye Street, who died the previous day from wounds to the throat. Head-Constable Hayes, Mountpottinger, conducted the proceedings on behalf of the police. William Cumming, a next-door neighbour, deposed that he called to see the deceased on Wednesday. When he asked about his health he stated his head was very bad, and that he was tired of life. Annie Hutchinson, sister of the deceased, said she was working at the fire when her mother called from the parlour for her to go upstairs, and see what was the cause of a shuffling noise. Witness went upstairs and found her brother standing on the floor with a razor in his right hand. As she was entering the room he drew the razor across his throat. There was no one in the room but himself. Witness rushed at him, and attempted to snatch the razor out of his hand. She called on her mother and sister, who brought his downstairs. The deceased was bleeding when witness entered, and it was the second stroke she saw him giving himself. He was not labouring under any delusions, nor was he mentally affected at any time. Dr. Mathewson, Royal Victoria Hospital, stated that the deceased was brought to the institution yesterday afternoon. On examination witness found that Spence died from haemorrhage following self-inflicted wounds to the throat. The jury returned a verdict as stated.


Belfast News-Letter Saturday 2nd November 1907

     Tragic Occurrence in Bangor - Retired Military Officer's Sad Death.
A painful sensation was caused in Bangor yesterday morning when it became known that Captain George Cooper, of Hamilton Road, had been found lying dead in a plantation at the rere of the Cottage Hospital. The discovery was made by a man named Oliver, who informed the police. Sergeant Dixon and two constables were soon on the scene, and found Mr. Cooper bleeding from two wounds in the head. He was still living, and a six0chambered revolver was lying beside him, two of the cartridges of which were discharged. The police endeavoured to carry him to the Cottage Hospital, but he succumbed when they had carried him some distance. Dr. Darnell then arrived, and pronounced life extinct.  Later in the day, Dr. R. C. Parke, J.P., coroner for the division, conducted an inquest on the body. The evidence showed that the deceased had been stationed in India for a large number of years, and while there had suffered from pains in his head, and had been compelled to retire from the army owing to ill-health. He was liable to a recurrence of this illness, and when the pains returned he asked Mrs. Cooper to accompany him on his walks. He seemed to be afraid to be alone on such occasions. He had been in the habit of carrying a revolver. The jury found a verdict that Captain Cooper shot himself with a revolver while temporarily insane.
     The Lifford Jail Fatality - Compensation Granted against a Belfast Contractor.
His Honour Judge Cooke gave his decision at Lifford yesterday in the compensation claim made by Mrs. Sarah Carlton, Lifford, against Mr. Wm. Findlay, contractor, 12 and 14, Annadale Street, Belfast, for the loss of her son John, who was killed in an accident at Lifford Jail on the 25th June last. His Honour said the question arose as to whether Mrs. Carlton was a dependant on the deceased man and was entitled to compensation. In his opinion she was a dependent, and the point raised by Mr. Wilson that inasmuch as there was no legal obligation on the deceased to support his mother, and that she was not a dependent, could not stand for a moment. It was true that the mother had three daughters earning money, and that they were all living together, The son was earning 12s a week at the time of the fatality, and under the circumstances he (His Honour) felt that he could not award less than £80 compensation.
     Larceny of Rings at Coleraine - Two Brothers Sent to a Reformatory.
At Coleraine petty sessions yesterday - before Major Torrens, H.M.V.L. (presiding), and other magistrates - John and William Hollinger, of Long Commons, Coleraine, two brothers, aged 13 and 11 years respectively, were charged with the larceny of a box of rings, valued at 2s, from the shop of Mr. Samuel Glassey, New Row West, on the 24th ult. Mrs. Glassey stated the two boys came to the shop and asked the price of a toy motor car. The eldest boy went to the outside of the window to point out the one they were inquiring about, and the young brother remained standing at the counter. She leaned over to the inside of the window to get the toy, and then the eldest boy came in and told her they "would not mind the motor that day," and they then went away. She immediately missed a box containing about thirty rings, and she followed the prisoners and saw them dividing the rings. These boys were in the habit of coming into her shop, and this was the third box of rings she had missed. Head-Constable Durnan also charged William Hollinger with having stolen 4s 10½d from Mrs. Canny, New Market Street, on the evening of the 28th ult. He pointed out that this offence had been committed since the boy was allowed out on bail to the petty sessions on the first charge. The magistrates committed the youths to a reformatory until they should attain 19 years of age.
     Narrow Escape from Drowning at Bessbrook
On the afternoon of the 31st ult. a Bessbrook boy had a narrow escape from death by drowning. It appears that he and several companions were amusing themselves in the vicinity of a house which is in the course of erection, and that, noticing one of his playmates climbing a short ladder, he went closer the better to see him. Walking backwards from the ladder, however, he feel into a deep well which had lately been opened, and which contained about four feet of water. Seeing his danger, one of the boys flung sown a large piece of wood, and with commendable foresight ran for help. Constables McKeown and Killgannon soon appeared on the scene. The former procured a rope, and, lowering himself by it, caught hold of the now exhausted child, and supported him till Constable Killgannon procured a ladder and took the boy from him. It was afterwards ascertained that the lad was nothing the worse for his experience beyond the shock.
     New Irish Barristers - Twelve Students Called, Dublin, Friday
A meeting of the Benchers was held to-day to consider memorials of candidate students and of students to be admitted to the degree of Barrister-at-Law. There were 31 candidate students, including Mr. William James Aloysius Redmond, son of Mr. John Redmond, M.P.; Mr. Robert John Hunter, second son if Mr. Johnston Hunter, of Bachelor's Walk, Lisburn; and Mr. Arthur Purefoy Irwin Samuels, only son of Mr. Samuels, K.C.  At the sitting of the Court, the Lord Chancellor called the following gentlemen to the Bar; Mr. Richard Joseph Sheehy, B.A., LL.B., R.U.I., eldest son of Mr. David Sheehy, M.P. Mr. Stephen Theodore Layton Maunder, candidate bachelor, Trinity College, Dublin, fourth son of Mr. George William Maunder, of 11, Rostrevor Terrace, Rathgar, County Dublin.  Mr. James Anderson, M.A., Royal University, Ireland, eldest son of Mr. Thomas Anderson, of Rockmount Villa, Northern Road, Londonderry.  Mr. Herbert McGladery, B.A., R.U.I., fifth son of Mr. Thomas McGladery, late of Woodbank, Belfast.  Mr. Patrick O'Donoghue, second son of Mr. Owen O'Donoghue, of 25 Alexandra Avenue, Belfast.  Mr. Vincent Raymond Kenny, undergraduate, R.U.I., third son of the late Mr. William Kenny, of Beechmount, Merrion, County Dublin.  Mr. Joseph Alfred Sheridan, undergraduate, Trinity College, Dublin, third son of the late Mr. Joseph Sheridan, of Spencer Park, Castlebar.  Mr. Edward Martin, FitzGerald, candidate bachelor, Trinity College, Dublin, second son of Mr. Edward FitzGerald, of Kyber Pass, Dalkey.  Mr. John F. Moriarty, fourth son of the late Mr. Oliver Moriarty, late of Killarney.  Mr. Edmond Lupton, eldest son of the late Mr. Robert Lupton, of Liverpool.  Mr. Henry Campbell, fourth son of Mr. Thos. Campbell, of 11 Vesey Place, Kingstown.  Mr. Robert Radcliffe, Lindsay Sands, second son of Mr. Thomas Sands, of Kenilworth Park, County Dublin.

Belfast Recorder's Court - Yesterday - Before his Honour Judge Fitzgibbon, K.C.
Belfast News-Letter Saturday 2nd November 1907

     Brady v. O'Dempsey
In this case James Brady, 52 Baker Street, sued James O'Dempsey, 215 York Road, to recover £19, damages for assault, and for money paid by plaintiff for defendant's use.  Mt. Thos. Louden (instructed by Mr. N. Tughan) appeared for the plaintiff, and the defendant conducted his case in person. The plaintiff, in reply to Mr. Louden, said he was a house-painter, and on the 11th September last he was engaged in painting at the defendant's premises. About three o'clock Mr. O'Dempsey came to him and ordered him away. He was entitled to five hours' pay at the time, and he went into defendant's spirit grocery to get his wages. Defendant came forward and said he was not to get any money. No reason was given. Defendant then ran at witness and assaulted him, striking him first on the mouth and knocking out two teeth. He then struck witness on the head, cutting his ear. Witness went to the hospital, where he was operated on, and was told that he would never hear with that ear again. He was five weeks in hospital. To the defendant - He began work at ten o'clock on the day in question. He gave no cause for the beating he received, nor did he interfere in any way with Miss O'Dempsey or customers in the shop. Defendant - Didn't I take hold of you to put you out of the shop when you fell on the floor? - That's not how it happened at all. After I dressed your head, you refused to go out? - I did no such thing. Mr. O'Dempsey from the witness-box, said the case was a very simple one. At plaintiff's request witness gave him some painting to do, and after some time found him carrying tiles. After being told to go back to his work, he was again found at the tiles. Witness then told him to go home. He went into the shop, sat down on a cask, and refused to leave. He threatened witness, and said he would break the windows. Witness slapped him on the jaws, the same as he would slap an ordinary boy. He let him go after chastising him, and his head struck the side of a case. Witness dressed his wound, and offered him a shilling, which he refused. Witness then brought in a policeman and had him removed. He was not injured a bit. To Mr. Louden - Plaintiff had no business in the shop. Witness did not pay his men there. He did not dismiss Brady, but told him to go away and come back in the morning. You told him you would make it hot for him? - I took hold of him to put him out. He threw himself on the floor, and then I slapped him three times. The plaintiff - Thirty-three (Laughter) His Honour - How did he get the cut? - By striking a porter case. Mr. Louden - He threw his head against the cask? - He was coming forward to get up. I was not anxious to punish him, or I could have done it as much as I liked. Witness, in further cross-examination, said he gave plaintiff a shilling to go away. When he saw his own blood he began to cry. That was the first impudence he has attempted with witness. Witness added that he would use physical force to prevent any man from breaking his windows, and if there was more of that sort of pluck among the citizens of Belfast there would be fewer offences of the kind before his Honour. His Honour said the defendant had admitted the assault, and the only question was the amount of damages. He would give a decree for 40s. Mr. O'Dempsey - If I am not justified in removing an objectionable man from my premises, I would like to know what my powers in this town are. His Honour - That is not my business. Mr. O'Dempsey - It is your business. His Honour - I have disposed of the case. - Mr. O'Dempsey - You have, but it is not ended.
     Calow v. Jefferson
Chas. Calow, 21 Albertbridge Road, jeweller, sued Walter Jefferson, Divis Drive, upholsterer, to recover the sum of £12, of which £10 represented cash lent, the balance being the price of goods sold and delivered. There was a tender of £2 y the defendant for the goods, the larger amount being disputed. Mr. W. Tughan appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. John Graham represented the defendant. The case is at hearing. The Court adjourned until eleven o'clock this morning.
     Irishman's Bravery at Sea - United States' Recognition
"Mr. McCann belongs to Ireland, and Ireland ought to be proud of him." These were the words used yesterday by Mr. J. Gillison, a member of the Local marine Board, Liverpool, a gold medal from the United States President in recognition of his services in assisting to rescue the shipwrecked crew of the American schooner Elma E. Randall on 27th September, 1906. Mr. Gillison said this was a solid gold medal awarded in recognition of a noble deed, and it gave him great pleasure, on behalf of the President of the United States, to hand Mr. McCann the medal, fully believing that the splendid deed which he had performed was done without thought of reward or even recognition, and that if one some future date a call for a volunteer crew was raised he was quite sure that Mr. McCann would be one of the first in the boat. Mr. McCann suitably responded.
     Alleged Pollution of a Salmon River - Witness's Remarkable Confession.
At Coleraine petty sessions yesterday - before Major Torrens, H.M.V.L. (presiding); Captain Welch, R.M.; Sir Wm. Baxter, J.P.; Messrs. T. T. Houston, J.P.; Samuel S. Young, J.P.; Andrew Clarke, J.P.; and Patrick McGilligan, J.P. - Andrew King, inspector of fisheries, Toome, charged William King and Wm. Vauls, Killowen, Coleraine, with having, on the 15th September, at Bushtown, let off flax water from the dams of Mr. Samuel Kennedy into a salmon and trout river in the district. Mr. R. O'Neill, solicitor, Coleraine, appeared for the defendants. Interrogated by Mr. King, a witness, Robert Douglas, Bushtown, said that he signed the document produced, but that what it set out was false. The document stated that he (witness) saw the defendants at the dam on the day in question, and the flax water running into the river. Douglas, when asked why he put his name to the document if it was false, said that John Patterson, a water-bailiff, came to him where he was working and asked him to sign it, but said there would be no law about the matter. Wm. James Laverty, who was along with Douglas on the occasion, said that Patterson asked him to sign the document also, but he refused to do so. John Patterson, water-bailiff, said that Douglas told him that the defendants had been at the dam on the date in question, and let the water off into the river. He took the statement in writing to him subsequently, and he said there was one part wrong in it, and that was that Matthew Laverty's name should be inserted instead of his. This change having been made, he signed it. He went to the other witness, Laverty, and asked him to sign the statement, but he commenced crying, and refused to do so. Their Worships dismissed the cases, Major Torrens remarking that he considered Douglas a most untrustworthy person.


