503 Pte. W. Rivers
Leinster Regt.
1902 - 1901 |

6247 Pte. J. Boyd
1st RL. Innis. Fus.
Transvaal - Natal - O.F.S. |

18604 Pte. T.
R. Ir. RIR.
1914-1918 |

35031 Wkr. N. Baxter
O. V. A. A. C.
1914-1918 |

14262 Cpl. G.
R. Ir. Fus.
1914-1919 |

49736 Pte. W. H. K.
R. Ir. Fus.
1914-1919 |

22785 Pte. J. McSorley
R. Innis. Fus.
1914-1919 |

back is plain except for
inscription -
Capt. C. Davison
31st T. M. Battery

195 Pte. T. Tinsley - RL. Irish Rifles
O.F.S. - Cape Colony - SA 1901 - 1902 |

on front 1914 Aug Nov
on back
10254 Rfmn. S. Bennett RIR |

10254 Cpl. S. Bennett RIR
see left also |

64056 Dvr. W.
name is unclear |

64056 DWR. H. Dixon R.E.
see left also |

4317 Pte. H.
A. Cyc. Corps
1914-1918 |

1172 Pte. A. Paxton
North'd. Fus.
1914-1919 |

(1) M. 18238 T. McMaster. AR. CR. R.N. 1914-19
(2) M. 18238 T. McMaster. AR. CR. R.N. 1914-18
(3) J. 27896 T. McMaster. AR. CR. R.N. 1914-15 |

Let Glasgow Flourish
cloth sew on badge |

Metal back with cloth surround front is mostly metal
Royal Navy??

WW1 medals belonging to Pte. D. Scott, 5640 RIR RIF
Commemoration King Edward VIII. Commemorate Coronation of our
beloved King and Queen, both 12th May 1937 |

I think the plaque says Sgt. Willm. Brown, His Majestys 16th
Foot |

no info
have 2 of these |

King Edwards Horse
Crown Colonies 1914 |

The King's Royal Rifle Corps |

North Irish Horse |

On War Service 1915
on back 95644 |

It's a WW2 Royal National Lifeboat
Institution enamelled metal lapel badge.The R.N.L.I. has
always sold various designs of such badges to the public
in order to raise funds, and they still do so.During WW2
many organisations created their own versions of victory
badges - thank you to Steve for this information
and the information relating to the Semper Vigilo badge
(right) :o)


Scottish Horse 1900

North Irish Horse

North Irish Horse |
Semper Vigilo= Always Alert

It's the crest of the Scottish
Police Constabularies. It's design and use dated from 1928 and
it was in use in that form by the various Scottish police forces
until 1975, then the crown was replaced with the crown of
Scotland, otherwise the present design as is currently used by
the P.S. of Scotland is much the same |

British Red Cross
I. Dougal - 012732 - 1943

Yorkshire |


These were all tied together, not sure if that means they all
belonged to the same person or if it was done at auction.
Name Tag - 1772 - D/PRV - M. McManus - RC 3AMCC
Wings back says - Parachutist |

 no name no ribbon
South Africa Suid - Afrika
For War Services
Ex Unitate Vires

no name |

name and address on box:-
Mr. W. C. Brown, 5 Young Street, Lisburn, N. Ireland |
Inniskillings |

Pte. W. J. Kennedy, 5362
R.I.R. Royal Irish Rifles |

11711 Pte. W. Kennedy R. Innis. Fusiliers
Sam J. Spears
Presented by the Orangemen of Massachusetts
in recognition of service in the World War |

Imperial Service Medal For Faithful Service -
White |

Registered Letter 20th November 1947 Mrs. J.
Leyburn, Redcliff Hotel, Bangor, N. Ire.
Cpl. Leyburn, 7th R.T.R. (Royal Tank Regiment) Wrottesley Park, Wolverhampton - Cpl.
John Grimes Leyburn
The Home Secretary presents his compliments and has the honour
to transmit the enclosed Defence Medal which has been awarded in
recognition of service during the war of 1939-45
(thank you to David Miller, John's grandson for the
information re the correct regiment)


