LARNE A market town and seaport in the County Antrim, about seventeen miles
from Belfast by the coach road, and twenty-four and a half miles by the
railway, nine miles north from Carrickfergus, lying on the road from
Glenarm to Belfast, at the head of Larne Lough, on the coast of the
North Channel, in the Irish Sea. The town was originally called
Inver. It is one of the most flourishing towns in the North
of Ireland, beautifully situate on the north-east coast of Antrim, and
has of late years become one of the leading passenger ports of the
country. By the Short Sea Passage Service between Larne and
Stranraer (distance 39½ miles) passengers from Belfast and the North of
Ireland can now reach Scotland and the North of England in a very short
time, and the journey from Belfast to London only occupies about
thirteen hours, with a sea passage of eighty minutes. There are a
large market-place; a magnificent Town Hall, the gift of the late Mr.
Charles McGarel, J.P., D.L., to the inhabitants; and the McGarel
Buildings, a charitable institution, erected on a piece of rising
ground, commanding a beautiful view of Larne Lough, built by the same
gentleman. On the opposite hill at the Glebe stands the Larne
Grammar school, erected by the late Sir E. Coey and Mr. John
Crawford. There is a Cottage Hospital, the gift of the late Sir
Hugh H. Smiley, Bart., by whom it was built and endowed at a cost of
about £17,000. It is known as the Smiley Cottage Hospital, and is
situate in Victoria Street. On the same street there is a Carnegie
Library and also a fine Technical School, the half cost of which was
subscribed by Mr. C. T. Brown. The population according to the
last census was 8,036, being an increase of 20.5 per cent. in the last
decade; in the summer months the population is over 10,000. The
shops' half-holiday is on Tuesday
Post Office - Wm. G. Brownlees, postmaster
Barnhill Sub-Office - Mrs. Law, postmistress
Larne Harbour P.O. - Miss O'Brien, postmistress
Church of Ireland - Larne and Inver, Rev. A. Boyd, M.A.,
rector. Glynn - Rev. P. W. Shirley, M.A., incumbent.
Cairncastle - Rev. C. H. L. Buchanan
Presbyterian Church - First - Rev. John Lyle Donaghy, minister.
Gardenmore (Victoria Street) - Rev. David H. Hanson, B.A.,
minister. Raloo - Rev. Ewing Gilfillan, minister.
Magheramorne - Rev. J. T. Doherty, Cairncastle - Rev. W. J. Reid, B.A.,
Reformed Presbyterian Meeting-house - Rev. Wm. H. Pollock, B.A.
Salvation Army Hall, Point Street
Unitarian Church - Rev. James Kennedy, minister. Cairncastle -
Rev. Eustace Thompson, minister. Raloo - Rev. John McCleery,
Independent Church - Rev. Robert Millar
Methodist Church - Rev. Edward Hazelton
Roman Catholic Chapel - Rev. B. Falloona, P.P., V.F.; Rev. R. McCudden,
Getty Mission - Mr. W. Cowden
Magistrates - W. Chaine, D.L., Cairncastle; Charles Dundee, M.D.,
Ballycarry; Wm. Rankin, The Cottage, Larne Harbour; H. Morgan Byrne,
Barrister-at-Law, Ashtown Lodge, Castleknock, Dublin; Col. McNeill,
D.L., The Corran, Larne Harbour; John Heggarty, Clonlee Villa, Larne; W.
T. Doran, Belfast; Thos. Milliken, Islandmagee; Edward Magill, Clonlee;
Bernard McCafferty, Drains, Larne; James Morrow, Larne; James Roche,
R.M., Ballymena; R. J. Orr, Islandmagee; Archibald B. Holmes, Glenarm
Road; Charles L. Mackean, Merchiston; George Barton, Point Street, Larne
Clerk of Town Court - W. G. Younge
Clerk of Petty Sessions - D. N. Wiles, The Crannie
Urban District Council - Saml. McMeekin, chairman; Dr. Saml. W. Hill,
vice-chairman; Charles L. Mackean, J.P.; John Kirkwood, Walter Johnston,
Thos. J. Beattie, John Ross, James Magill, Thomas McConnell, James A.
Liggate, Samuel Magill, Dr. Wm. Shaw, Charles O'Boyle, W. W. Morrow,
Thomas Carson. Town Clerk, W. G. Younge; surveyor, Samuel Robinson
(temporary); sanitary and town inspector, J. Maxwell; water inspector,
George Macaulay; shops' inspector, J. B. Cuthbert; rate collector, John
English; auditor, Dr. G. Bryan
Belfast Banking Company (branch) - James L. Joyce, manager; W. Brown,
Northern Banking Company - Wm. Brown, manager; James Adamson, cashier
Ulster banking Ltd. - James Morrow, J.P., manager; R. B. Cuningham,
assistant manager; C. E. Swain, cashier
Larne and Inver National school - Principal, Wm. J. Kennedy, B.A.;
assistants, J. Barklie, J. K. Greenlees, Miss Lindsay
Larne Grammar School - Headmaster, Jas. McQuillan, M.A.
Larne National Schools - Boys' department - Principal, Thos.
Pullin. Girls' Department - Principal, Miss Magill; Infant
department - Miss Moore
Larne National School (No. 2) - Principal, Francis Wright; assistants,
Miss Hill and Mill Gilliland
North End National Schools - The McKenna Memorial - Principal, Thomas
Clearkin; assistant, P. Cassidy. St. Mary's - Principals, The
Sisters of the Cross and Passion
Olderfleet National School, Curran Street - Principal, Edward Young;
assistants, W. McCullough and Miss L. McMurtry
Private Schools - Misses Staritt, Glenarm Road; Miss Mackinlay, Barnhill
Larne Parochial National School - Principal, Andrew Johnston;
assistants, Miss Britten and Miss Graham
Larne Technical School, Victoria Street - T. Clearkin, secretary
Larne Union - Board sits every Wednesday. Thirteen Electoral Divisions;
valuation, 1917, £147,034 13s. 31 elected Guardians.
Chairman, Colonel Duncan McNeill, D.L., The Corran; vice-chairman, John
Drummond; treasurer, Belfast banking Co., Larne; clerk, Thomas
Nelson. Chaplains, Church of Ireland, Rev. A. Boyd, M.A.;
Presbyterian, Rev. A. Boyd, M.A.; Presbyterian, Rev. J. L. Donaghy;
Roman Catholic, Rev. B. Falloona, P.P.; medical officer, John Moore
Killen, M.D.; master, Malcolm Fleming; matron, Miss Wilson; school
mistress, Miss Martha B. Craig; porter, Wm. Workman; relieving officers,
Fullerton McWilliam, Larne; Robt. McGowan, Glenarm; & Thos. G.
Feeney, Carrickfergus; elected Guardians for Larne Division, Colonel
Duncan McNeill, D.L., Larne; John Gault, Larne; James Liggett, Larne;
John Drummond, Larne; Saml. Paisley, Larne; Wm. Shaw, L.R.C.P. & S.,
Commissioners for taking Affidavits - W. G. Younge, Town Clerk; D. N.
Wiles, The Crannie; and James B. Cuthbert, Town Parks
Civil Bill Officer - Edward Cuthbert, Mill Street
Dispensary - Larne Union - Medical officer, John Moore Killen, M.D.
Poor and Town Rate Collector - John English, Thorndale Avenue
Registrar of Births and Deaths - John Moore Killen, M.D.; deputy
registrar, John McNinch, Roddens Road; office, Larne Dispensary
Registrar of Marriages - Thomas Nelson; office, Victoria Street
Principal Coast Officer, Deputy Receiver of Wrecks, and Deputy
Supt. Mercantile Marine - John Millar, Larne Harbour; assistant, A. J.
Nash. The district extends from the south-east bank of Glendun
River, Cushendun Bay, to Blackhead, Islandmagee
Collector of Income-Tax - John H. Blair, 6 Mayfair, Arthur Square,
Harbour Master - Captain John Blair
Adrain, Dr. James, Main Street
Anderson and Houston, ironmongers and grocers, Bridge Street
Atkins & Co., linen and woollen drapers, silk mercers, hatters,
glovers and outfitters, etc., 2 Dunluce Street and Cross Street
Apsley, S. & L., high class stationers and newsagents; Music and
Musical Instruments, Special Value; Fancy Goods, etc., Agents for the
"Belfast News-Letter" and "Belfast Weekly News,"
Main Street
Atkinson, Mrs., 2 Irene Terrace, Glenarm Road
Atkinson, The Misses, 3 Clonlee
Austin, Wm., grocer, Pound Street
Bailie, Samuel, Kilwaughter Lime Works
Barklie, J. & A., linen merchants and bleachers
Barr, Saml., outfitter, etc., Agnew Street
Barton, George, Merchant Tailor, General Draper, Milliner, etc., The
Arcade, Dunluce Street and Point Street
Baxter, William, hotel proprietor, Main Street
Bell, John, State Line Hotel, Main Street
Bingham, J. A., & Co., druggist and chemists, Main Street and
Dunluce Street
Bird, H. S., Waterloo
Blair, Mrs., Temperance Hotel, Station Road
Bowman, John A., Dunard
Boyd, James, grocer and merchant, Curran Street
Boyd, John, boot and shoe maker, Mill Street
Boyd, Miss, 8 Bonavista Terrace
Boyd, Mrs. James, fancy draper, Main Street
Boyle, Mrs., Kinvara
Brown, W. N. & C. J., Larne Weaving Co.
Bruce, John, roper, Point Street
Buchanan, James, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Main Street
Buchanan, Rev. G. H. L., M.A., Kilwaughter
Buick, David, LL.D., Sandy Bay
Burton, Robert, Millbrook Bleaching Works
Bustard, A. V., Gardenmore House
Campbell, Mrs., Barnhill
Campbell, D., & Co., woollen drapers, Bridge Street
Canning, John A., cycle repairer, Point Street
Carleton, Goodwin H., Pharmaceutical Chemist and Photographic
Requisites, Dunluce Street
Carmichael, John, Clonlee
Carson, N., Larne Markets
Carson, T., groceries, provision and coal merchant, Pound Street
Chaine, W., D.L., Cairncastle Lodge
Clarke, Stewart, J.P., Cairndhu
Clarke, Henry W., (T.C.D.) Bay View
Clearkin, Thomas, Ardnagreen, Victoria Street.