Belfast Weekly Telegraph, Friday 28th November 1941

CLICK to enlarge

More Views of Blitz-Scarred Belfast

Photo 1 - With the clearing away of the bombed sections of Westbourne Street and Tower Street, Newtownards Road area, this striking view, with the ruins of Templemore Avenue Library in the foreground and St. Patrick's Parish Church in the background, shows how the district now looks.

Photo 2 - This view of the junction of Duncairn Gardens and Antrim Road, taken after the clearance of the debris, gives the corner a new appearance.

Photo 3 - A view in York Road, Belfast, where the debris of bombed buildings has been removed. St. Paul's Parish Church is seen in pictures.

Stories on the above page

War Reflections - Overseas Value of Home Guard
     "We are not going back to the old world, and we are certainly not going forward into Hitler's idea of a new world. We intend to have a world in which there is freedom and security for men to lead their own lives in their own way and enjoy the peace of their own homes." - The First Lord of the Admiralty
     "America's decision to revise the Neutrality Act if an event of tremendous importance in the unfolding drama of the war. It sounds the death knell to Hitler's already waning hopes of winning the Battle of the Atlantic." - Mr. Arthur Greenwood, Minister without Portfolio.
     "If we are to send more of the Army overseas the Home Guard must become more and more important. I believe in the voluntary principle, but it is unfair that public-spirited persons should turn out and drill while others are not taking their share." - Mr. Wilfrid Roberts, M.P.
     "The United States may be forced to engage Hitler to destroy him. If so, we will not flinch even if we have to take our newly forged weapons into out own hands and do our part - a brave nation's part." - Mr. Harold Ickes, U.S. Secretary of the Interior.
     "Britain, although not prepared, has something stronger than mere material weapons - the spiritual strength that is greater than any armament and the moral purpose which will lead to victory." - M. Tsouderos, Greek Prime Minister.
     "We are most anxious that there should be complete equality of opportunity for all people, no mater what part of the country they have to be in, to get their fair share of the goods that are in the shops. I am certain that when the points scheme comes into operation on December 1 it will be a great improvement on what has gone before." - Major G. Lloyd George, Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Food.

Bigamy Case at Commission - Recorded Sentence
     "This offence, like most offences of its kind, was born of an unhappy marriage." said Mr. J. Agnew at the Belfast Commission in pleading for leniency for Robert A. Gray, Mayo Street, who pleaded guilty to bigamy in England.  Mr. Agnew said that shortly after his return from England accused confessed to the young woman with whom he was living that he was already married, and on her advice he went to the police and made a clean breast of it.  Annie Digney, the bigamous wife, said the "marriage" took place at South Shields on November 18, and had been very happy. She was shocked when she learned that he was already married, but she had forgiven him.  The Lord Chief Justice said accused's legal wife seemed to have been unsuited to him and it was in his favour that he had never ceased paying her a weekly allowance.  If, his Lordship said, he sent accused to jail, he would be inflicting a serious hardship on Miss Digney, an innocent girl, and, therefore, he would pass a recorded sentence of six months' hard labour, and bound him over for two years.  Accused was then discharged.

Fraud Charge in Belfast - Accused Acquitted
     Edward James Dobson, Loopland Park, Belfast, pleaded not guilty at the Belfast Commission, before the Lord Chief Justice, to four charges of fraudulently converting to his own use sums amounting to £7 received from four women on behalf of Joseph Tyney, a registered money-lender.  Tyney gave evidence of employing the accused, who carried on business as the "Ulster Collection Company."  In reply to Mr. G. B. Hanna, who (instructed by Mr. Leslie Morris), appeared for Dobson, witness admitted that on a loan of £5 he charged interest at the rate of 20 per cent. for two months.  On the direction of his Lordship, who said the issue was one for civil proceedings, the jury found the accused not guilty and he was discharged.

items from 2nd page, not shown
Belfast Weekly Telegraph, Friday 28th November 1941


Bartlett - November 11, 1941, at the Misses Martin's Nursing Home, 74 Eglantine Avenue, to Lottie, wife of Thomas E. Bartlett, 18 Orpen Park, Finaghy - a daughter.
Crooks - November 18, 1941, to the Rev. Andrew and Mrs. Crooks, Campsie, Crumlin Road, Belfast - a son.
Wilson - November 19, 1941, at Bayview House, Kilroot, to Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Wilson, 35 Prospect Road, Portstewart - a daughter.


Coombs - Jackson ~ November 11, 1941, at Ulsterville Presbyterian Church, by Rev. S. R. Jamison, M.A., William Charles, second son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Coombs, of Tairgwaith, Carmarthen, S. Wales, to Mildred, eldest daughter of Mrs. Jackson and the late Mr. James Arthur Jackson, of 23 Windsor Road, Belfast
Coram - McKee ~ November 1, 1941, at Cooke Centenary Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Cassells Cordner, M.A., Ernest Frederick, eldest son on Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Coram, Caversham Heights, Berks., to Pearl, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. McKee, 41 Farnham Street, Belfast
Grey - Martin ~ October 30, 1941, at Ulsterville Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. S. R. Jamison, M.A., John Sidney Grey, Cairndene, Aghalee, to Rosina Martin, 74 Eglantine Avenue, Belfast
Goold - Darby ~ October 11, 1941, at the Church of St. Thomas of Canterbury, St. Helens, Lancashire )with Nuptial Mass), by Rev. Father Rogerson, P.P., Dr. Edmond C. Goold, Warrington, eldest son of Dr. Patrick Goold and the late Mrs. Goold, Raleigh House, Macroom, Co. Cork, to Dr. Maureen J. Darby, Assistant M.O.H., St. Helens, second daughter of Mr. Patrick Darby and the late Mrs. Darby, Rosemount House, Andersonstown, Belfast
Kirk - Grey ~ November 22, 1941, at Bolton, Lancs., England, Arthur Kirk, Bolton, to Annie Gray, Dunmurry, Belfast
McCleave - Ward ~ November 5, 1941, at St. Finbarr's Parish Church, Fowey, Cornwall, by the Rev. R. Guest, William H., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. George McCleave, 2 or 3 Castleview Terrace, Belfast, to Marjorie H., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Ward, Lamorna, Park Road, Fowey, Cornwall
Poag - Reid ~ November 19, 1941, at Belfast, Harry, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. William Poag, Blackhead, to Edith, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid, 11 St. John's Park, Belfast
Whiteside - Parker ~ November 23, 1891? at Newry Registry Office (by special licence), David Whiteside to Elizabeth Parker, Present address: 58 Canmore Street, Belfast