Thomas Chalmers DDLLD - In Commemoration of the first
assembly of the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland
18th May 1843? (very rough coin) |

Cramer & Co. Dublin 1872 - Exhibition of Arts, Industries
& Manufacturers |

H.R.H. Prince of Wales K.G. President
City and Guilds of London Institute - Technical Education
Technological Examination - Ordinary |

Victoria Queen of Great Britain and Prince Albert of Saxe
Curtig & Cotta? (not clear)
Ireland hails with joy the visit of her Sovereign August 1849 |

Ulster Gymnastic Association
won by J. McKeown
22nd December 1898

The Northern Parliament opened on the 22nd June 1921
The Rt. Hon. Sir James Craig, Bart. Mbe. P.M. |

The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor of Belfast - Wm.
McCammond, Esq. J.P.
The Belfast Arts and Industrial Exhibition 1894 |

Coronation Medals 1902 & 1911
George V |

Praedic Evang QMNT Creatvrae Evntes in Vniversvm Mvndvm
Alumnorum CollegII Urbani - Doctrine et Pietati |

The Total Abstinence Society of Ireland
Rev. T. Mathew, President - Founded 1838 |
Army Temperance
Medal India
Army Temperance Association 1897
Watch and be Sober
the name has been scratched off
2704 Sergt. R. Gilmore
R .L. Irish Regt.

Founder - Amor Coelestis |
Yorkshire Volunteers |

North Irish Brigade |


Rough Riders |

old pennies (1d) |
Presented to Sir Kt. & Bro. Robert Wilson
R.M. by R.B.P. 200 - March 1920

no other info. |

1) The Tail Waggers Club - Help My Pals other side
- 37, Temple Chrs, E.C. 4 Tel. City 1909 - 399500 Cunningham, 4
Cranmore Gardens, Belfast
2) Opening of Parliament - Northern
Ireland 1932
3) Belfast City Tramways to & from
Work or When on Duty No. 708 other side Should this badge
be lost 2/6 reward will be paid to the finder at Tramway
Offices, Sandy Row, Belfast
4) Presbyterian Church in Ireland,
Communion Token other side This do in Remembrance of me
but let a man examine himself |

CLICK to enlarge
'Found in a bog near Antrim 1842'
a 'beggar's badge' a permit to obtain alms, issued in the Ards
Peninsula. Witr - Witter.
thank you to John Pelan for the info. |

1183 1883 1933 Jubilee
Belvedere News Boyd Club
L.O. Widows Fund Belfast 1973 |

Jesus Mary Joseph Limerick Holy Family Golden Jubilee 1868 -
Daniel Martin |

Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs - Short Range
1st Division 1938-39
NS-BRA Ireland |

no info

Queens Island Bowling Club |

Bon Accord Rifle Club
on back
Col. Sergt. Jam?? ???es 1892

no info |

no idea whatsoever, it has a bar and hook type clip on the
back |

behind the elephant is a hook
belt buckle?? |

MFA - Ballymena
Ella Stewart 1935 |
W. Sidney Wanstall
1920 to 1946 - H.M. for 1920/28/31/37
The St. John Ambulance Association
Registered at St. Johns Gate, Clerkenwell |
Motor Cycle Union of Ireland Ulster Centre
Reliability Trials
Sidecar Reliability Championship of Ulster
J. Warnock
C.N.C. and L.C.C.
J. Warnock |
Smiley Shield 1910?
B.G.C. Won by J. Warnock
Woolwich A.S.C. Sports
1917 Tug of War
Won by Wheeler J. Warnock
B.M.C. & L.C.C.
Hill Climb 1925
J. Warnock |

Royal Ulster Constabulary Depot
Enniskillen Cup H. D. Shaw 1937 |

Case says - Franco British Exhibition 1908
Badge says - Adjudged to Susan Cosgrove or Cosgrave for Superior
Proficiency in School Course
Lurgan National Model School, Brownlow Medal, 1874 |