Close, M., Dunluce Street, Newsagent, and Stationer; Agent for
"Belfast News-Letter" and "Belfast Weekly News"
Coey, James, Ardeen
Coey, the Misses, Ardeen
Compton, James, Station Road
Conway, Rev. John, P.P., Parochial House
Cousins, J. F., Bay Road
Crawford, John, wine and spirit merchant
Crawford, Samuel, spirit grocer, Main Street
Crawford, William, spirit merchant, Main Street
Crooks, John, 1 Olderfleet Cottages
Crooks, W. J., Model Farm
Cruikshank, Jane, grocer, Curran Street
Cuthbert, J. B., draper, Pound Street
Dale, W. J., Stanley Villa
Dallat, C, carpenter, Main Street
Davison, Charles, tailor and. draper, Station Road
Delbridge, John H., Dundela
Devine, James, fish monger, Point Street
Diamond, Mary, grocer, Victoria Street
Donaghy, Rev. John Lyle, The Manse
Drummond, John, spirit dealer, Mill Street
Driscoll, W. J., Cathline Villa, Curran Street
Dummer, E. G., Royal Private and Commercial Hotel (late Lester's), Cross
Street and Dunluce Street
Earls, Mary, milliner, Pound Street
Eccles, William, Main Street
English, Captain Thos., Bonavista Terrace
English, John, draper, Main Street
English, Thomas F., baker, Mill Street and Main Street
English and Scottish Law Life Offices, Agents, John Fullerton, Merchant,
Main Street; William A. Jones, Rodden Villa; O'Rorke, McDonald &
Tweed, Solicitors
Evans, David, spirit merchant, Point Street
Evans, Joseph, spirit merchant, Point Street
Falloon, Miss, Main Street
Feeney, Mrs., spirit merchant, Pound Street
Ferris Bros., Drapers, Milliners and High Class Dress makers, Dunluce
Street, Larne; and Shaftesbury Square, Belfast
Ferris, Jas., builder and contractor, Main Street
Fisher, Alfred, Ivy Bank
Fleming Bros., grocers and seedsmen, Main Street
Fleming, Malcolm, grocer, china, delf and earthenware merchant, Point
Fleming, Thos., The Nursery
Forbes, Miss, 3 Erection Villas
Forte, Alfonso, ice merchant
Foster, Edward, grocer and hardware merchant
Foster, Hugh, & Co., stone merchants, Bank Road
Fullerton, David, grocer and tobacconist, Cross Street and Main Street
Fullerton, John, Grocer, Watch Maker and Jeweller, Glass ,China and
Fancy Goods, Main Street
Garvey, Agnes, spirit merchant, Mill Street
Gault Bros., timber, iron and slate merchants, Station Road
Gault & Co., timber and slate merchants, Cross Street
Gault, Mrs., Main Street
Gawn, Mrs., Ardmoyle
Geddis, William, hardware merchant, ironmonger and House Furnisher,
Dunluce Street
Gettinby, M., draper, milliner and merchant tailor, Main Street
Giffen, Robt., 3 Olderfleet Terrace
Gilfillan, Rev. Ewing, Mounthill
Gilmore & Sons, cabinet makers and upholsterers, Main Street
Gingles, John, spirit merchant, Cross Street
Ginn, M., barber, Cross Street
Girvan, Hugh, carpenter and builder, Station Road
Gordon, Alex., draper and manufacturers' agent, Station Road
Gordon, James, Prince's Gardens
Gordon, J. A., manager Belfast Bank
Greenlees, Margaret, fancy draper, Main Street.
Gregg, George, road contractor, Glenarm Road
Hall, Captain, Larkhill
Halliday Bros., Family Grocers and Hardware Merchants, Cross Street
Hanson, Rev. David H., B.A., Gardenmore Manse
Harbinson, W. J. R., Chaine, Memorial Road
Haveron, Saml., fruiterer, Main Street
Heggarty, John, J.P., Clonlee Villa
Heggie, J. S., Marshallville, manager Burns Steamers
Henderson, Robert, Temperance Hotel, Curran Street
Higginson, E., boot and shoe manufacturer, Dunluce Street
Hill. Dr. Samuel, Pound Street
Hillis Bros., grocers, etc., Main Street
Howden Bros., ship owners and coal merchants, Cross Street
Hunter, Mrs. Jane, Thornlea, Larne
Hunter, William, wholesale and retail provision merchant, 19 Dunluce
Hutchinson, Robert, Temperance Hotel, Main Street
Hutton, G. R., woollen draper, Main Street
Inglis, Alexr. K., registered plumber, Point Street
Jackson, J. H., Larne Cloth Company, Barnhill Terrace
Jackson, W. J., victualler, Main Street
Jeffery, William, Clarence Villa
Jenkins, Alex., monuments, tombstones and headstones, Station Road
Jenkins, Robert, grocer, Dunluce Street
Jenks, Mrs., Chelmsford Place
Johnston, Captain, Glynn House
Johnston, Jas., wood turner, Station Road
Johnston, J. H., leather merchant, Mill Street
Jones, W. A., music teacher, Dunluce Street
Kane Bros., Larne Foundry
Kane, Wm., shoe maker, Pound Street
Keenan, Hugh, barber, Main Street
Kennedy, Rev. James, The Manse, Larne
Kennedy, Wm. J., B.A., Barnhill
Killen, A., grocer, Mill Street
Killen, John M., M.D., Main Street
King's Arms Hotel, Main Street (H. McNeill, Limited), proprietors
Kirkpatrick, David, Clonlee
Kirkpatrick, John, baker, Mill Street
Kirkwood, N., grocer and chemist, Mill Street
Laharna Hotel, Main Street
Lappin, Jas., 1 Marine Villas
Larne Electric Light Works Ltd., Point Street, M. G. Smyth, A.M.I.E.E.,
engineer and manager
"Larne Times Offices," 4 Dunluce Street. Published on Thursday
Law, Louisa, tobacconist, Barnhill
Lawson, William, Glenarm Road
Legge, John, grocer and tobacconist, Dunluce Street and Main Street
Lennon, N., draper, Main Street
Lewis, Joseph, C.E., Chaine Memorial Road
Lilly, C. I., D.I., R.I.C., Barnhill Terrace
Longmore Bros., hardware merchants, The Open
Macaulay, Thos., Spirit Merchant, Ferris's Lane
Macaulay, W. J., newsagent and stationer, 10 Main Street; Agent for
"Belfast News-Letter" and "Belfast Weekly News"
Macdonald, Donald, Larne Harbour
Mack, E. W., photographer, Main Street
Mackean, Charles L., Merchiston, Roddens Road
Macreedy, Rev. H. H., Second Islandmagee
Mackinlay, the Misses, intermediate school, Barnhill
Magee, Ellen, spirit merchant, Main Street
Magill & Nelson, general drapers, Cross Street
Mann, Wm., boot and shoe maker, Main Street
Mather, William, analyst, 9 Glenarm Road
Maxwell, John, sanitary inspector, 14 Clonlee
Moffet, Samuel, plumber, Old Glenarm Road
Moore, Robert, grocer, Barnhill
Morrow, James, J.P., Ulster Bank House
Morrow, Jas., saddler, The Open
Muir, G. A. J., F.R.C.V.S., Shamrock Lodge
Mulvenna, Felix, grocer, Main Street
Mulvenna, John, grocer, Station Road
Murray, John, Seaview Villa, Curran Street
Murray, Wm., Berea
Myres, James, painter, Barnhill
McCalmont, J., printer, Main Street
McAllister, J. & A., victuallers, Dunluce Street
McAuley, John, plumber, Barnhill
McCallister, J. B., St. John's Place
McCay, Charles, inn keeper, Main Street
McClaughry, A., general draper, millinery and mantle warehouse, Main
McClure, T., painter and glazier, Station Road
McConnell, Thomas, woollen draper, Dunluce Street; res., Dunboyne
McCormick, Mrs., 2 Clonlee
McCully, Robert, Larne Brickfields
McCurdy, John, coach builder, Point Street
McDowell, Alex., saddle and leather merchant, Cross Street
McErlean, C., flesher, Pound Street
McFerran, Geo., J.P., Drumnagreagh House
McGregor, Peter, Clonlee
McKeown, Mrs. John, Sunbeamville
McKillop, R., flesher, Point Street
McKinstry, N., fruiterer, Main Street
McLaughlin, M., inn keeper, Station Road
McMeekin, Wm., nail, iron and coal merchant
McMeekin, S., & Co., Merchant Tailors, General Drapers and
Outfitters, The Open
McMullan, Mrs., Temperance Hotel, Station Road
McNeill, Colonel, J.P., The Corran
McNeill, Henry, Limited, proprietors of Main Street Hotel, King's Arms
Hotel, Lancashire and Yorkshire Hotel, Eagle Hotel, Garron Tower Hotel
and Posting Establishment
McNeill, Mrs. W. W., Sallagh
McNeill, Wm., builder and carpenter, Victoria Street
McNinch, James W., solicitor, Cross Street
McNinch, John, family grocer and provision merchant and implement
dealer, Dunluce Street
McQuillan, David, Grocer, Meal and Flour Merchant, Mill Street; res.,
Dunluce House
McQuillan, James, M.A., head master Grammar School
McRoberts, Matthew, Glynn View Villa
McSeveney, Robt., 4 Bellevue Terrace
McWilliam, Mrs., Main Street
Nelson, David A., Roddens Road
Nelson, John, barber, Mill Street
Olderfleet Hotel Co. Ltd., Larne Harbour
Oulton, Rev. Richard C, A.M., Glynn
Owens, James, stoker, Point Street
Owens & Magee, Practical Boot Makers, Main Street
O'Boyle, Charles, Main Street
O'Boyle, Henry, M.R.C.V.S., Main Street
O'Brien, Hugh, Seymour Cottage
O'Rorke, McDonald & Tweed, solicitors, Main Street
Patton, W., Flesher, The Open
Phoenix Fire Office, Agents, John Fullerton, Main Street; Robert
Robinson, 13 Clonlee
Phillips, M., Stationer and News Agent; Agent for "Belfast
News-Letter" and "Belfast Weekly News," Dunluce Street
Picken, Paul, J.P., director Shipbuilding Company, Larne Harbour
Pinkerton, David, engineering and cycle works, Point Street
Pinkerton, Wm., town surveyor, Point Street
Pollock Bros., jewellers and watch makers, Cross Street and Main Street
Price, T. L., manager "Larne Times," Brynheulog
Rainey & Hall, coal merchants, Circular Road
Rankin, Mrs., 1 Royal Terrace
Rankin, Wm., The Cottage, Larne Harbour
Rea, Mrs., Temperance dining-rooms, Main Street
Richardson & Smith, coach builders, Circular Road
Robinson, Thomas, spirit merchant, Manchester Hotel
Ross, James, Sans Souci, Bay Road
Ross, John, Rosevilla, Clonlee
Ross, Mrs. A., draper, Curran Street
Ross, R. T., & Co., drapers, Pound Street
Rossboro, Robert, saddler, Point Street
Roy, Mrs. J., general draper and milliner, Cross Street
Rutherford, Henry E., M.D., Main Street
Scott, J. Gordon, solicitor, Main Street
Shamrock Shipping Company, Curran
Shannon, T., Select Family Grocer and Tea Merchant, Dunluce Street
Sharpe, Henry, 65 Main Street
Simms, James, 3 Olderfleet Cottages
Simms, Robt., painter and glazier, Main Street
Simpson, Miss, Main Street
Smiley, Hugh Holmes, solicitor, Main Street
Smiley, Sir H. H., Bart, D.L., Drumalis
Smith, Mrs. John Galt, Kilwaughter Castle
Smith, Thos., Erection Villas
Smyth, J. W., J.P., Duneira
Smyth, The Misses, Duneira
Smythe, M. J., electrical engineer, Roddens Road
Strange, Andrew, grocer, Main Street
Streight, Jas., watch maker, Main Street
Stuart, Thos., stationer and photographer
Sutherland, James, manager The British Aluminium Company Limited
"Sunbeam" Acetylene Gas Company Ltd., patentees and
manufacturers; Sunbeam Plant and Carbide Works, Inver, Larne
Sun Fire and Life Offices, Agents, George Barry, care of Howden Bros.;
J. A. Gordon, Belfast Bank
Taggart, Charles, draper,. Cross Street
Thomas, Rev. Frederick, Cairncastle
Trotter, George, plumber and gasfitter, Main Street
Tyler & Sons, boot makers, Main Street
Wallace, S. M., clerk of Union, Point Street
Weatherup, Lizzie, draper, etc., Cross Street
White, Hugh, draper and clothier, Dunluce Street
Whiteside, W. & R., grocers, Dunluce Street
Wiles, D. N., clerk of petty sessions, Crannie
Williams, Captain, Salisbury Terrace
Williams, Mrs. Alex.