Auld - November 24, 1941, at her residence, Donnan's Farm, Cable Road, Whitehead, Annie Auld (late organiser of schools), eldest daughter of the late James and Agnes Auld, Port Davey
Blair - November 21, 1941, at the Royal Victoria Hospital, George, dearly-beloved husband of Henrietta Blair, 8 Lewis Street
Boyd - November 21, 1941, at her residence, Rosskeen, Dundonald, Margaret, beloved wife of Thomas W. Boyd
Bruce - November 21, 1941, at the Manse, Parkgate, Templepatrick, Kenneth George, younger son (aged 14 months) of Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Bruce
Bryans - November 23, 1941, at Clarkhill, Annsborough, Joseph, beloved husband of Isabella Bryans
Burns - November 20, 1941 (suddenly), at her residence, Church House, Chamberlain Street, Jessie Maude, beloved wife of Norman Victor Burns, and only daughter of George Lennon, Ballykeel, Moneyrea
Callender - November 20, 1941, at her residence, 144 Roden Street, Mary A. J., beloved wife of William Callender
Clarke - November 19, 1941, at his residence, Shore Street, Millisle, Richard, much loved husband of Maria Clarke
Dick - November 20, 1941, at the residence of his niece, Dromore Street, Ballynahinch, Thomas Dick
Donnan - November 21, 1941, at the residence of her son-in-law, 81 Wheatfield Crescent, Anna, widow of Hans Donnan, Ballywoollen, Crossgar, Co. Down
Field - November 20, 1941 (suddenly), Thomas John Field, of Redmarle, Cultra, Co. Down
French - November 24, 1941, at his residence, 66 Edward Street, Lurgan, Joseph, beloved husband of Catherine French
Fyffe-McFadden - November 20, 1941, at her parents' home, 23 Westland Terrace, Ellis Street, Carrickfergus, Joyce, dearly-beloved baby daughter of Staff Sergeant R. E. Cyril H. W. and Margaret Fyffe-McFadden
Gibson - November 23, 1941, at his residence, Ussherville, 134 Ardenlee Avenue, Andrew Gibson (late G.P.O., Belfast), dearly-beloved husband of Sarah A. Gibson
Glover - November 22, 1941, at her residence, The Cottage, Ballytromery, Crumlin, Eliza Jane, dearly-beloved wife of Henry A. Glover
Gowdy - November 20, 1941, George, dearly-loved husband of Mary Gowdy, 36 Harrison Street
Graham - November 21, 1941, at his son's residence, 26 Orby Gardens, Belfast, James, beloved father of Robert H. Graham
Hanna - November 20, 1941, at her residence, The Forge, Drumbeg, Mary S. C., dearly-beloved wife of George Henry Hanna
Henry - November 20, 1941 (as result of an accident), at Hospital, Samuel Henry, 17 Palmer Street
Hill - November 22, 1941, at Main Street, Moira, John, dearly-beloved husband of Mary Jane Hill (late of 11 Derwent Street
Irwin - November 20, 1941, Margaret, widow of Andrew Irwin, Makenny, Irvinestown
Jones - November 24, 1941, at her residence, 16 Steen's Row, Mary, the dearly-loved wife of Joseph Jones
Keatley - November 20, 1941 (suddenly), at 5 The Cottages, Sally Gardens, Carnmoney, Cecil, dearly-loved son of Robert and Sarah Keatley, 9 Hillview Street
Lance - November 21, 1941, at Warrenpoint, Melville, loved son of George and the late Susan Lance, 10 Beatrice Avenue, Bangor
Little - November 20, 1941, at her residence. 154 Upper Newtownards Road, Rachel, greatly-beloved wife of J. O. Little
Lomas - November 20, 1941, at her residence, Galwally Cottage, Galwally, Annie, widow of John Lomas
Magee - November 20, 1941, at her residence, Whitehall, Aghagallon, Lurgan, Mary A., eldest daughter of the late Charles and Ann Magee
Mercer - November 21, 1941 (suddenly), at her residence, 89 Belmont Road, Elizabeth L., dearly-loved wife of John K. Mercer
Morgan - November 22, 1941, at his residence, 73 Joy Street, John, dearly-beloved husband of Elizabeth Morgan
Mullan - November 21, 1941, at his residence, 5 Moyallon Terrace, Coalisland, John, dearly-beloved husband of Sarah Mullan
McBride - November 21, 1941, Minnie, widow of John McBride, later of 29 Market Square, Lisburn
McCann - November 21, 1941, at the residence of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Dixon, John Street, Downpatrick, Mary A., relict of Patrick McCann and eldest daughter of the late George and Ellen Glover, 6 Newtownards Road
McConnell - November 20, 1941, at his son-in-law's residence, The Buildings, Brookfield, Doagh, Samuel McConnell
McCullough - November 25, 1941, at hospital, Albert Reginald (Wee Reggie), second son of John and Emma McCullough, 52 Railway Street, Banbridge
McDowell - November 21, 1941, at his residence, Drumgor, Lurgan, Robert, dearly-loved husband of Eliza Jane McDowell
McKee - November 21, 1941, at his residence, Roseville, New Road, Donaghadee, Thomas McKee (formerly of Ganaway House, Ballywalter)
McKeown - November 22, 1941, at his residence, Tornagrough, Hannahstown, James McKeown

(I only have this one page of the paper, the deaths must have been continued further on in the paper)

Belfast Weekly Telegraph, Friday 28th November 1941

     Eileen McClenaghan, aged 11, 29 Mountjoy Street, and Mollie Miles, aged 12, 44 Mountjoy Street. have contributed £1 to the Red cross Aid to Russia Fund in Belfast. They made a number of woollen dolls, which they sold in their own neighbourhood in aid of the fund, and also collected subscriptions.

Burned Belfast Child - Father's Sad Story
    What the Belfast City Coroner (Dr. H. P. Lowe) described as "a most harrowing story" was told at an inquest on Margaret Phyllis Dunn, aged three years and eight months, by the child's father, Mr. Newton Dunn, a dock labourer, Glentoran Street.  The father said on November 22 he was in an upstairs room and heard the deceased shouting "Daddy, look at Phyllis" (meaning herself). Her clothing was on fire, and he immediately rolled her in blankets and removed the burned garments. He took the child to hospital, and it was only when she saw the nurses in the ambulance that she began to cry. Before he went upstairs there was a fireguard in front of the kitchen fire.  Expressing sympathy with the parents, the Coroner returned a verdict of accidental death.

Musician Salutes Lawyer
     "Rathcol," our music critic, here salutes the memory of an old friend, the late Mr. Daniel MacLaughlin, veteran Coleraine solicitor, whose death last week was mourned by a wide circle:-  "Tribute has been paid elsewhere to Mr. MacLaughlin's legal prowess and his many social and philanthropic activities in and around Coleraine, but I should like to recall his artistic work in that town over a period of more than half-a-century.  "The lighter side of art was his chief pursuit; and one recalls not only those delightful plays from his own pen (notably 'Andrew McIlfatrick, J.P.' with his first-rate portraiture of Ulster village life), but also the many dramatic and variety entertainments he produced and took part in, as also did members of his gifted family.  "His swan-song (1918) was the musical comedy in which he and I collaborated as author and composer respectively. 'Dan' was the born artist, creative and executive; and his was a distinguished, gracious and lovable personality, whose memory shall linger fragrantly."

Death of Ulster Journalist - Noted Fermanagh Man
     The death took place on Monday night in the Fermanagh County Hospital, Enniskillen, of Mr. William Copeland Trimble, J.P., editor and proprietor of the "Impartial Reporter."  Born in 1851, his 90 years of life were crowded with activities of many and varied kinds. As a journalist he spent practically the whole of his professional career in the service of the "Reporter," to the ownership of which he succeeded on the death of his father over 60 years ago. He was a Fellow of the Institute of Journalists, one of the oldest magistrates in Co. Fermanagh, and took a very keen and active interest in everything pertaining to his native town and county.  As an Independent Unionist he travelled over large parts of England and Scotland during the Home Rule campaign denouncing the proposed introduction of that measure. An eloquent speaker, he could always obtain and retain the attention of his audience whether they agreed with his particular views or not.  Owing to publication he made of strong criticism of various people he was at one period a familiar figure in the Law Courts, where he defended many libel actions, generally with success.  Educated at Portora Royal School, of which he was a member of the Board of Governors, Mr. Trimble was a strong adherent of the Presbyterian Church and a member for many years of the Masonic Order. He wrote a history of Enniskillen in three volumes, also a history of the 27th Inniskilling Fusiliers.  Twice married, he is survived by his wife, three sons and three daughters.

200 Socks in Two Years - A Belfast Record
     Two pairs of socks per week over the past two years - 104 pairs. This is the record of Mrs. Barwick, 24 Orpen Park, Finaghy, a member of the Women's Work Party connected with Messrs. Short & Harland, and to celebrate her achievement Mrs. W. P. Kemp, wife of the general manager of the firm, on Tuesday presented her with a gift from her co-workers.  Mrs. Barwick's husband served for about 27 years in the Navy, retiring as a chief pay officer.  He went through the last war, and she said she appreciated to some extent what the men had to endure.  All the socks had been knit by herself, and in addition she had found time to knit garments for her family. Most of the members of the work party have relatives employed in the firm. They have made many hundreds of woollen comforts for the Forces.

Belfast Weekly Telegraph, Friday 28th November 1941

The Ulster Regiments - Latest Promotions List
     From War Office Orders:-
Royal Ulster Rifles -
   Lieut. (Acting Captain) F. McGoffen to be Temporary Captain.
   Second-Lieuts. C. W. F. Reid, G. E. Buss, and D. A. Neale to be War Sub-Lieuts.
   Major (Acting Lieut.-Colonel) C. J. Newport, retired pay (late R.U. Rifles), to be temporary Lieut.-Colonel, November 14, 1940
   War Subs-Lieut. regranted temporary rank of Captain - W. Johnson
   Second-Lieuts. to be War Subs-Lieuts - F. Gann, I. A. May, T. E. May, B. F. Spiller, J. N. Wheatley, M. L. V. R. H. O'Regan
North Irish Horse (S.R.) -
   War Subs-Lieut. (temporary Captain) (acting Major) K. G. P. Pomeroy to be temporary Major and War Subs-Captain
Royal Irish Fusiliers -
   War Subs-Lieut. (acting Captain) W. C. J. Hall to be temporary Captain
   Second-Lieuts. S. G. Coombes and J. F. Harrison to be War Subs-Lieut.
   Captain (acting Major) to be temporary Major - J. G. Fisher.
   Lieut. (acting Captain) to be temporary Captain - J. Corbett
   Second Lieut. to be War Subs-Lieut. - R. L. G. Wood
Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers -
   Second-Lieut. J. F. Hall to be War Subs-Lieut.
   Lieuts. (acting Captains_ to be temporary captains - C. C. Gotto, J. Curley, M.C.
   Second Lieuts. to be War Subs.
   Lts. - D. T. Little, E. W. Kendal

Was On Ark Royal
     Surgeon Alan Robinson, R.N., who was in the torpedoed Ark Royal, arrived in Belfast on Wednesday apparently none the worse for his ordeal. He is a son of Rev. W. J. and Mrs. Robinson, who have been residing in Ardglass since their home was "blitzed.!

Death of Mr. W. Curry - Long With W. & G. Baird
   The death took place on Thursday in the Royal Victoria Hospital of Mr. William Curry, 5 Oakland Avenue, Belfast, who for nearly half a century was a commercial traveller for the firm of W. & G. Baird, Ltd., printers and stationers, Royal Avenue  Mr. Curry served his apprenticeship with James Moore, Ltd., Donegall Place, and after a short period with Robinson Brothers, entered the service of Messrs. W. & G. Baird, Ltd., with whom he spent prolonged and faithful service. Mr. Curry was a well-known figure in the commercial life of the city and Province, and his urbanity of manner made for him hosts of friends who will hear with great regret of his passing. He leaves a wife, one daughter (Miss Winnie Curry) and of his sons, the eldest is Mr. Robert Curry, an official in the Public Health department of Belfast Corporation.  The second, Ernest, is in the linen business in New York, and another, George, is a missionary of the Qua Ibo Mission in Nigeria. With the bereaved circle the deepest sympathy will be felt.

Belfast Weekly Telegraph, Friday 28th November 1941

Not Registered Dentist - Belfast Man Fined
     For practising dentistry without being a registered dentist, Arthur Groom, Antrim Road, Belfast, was fined £6 with £5 2s costs by Mr. S. C. Clarke, R.M., at Portaferry Petty Sessions on Tuesday, and a second summons for preparing to practise dentistry while not registered as a dentist was withdrawn.  The case was brought by the Dental Board of the United Kingdom, for whom Mr. W. Weatherup (instructed by Messrs. Macauley & Ritchie) appeared. Evidence was given that defendant had been enrolled on the dental registry in 1922 but his name was erased from it in 1939 by the order of the General Medical Council, and Mr. T. N. Bridgham, inspector attached to the Dental Board, stated that defendant's name did not appear in the current registry.  Several witnesses said that they had teeth extracted by defendant during the month of October in a house in Bishopsmills, Portaferry, and he was paid at the rate of 2s for each extraction.  Mr. Weatherup stated that defendant for similar offences had been fined 20s and 40s in Holywood in 1940, when he gave an undertaking not to practise again.  Defendant made no appearance in court, but the Resident Magistrate expressed himself satisfied that the case was proved.

Irish Peer's Son Killed - Hon. Brinsley Plunket
     Acting Flight-Lieut., the Hon. Brinsley Plunket has been killed on active service at Port Soudan. He was 38. Second son of the fifth Lord Plunket, who was a Governor-General of New Zealand, brother of the sixth Baron, who was killed in an aircrash in California on February, 1938, and uncle of the present peer, he was granted a commission in the R.A.F. soon after the war broke out.  Four years ago he was left £18,000 by a woman who nursed him during an illness in New Zealand when he was a boy.  The Hon. Brinsley Plunket was a grandson of the first Marquis of Dufferin and Ava, his mother being Lady Victoria Blackwood.  He was a regular attender at the T.T. race, stopping at Clandeboye.

King's Medallist Killed
     Captain Norman Boyer, Royal Warwickshire Regiment and Soudan Defence Force, who won the King's Medal at Bisley in 1932, has been killed in action in the Middle East.

Death of Canadian Judge
     Mr. Newton Wesley Rowell, K.C., Chief Justice of Ontario since 1923, died last week-end, aged 74.  He was in the Imperial War Cabinet in the last war and represented Canada at the first assembly of the League of Nations.  He was a familiar figure before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in London, and in the famous "Person" case in 1920, persuaded that tribunal that women were "Persons" under the British North American Act, and therefore eligible to sit in the Canadian Senate. - Reuter

Contractors Sent to Prison - Blitz Repairs Frauds
     A number of Belfast contractors entered pleas of guilty at the City Commission on Monday when arraigned on charges of making false pretences to the Belfast Corporation in respect of wages paid to workers, by means of which they received from the Corporation certain payments with intent to defraud.  Thomas McCandless, of Oldpark Road, and Robert J. McKenzie, do., pleases guilty to 23 counts charging them with falsely pretending to William R. Ferris, an official of the Belfast Corporation, that they had paid certain amounts of wages to workmen by means of which they obtained various sums of money from the Corporation.  Three additional charges were asked to be taken into account.  Mr. Edmond Warnock, K.C., M.P., Senior Crown Solicitor, said the total amount involved in all the cases was £108.  His Lordship asked who stood to lost in these cases. Was it the Corporation of the men?  Mr. Warnock said the workmen who had been injured had all been paid. About £108 has been paid by the accused. -  How They Started Work  -  Mr. S. C. Porter, K.C. for McCandless, said after the raid on Belfast the two accused decided to go on for contracting work in executing house repairs. They went to the Corporation and were told to get a number of workmen and start on repair work. They had employed up to 50 workmen at the one time.  Counsel said quite a number of agricultural labourers and non-descripts came into the city of Belfast and got employment in carrying out repairs. Counsel mentioned that a sum between £1,000 and £1,500 was still held by the Corporation and due to his client.  Mr. Porter added that a sum of £108 had been made good by the accused to the workmen.  Mr. J. D. Chambers, who represented McKenzie, made a plea for leniency on his behalf. He had been led into the dishonesty by McCandless.  If counsel's client was sufficiently strong he would have been against allowing himself to be a party to this offence.  His Lordship said they were very painful cases for him to try. There never had been any previous convictions against the accused.  He sentences McCandless to 12 months' imprisonment and McKenzie to nine months.
     Eight Months' Sentence - Joseph Young, of Pine Street, pleaded guilty to three charges of a like nature and to twelve other charges of which notice had been served on him.  Mr. Warnock said that the total amount involved was £15 7s and the workmen had been paid. Mr. Isaac Copeland, for Young, said when the accused entered on the contract he had in his employment 37 men. Unfortunately he found men to work at a lower rate than that which he entered on the sheets for the Corporation.  A sum of £750 was still owing to him by the Corporation.  It was the pressure of circumstances that drove him to do it.  The Lord Chief Justice sentenced Young to eight months' imprisonment with hard labour.


Belfast Evening Telegraph Wednesday 28th April 1915

this was fun :o)

a few with addresses or requests of interest from the WANTED advertisements

Royal Navy and Royal Marines require Men and Boys Age 15-9 to 38 ? for period of war. Good pay.
Adoption, Would any kind person adopt healthy baby girl, two years old; all claims given up. Box No.
Ploughman wanted; highest wages (indoor) to experienced man. Apply D. W. Wallace, Craigavad, Co. Down.
Country Girl, to mind baby and assist in housework. Apply Mrs. Rusk, Martinville, Malone, Belfast.
Wanted, Married Man, to do farm work and milk, wife also to link, Wm. McBroom, Hightown, Glengormley.
Wanted, a Man to do general Farm Work and help to milk. John Magill, Upper Ballysillan.

Lost and Found                     Belfast Evening Telegraph Wednesday 28th April 1915

Missing, since 13th inst., little Boy, Thomas Scott, aged 10 years; dark hair and eyes; wearing blue jersey and corduroy trousers, foot? stockings. Information thankfully received. 52 Hornby Street
Lost, on 18th inst. Sky Blue Dog, scum over eyes, named "Victor" Reward 58 Thorndyke Street.
Lost, Tuesday, from traveller's barrow, Brown Paper Parcel, initials N.S.M., address "J. Christie." Finder rewarded at Robinson's Hotel, Donegall Street.
Lost, Gold Bangle, initials T.F., on Sunday, about Castlereagh or Albertbridge Road. Reward. Finder please return 104 Killowen Street.
Lost, Sunday, between Springfield Road and Mountpottinger, one Gold Earring. Finer rewarded at Mrs. Megannety, 149 Albertbridge Road.
Lost, between Cyprus Gardens and Bloomfield Terminus, a Purse containing sum of money. Finder rewarded at 12 Cyprus Gardens.
Lost, on 21st April, Black Male Donkey. Fine reward returned to T. Martin, Whiterock House, Springfield Road.
Lost, on Thursday, 22nd inst., Collie Bitch; name and address on collar, "George West, Market Hill." Finer rewarded at 26 Glenwherry Street, City.
Lost, on Sunday, 25th, about Fortwilliam Park, Antrim Road, a Lamp Socket off Hearse. Finder rewarded Houston Bros. & Williamson, Crumlin Road.
Lost, on 23rd, vicinity Lisburn Road, or from Malone Road to Shaw's Bridge, Lady's Gold Bangle. Finder rewarded, 9 Camden Street, Lisburn Road.
Lost, on Sunday, 25th inst., between Magdala Street, College Green, University Square, and Malone Road, large Amethyst and Seed Pearl Brooch, gold setting. Reward on returning same to Mrs. Hamilton, 49 Magdala Street.
Accumulator Lost on Saturday, either on Shore Road or Alexandra Park Avenue. Finder rewarded at York Road Police Barracks.
Lost, to-day, between Baden Powell Street and Manor Street, or on Castlereagh car, or Donegall Street, Gold Brooch, two bars and pearls. Finder rewarded at 9 Baden-Powell Street.
Lost on Monday, 26th inst., Rough haired Irish Terrier Dog. Finder rewarded, 26 Peel Street.
Found, Black and White Goat, on Grosvenor Road; if not claimed in three days will be sold. Apply 22 Theodore Street.
Lost, Lady's Morocco Bag, containing wedding ring and money, on Thursday last. Reward at 4 North Derby Street

For Sale

For sale, 1 Drake and 2 Ducks (prize Black East Indians). Apply to 14 Kinallen Street, between 12 and 2.
Bangor - Large Lock-up Motor Sheds and Stables to Let; easy access; water and every accommodation; central; rent moderate; let cheap to yearly tenant. G. M. Smyth, Prospect Terrace House, Bangor.

Houses (Prices are yikes)

Terrace Houses - £240 Delhi Street, Malone Road; £230 Willowbank Street; £410 Taunton Avenue; £325 Ebrington Gardens; £290 Cliftonville Road; Lot of Parlour Houses, Bloomfield, £120 each; Parlour Houses, Mileriver, Channing, Roden and Isoline Streets, from £90; Bloomfield Desirable Cottage Residence, parlour, 3 rooms, bath, good garden, £160; 4s weekly, Vernon Street, Ormeau Road, kitchen houses with 3 bedrooms.

German Onset Checked, The Flanders Battle, British in Good Position, Heavy Canadian Sacrifices
     Though the battle on the Yser is still raging fiercely, it seems clear that the German advance has met with a complete check, and their design to turn the left of the British position there has been foiled. They twice managed to cross the Yser Canal at Lizerne, but on each occasion were driven back with heavy loss, and the Allies have established themselves strongly on the eastern side of the canal. The enemy's offensive, it is reported, already gives token of weakening.  To the north of Ypres, according to the French official communiqué of Tuesday night, the progress of the Allies (both the British and French Ahmies? (Allies, Armies?) continues. Numerous prisoners have been taken with war material, trench mortars, and machine guns. The position south-east of Ypres is reported as most favourable for the British. The enemy have ceased to dispute the possession of Hill 60, which has not been shelled for the past two days. The Canadians, who bore the brunt of the attack, made a most heroic resistance. At the beginning of the battle they held the apex of the Ypres triangle of positions, their centre being at St. Julien, and their trenches joining on the left those of the French south of Langemarck. The driving back of the French by the use of asphyxiating gases left the left wing of the Canadian line exposed, but a reserve battalion was hurriedly brought up to fill the gap. The men made a fine response to the exhortations of the general in command, and stood firm against dense masses of Germans, despite the asphyxiating fumes which rolled down upon them. Rushing through the deserted French trenches, the enemy managed to reach the canal, where some of our 4.7 guns were exposed to attack. Here they were charged fiercely by the Canadians, who cleared some of the captured trenches with the bayonet and held them till reinforcements arrived. Regarding this conflict a War Office message, says:- "It is officially reported on medical evidence that Canadian soldiers have lost their lives in the recent fighting not from wounds, but from poisoning by the gases employed by the enemy, which is a means of warfare contrary to the Hague Convention."  The loss of the gallant Canadians was undoubtedly very heavy, and has occasioned general grief in the Dominion, where flags are flying at half mast on all public buildings. At the same time, there is a keen feeling of pride in the splendid deeds of the men. Public services are being arranged in Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, and elsewhere in honour of the Canadians who died at Langemarck. Recruiting has received a great stimulus through the reports of the recent fighting. At Calgary, when the office for recruits for the 5th Battalion of the fourth contingent was opened, 500 men made immediate application. The band of the 103rd Militia Regiment joined in a body. The offer of Captain Percival Molson and Lieutenant George McDonald McGill, of the Canadian Officers' Training Corps to raise another company for Princess Patricia's Regiment, has been accepted by the Military Department. There is a strong feeling that the Canadian Army should be increased. Here, as in Great Britain, losses and sacrifices only stimulate the Imperial feeling. The Canadian Casualties. The following losses are reported from General Headquarters in connection with the Canadian Contingent:- KILLED - Birchall, Lieut.-Col. A. P., 4th Batt (Infantry); Brant, Lieut. C. D., 4th Batt. (Infantry); Clarke-Kennedy, Capt. W. H., 13th Batt. (Infantry); Drummond, Lieut. G. M., 13th Batt. (Infantry); Fleming, Capt. H. M., 16th Batt. (Infantry); Geddes, Capt. J., 16th Batt. (Infantry); Glover, Capt. J. D., 4th Batt. (Infantry); Kimmins, Major A. E., 1st Batt. (Infantry); King-Mason, Lieut. C. G. D., 5th Batt. (Infantry); Kirkpatrick, Lieut. A. D., 3rd Batt. (Infantry); Lees, Capt. G. O., 13th Batt. (Infantry); MacDonald, Lieut. M. D., 3rd Batt. (Infantry); McLaren, Major J., 10th Batt. (Infantry); Merritt, Capt. C. M., 16th Batt. (Infantry); Norsworthy, Major E. C., 13th Batt. (Infantry); Ryerson, Capt. G. C., 3rd Batt. (Infantry); Steacie, Capt. R., 14th Batt. (Infantry); Williamson, Lieut. G. M., 14th Batt. (Infantry). DIED OF WOUNDS - Boyle, Lieut.-Col. R. L., 10th Batt. (Infantry)