Williams, W. W., Solicitor, Main Street
Wilson, Jas., provision merchant, Glenarm
Wilson, J. W., M.D., Main Street
Wilson & Strain Ltd., bakers, Main Street
Wilson, Thomas, merchant tailor and milliner, Curran Street
Wilson, W., Elsinore
Workman, Wm., saddler, Pound Street
Yates, Captain, The Mount, Tower Road
Younge, Hugh G., auctioneer, valuator and house agent, 6 Cross Street
Younge, W. G., town clerk, Prince's Gardens
Acheson, John, St. Cunning, Cairncastle
Aicken, Robert, Ballygally, Cairncastle
Alexander, Wm., Ballyrudder, Cairncastle
Allen, John, Ballytober, Cairncastle
Arnold, James P., Carnduff, Larne
Bailie, Saml. M., Rorysglen, Kilwaughter
Barbour, David. Ballyhacket, Cairncastle
Beggs, Hugh, Headwood, Kilwaughter
Blair, Hugh, Ballygally, Cairncastle
Blair, Robert, Newlands, Magheramorne
Boyd, Joseph, Sheriffsland, Kilwaughter
Boyd, R., Ballycraigy, Larne
Bradford, James, Craiganee, Magheramorne
Brady, Robert, Lisnahan, Cairncastle
Brown, James, Corkermain, Cairncastle
Brown, Samuel, Ballysnodd, Larne
Brown, Thos., Ballystrodder, Islandmagee
Calwell, H. B., Sallagh, Cairncastle
Campbell, Daniel, Killyglen, Cairncastle
Carmichael, Wm., Ballywillan, Cairncastle
Clark, Stewart, J.P., Cairndhu, Cairncastle
Coey, Edward, J.P., Droagh, Cairncastle
Craig, Ephraim, Newlands, Magheramorne
Craig, Jas., Ballyrickardmore, Raloo
Craig, Wm., Carneal, Raloo
Crawford, Hugh, Limeworks, Raloo
Crawford, John M., Limeworks, Raloo
Crawford, Matthew, Toreagh, Raloo
Crawford, Robert, Fourscoreacre, Cairncastle
Crawford, W. S., Killyglen, Cairncastle
Dale, John, Ballyrudder, Cairncastle
Dempsey, Daniel, Ballygilbert, Cairncastle
Donald, James, Ballyrickard, Raloo
Donald, W. J., Altilevelly, Raloo
Drummond, Andrew, Ballyvernstown, Larne
Drummond, Wm., Ballylig, Magheramorne
Dundee, Chas., Redhall, Ballycarry
English, John, Newlands, Magheramorne
English, Robert, Brownsbay, Islandmagee
Eslar, Robt., Drumadonaghy, Kilwaughter
Fullerton, William, Ballysnodd, Larne
Gibb, Arch. B., Ballyedward, Magheramorne
Gibson, Alexander, Blackcave, Larne
Gingles, James, Ballymullock, Cairncastle
Gingles, Thos., Hightown, Kilwaughter
Gray, David, Carneal, Raloo
Greenlees, Andrew, Kilwaughter, Larne
Graham, John, Reps., Ballypollard, Magheramorne
Hamilton, J., Mullaghmossan, Magheramorne
Hill, Hugh, Ballytober, Islandmagee
Hill, John, Ballytober, Islandmagee
Hill, Robert, Ballyprior, Islandmagee
Hill, Thomas, Craiganee, Magheramorne
Holden, Thos., Ballykeel, Larne
Holmes, Edward, Balloo, Islandmagee
Holmes, John, Ballytober, Islandmagee
Holmes, Nathaniel, Ballycronan, Islandmagee
Hunter, Alex., Ballylig, Magheramorne
Hunter, Samuel, Ballygawley, Cairncastle
Kerr, Wm., Ballytober, Cairncastle
Kirkpatrick, J., J.P., Ballymullock, Larne
Laird, Jas., Ballyharry, Islandmagee
Lowry, Jas., Craiganboy, Glynn
Lusk, R. P., Ballyboley, Larne
Lyle, Robert J., Toreagh, Raloo
Magill, Patrick, Skeagh, Kilwaughter
Meharg, James, Ballyhempton, Larne
Montgomery, S., Ballycronan, Islandmagee
Moore, Andrew R., Altilevelly, Raloo
Moore, Thomas, Ballyryland, Raloo
Morton, Francis, Ballygilbert, Cairncastle
Morton, Robert, Balygawn, Cairncastle
McAuley, James, Greenland, Larne
McAuley, Robert, Ballygally, Larne
McAuley, Wm., Ballygally, Cairncastle
McCafferty, Edwd. & Bernd., Blackcave, Larne
McCarey, James, Greenland, Larne
McClelland, James, Ballygally, Larne
McCluggage, James, Ballyboley, Larne
McCluggage, Joseph, Ballyvernstown, Larne
McCluggage, Wm. H., Carnduff, Larne
McClure, Patrick, Ballyboley, Larne
McCormick, Saml., Corkermain, Cairncastle
McDowell, Jas., jun., Ballywillan, Larne
McDowell, R. J., Ballyhone, Glynn
McDowell, Saml., Hightown, Kilwaughter
McFall, Archibald, Ballyloran, Larne
McFall, J. C, Ballyloran, Larne
McIlroy, Robert J., Ballyfore, Raloo
McIlwaine, John, Ballysnodd, Larne
McIlwaine, Robt., Ballyhempton, Larne
McKay, Hugh, Ballytober, Cairncastle
McKee, James, Ballygally, Cairncastle
McLoughlin, John, Corkermain, Cairncastle
McNeill, Andrew, Killyglen, Larne
McNeill, Archibald, Blackcave, Larne
McNinch, Robert, Hightown, Kilwaughter
McNinch, Thos. W., Ballyboley, Larne
McQuillan, Bernd., Fourscoreacre, Cairncastle
McRobert, Samuel, Ballygowan, Raloo
Nelson, Andrew, Ballyhempton, Larne
Nelson, Andrew, Rorysglen, Kilwaughter
Nelson, Wm., jun., Rorysglen, Kilwaughter
Nelson, Wm., Lealies, Kilwaughter
Nelson, James, Ballyboley, Larne
Peoples, James, Killyglen, Larne
Pennal, Robert, Ballyrickard, Raloo
Pennal, W. J. & John, Ballyrickard, Raloo
Phillips, Daniel, Ballyloran, Larne
Porritt, W. J., Redhall, Ballycarry
Rainey, Isaac, Drains, Larne
Rea, James, Mullaghmossan, Magheramorne
Robinson, Saml., Slievebane, Cairncastle
Robinson, Thomas, Sallagh, Cairncastle
Robinson, Wm., Carnduff, Larne
Rock, Mrs. John, Rorysglen, Kilwaughter
Rock, Saml., Rorysglen, Kilwaughter
Shaw, David L., Ballyvallough, Raloo
Shaw, James, Ballyvernstown, Larne
Shaw, Thomas, Ballyhackett, Cairncastle
Smiley, Hugh, Dromain, Larne
Smith, George, Ballyprior, Islandmagee
Smith, Mrs. Galt, The Castle, Kilwaughter
Snoddy, James, Antiville, Larne
Snoddy, Robert, Browndodd, Larne
Stewart, Thos., Ballyhackett, Cairncastle
Streight, Wm., Carnduff, Larne
Tweed, C. W., J.P., Ballycoose, Cairncastle
Tweed, John, Ballygally, Cairncastle
Tweed, William, Fourscoreacre, Cairncastle
Wallace, Samuel, Boydstown, Kilwaughter
Wilson, Hugh, Drumnahoe, Kilwaughter
Wilson, William, Ballygawn, Cairncastle
Workman, John, Ballytober, Cairncastle
Workman, Robert, Ballycraigy, Larne
Wright, Samuel, Ballyedward, Magheramorne
Yeates, Gilbert, Craignaboy, Glynn
This town is situated on the banks of the River Bann, between
Banbridge and Gilford, about three miles from the former and two from
the latter. The principal industry is bleaching and damask
weaving, a large number of hands being employed in the several mills and
factories. The town and adjoining district is famed for its
scenery and gentlemen's residences. There are two public
halls. The places of worship are the Parish Church of Tullylish,
lately renovated, and seated to hold 1,200, the structure being of
modern design; one Presbyterian Church, and one Roman Catholic Chapel.