Protection Against Gases         Belfast Evening Telegraph Wednesday 28th April 1915
     The War Office has issues the following message:- As a protection against the asphyxiating gases being used as a weapon of warfare by the Germans, supplies of one or both of the following types of respirator are required by the troops at the front. Either can be made easily in any household. First, a face-piece (to cover mouth and nostrils) formed of an oblong pad of bleached absorbent cotton wool, about 5¼ by ¾ inches, covered with three layer of bleached cotton gauze and fitted with a band to fit around the head and keep the pad in position, consisting of a piece of half-inch cotton elastic 16 inches long attached to the narrow end of the facepad, so as to form a loop with the pad. Second, a piece of double stockinette, 9½ inches long, 3½ inches wide in the centre, gradually diminishing in width to 2½ inches at each end, with a piece of thick plaited worsted about 5 inches long attached at each end, so as to form a loop to pass over the ear. These respirators should be sent in packages of not less than 100 to the Chief Ordnance Officer, Royal Army Clothing Department, Pimlico.

     Glasgow Workers and the War
The behaviour of the workers of Glasgow during the war was highly praised by Mr. Francis Henderson, who presided at the annual meeting of the local branch of the Navy League on Tuesday evening. He said that while some parts, owing to congestion or disinclination among the workmen, had occasionally as many as 60 to 70 vessels awaiting discharge, there had never been more than five or six waiting on the Clyde during the war. That spoke well for the working men of the city.

     A body clad in night attire was found in Portsmouth Harbour yesterday, and is believed to be that of Rear-Admiral Grogan, retired, who was missing five weeks ago from a naval patrol boat which he commanded. Admiral Grogan was on the retired list, but had accepted the position of captain in the Royal Naval Reserve.

     German Mother Poisons Her Son (Central News Telegram)
Amsterdam, Wednesday - The wife of a Berlin magistrate has poisoned her son and committed suicide. The son was a pupil of a military school, and the reasons for the act of despair may be surmised.

1                                           2                                        3
1) (Photo: Lafayette) Capt. and Adjutant H. Brew Kennedy 16th Divisional Train, Army Service Corps. Captain Kennedy, who is a son of Mrs. Kennedy, Rugby Road, Belfast, is a distinguished graduate of Trinity College, Dublin, and a "Blue" of the Dublin University Football Club. He joined the army from Trinity College in October, and was gazetted captain as from 14th December last. He served three years in North of Ireland Yeomanry.
2) Rifleman Wm. Wilkinson, 1st Battalion R.I. Rifles, of 83 Glenmachan Street, Belfast, severely wounded on March 19, and now in the 1st London General Hospital.
3) Private John McManus, Highland Light Infantry, of 16 Caledon Street, Belfast, rendered stone deaf by a gunshot wound behind the ear, received at La Bassee. He is now being taught at the Belfast Institute for the Deaf and Dumb, College Square, Belfast.
Belfast Evening Telegraph Wednesday 28th April 1915

Mr. Daniel Smith, engine driver on Great Northern Railway, of 99 Roden Street, Belfast, has three sons and a son-in-law at the front. The names are, from the left - Wm. Massey (son-in-law), R.F.A.; Daniel Smith (son), 6th R.I.R.; Joseph Smith (son), 6th R.I.R.; and Bernard Smith (son), 4th Hussars.
The little boy seen in the photograph alongside Major H. R. Bruce (14th Batt. R.I.R.) is the son of a Sergeant stationed at Randalstown. Although only fifteen years of age he is very anxious to join the army, and the War Office has been written to for permission.

Ulster Division Parade, A Notable Event, Preliminary Arrangements.
A great deal of public interest is already being manifested of the parade of the Ulster Division in Belfast, it has been arranged for 8th prox. In addition to the parade it has as announced yesterday, been decided that there will be a review of the division on the spacious ground between Malone Road and Lagan, approached from Deramore Park South. This review will begin at 1 p.m., and the division will afterwards march via Malone Road, University Road, Great Victoria Street, Fisherwick Place and Wellington Place, past the City Hall. The subsequent routes have not been arranged, and it is probably that each brigade will go through a different part of the city. This will be one of the most interesting and notable events that has ever taken place in Ulster. No such military spectacle has ever been seen in the North of Ireland, or perhaps will ever be seen again. The event is remarkable in various aspects. In the first place, it will be the only opportunity afforded the people of Ulster to see their own division in something like its full strength. A single battalion of 1,000 men makes a fine appearance, but what will be the effect of a great column containing at least a dozen infantry battalions, as well as Royal Engineers, Pioneers, Signallers, Cyclists, Cavalry, Army Service Corps, and Royal Army Medical Corps. The variety of the display also renders it especially interesting. With the exception of heavy guns, which are not yet supplied to the division, every branch of military equipment will be seen; the parade will be, in fact, a complete army on a small scale - just a miniature reproduction of the great force not fighting in France and Belgium. Here will be seen Engineers and Pioneers, with their scientific equipment of all kinds, the men who plan and construct the trenches about which we have read so much. Then come the Signallers - those Ulstermen whose smartness was known before the war broke out - men upon whose skill, speed, and carefulness the success of operations depends so much. The Cyclists' Company will also be on view, who, like the Signallers, perform so valuable a work, often under grave risks and dangers. There will also be the Army Service Corps, with their supply waggons, a branch of the service whose great work in providing for our troops at the front has called forth the wonder and admiration of the nation. They will have their supply waggons, etc., just as though they were at the front. Similarly, the Army Medical Corps will have their ambulance waggons and appliances with which they have done such a great work for our brave sick and wounded men. We must not forget, either, the dashing cavalry squadron, bearing the famous name of Inniskilling, who will add an interesting and picturesque item to this great display. The very size of the march will be impressive in itself. Experts calculate that the division will occupy at least . . (paper ripped and a good chunk missing) . . selfishly have taken the opportunity of proving that Ulster's loyalty to King and Flag and Empire is not a thing of mere words, but a faith ready to be proved in deeds. Seldom have the people of an entire province been given such an opportunity of seeing their own troops. And unless we are much mistaken the spectators will receive a surprise. The men when they joined were fine specimens of youth and vigour, but a few months of healthy regular outdoor exercise and physical training have worked wonders, and the splendid appearance of the Division will make the people of Ulster prouder than ever of their gallant and patriotic men who have enlisted.  We have no doubt that this event, unparalleled in our North of Ireland history, will draw an enormous crowd to Belfast to see our troops before they go out on active service. It is, indeed, not only a privilege but a duty to show the officers and men of the Division how highly they are honoured by the people of Ulster, and for that reason, if for no other, we are sure there will be an immense number of people journeying to Belfast on May 8th. The railway companies, with their customary enterprise are giving specially reduced fares, particulars of which will be announced later.

Belfast Evening Telegraph Wednesday 28th April 1915

The Missing Blouse, A Bangor Hotel Episode, Manageress Sues for Libel
     An action for libel occupied the attention of Judge Craig in the Belfast Recorder's Court to-day, the plaintiff being Anna M. Reilly, an hotel manageress, residing at Channonrock, Co. Louth, and the defendant Frank Apperson, of 6 Ocean Buildings, Donegall Square East, Belfast, insurance manager.  Mr. T. J. Campbell )instructed by Mr. J. I. Donaghy) appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. E. J. McKean (instructed by Messrs. Galway & McIlwaine) represented the defendant. Counsel, in opening the case, said the plaintiff had acted in the capacity of lady manageress of the Grand, Ltd., at Bangor. The defendant was an insurance manager in Belfast. Last year he, with his family, stayed at the hotel under a six months' contract and at special rates. Apparently from time to time they were not quite satisfied with the menu, and as a consequence they had some feeling against the lady in charge, and that feeling developed and manifested itself in a rather peculiar way - in the libel of which they complained, and which caused Miss Reilly very great pain indeed. When Mr. and Mrs. Apperson first came to the hotel they were on friendly terms with the plaintiff, and such was this relationship that there was an understanding that small articles coming to the hotel would come in Mr. Apperson's name, as he had a subscriber's ticket on the railway. The arrangement was something after the style of the old Parliamentary system of franking. His Honour, interrupting, disputed the analogy, and remarked that the old Parliamentary system of franking was an open and legitimate transaction, whilst this was apparently subterfuge to deprive the railway company of something to which they were entitled. Mr. Campbell said the amounts involved were very trivial indeed. On 11th February a parcel came addressed to Mrs. Apperson. It had been ordered by the plaintiff at the Bank Buildings. Mr. Apperson received it and paid on it the sum of one penny. He opened the parcel, and finding there was a blouse in it, and failing to find out for whom it was intended, he placed it on the coal scuttle in the dining-room. Miss Reilly, twenty minutes later, ascertained that the blouse had arrived, but there was no trace of it anywhere, and the blouse had not been seen from that day until this. Mr. Apperson charged the plaintiff with hiding the blouse for the purpose of getting himself and his wife into trouble. The letter containing the alleged libel, which was addressed by Mr. Apperson to the secretary of the Grand, Ltd., stated:- This morning (12th February, 1915), Miss Reilly charged my wife with detaining her parcel, and refusing to give it up to her. She also 'phoned to the Bank Buildings, and in the presence of Mrs. Apperson and the charwoman, I am informed, stated that Mrs. Apperson had received the parcel, and had refused to give it up to her. Mrs. Apperson than 'phoned to me and told me what had happened. I instantly called for Miss Reilly to come to the 'phone, and after some time she came. I told her all the foregoing just as I have written it, and then asked her would she be good enough to put in writing to me what she had said to Mrs. Apperson this morning, but she refused to do so. Mrs. Apperson came up this afternoon and informed me that two policemen were brought into the hotel and ordered by Miss Reilly to search everywhere. In the absence of a warrant Mrs. Apperson gave them full liberty to search both our rooms, every box, drawer, hamper, suit case, and everything in our rooms was open for inspection to the police, who, I must say, were very civil. When I spoke to Miss Reilly over the 'phone, I mentioned the possibility of her having taken it herself, and I am also open enough to admit that I suggested her taking it herself for the purpose of destroying our good name. Will you, therefore, bring these circumstances before the notice of your directors as soon as ever convenient, and if Miss Reilly will be as honest to put her doings on paper, as I have done, there could be no possible doubt as to what the result will be. Miss Reilly, the plaintiff, was then examined, and bore out counsel's statement, and Mr. Walter R. Rawlinson, secretary of the Grand Ltd., gave evidence as to the receipt of Mr. Apperson's letter.  The Defence, Mr. McKean submitted first that the letter was no libel, and secondly that it was privileged. There was a row between Miss Reilly and Mr. and Mrs. Apperson and the plaintiff, and whether she formulated a definite charge or not, was undoubtedly making the case that the parcel had been last seen with the defendants, and that somebody had stolen it. The letter was merely Mr. Apperson's account of what had occurred, and he did not make any charge in it. Mrs. Apperson stated that at about 6.15 p.m. on the evening of February 11 a parcel was delivered to her addressed to "Mrs. Apperson, Grand Hotel, Bangor." Her husband asked her if she had been buying from the Bank Buildings, and she said she had not, and that the parcel must have been delivered to her in mistake. Having a headache she went up to her room, and shortly afterwards her boy came up and said his father had opened the parcel, which contained a blouse. Witness said she had not bought a blouse, and that it probably belonged to one of three other persons named Apperson, who resided in Bangor. The next morning whilst witness was at breakfast she heard Miss Reilly telephoning to the Bank Buildings and asking a Miss Shaw if she had sent her blouse as she had never received it. She said the Apperson's had received it, paid for it, and refused to give it up. The telephone was in the hall, and witness heard the words distinctly as the 'phone was out of order, and the message was repeated three times. Witness immediately went to Miss Reilly, and said "Have you any idea of what you are accusing us of," but the plaintiff did not reply. Shortly afterwards witness was called downstairs, and found two policemen in the hall. She laughingly said to them, "Have you come for me." One of them replied, "No, but we believe there is a blouse missing, and we should like you to tell us all you know about it." Witness did so, and the police then asked permission to search her room. She allowed them to do so, and they turned out everything - both in her room, and her husband's room. Miss Reilly was present during the search, and witness quite understood Miss Reilly was making a charge of theft against her. Witness accordingly telephoned to her husband, who spoke to Miss Reilly on the telephone.  Mr. Campbell - Do you suggest that Miss Reilly took the blouse and hid it in her room for the purpose of destroying your character? Witness - I do not. Mr. Apperson was also examined. He denied that he gave Miss Reilly permission to send articles by rail in his name. The letter which he wrote contained when in his opinion was a statement of what had actually occurred. His Honour said the only question in dispute was the question of privilege, and he would consider that.

Newry Assistant's Action
     To-day the case of Francis A. Gallagher v. Tweedie came on for hearing in Dublin before Mr. Justice Gibson and a common jury. The action was brought to recover £73 14s 6d, cash alleged to have been lent to the defendants, Dr. David Hennessy Tweedie, 2 Clive Villas, Antrim Road, Belfast, and William John Tweedie, pawnbroker, The Villa, Lormore, Newry, and for money paid for them at their request. The defendants denied that any money was lent to them by the plaintiff. They stated that they were the executors and trustees of the last will of the late Henry Alfred Joseph Tweedie, and they counter-claimed for £134 13s 1d, the price of goods which they alleged the plaintiff, while manager, wrongfully converted to his own use and refused to hand over to the defendants. It appeared that the plaintiff had been for a number of years an assistant in the employment of Messrs. Tweedie, pawnbrokers, and on the interment of Henry Alfred Joseph Tweedie, Gallagher conducted the business as manager, an arrangement having been come to by which he was to receive a certain weekly sum. Mr. Justice Gibson remarked that the dispute seemed to be one of account, and it was a pity a jury had to try the case. Messrs. Williamson, K.C., and Charles P. Campbell (instructed by Messrs. O'Hagan & O'Hare) were counsel for the plaintiff, and Messrs. H. Hanna, K.C., and T. M. Brown (instructed by Messrs. Hunter, Moore, and Boyle), appeared for the defendants. The case is at hearing.

     Taxi and Tram Collision
In the Belfast Recorder's Court to-day, William B. Reid, taxi-cab proprietor, 15 Cyprus Gardens, Belfast, brought an action against the City Corporation to recover £45 damages sustained owing, as alleged, to the careless driving of a tramcar which collided with the plaintiff's motor cab. There was a cross-action for £16 10s at the suit of the Corporation, the allegation being that Reid was responsible for the collision, and that the tram was injured thereby. Mr. E. J. McKean (instructed by Mr. W. K. Gibson) appeared for Reid; and Mr. J. A. Pringle (instructed by Mr. Frank Kerr) appeared for the Corporation. After evident his Honour held that the Corporation were liable, and gave a decree in favour of Reid for £35.

     Bangor Motorists Fined       Belfast Evening Telegraph Wednesday 28th April 1915
In the Belfast Summons Court, to-day, Mr. W. G. Duff, R.M., presiding, Head-Constable Armstrong prosecuted Hugh Charles Lowry, Bangor, for having, on 4th inst., driven a motor car in Divis Street, Belfast, in a manner dangerous to the public. Mr. A. J. Lewis prosecuted, and Mr. McMillan represented the defendant. Head-Constable Armstrong said the car was travelling at a rate between twenty and twenty five miles an hour, in the direction of Castle Junction. No horn was sounded when the car was approaching the crossing at Townsend Street, and witness had not an opportunity of stopping the car. He, however, caught the number on the identification plate at the rear, viz., O.I.393.  Sergeant John McGrath corroborated. It was about 10.50 p.m., and, being Easter Sunday, the thoroughfare was very thronged. The defendant said he judged the speed at about 15 miles an hour. A fine of 20s and costs was imposed, the conviction to be recorded on the licence. George H. Walton, Bangor, was summoned by Acting-Sergeant Hannah for riding a motor cycle at Donegall Square South and Bedford Street at a dangerous rate. The evidence showed that two tramcars had to be pulled up to avoid collision with the defendant, whose excuse for the fast rate at which he was driving the cycle was that the brake would not act, and he opened the throttle to clear the tramcars. A fine of 5s and costs was imposed.

Statutory Notice to Creditors
     In the Goods of Elizabeth Weir, late of 97 Leopold Street, Belfast, Widow, deceased. Notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims against the estate of the above named deceased, who died on the 4th March, 1915, etc. etc.

Unburied Carcases of Sheep
     Bangor Petty Sessions Court was held to-day, Mr. John McMeekan, J.P., presiding, when John Wright, Ballysallagh, was summoned by Constable Harvey for having, on the 8th inst., knowingly and without reasonable cause, permitted the carcases of two sheep to remain in a field to which dogs could get access, contrary to the Dogs' Act. There was a similar charge against the same defendant in respect of two other sheep at the instance of Sergeant Little. The Bench inflicted a fine of 10s and costs in each case.

Serious Cycle Accident, Officer Badly Injured
     A distressing motor cycling accident, involving grave injury to a military officer, who at present lies in a serious condition in the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, occurred at Randalstown on Tuesday evening. It would seem that Lieutenant E. J. C. Giles (27), who belongs to Ballycastle, and who is stationed at Ballykinlar with the 8th (Service) Battalion R.I.R., was proceeding on his machine from Belfast, where he was on temporary duty, to Cookstown with a view to visiting his mother, who is staying there with her sister, Mrs. Adair. In negotiating the decline near the entrance to Shane's Castle Park he encountered a cart under the bridge. It is stated that at the time he was travelling at a smart pace, and in order to avoid collision with the vehicle he swerved to one side, with the unfortunate result that he came into violent contact with the wall of the bridge. He was subsequently removed to Millmount, the residence of Mr. G. L. Younge, J.P., where he was attended to by Dr. Nesbit and Dr. Mackenzie, of the 14th Battalion R.I.R., being at the same time tenderly cared for by members of the household. It was evident that his injuries were of a very grave character, and he was ? taken by motor to the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, where he still lies in an unconscious condition, his principal wound consisting of a fracture of the skull.

Charge Against a Farmer     Belfast Evening Telegraph Wednesday 28th April 1915
     At Newry Petty Sessions to-day, Robert Graham, a respectable farmer of Benagh, was charged by District-Inspector Ross with the alleged larceny of farming implement accessories, the property of Patrick Connolly, R.D.C., Benagh, on the 22nd inst. Evidence having been given, the Bench refused informations by a majority, the chairman dissenting.

Closing Hours in Bangor, Magistrates Refuse Application
     At Bangor Petty Sessions to-day, before Mr. John McMeekan, J.P. (presiding) and a large bench of other magistrates, District-Inspector Wallace made an application under the Temporary Restriction Act, 1914, for the renewal for a period of two months, as from 1st May, of the order made by the magistrates at Bangor Petty Sessions on 28th October last suspending the sale of intoxicating liquor in Bangor from 8 o'clock each Saturday night till 7 o'clock on the following Monday morning, for a period of six months up till the 1st May. He said that in the last six months there were 25 cases of drunkenness - which he thought a highly creditable record for a town the size of Bangor - as compared with 19 cases during the six months ending May 1914, when no order was in force. Mr. John McKee, solicitor, representing the licensed traders of the town, strongly opposed the extension of the Order, and pointed to the fact that there were fewer cases of drunkenness when there was no order, as an indication to the magistrates that the Order should be discontinued. His clients were willing to co-operate in carrying into effect any regulations that might be made either for curtailing the hours during which soldiers should be supplied with drink, or if it was thought right to prohibit altogether or at certain times the sale of drink to men in uniform. He had received on 16th inst., a copy of a report by General Hackett Pain, Officer commanding the 109th Brigade, to Headquarters at Belfast, which stated, "So far as I am aware, I do not think excessive drinking takes place in Bangor. No cases of soldiers being drunk have been found." Mr. M. Shiels, J.P., took exception to the persistent persecution of the licensed traders, who, he said, carried on a legitimate business. The Chairman said he was sorry Mr. Shiels had taken the position of an advocate in that case. Mr. Shiels objected hotly to the remark. The Chairman - I only said I was sorry you took up the position of an advocate. I did not say you came here for that. After consideration the Chairman said one or two of the magistrates suggested that the military authorities should be requested to prohibit soldiers going into public houses at certain times. Mr. Kelly, J.P. - I would take very strong exception to any such recommendation. Eventually the magistrates refused the order nem con, the Chairman and Mr. Hanna, J.P., not voting.

The Stringer Bankruptcy
     To-day, in the Appeal Court, before the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Chief baron, and Lord Chief Justice Ronan, the arguments were resumed and concluded in the case of Stringer, a bankrupt, which was an appeal by Mrs. Elizabeth Stringer from a decision of the Recorder of Belfast, holding that she was not entitled to proof of her husband's estate for a sum of £3,060, alleged to be due to her from her husband. It appeared that the bankrupt, Edward Stringer, had made leases to his wife, and had mortgaged them. The money raised on mortgage had been paid to the bankrupt. Mrs. Stringer now claimed to be entitled to receive out of the estate a sum equivalent to the money so advanced. The Recorder disallowed her claim on the ground that there was no instruction that she should be repaid, and from this order Mrs. Stringer appealed. Messrs. Gordon, K.C., M.P., and J. Robb (instructed by Messrs. Wheeler and McCutcheon) appealed for the appellant; Messrs. Henry, K.C., S. L. Brown, K.C., and H. M. Thompson (instructed by Mr. R. T. Martin) were for the respondent. The Court gave judgment dismissing the appeal. The Lord Chancellor said the Court were unanimously of opinion that the Recorder of Belfast was absolutely right.