Post Office, Money Order Office, Savings Bank, etc. - Postmistress,
Mrs. Gregson
Parish Church of Tullylish - Rector, Rev. E. A. Myles
Presbyterian Church - Rev. John Kyle
Roman Catholic Chapel - Rev. Jos. Doyle, P.P.; Rev. R. J. J. Lennon,
Rev. Robert Wm. McGunn
Bann Male and Female National Schools - Head master, Francis
Armstrong; head mistress, Mrs. Armstrong; assistant, Miss A. Armstrong
Knocknagor National School - Teacher, Miss Connor; assistant, Miss
Miltown National School - Teacher, Mr. Dickson; assistants, Miss Craig
and Miss Smyth
R.I. Constabulary Station - Sergeant Dalton, Constables McQuaid,
O'Neill, & J. Layden
Local Registrar for Births, Marriages, and Deaths - Dr. martin, Church
Street, Banbridge
Anderson, William, porter
Armstrong, Francis, The Point
Brown, W., foreman bleacher, Banford Works
Byrne, Bernard
Byrne, William, grocer
Chambers, Thos., Factory Row
Clugston, James, bookkeeper
Clugston, Mrs. R.
Coates, A., foreman bleacher
Cowdy, Anthony, Mount Pleasant
Curran, R.
Dickson, Thomas, Bellfield
Donaldson, David
Donaldson, James
English, Andrew, sexton Parish Church
Farrell, Mrs. Jane, publican, Gilford Street
Ferran, H., New Row
Floyd, John, head millwright
Freeburn, John, New Row
Geoghegan, J., Banbridge Foundry
Geoghegan, J., jun., Chapel Hill
Getgood, R., manager
Gibson, John, merchant, The Point
Gough, H., millwright
Gregson, Mrs., postmistress, Gilford Street
Hayes, William, Chapel Hill
Hazelbank Weaving Co.
Hewitt, Harvey, postman
Hewitt, Mrs., Gilford Street
Jones, J., & Son, contractors
Kerr, H., grocer
Kyle, Rev. John
Lawell, Mary Ann, grocer
Lindsay, Joseph, sexton Presbyterian Church
Major, Richard, road contractor
Marr, J., railway gateman
Miller, Wm., Chapel Hill
Moore, Edmund
McAuley, A., Tullylish House
McAleavy, Charles, butcher
McAvoy, James
McCaffery, J.
McCartney, Isaac
McInernay, John, grocer
McKey, Mrs., publican, Bannville Terrace
McKinney, Jas., Factory Row
McKinney, John, Factory Row
McLister, Wm., publican
Nummey, G., Factory Row
Olds, W. J., station master
O'Hagan, Stephen, insurance agent
O'Neill, Francis
Phillips, Miss Annie, publican, The Point
Porter, Joseph, Rosehall
Reid, W., Glenbanna
Rogers, G. M., J.P., Hazelbank
Sinton, F. B., Banford House
Sinton & Co. Ltd., Banford Bleachworks
Smyth, J. B., manager, Hazelbank factory
Stevenson, Miss, draper, Bannville Terrace
Stevenson, Wm., bluer
Teggart, James, The Point
Thompson, D., mechanic
Thompson, J., blacksmith
Uprichard, F. G., Laurencetown House
Uprichard, J. T. & H., bleachers
Wells, James, head loftman
Whiteside, T. W., watch maker and jeweller
Wilson, R., New Row
Alexander, Moses, Tullyraine
Bodel, Francis
Clugston, John, Lisnafiffey
Farnon, James, Drumnascamph
Farnon, Mrs.
Forsythe, Hugh
Forsythe, John, Tullyraine
Foy, Joshua, Tullyraine
Kerr, J., Drumnascamph
Kerr, Moses, Ballylough
Kidd, John, Drumnascamph
Law, Wm., Coose
Lindsay, James, Drumnascamph
Lockhart, Thos., Kernon
Letterkenny is sixteen miles from Derry, and takes rank as the second
town in Donegal, its population being 2,194. Vessels of 280 tons
can come up to the port, which is about a quarter of a mile from the
town. Letterkenny is under the Towns' Improvement (Ireland) Act, and is
also an urban sanitary district; it is lighted with gas, and supplied
with water from Lough Salt, a distance of 10 miles from the town, the
works being completed in the year 1911 ay a cost of £8,000. A
weekly market is held every Friday for the sale of pork, corn, flax,
butter, eggs and fowl. During the winter season there is a supply
of flax of good quality. Fairs are held on the 8th of each
month. The railway to Burtonport, in the extreme north-west of the
County Donegal, completed in 1903, has opened up a great extent of
country; while the town has further benefited by the Strabane and
Letterkenny Railway, which brings it into direct communication of the
best interests of the county. The shops' half-holiday is on Tuesday
Post Office and Post Office Savings Bank, Main Street - Francis
Norton, postmaster; C. E. Crerand, assistant
Urban District Council - Thos. MacFadden, J.P. (chairman), John
Gallagher, John Ward, Ptk. Doherty, jun., Hy. Gallagher (vice-chairman),
Patrick Doherty, Robt. McClure, J.P.; Philip Carroll, J.P.; and James
Gibbons; John G. Larkin, clerk
Architect and Town Surveyor - Patrick Dawson, C.E.
Magistrates - Chas. McVeigh, R. Sparrow, R.M.; J. M. C. Grove, S.
Marshall, W. Colhoun, P. McGinley, W. G. McKinney, R. McClure, Dr. E. E.
Moore, Dr. James C. Martin, Dr. Thomas Patterson, Anthony Gallagher,
Michael O'Callaghan, John P. Speer, Charles Langan, Andrew Robinson, J.
W. K. Hay, D. G. Cheatley, Matthew Corry, James Forrest, Hugh McFadden,
John McCafferty, Eugene Mahony, Patrick Gallagher, Thos. MacFadden,
Bartley Ramsay, Philip Carroll, Edward Lynch
Church of Ireland - Venerable Archdeacon Holmes, rector; Rev. R.
Hoffman, curate; churchwarden, George M. Allely
Presbyterian Church - First, Rev. William Logan; Second, Rev. Ross
Roman Catholic Cathedral - Most Rev. Dr. O'Donnell, bishop; Rev. John
McCafferty, adm.; Rev. John O'Doherty, curate
Agents for Lloyds - H. Ingram, Dunfanaghy,
deputy, J. Johnston, Fannet
Banks - Belfast, J. E. Butler, manager; Ulster, J. Witherington, manager;
Hibernian, F. J. MacSherry, manager
Billposter - John Cullion
Boot and Shoe Makers - W. G. McKinney, H.
Callaghan, H. Sweeney, Robt. Dobson, Mrs. Alexander Thompson, Eugene,
Mahony, John Cullen, and Owen McGlynn
Boot and Shoe Shops - W. G. McKinney, Hugh Sweeney, Geo.
Lucas, Mrs. Corry, Robert Dobson, Hugh Callaghan, Mrs. A. Thompson,
Eugene Mahony
Builders - J. Heron, Robert Kennedy, J. Harken, James Johnston, W. Platt
Butchers - Neal Toner, Kelly Bros., Langan, McClure & Co.
Butter and Egg Dealers - Buchanan Bros., J. Hayes, J. P.
Speer, Mrs. Corry, W. McCay, R. McVicker & Co., Robert McClure,
Robert McDowell & Co., Samuel Roulstone, John Logue, James Stewart,
John Harris, P. McGeehan, Matthew Corry, Jas. Russell, William Boyle
Cartmakers and Carpenters - J. Scott, J. Heron, R. Birney, John Harken,
Thomas Harron
Chemists and Druggists - Dr. T. Patterson, Miss Humfreys, R. Stewart
China and Glass Dealers, Miss Humfreys, W. McCay, Daniel McDevitt, J.
Clerk of the Union - Robt. S. Watters
Coal Merchants - W. G. McKinney, William McCay, Samuel Roulstone,
Charles Kelly
Coffee Houses - Miss Barnett, Miss Stevenson, Mrs. Sweeney, A. J.
Collector of Town Rate - John McClean
Collectors of Poor Rate and Income Tax - David Malseed, John McClean,
and Danl. Gallagher
Commissioner for taking Affidavits for Superior Courts, -Edward
McKinney, Petty Sessions Clerk
R.I.C. Barracks - J. Hughes, County Inspector; T. J. Regan, District
Constabulary, Wm. McDavies, C.I., Augustus Le Clere Macdonald,
County Donegal Printing Co. Ltd. - Mrs. Gibbons, Miss Fleming, Wm. Boyle
Corn Merchants - Chas. Kelley, Andrew Crumlish, Robert McClure
St. Eunan's College - Patron, Most Rev. Dr. O'Donnell; president, Very
Rev. M. P. Ward; vice-president, Rev. P. D. McCaul; professors, Rev. P.