Davidson - April 12, 1915, New York, U.S.A., to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davidson (late of Belfast) - a daughter

DEATHS    Belfast Evening Telegraph Wednesday 28th April 1915

Armstrong - April 27, 1915, at his residence, 39 Isoline Street, Samuel, the beloved husband of Agnes Armstrong. His remains will be removed from above address on to-morrow (Thursday), at 2 p.m., for interment in Carnmoney Burying-ground. Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation.  Agnes Armstrong
Blee - The Death of Mr. R. S. Blee, M.R.C.V.S., who had been 51 years a veterinary surgeon, has just occurred at Waterford. He had been stationed in that town for nearly 50 years in Government service.
Buchanan - April 27, 1915, at Grosvenor Road Institution (suddenly), John, second and dearly-beloved son of Eliza Jane Buchanan and the late John Buchanan (Maze). His remains will be removed from above institution on to-morrow (Thursday), at 2 p.m. (by motor), for interment in family burying-ground, Blaris, passing through Lisburn about 3 p.m. Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Mother, Brothers and Sisters. Robert Buchanan, 43 Dover Street.
Byrne - April 26, 1915, at St. John's Private Nursing Home, Crumlin Road, Mrs. Brita Byrne, aged 63 years, relict of the late Patrick Byrne, Land Commissioner, Armagh - R.I.P. Funeral leaves hospital at 12 o'clock noon to-day (Wednesday) (by motor) for Eglish, Dungannon.
Cullen - April 27, 1915, at her residence, 8 Foundry Street, Alice Cullen R.I.P. Her remains will be removed from above address, for interment in Milltown Cemetery, on Friday, 30th inst., at 1.30 p.m. Friends will please accept this intimation. Deeply regretted by her loving Husband. Henry Cullen.
Daley - April 27, 1915, at the residence of her grandmother, Mrs. Chambers, Ballyskeagh, Lambeg, Catherine Irene Winifred (Winnie), eldest daughter of Joseph and Harriet Daley. Her remains will be removed, for interment in Lambeg Churchyard, on to-morrow (Thursday), at 3.30 p.m. Joseph and Harriett Daley.
Field - April 27, 1915, at Edenderry, Malone Road, James H. Field. Funeral on to-morrow (Thursday) to Ballylesson Churchyard, at 11 a.m.
Hetherington - April 27, 1915, at her residence, 140 Lord Street, Margaret Hetherington. The remains of our dearly-beloved mother will be removed from the above address on to-morrow (Thursday), at 2 p.m., for interment in Dundonald Cemetery. Friends will please accept this intimation. A light is from our household gone, The voice we loved is still; The vacant chair is empty now, Which never can be filled. James and Wm. Hetherington.
Higgins - April 27, 1915, at her residence, 14 Linden Street, Mary Higgins. Her remains will be removed from above address, for interment in Hannahstown Churchyard, on to-morrow (Thursday), at 2 p.m.
Hindman - April 26, 1915, at his residence, 103 Disraeli Street, Samuel, the dearly-beloved husband of Emily Hindman. His remains will be removed from above address on to-morrow (Thursday), at 2.30 p.m., for interment in Carnmoney Burying-ground. Friends will please accept this intimation. Deeply regretted by his sorrowing Wife. Emily Hindman.
Magee - April 27, 1915, at her residence, 10 Victoria Crescent, Lisburn, Eliza, relict of the ate Robert Magee. The remains of our beloved mother will be removed for interment in Lisburn Cemetery, on to-morrow (Thursday), at 3 p.m. Friends will please accept this intimation. Inserted by her Son and Daughter-in-law. Henry and Mary Magee.
Magee - April 27, 1915, at her residence, 10 Victoria Crescent, Lisburn, Eliza, relict of the late Robert Magee. The remains of our beloved mother will be removed, for interment in Lisburn Cemetery, on to-morrow (Thursday), at 3 p.m. friends will please accept this intimation. Inserted by her sorrowing Family
Magee - April 27, 1915, at her residence, 10 Victoria Crescent, Lisburn, Eliza, relict of the late Robert Magee. The remains of our beloved mother will be removed, for interment in Lisburn Cemetery, on to-morrow (Thursday), at 3 p.m. Friends will please accept this intimation. Inserted by her sorrowing Daughter and Son-in-la, Maggie and John McClenahan.
Magee - April 27, 1915, at her residence, 10 Victoria Crescent, Lisburn, Eliza Magee. The remains of my beloved mother will be removed, for interment in Lisburn Cemetery, on to-morrow (Thursday), at 3 p.m. Friends will please accept this intimation. Thomas Magee
Magowan - April 27, 1915, at the Cottage Hospital, Dromore, Moses Samuel Magowan, of Garvaghy, aged 55 years. Interment from his late residence to Garvaghy Presbyterian Church Graveyard on to-morrow )Thursday), at 2 p.m.
Megahey - April 28, 1915, at his residence, 92 Butler Street, John, the beloved husband of Annie Megahey, R.I.P. His remains will be removed from above address, for interment in Milltown Cemetery, on Friday, 30th inst., at 2 p.m. Friends will please accept this intimation.  Annie Megahey.
Miscampbell - April 27, 1915, at 1 Little Brunswick Street, James Miscampbell (widow of the late Arthur Miscampbell, of Rademon). The remains of our beloved grandmother will be removed from the above address on to-morrow (Thursday), at 3 p.m. Friends will please accept this intimation. John Magee. Australian and Canadian papers please copy.
Montgomery - April 27, 1915, at his residence, Ballyrobert, Hugh Montgomery. The remains of my beloved father will be removed from his late residence, for interment in Ballylinney Burying-ground, on to-morrow (Thursday), 10 a.m.  Margaret Montgomery
Moore - April 28th, 1915, at her parents' residence, 53 Everton Street, Isabella Elizabeth (aged 13 years), eldest and beloved daughter of John and Elizabeth Moore. Her remains will be removed from above address on Friday, at 2.30 p.m., for interment in Carnmoney. Friends will please accept this intimation. "Suffer little children to come unto Me." Deeply regretted by her sorrowing Father and Mother. John and Elizabeth Moore.
McConnell - April 27, 1915, John, the beloved son of James and Anna McConnell. His remains will be removed from his late residence, 45 Bramcote Street, on Friday, at 2.30 p.m., for interment in Dundonald Cemetery. Anna McConnell.
McFerran - April 27, 1915, at her residence, 119 Donegall Avenue, Margaret, relict of the late William McFerran. The remains of our beloved mother will be removed, for interment in Bangor Old Churchyard, on to-morrow )Thursday), at 11 a.m. Friends will please accept this intimation. M. J. McFerran.
McGowan - April 26, 1915, at her mother's residence, 74 Hillman Street, Rachel, the youngest and dearly-beloved daughter of Margaret and the Owen McGowan - R.I.P. Funeral on to-morrow (Thursday) to Milltown Cemetery, at 1.30 p.m.
Noble - April 27, 1915, at his residence, 2 Constance Street, Robert Noble. The remains of our dearly-beloved father will be removed from the above address on to-morrow (Thursday), at 2.30 p.m., for interment in Dundonald Cemetery. Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation. We placed him in his narrow bed, We kissed his ice-cold brow; In our aching hearts we said, We have no father now. Inserted by his sorrowing Family. National Amalgamated Union of Labour. No. 108 Branch.
Noble - Members of the above and other Branches are requested to attend the funeral of our late respected Member, Robert Noble. Edward Percy, President. Samuel Bradley, Secretary. George Greig, Official Delegate.
Robinson - April 28. 1915. at his parents' residence, 32 Mountcollyer Road, Gilbert, infant son of William and Lucy Robinson. Interment notice later.
White - April 27. 1915, at 113 Bellevue Street, Sarah Ann Atcheson, of Dungannon, widow of Henry William White, of Moy. Her remains will be removed from the above address on to-morrow (Thursday), at 2.30 p.m., for interment in Dundonald Cemetery. James Sinclair White.
Wilson - April 27, 1915, at her uncle's residence, 8 Queensland Street, Belfast, Jeannie, only daughter of the late Thomas and Hanna Wilson, and grand-daughter of James Wilson. Funeral from her grandfather's residence, Church Street, Antrim, for interment in the family burying-ground, Old Meeting-house Green, Antrim, at 3 p.m. on to-morrow (Thursday). James Wilson.

Killed In Action                  Belfast Evening Telegraph Wednesday 28th April 1915

Hawthorne - March 17, 1915, killed in action at Neuve Chapelle, Rifleman John Hawthorne, 1st R.I.R., eldest son of John and the late Catherine Hawthorne. O, Thou, God of all, hear us when we call, Help us one and all by Thy Grace; When the battle's done and the victory won, May we wear the crown before Thy face. Deeply regretted by his Father, Brother, and Sisters. 56 Mossvale Street


Mr. and Mrs. John Young desire to return sincere thanks to the many kind friends who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement, especially to the friends of the Belfast Fancy Linen Company, embroidery department; also W. J. Jenkins, for their beautiful floral tributes and kindness. Hoping this will be accepted by all. 69 Delhi Street, Belfast, April 28, 1915.

In Memoriam

Boyd - In loving memory of my dear husband, William Boyd, who departed this life on the 28th April, 1911, and was interred in Ballycarry Burying-ground.  Some day, some time, my eyes shall see, That face I loved so well; Some day I'll clasp his loving hand, And never say farewell. Inserted by his loving Wife and Family, 17 Mervue Street
Devlin - In loving memory of our dear son, Richard Henry (Dick), who departed this life on April 28, 1914, and was interred in Carnmoney Burying-ground.  How oft we wish, with vain but passionate longing, That the dead past might but be lived again, When sweetest memories round our hearts are thronging, Of our dear one now at rest from sin and pain. Sadly missed by his loving Father, Mother, Sisters, and Brothers. 88 Battenberg Street.
Esler - In fond and loving memory of my dearly-beloved brother William, who departed this life on the 28th April, 1914, and was interred in the City Cemetery.  What though in lonely grief I sigh, For friends beloved no longer nigh; Submissive still would I reply, Thy will be done.  Ever remembered by his loving Sister and Brother-in-law, Wm. and Catherine Matier, 65 Apsley Street
Martin - On loving memory of my dear wife, Elizabeth, who departed this life on 28th April, 1904; also my dear son Hans, who passed away on 16th April, 1909, and were interred on Drumaghlis. Gone, but not forgotten. Hans Martin, 23 Mountview Street.
Martin - In loving memory of my dear mother, Elizabeth, who passed away on 28th April, 1904; also my dear brother Hans, who passed away on 16th April, 1909, and were interred in Drumaghlis.  Fleeting time will re0unite us, They are only gone before. Lily Martin, 23 Mountview Street.
Martin - In ever loving memory of our dear mother, Elizabeth Martin, who passed away on 28th April, 1904; also our dear brother Hans, who passed away on 16th April, 1909. Both were interred in Drumaghlis.  Days of sadness still comes o'er us, Tears of sorrow often flow; For memory keeps our dear ones near us, Though Heaven claimed them years ago.  Inserted by her loving Daughter and Son-in-law, Agnes and Thomas Russell, Glencairn, Dungannon
McNeill - In loving memory of our dear child Margaret (wee Maggie), who departed this life on the 28th of April, 1914, and was interred in Dundonald Cemetery.  Not gone from memory nor from love, But to her Father's home above. Inserted by her loving Parents, 10 Tern Street
Taylor - In loving memory ------ David Stewart (paper ripped) on 28th April, 1914, and was interred in family burying-ground, Mullivilley, Tandragee.  Gone to be with Christ, which is far better. Inserted by his loving Father, Mother, and Brothers, 101 Northbrook Street.
Whiteside - In loving memory of my dear sister, Eleanor (Nellie) Whiteside, who departed this life on 29th April, 1914, and was interred in Carnmoney Burying-ground.  None knows how sad the parting was, Nor what the farewell cost; But God and His bright angels, Have gained when we have lost. Inserted by her loving Sister, Bessie Whiteside, 111 Oldpark Road