Boyle, J. P. Craig, Thomas J. Cooney, Theobald Gray
Toys, Stationery, etc. - Miss M. Humfreys, Miss K. McCarry, McKinney & O'Callaghan,
Miss Fleming, The County Donegal Printing Co. Ltd., Wm. Coyle
Dispensary - J. P. McGinley, M.B.
Fever Hospital - J. P. McGinley, M.B.
Doctors - T. Patterson, Wm. M. Walker, Edward Regan, J. P. McGinley,
Emigration Agents - D. McAuley, E. Mahony, George Robinson
Excise Officer - William Frederick Walsh
Flax Merchants - John Fleming, James McDevitt, J. Reilly
Fishery Office - Charles A. Flattery, clerk
Grocers - J. Donnell, J. Gallagher, J. Ward,
T. Sweeney, Mrs. McNally, William McCay, William Gallagher, R. Baird, S.
Roulstone, J. Harris, Mrs. McDaid, Mrs.
Corry, J. P. Speer, D. McAuley, D. McKevitt,
Miss Humfreys, Robert McClure, Joseph Burns, John
Gallagher, William McKinney, Eliz. Orr, John Harris, Sarah McConnell,
Mrs. Con. Harkin, Mrs. Bradley, Wm. Boyle, James Stewart, Mrs. Martin,
Wm. Laughlin, J. A. Moore, J. Nee, Mrs. McMonagle, Thos. Bonar, R.
Stewart, Andrew Crumlish, P. McGeehan
Game Dealer - D. McAuley
Grocers and Seed Merchants - W. McCay, Mrs. Corry, J. P.
Speer, J. Harris, Saml. Roulstone, Joseph Burns, Wm. Boyle, Jas. Harris,
William G. McKinney, Robert McClure, Wm. Laughlin, Matthew Corry
Hardware Dealers - W. McCay, J. P. Speer, James Harris, J. Burns, John
Harris, Wm. Boyle, Samuel Roulstone, William Laughlin, James Stewart, P.
McGeehan, Wm. McKinney, The Cheap Cash Store Co., Mrs. McConnell
Hotelkeepers - Mrs. Robert McClure, Mrs. McCarry, P. McGovern, Alfred
Peoples, J. Gallagher (Temperance)
Horseshoers - Francis Gallagher, P. Coyle, S. H. Fleming
Insurance Agents - R. S. Watters, Edward McFaddin, John G. Larkin, W. G.
McKinney, C. A. Flattery, J. Withrington, F. J. McSherry, J. E. Butler
Leather Sellers - W. G. McKinney, Mrs. Corry
Milliners and Dress Makers - The Misses Harkin, Miss McMonagle, The
Misses Ward, The Misses McGill, Miss Ferguson, Miss McGinley, J. Benson,
W. H. Knipe, Mrs. Corry, Mrs. McIntyre
Motor Garages - P. Doherty, jun.; James Wilkinson, John Wilkison, Wm.
Coyle, Hugh Overend, Charles McGinley, W. J. McLaughlin
Newsagents - Messrs, McKinney & O'Callaghan, stationers; Miss
Humfreys, Messrs. H. Sweeney, J. P. Speer; Eason & Son
Ltd., agents for "Belfast News-Letter" and "Belfast
Weekly News"; Miss Fleming, The County Donegal Printing Co. Ltd. -
Miss McCarry
Painters and Glaziers - H. Coyle, J. Gallagher, James McManus, Wm.
McManus, and George McManus
Petty Sessions Clerk - Edward S. McKinney
Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths - John G. Larkin
Fire Brigade Station, at Gasworks - Volunteer Brigade - A. A. Mitchell,
Posting Establishments - Mrs. R. McClure, P. Doherty, T. Sweeny, J. Wilkinson, J.
Printers and Stationers - McKinney & O'Callaghan and The County
Donegal Printing Co. Ltd.
Publicans - Thos. McFadden, P. Doherty, jun., Hugh Kelly, Mary Mulligan,
Peter McGovern, J. Wilkinson, Cecilia Doherty, James Rodden, Catherine
Thomas Sweeney, Mary Murray, William Gallagher, Miss Callaghan, Annie McCarry,
P. Carroll, M. McMonagle, D. McDevitt, Mrs. Gallagher, John J. Carrigan,
Jeremiah McCool, James Gibbons, Connell Carberry, Teresa McMonagle, Mrs.
M. A. Bradley, W. Gallagher, Patk. Gallagher
Undertakers - W. G. McKinney, J.P.; James Wilkinson
Schools - First National, Presentation Brothers, teachers; Second
National, James Quigg, with Miss Mary Anne Quigg and Miss Irwin, assistants.
Female School, The Loretto Nuns. R.C. Parochial Hall, teacher, T. McDowall;
assistant, Miss Blain. Infant School, The Loretto Nuns
Saddlers - D. Kelly, M. O'Connor, James Gibbons
Shirt Factory - McIntyre, Hogg, & Co.
Solicitors - William Kelly, Edward McFadden, and C. A. Flattery
Summons Server - John Carberry
Supervisor - James Adams
Superintendent Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages - Robert S.
Watters; assistant and deputy, Danl. Kelly
Tailors and Outfitters - E. Mahony, A. J. Gailey, W. H. Knipe, M.
Patterson, Bartley Ramsey, James Drain, J. Kennedy, John Cullen
Town Clerk - Clerk of the Court, John G. Larkin
The Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation Limited - Agents, J. E.
Butler, Belfast Bank; William Speer, Cashelshanaghan
Timber Dealers - W. McCay, James Harris, J. P. Speer, S. Roulstone, G.
& T. Allan
Watch Makers - R. McCullagh, J. McLennon & Son, William Coyle, and
E. M. McIntyre
Whitesmiths - D. Wallace, Samuel Fleming
Wine and Spirit Merchants - Catherine Mulherrin, W. McCay, Thos.
McFadden, R. Stewart
Woollen Drapers - Andrew J. Gailey, Miss Ferguson, The Misses McGill, Bartley Ramsay, E. Mahony,
Mrs. Sarah McConnell, J. Benson, Mrs. J. Harkins, Mrs. McIntyre, Mrs.
Corry, George Lucas
Allan, George, Gortlee
Allison, Henry J., Ardigamy
Armour, John, Magherabuoy
Baird, Adam, Milk Isle
Baird, James, Ballyraine
Birney, Robert, Dromore
Blackwood, Richard, Maghrenan
Boal, David, Glencar
Boal, Mrs. R., Curraghleas
Bovaird, Robert, Glebe
Boyd, C. A., Ballymacool
Brown, James, Bonagee
Clyde, George, Grawkey
Colhoun, William, J.P., Ednacaran
Collins, Richard, Ballymacool
Cowan, James, Conwal
Deery, Frank, Drumany
Devine, Daniel, Kirkneedy
Ewing, William, Labbodish
Fleming, Harry, Windyhill
Fleming, John R., Oldtown
Gailey, Daniel, Tullygay
Gallagher, Hugh, Curraghleas
Gallagher, James, Sallaghagrane
Gallagher, Patrick, J.P., Newmills
Glen, Archibald, Carnamuggagh
Goode, Mrs. P. J., Foxhall
Grove, J. M. C, J.P., Castlegrove
Harkin, Mrs. C., Ballyconnelly
Harper, James, Ballymacool
Harris, Solomon, Glencor
Hatrick, J. W., Castleshanaghan
Hay, J. W. K., Trimra
Hogg, Charles, Culbouy
Hunter, John, Rahan
Hunter, John L., Glencor
Hunter, Mrs. John, Barnhill
Hunter, Robert, Corkey
Hunter, William, Leslie Hill
Johnston, Mrs. E. E. H., Loughveagh
Kelso, George, Tullygay
Kelso, Wm. H., The Thorne
Kelly, Charles, Letterkenny
Kelly, James, Bomany
Kelly, James, Letterkenny
Kelly, John, Dromore
Kennedy, Thomas, Bonagee
King, William, Scribley
Langan, Charles, J.P., Lurgybrack
Lecky, J. Thompson, Labbodish
Lockhart, James, Ballymageel
Lynch, Edward, Rosebracken
Mansfield, Mrs., Castlewray
Marshall, Samuel, J.P., Sallybrook
Mayfield, J. M. W., Glenmaquinn
Meehan, James, Augheihard
Montgomery, John, Keenaghan
Mulhern, Mrs. C., Letterkenny
McAuley, Bernard, Glebe
McAuley, John, Ballyconnelly
McAuley, Wm., Bomany
McClean, Mrs. James A., Rosbracken
McElhinney, James, Drumnahoagh
McElwee, John, Kerkstown
McFadden, Hugh, Breenagh
McFadden, James, Drumnahough
McFadden, James, Oldtown
McFadden, Thomas, Letterkenny
McGinty, Edward, Letterkenny
McKeown, M., Oakpark
McKinney, John, Ardalee
McKinney, Wm. Geo., J.P., Letterkenny
McNaught, Alex., Curraghleas
McVeigh, Charles, J.P., Gortnavern
Orr, Matthew, Drumerdagh
Parker, Alex., Tullygay
Patterson, Robert, Drumoghill
Peoples, Mrs., Tullygay
Porterfield, Mrs., Forsetmore
Ramsay, James W., Maghrenan
Ramsay, Mrs. M., Ballyraine
Ramsay, Miss M. E., Lisnenan
Reid, John, Colbuoy
Robinson, George N., Gortlee
Robinson, Mrs., Ballyraine
Robinson, Samuel, Gortlee
Roulston, Robert, Castlegay
Scott, Robert, Scribley
Shannon, Henry, Drumanaght
Sper, Wm., Castleshanaghan
Starrett, David, Lisnanees
Starrit, James, Killyclug
Stevenson, John R., Dromore
Stewart, General, Rockhill
Toner, Neal, Sallaghagraine
Torrence, Miss, Culbuoy
Torrens, Richard, Dooen Glebe
Ward, William, Glenkeeragh
White, Mrs., Bonagee
Wray, James H., Ballyholey
Wylie, George A., Carrygauey
Wylie, Robert, Drumany
Wylie, William J., Cullion
Formerly Newtown Limavady, is a place of great antiquity and
interest, situated in the midst of a fertile district. It was the
residence of the celebrated O'Cahan, or the modern O'Kane, who was chief
of one of those powerful "septs" of Ulster that were so
constant and determined in their opposition at all times to the English,
from the year in which Sir John de Courcy received this Northern
province from the first of the Plantagenets till the day they were
finally subdued under the first of the Stuarts. The town, which
has excellent facilities for trade, is connected with Belfast by rail,
telephone, and telegraph. The Town Hall is a handsome building,
and there are also several fine churches. Fairs for the sale of
all kinds of live stock are held on the second Monday in February,
March, June, July, and October; and hiring fairs in May and
November. The shops' half-holiday is on Thursday. Population
in 1911, 2,667
Post Office, Market Street
Fire brigade Station, Alexander Memorial Hall
Sub Sanitary Officer, Water Inspector and Town Surveyor - Mr. Robert
Marshall, Main Street
Public Markets - John Hunter, proprietor, Market Street; Patrick
Quigley, proprietor, Market Street
R.I.C. - District Inspector, C. J. Lilly; Head Constable, Samuel Doherty
Magistrates - Sir F. G. Heygate, Bart.; Maurice M. McCausland, Jas.
Dunn, J. D. Boyd, Henry Connell, C. M. Gage, Major Boyle, M. B. Church,
Samuel Cassidy, Thomas Oakey, Patrick Mullin, Robert Guthrie, James
Irwin, Thos. O'Brien, John McLaughlin, Chas. Bryson, Robert Douglas,
U.D.C.; Edw. McGowan, John Morrison, C.C.; John A. Long
Urban Councillors - Robert Douglas, J.P.; Major Boyle, J.P.; B. L.
Thompson, Jas. Gray, Wm. Arthur, George W. Lawson, Hugh Henry, Samuel
Cassidy, J.P.; Henry Connell, J.P., and J. D. Boyd, J.P. (clerk)
Newsroom Club, Alexander Memorial Hall - F. J. Byrne, secretary; Joseph
Irwin, treasurer
Registrar for Births, Deaths, and Marriages - Dr. John C. Lynd, Main
Rural Council (18 electoral divisions) - John A. Long, J.P., chairman;
36 permanent representatives; 2 temporary representatives
Newspaper Correspondents - R. A. Thorpe, Catherine Street; Douglas Boyd,
Market Street; Robert Donaldson, Main Street
Limavady Recreation Grounds, Killeen - A. M. Riddell, secretary
Insurance Agents :- Alcorn, W. J., Catherine Street, Anderson, John,
Distillery Road, Boyd, Douglas, Market Street, Callaghan, Miss L., Main
Street, Cassidy, Samuel, Market Street, Crawford, S. H., Market Street,
Cunningham, John, Main Street, Donaldson, Robert, Main Street, Drennan,
William, Main Street, Henry & Connell, Main Street, Horner, William,
Main Street, Lane & Boyle, Main Street, Moore, Herbert, Northern
Bank, Martin, King, French, & Ingram, Catherine Street, Millar,
James, Catherine Street, Simpson, J. T., Belfast Bank, Main Street,
Thorpe, R. A., Catherine Street
Church of Ireland - Christ Church - Rev. Canon R. G. S. King, M.A.,
rector; Rev. David Kelly, B.A., curate
Presbyterian Church - Drumachose - Rev. Wm. Mitchell, B.A. First
Limavady - Rev. Wm. Browne, B.A. Second Limavady - Rev. Robert
Macready, B.A.
Methodist Church - Rev. Andrew Knox
Reformed Presbyterian Church - Rev. Samuel Kennedy, B.A.
Roman catholic Chapel - Rev. J. J. McGlade, P.P.; Rev. John Lagan, C.C.
Electric Light and Power Station, Largymills - Mrs. J. E. Ritter,
Bank Agents - Northern, Catherine Street, H. Moore; Belfast, Main
Street, John Thomas Simpson
Civil Service and Intermediate School - Rev. Wm. O'Doherty, Captain
Ladies' School, Main Street - Miss Bryan, principal
National school, Irish Green Street - James Mullan and Mrs. Murray
National school, Main Street - John B. Mullan and Mrs. Mullan
Ogilby National School - H. J. Phillips and Mrs. Phillips
Protestant Street National School - Miss A. Predy and Miss C. Ferguson
Roe Mill National School - Miss Quigley
School Attendance Committees - Urban - J. D. Boyd, J.P., secretary; R.
A. Thorpe, attendance officer. Rural - J. D. Boyd, J.P.,
secretary; James Donnelly, attendance officer
St. Camce's National Schools - John Rea, James McCullough, Miss Kerlin,
and Miss Annie McLaughlin
Technical School, Irish Green Street - Principal and secretary, W. D.
Masonic Club - James Smyth, secretary
Masonic Hall, Linenhall Street - David Warke, caretaker
Masonic Lodge - St. Alban's No. 719 - R. A. Thorpe, P.M., secretary;
Alexandra Lodge No. 366, R. S. Hull, P.M., sec.
Masonic Royal Arch Chapter No. 719 - B. L. Thompson, registrar
Orange Hall, Catherine Street - Mrs. Catherine Livingstone, caretaker
Orange Institution - James Gray, District Master, Catherine Street;
Alfred M. Ritter, Roepark, District Secretary
I.O.G.T., Orange Hall - H. E. Thorpe, sec.
Roman Catholic Hall, Irish Green Street - William Hunt, caretaker
Union Workhouse - Nineteen electoral divisions. Chairman of Guardians
and District Council, John A. Long, J.P.; vice-chairman of Guardians,
James Deeny, J.P.; deputy vice-chairman of Guardians, Henry J. Oliver;
vice chairman of District Council, Geo. Leeke; master, S. Collins;
matron, Sara Hastings, agriculturist and porter, Wm. O'Doherty; fever
nurse, Catherine McGuinness; head nurse, Mary Shannon; relieving
officer, D. J. Donaghy; clerk and returning officer, S. H.
Crawford. Chaplains - Church of Ireland, Rev. Canon R. G. S. King,
M.A.; Presbyterian, Rev. William Browne, B.A.; Roman Catholic, Rev. J.
J. McGlade, P.P.
General House Agent - R. A. Thorpe, Catherine Street
Alcorn, Mrs. R. W., spirit merchant, Main Street
Alcorn, W. J., fancy warehouse, Catherine Street
Alcorn, R. W., general merchant, Main Street
Adair, Thos., Ltd., weavers, Ballyclose Street
Alexander Arms Family and Commercial Hotel - Mrs. Campbell, Main Street
Allison, T. M., Catherine Street
Arthur, Wm., U.D.C., oil and motor spirit agent, Main Street
Barbour, Alexander, tailor, Main Street
Barrie, Hugh T., produce merchant, Main Street
Beasley, Gerald, Main Street
Benson, Rev. R. S., Carrick Rectory
Bloomfield, S., restaurant and general refreshments, Market Street
Boyd, Jos. D., & Son, woollen drapers, Market Street
Boyd, J. D., J.P., Barly Park
Boyle, E. M. F. G., solicitor, Main Street and Gorteen
Boyle, Major Alexander, Bridge Hill
Boyle, Miss, Killeen Cottage
Boyle, Mrs. John, draper and milliner, Market Street
Brown, James, Stationer and Fancy Warehouse, Main Street; Agent for
"Belfast News-Letter"
Browne, Rev. William, Roevista Manse
Bryson, Miss, fancy goods, Market Street
Caffery, Thomas, spirit merchant, Linenhall Street
Callaghan, Thos., butcher, Irish Green Street
Callaghan, Thomas, civil bill officer, Irish Green Street
Cassidy, Samuel, Market Street
Cather, The Misses, The Hermitage
Christie, Daniel, hardware merchant, Main Street
Church, M. B., J.P., Oatlands
Clarkson, Mrs. S., laundress, Protestant Street
Coleman, Miss, restaurant, Linenhall Street
Connell, Henry, grocer, Main Street
Connell, John, drapery, dress making, millinery and gentlemen's
outfitting, Main Street
Conly, Wm., station master, Station House
Cook, C. R., bicycle agent and repairer, motors for hire, Main Street
Craig, Andrew F., woollen draper, Market Street
Crilly, Patrick, clothes dealer, Main Street
Cunningham, David B., Catherine Street
Cunningham, John, Main Street
Davis, John, grocer, Main Street
Devlin, John, motors for hire, Linenhall Street
Devlin, Mrs., dress maker, Linenhall Street
Devlin, Robt., watch maker, Main Street
Dixon, W. A., confectioner, Main Street
Doherty, James, fowl and game dealer, Kennaught Street
Donaghy, David J., draper and relieving officer, Market Street
Donaghy, James, post cars. Connell Street
Donegan, J., draper, Market Street
Douglas, Robert, J.P., guano and seed merchant, and grocer, Catherine
Drennan, William, rate collector, Main Street
Duncan, David, dentist, Catherine Street
Dunn, James, J.P., farmer, Ballyspallin
Eakin, Bartley, bill poster, Protestant Street
Elder, Thos., sen., boot and shoe warehouse, Main Street
Elder, Thos., postman, Main Street
Ferguson, Jos., poulterer and coal merchant, Isle of Man Street
Ferguson, Thomas, plasterer, Whitehill
Ferris, Wm., poultry dealer, Roemill Street
Fleming, Samuel, carpenter and timber merchant, Main Street
Forsythe, Miss, music teacher, Main Street
Gage, C. M., J.P., Ballykelly
Gallagher, Charles, posting establishment, motors for hire, Main Street
Gallaher, Joseph, grocer and spirit dealer, Ballyclose Street
Gallagher, Hugh, game dealer, Ballyclose Street
Gallaher, Wm. Jas., butcher, Market Street
Gallaugher, Rev. James, Largy Manse
Gardiner, Mrs., confectioner, Market Street
Gaston, John, grocer and spirit merchant, Ballyclose Street
Gault, Marshall, bicycle agent and repairer, motors for hire, Catherine Street
Getty, Miss, dress maker, Catherine Street
Given, Mrs., Main Street
Gogarty, Mrs., spirit merchant, Catherine Street
Gould, Miss, dress maker, Ballyclose
Graham, Mrs. H. T., dress maker, Irish Green Street
Gray, James, caterer, Catherine Street
Gray, James, grocer and coal merchant, Catherine Street
Guthrie, Robert, J.P., Sheephill
Gwynn, Richard, distiller, Ballyclose Street
Gwynn, Richard, jun., grocer, Ballyclose Street
Gwynn, Thomas, publican, Main Street
Gwynn, Thos., coal merchant, Ballyclose Street
Hamilton, Miss, Catherine Street
Hanlon, Miss, Catherine Street
Hanlon, T., bill poster, Kennaught Street
Hargin, Thomas, music teacher, Linenhall Street
Hargin, Thomas, barber, Linenhall Street
Heaney, Joseph, barber, Market Street
Hegarty, Miss, spirit dealer, Market Street
Henry & Connell, solicitors, Main Street
Holmes, Robert, carpenter, Catherine Street
Horner, William, solicitor, Main Street
Houston, William, plumber, Catherine Street
Hunt, Hugh, butcher, Market Street
Hunt, Jas., poultry dealer, etc., Kennaught Street
Hunt, Wm.. carpenter, Irish Green Street