Funeral of Mr. Ralph Bullick
     The funeral took place yesterday of the late Mr. Ralph Bullick, from his residence, Rosebank, Sydenham, where his death occurred on 24th inst. The deceased had been in delicate health for some years past, but his demise came with unexpected suddenness, and has caused feelings of profound sorrow amongst his family and numerous friends. The late Mr. Bullick was the youngest son of the late Mr. Ralph Bullick, of Mountainview, Portadown, and was the descendant of an old and much respected family, whose historic associations date back to the time of George III, in whose reign, Mr. Bullick's grandfather, Captain Alexander Hickland, and his grand uncle, Lieut. William Hickland, were serving in the Army. One of the deceased's sons is at present serving with the Canadian contingent. The deceased was married to Miss Orr, daughter of the late Mr. Robert Orr, Ballymagarney House, Loughgall, and cousin of the late Mr. James Orr, D.L., who unsuccessfully contested the North Armagh Division against the late Colonel Saunderson, in the Parliamentary election of 1900. The funeral which was of a private nature, was attended only by the relatives and close personal friends of the deceased. The chief mourners were :- Ralph Bullick, and Joseph Bullick (s0ns), R. J. Orr, and W. J. Charles (brothers-in-law), Rev. R. B. Cooke, M.A.; W. H. Cooke, James A. Beck, and Dr. Samuel Heron (nephews). The remains, which were interred in Seagoe Cemetery, Portadown, were conveyed from Belfast by motor hearse, supplied by Mr. Arthur Stringer, undertaker, Belfast, who had also charge of the funeral arrangements, which were satisfactorily carried out under the personal supervision of Mr. Armstrong.

Ulster Casualties, Belfast War Victims           Belfast Evening Telegraph Wednesday 28th April 1915
     Last evening's casualty list notifies that Capt. V. H. Gilliland, Royal Irish Rifles, has been wounded. Captain Gilliland is a son of Mrs. Gilliland, Brook Hall, Londonderry, and nephew of Mr. Thomas F. Cooke, D.L., Caw, Londonderry, who is one of the directors of the Great Northern Railway. He passed from the Reserve of Officers after the outbreak of war, and was posted to the 3rd Battalion Royal Irish Rifles at Wellington Barracks, Dublin, being sent out to the 2nd Battalion in France a few months ago. His production has been rapid, as it is only a short time since he was a second lieutenant. Information is requested as to the fate of 8164, Rifleman Joseph Rice, 2nd Battalion Royal Irish Rifles, who was reported missing at Neuve Chapelle on October 27, and has not since been heard of. He was formerly employed at the Grove Mill, and his brother, F. J. Rice, 49 Sheriff Street is now in the Connaught Rangers. The following Riflemen of the 1st Battalion Royal Irish Rifles are officially reported killed:- Clare, 8349, J.; Cullen, 8924, F.; Doran, 9692, P.: McBride, 9246, R.; Mulholland, 6979, W.; Prichard, 9387, A.; Lce.-Cpl. W. Keating, 10414, of the same battalion has died of wounds. Mr. John Hawthorne, 56 Mossvale Street, Belfast, has received notification that his son, Rifleman John Hawthorne, 1st Royal Irish Rifles, has been killed in action.
     The War Office has notified Mrs. Beattie, 20 Aberdeen Street, Belfast, that her son, Driver Robert J. Beattie, Royal Field Artillery, was drowned in the Ægean Sea on 18th inst. Beattie was proceeding to the Dardanelles with his battery on the transport Manitou when it was attacked by a Turkish destroyer. In the lowering of the boats of the Manitou, one of them capsized with the result that the occupants were thrown into the sea. Beattie and others being drowned. Deceased, who was seventeen years of age, enlisted last July. Prior to that he was in the employment of the New Northern Spinning Co. Ltd.
     Ulster Casualties in Canadians - Mrs. Wilson, 21 King Street, Bangor, has been notified that her son, Private William Wilson, of the Royal Highlanders of Canada, has been wounded in the recent fighting north of Ypres, and is now in No. 13 General Hospital, Boulogne. Wilson emigrated to Canada two years ago, and on the outbreak of war, joined the first Dominion contingent. He is nineteen years of age, and his father is serving in the Ulster Division at Clandeboye. The list of Canadian officers killed and wounded in the Ypres fight issued last night gives a total of 79, and twenty-one of whom were killed, including Captain J. Geddes, of the 16th Infantry Battalion, who, as stated yesterday, was a son-in-law of Mr. Marshall Tillie, D.L., Londonderry.
     Killed, Wounded and Missing - Sergeant T. Reilly, B. Co. 2nd Battalion Royal Irish Rifles, in a letter to Ballymena, states that Rifleman John Laverty was killed in action on 19th inst. Laverty, who had previously been reported missing, belongs to Alexander Street, Ballymena, where his parents live. He is the son of a soldier, and has a brother at the front with the Royal Engineers. News is anxiously awaited as to the fate of Driver Alex. Hart (24789), Royal Engineers, who is missing since December 14 last. In the early part of the war he was wounded, and after four weeks in hospital at Aldershot returned to the front. He is the only son of Mrs. Hart, 28 Chemical Street, Belfast, who would be very grateful for any information concerning him. Sapper L. S. Harker, 26th Company Royal Engineers, who was wounded at Richebourg, near Neuve Chapelle, on the 25th ult., and who is at present undergoing treatment in the Royal Herbert Hospital, Woolwich, is a son of ex-Colour-Sergeant T. S. Harker, Permanent Staff, 4th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles, late of 49 Annadale Street, Belfast, Mr. Harker is at present in London.
     A Patriot's Death - A telegram has been received, intimating that Lieutenant P. W. Bradley, 3rd Royal West Kent Regiment, attached to the 1st Battalion, has been killed in action. Deceased joined the Old West Kent Militia in 1905, and at the outbreak of war held a civil post in Argentina, which he gave up to serve his country. He was the third son of Brigadier-General C. E. Bradley, C.B., who commanded the 2nd Battalion North Staffordshire Regiment when it was stationed in Belfast, and who is now a prisoner of war in Germany.

     News from Belfast Prisoners - Some, at all events, of the parcels forwarded to Belfast prisoners of war in Germany, in response to appeals in the "Evening Telegraph," are reaching their destinations. Miss Grace Devon, Derwent House, Myrtlefield Park, Belfast, has received an acknowledgement from 9921, Rifleman W. Jeffries, 2nd Battalion Royal Irish Rifles, in which he says:- The tea and cake were enjoyed immensely by us. We are in fairly good spirits and keeping our heart up with the hope that we may be home in Ireland by the end of the summer. Private William Rigney, 1st Battalion West Yorks Regiment, writing to Mrs. Devon, says that the parcel she sent came as a welcome surprise, and was very acceptable. He expresses his appreciation of the gift.

Belfast Evening Telegraph Wednesday 28th April 1915

     Promotions and Appointments - Sanction has been given by the War Office for the transfer of Major A. Pearse, 108th Field Ambulance, R.A.M.C., Ballykinlar, to the 10th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles (South Belfast Volunteers), to take effect from 1st prox. Captain R. Magill will temporarily take over command of the 108th Field Ambulance.
     Major R. H. L. Cutbill, Army Service Corps, who has been appointed a Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General, joined the Army Service Corps in 1900 from the 4th - now the 3rd - Battalion Royal Irish Rifles, Belfast, which was then commanded by his father, Lieutenant-Colonel H. D. A. Cutbill.
     The following promotions in the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers were gazetted on Tuesday evening:- The under mentioned lieutenants to be captains:- E. H. Hester, T. A. Wise, G. E. Sampson, D.S.O., and to remain seconded; G. R. O'Sullivan.  The under-mentioned lieutenants to be temporary captains supernumerary to establishment - M. J. T. Reilly, R. H. B. Humphreys, R. B. Shubrick, C. A. M. Alexander.  Second-Lieutenant C. W. E. Cole-Hamilton, Royal Scots, has been advanced to the rank of lieutenant. He is a member of a collateral branch of the family of which the Earl of Enniskillen is the head.  Mr. W. V. Harrel, C.B., M.V.O., formerly Assistant Commissioner of the Dublin Metropolitan Police, who was concerned in the affray with National Volunteers near Dublin last year, has been given a temporary commission as commander in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.  Admiral F. Finnis, C.V.O., retired, whose appointment as captain in the Royal Naval Reserve appears in the Admiralty list last evening, is a brother of Colonel H. Finnis, commanding the Royal Engineers of the Ulster Division.

     Gifts for Soldiers - Miss Ethel Davidson, of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society, Belfast Division, writes to Messrs. Deans, Logan, & Co., Ltd., as follows:- Please accept the hearty thanks of the returned wounded soldiers and of the above society for the large consignment of socks, knitted by the girls employed by Messrs. John Sweeney & Sons, Dungloe, and which you have so kindly sent us for the benefit of the wounded men.  The reelers of the Grove Spinning Mill, Belfast, sent another consignment of cigarettes to the 2nd Battalion R.I.R. This is the third lot these girls have sent to sailors and soldiers, and they have certainly done their best to help to let the boys know they are not forgotten in Belfast.


The Mercantile Journal and Statistical Register (Late "Belfast Mercantile Register) 10th November 1885
(it was so brittle it was nearly impossible to handle, a lot of each page at the fold was dust)

1                    2                   3                    4                    5                     6                   7                    8
1) Business Cards - Situations Wanted - Advertisements
2) as 1
3) Arrivals from Foreign Ports
4) as 3
5) Goods from Bond for Home Consumption - The Two Obadiahs - The Middle Man
6) continued from 5
7) continued from 6 - Advertisements - Steam Communication
8) continued from 7 - Belfast:- Printed for the Proprietor by J. & R. Aickin, 71 Donegall Street, on every Tuesday Morning. Yearly Subscription - For Belfast, unstamped, 16s. England and the Colonies, £1 1s. To Holland, including postage, £1 5s per annum. All communications to be addressed to the Proprietor Robert Vance Corn Exchange, Tuesday, November, 10, 1885.



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