Hunter, John, grain and seed merchant, Market Street
Huston, Rev. Samuel, Muroe Presbyterian Church Manse
Hyndman, Henry, grocer, Main Street
Hyndman, Henry, post cars, Main Street
Irvine, Miss, Drumrane Villa
Irwin, Henry, woollen draper, Main Street
Irwin, Joseph, chemist, Market Street
Irwin, Joseph, miller, Roe Mill
Irwin, The Misses, Temperance Hotel, Main Street
Irwin, Thomas, cycle agent and repairer, Linenhall Street
Jackson, Mrs., grocer, Railway Place
Jackson, Mrs., woollen draper, Main Street
Jackson, Wm., grocer, Catherine Street
Jackson & Co., coal merchants, Main Street
Kane, James, cattle dealer, Irish Green Street
Kane, Miss, millinery, etc., Main Street
Kane, Mrs., dress maker, Irish Green Street
Kane, William, boot and shoe merchant, Catherine Street
Kelly, Edward, spirit merchant, Linenhall Street
Kelly, James, spirit merchant, Main Street
King, Rev. Canon R. G. S., Drumachose Rectory
Kyle, J. C, veterinary surgeon, Main Street
Lamb Bros., drapers and funeral undertakers, Main Street and Market
Lancey, Miss, The Lodge
Lane, A., solicitor, Main Street
Lane & Boyle, solicitors, Main Street
Lane, Benjamin, M.D., Coroner for Barony of Kennaught, Main Street
Lawson, G. W., grocer and druggist, Main Street
Limavady Mineral Water Co., Catherine Street
Long, John A., J.P., R.D.C., Culmore
Loughery, Samuel, grocer, Market Street
Love, Alexander, auctioneer, Main Street
Love, Miss, dress maker, Main Street
Lowry, David, tailor, Main Street
Lowry, Maxwell, clerk of petty sessions and registrar of marriages,
Catherine Street and Whitehill Cottage
Lynch, Michael, publican, Market Street
Lynch, Miss, haberdasher, Main Street
Lynd, Frank, barber, Irish Green Street
Lynd, J. C. physician, Main Street
Lynd, John, whitesmith and blacksmith, Distillery Road
Lynd, Mrs. Sarah, dress maker, Linenhall Street
Macartney, Michael, spirit merchant, Catherine
Macrory, S. M., Ltd., grain merchants and millers, Limavady
Magee, Charles, tailor, Market Street
Magee, William C, china and glass merchant and cooper, Catherine Street
Martin, King, French, & Ingram, solicitors, Catherine Street
Martin, R. A., garage, motors for hire, Main Street
Martin, R., & Sons, coach builder, Main Street
Marshall, R., & Sons, agricultural implement makers, St. John's
Matson, Joseph, M.D., Ballykelly
Maxwell, A. T., restaurant, confectioner, Market Street
Millar, James, Catherine Street
Millar, Mrs. J., teacher of shorthand and typewriting, Catherine Street
Miller & Campbell, grocers, Market Street
Moffatt & Donaghy, woollen drapers, Main Street
Monaghan, John, butcher, Market Street
Moore, H. A., auctioneer, Main Street
Moore, Matthew, game dealer and fish merchant, Market Street
Moore, Mrs. Hannah, fruiterer, Linenhall Street
Moore, Robert, plasterer, Catherine Street
Moore, Samuel, tinsmith, Irish Green Street.
Moore, Thos., fruiterer, Main Street
Morrison, Samuel, factory manager, Catherine Street
Morrow, Henry, general dairy, Ballynaheiry
Mullan, Daniel, spirit merchant, Catherine Street
Mullan, Mrs. John, spirit dealer, Market Square
Murphy, Patrick, spirit merchant, Catherine Street
McCaughey, Henry, barber, Main Street
McCausland, M. M., D.L., J.P., Drenagh
McClenaghan, Jacob H., boot & shoe merchant, Catherine Street
McCloskey, Mrs. John, Shamrock House
McCloskey, Mrs. S., spirit dealer, Market Street
McCloskey, The Misses, laundry, Linenhall Street
McConnell, James, boot and shoe merchant, market Street
McCrudden, Hugh, tinsmith, Protestant Street
McCunn, Thomas, Oystervale
McCunn & Co., saw mills and coal depot, Connell Street
McDermott, Hugh, spirit dealer, Irish Green Street
McDermott, Mrs., restaurant, Linenhall Street
McFadden, Miss, dress maker, Irish Green Street
McElwee, W. J., painter and decorator, Catherine Street
McGinnis, James, blacksmith, Main Street
McGinnis, Mrs. J., dress maker, Irish Green Street
McGowan, Wm., spirit dealer, Market Street
McGrath, H., butcher, Catherine Street
McGrotty, Catherine, fruiterer, Linenhall Street
McGrotty, George, restaurant, Linenhall Street
McGrotty, John, cooper, Catherine Street
McIlmoyle Bros., grocers, Irish Green Street
McKee, Rev. Joseph, The Manse, Lislane
McLaughlin, Chas. Martin, Inland Revenue officer and Old-Age Pension
officer, Ballyclose Street
McLaughlin, Jane, stationery and fancy warehouse, Catherine Street
McLaughlin, John, builder and contractor, Albert Terrace
McLaughlin, John and Samuel, tailors, Irish Green Street
McLaughlin, John, cattle dealer, Irish Green Street
McLaughlin, Mrs., milliner, Irish Green Street
McLaughlin, Robert, spirit merchant, Catherine Street
McManus, John, jun., watch maker, Catherine Street
Neely, James, tailor, Main Street
Neely, Robt. W., tailor, Linenhall Street
Oakey, Thomas, J.P., cattle dealer and produce
merchant, Catherine Street
Oliver, Henry J., R.D.C., Lislane
Oliver, James, brick and tile manufacturer, Derrybeg
Oliver, John C., post cars, hearses, etc., Catherine Street
Orange and Protestant Friendly Society Office, 30 Catherine Street - R.
A. Thorpe, district secretary
Orr, Miss, haberdasher, Market Street
Orr, Rev. John, LL.D., Derrymore Manse
O'Brien, Mrs. John, haberdasher, Main Street
O'Brien, Thomas, J.P., cattle dealer, Irish Green Street
O'Brien, Wm., butcher, Main Street
O'Doherty, Henry, poultry merchant, Irish Green Street
O'Hanlon, Mrs., Main Street
O'Kane, James, butcher, Market Street
O'Kane, Mrs., tobacconist and confectioner, Market Street
Patchell, John, farmer, Drumballydonaghy
Pollock, Andrew L., C.E., Assistant County Surveyor, Captain Villas;
office, Courthouse, Main Street
Pollock, Matthew S., grocer, Catherine Street
Pollock, Mrs., restaurant, Linenhall Street
Predy, Thomas, photographer, printer and stationer, Main Street
Proctor, G. N., solicitor, Linenhall Street
Purcell, Wm., Railway Place
Quigley, James, grocer, Catherine Street
Quigley, James, grocer and spirit merchant, Irish Green Street
Quigley, Patrick, spirit dealer, Market Street
Rankin, Mrs., merchant, Ballyclose Street
Riley, Samuel, saddler, Catherine Street
Robertson, Mrs., Deerpark House
Ross, J. R., M.D., Ballykelly
Scott, W. J., & Co., grocers and hardware merchants, Catherine Street
Seeds, W. J. G., solicitor (J. E. Proctor & Co.), Main Street
Selfridge, Miss, milliner, Market Street
Selfridge, Wm., draper, Market Street
Shannon, W. J., poor-rate collector, Main Street
Sherrard & Son, auctioneers, Catherine Street
Simpson, John T., manager Belfast Bank, Main Street
Simpson, Wm., blacksmith, Main Street
Singer Sewing Machine Co., Linenhall Street
Smith, Alexander, grocer, Market Street
Smith, John, spirit merchant, Market Street
Smith, Robert, watch maker, Main Street
Smith, Robt., farmer, Magheramore
Smith, Wm., boot and shoe merchant and Bicycle agent, Main Street
Stevenson, Mrs., restaurant, grocery and fancy bread warehouse, Market Street
Stewart, Miss, music teacher, Main Street
Stewart & Laird, milliners & drapers, Catherine Street
Swann, Mrs., grocer, Ballyclose Street
Swann, The Misses, Albert Terrace
Thompson, Alexander, & Co., grocers and hardware merchants, Catherine Street
The Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation Limited - Agents, Hugh
Henry, Solicitor; J. T. Simpson, Belfast Bank
Thorpe, Hugh, builder, contractor, and joinery works, Catherine Street
Thorpe, R. A., merchant and funeral undertaker, Catherine Street
Thorpe, R. A., lime merchant, Catherine Street
Toland, Mrs., grocer, Main Street
Toner, Mrs., Irish Green Street
Trench, Mrs., Greystone Hall
Tyler, Canon, Main Street
Walker, M., bookseller, stationer,
newsagent, fancy warehouse; Agent for "Belfast News-Letter"
and "Belfast Weekly News" Linenhall Street
Wilson, Alexander, watch maker, Main Street
Wilson, Mrs., delph warehouse, Main Street
Wilson, Thos. H., postman, Main Street
Wilson, T. H., coal and lime merchant, Main Street
Wilson, W. S., grocer, etc., Catherine Street
Is in County Fermanagh, and is situated within four miles of
Enniskillen, the capital of the county. The surrounding districts
are thickly wooded, and are specially adapted for grazing
purposes. It lies convenient to Lower Lough Erne, the scenery of
which is equal to Killarney. In the village there is a woollen
factory (Messrs. Henderson & Eadie, proprietors), established for
over forty years, which gives employment to a good number of
workers. The Great Northern Railway Station adjoins the
village. A public telephone call office and exchange has been
started at the Post Office.
Post Office and Public Telephone Call Office and Exchange - Mrs. E.
S. Thompson, postmistress; assistants, Miss Eva K. Ford and Miss Edith
Church of Ireland - Rev. R. McTighe
Presbyterian Church - Rev. D. J. Boyle
Methodist Church - Rev. Thomas Edwards
Registrar of Births - R. McCullagh
Fermanagh Public Library - Henry White
R.I.C. - Sergeant W. Agnew and Constables J. Gallagher, M. Coleman, and
H. Smith
National Schools - Male, Wm. J. Walker; female assistant, Miss E.
Liddle. Female School, Miss E. E. Wilson; infants, Mrs. M.
Adamson; assistant, Miss L. S. Dawson
The Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation Limited - Agent, R. L.
Adamson, J. H., bookkeeper
Algeo, Henry, timber merchant
Armstrong, James, mason
Baker, T., carter
Baxter, Wm., spinner
Bittles, R. J., station master
Brownlee, William, traveller
Cheers, Mrs., hotel proprietor
Daly, Robert, miller
Dunlop, George, R.D.C., farmer
Eadie, James, woollen manufacturer
Eadie, William, woollen manufacturer
Egerton, James, school teacher
Forster, Miss A., draper
Forster, William, smith
Henderson & Eadie, woollen manufacturer
Hughes, Bernard, tailor
Hurst, W. N., telegraph messenger
Kerr, William, shop assistant
Liddle, Edwin, bookkeeper
Liddle, Thomas, boot maker
Lisbellaw Co-operative
Martin, Mrs., nurse
McBrien, Thomas, motor garage
McCreery, James, publican
McCullough, Robert, Creamery manager
McGahey, Miss C, draper
McGahey, Paul, smith
McGuire, Francis, tailor
Nawn, Frederick, cycle agent
Richardson Ltd., Agents for "Belfast Weekly News"
Richardson, Robert, merchant, Liverpool House
Robinson, Robert, merchant., Liverpool House
Smith & Sons, butter and egg merchants
Thompson, Mrs. E. S., newsagent
Walker, W. J., school teacher
Walsh, Henry, postman
West, Thomas, draper
White, Henry, Clerk of the Petty Sessions
Whitley, Robert, carpenter
Wilkin, Doctor
Wilson, Robert, butter and egg merchant
Wilson, T. C, bookkeeper
Beatty, Jas. L., Hollybank
Brown, Albert, Innismore Hall
Chartres, Thomas, Aughnaloo
Clegg, Joseph, Derrybrusk
Donaldson, Adam, R.D.C., Fairview
Dunlop, John, Ballintarson
Falconer, Patrick, J.P., Derryvallen
Clendinning, William, Cloughcor House
Hurst, J., Drumderg
Irvine, C., postmistress
Irvine, William, Gola, Lisbellaw
Johnstone, Major, Snowhill, Lisbellaw
Kelly, Thomas
Latimer, J., Ashford House
Livingstone, John, Drumlone
Lowry, William, J.P., Tattymacall
Mavitty, T. J., traveller, Cultragh House
Maxwell, M., postmaster Innismore P.O.
Mulligan, Jas., J.P., coroner, Droles
Porter-Porter, J., D.L., J.P., Belleisle
Rutledge, James, Derryhoney
Smith, James, Killyreagh House
Smith, Robert, Fern Hill
Sullivan, H., Cappy House
Weir, Miss, Drumard
Willis, G., Toneyreagh House
This prosperous town is built on the River Lagan, and stands seven
miles south of Belfast and seventy-three miles north of Dublin, and may
be truthfully described as one of the most thriving inland towns in
Ireland; and it is steadily improving. It is principally noted for
the extensive works which it contains, flax spinning, the manufacture of
linen and thread, bleaching and damask weaving all being extensively
carried on. It is tastefully laid out, and near the middle of
Market Square, in triangular area, stands the Assembly Rooms, which were
renovated some years ago at the expense of the late Sir Richard Wallace,
Bart., who was lord of the soil. The Castle Gardens, presented to
the town by Sir T. Murray Scott, Bart., are kept in fine order as a
public promenade, and in the grounds there is a handsome monument,
erected by public subscription, as a memorial to the late Sir Richard
Wallace. The Technical School was opened in 1914. The
Castle, Castle Street, was purchased from the trustees of the Wallace
Estate at a cost of £2,000, and converted into the school
premises. The school buildings, outside Belfast and Dublin, are
now probably the most commodious and elegant in all Ireland. A
popular resort is Wallace Park. A large proportion of the
inhabitants consist of factory operatives, all of whom find constant
employment in the mills, factories, and bleach works. The
cathedral of Christ Church (Rev. Canon Carmody, rector) is a spacious
and handsome building with a tower, to which an octagonal spire was
added in 1807, the entire cost being defrayed by Francis Seymour Conway,
second Marquis of Hertford. The principal market is held on
Tuesday, and it is looked upon as one of the best in the province.
The town lighting is under the Urban Council, who purchased the gas
works from the Lisburn Gas Company Ltd. Fairs are held on 21st
July and 5th October, and some years ago monthly fairs (held on the
second Monday of the month) were added, and these are largely attended
by sellers and buyers, many of the latter coming from important centres
across the channel. The population at the last census was
12,388. The shops' half-holiday is on Wednesday
Post Office, Railway Street - Postmaster, J. Shanks; sub-post office,
Bow Street - Miss Anderson
Magistrates - Alan Bell, R.M.; G. H. Clarke, Roseville; James Crossin,
Lisburn; E. J. Charley, Seymour Hill; John Doran, Dunmurry; William M.
Whitaker, K.C., Dublin, Sir Hugh Mack, Dalboyne; F. W. Capron, London;
W. R. McCall, Belfast; W. H. H. Lyons, Belfast; Felix O'Hagan, Belfast;
Jas. McConnell, Belfast; Robt. Griffith, Hugh G. Larmor, Belsize Road;
J. Milne Barbour, D.L., Conway, Dunmurry; J. L. Rentoul, M.D.; William
Ritchie, W. J. Frazer, Lisburn; Wm. McIlroy, Hilden Cottage; Edward
Donaghy, jun.; W. J. McMurray, E. V. Taylor, Thomas Sinclair
Clerk of Petty Sessions - T. J. English
Urban District Council - Messrs. Robert Griffith, J.P.; Geo. H. Clarke,
J.P.; W. J. McMurray, J.P.; H. M. Barbour, Geo. Wilson, Jas. McNally,
Alex. Patterson, Thomas Sinclair, J.P. (chairman); George St. George, C.
V. Bolton, Wm. David, Jas. A. Hanna, James E. Pelan, Charles Scott, and
A. P. Jenkins
Town Solicitor - Wellington Young
Town Surveyor - Norman McLean, C.E.
Town Clerk - Thos. M. Wilson
Medical Officer of health and Consulting Sanitary Officer - D. C.
Campbell, M.D., J.P. Sub-sanitary officer - W. J. McBride
Captain of Fire Brigade - Wm. Megran, Courthouse; vice-captain, Benjamin
Leonard, Railway Street
Superintendent of Water - Norman McLean, C.E.
Manager of Gas Works - A. S. Brook
Station Master - John Allister
Fire Station - Railway Street
Rate Collector, Clerk of Markets, and School Attendance Officer - R.
Registrar of Marriages - Isaac Neill
Superintendent Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages - Wm.
Sinclair, Lisburn Union
Releiving (Relieving) Officer - Samuel Taggart, Railway Street.
Relieving Officer (Co. Down) - W. R. Hyland, Aughnalick, Hillsborough
Church of Ireland - The Cathedral - Rev. Canon Carmody, A.M.; rector
Rev. J. B. Bradshaw, curate. Christ Church - Rev. R. H. S. Cooper,
M.A., incumbent; Rev. W. A. Russell, curate. St. Matthew's,
Broomhedge - Rev. John Leslie, incumbent. All Saints'. Eglantine -
Rev. A. D. Mitchell, incumbent. Derriaghy - Rev. C. E. Quin; Rev.
J. T. Armstrong, curate. Magheragall - Rev. W. H. Dundas.
Drumbeg - Rev. A. R. Ryder. Lambeg - Rev. B. Banks, M.A.
Ballinderry - Rev. J. W. Minchin. Drumbo - Rev. G. P.
Mitchell. Stoneyford - Rev. W. H. N. Ruddock
Presbyterian Churches - Market Square - Rev. J. J. C. Breakey,
B.A. Railway Street - Rev. R. W. Hamilton. Sloan Street -
Rev. J. W. Gamble. Hillhall - Rev. William McNutt. Legacurry
- Rev. T. J. K. Rankin. Maze - Rev. T. Dunn. Anahilt - Rev.
J. Mitchell. Magheragall - Rev. J. Lillburn
United Free Presbyterian Church, Dublin Road - Vacant
Congregational Church - Vacant
Methodist Church, Seymour Street - Rev. E. W. Young, B.A., and rev. H.
T. Nixon, Broomhedge
Roman Catholic Chapel - Rev. Mark McCashin, P.P.
Friends' Meeting-house - Railway Street
Salvation Army Hall, Castle Street
The Gospel Hall, Wallace Avenue
Banks - Northern, market Square, William Young,
manager. Ulster, Bow Street; Thomas Malcolmson, manager; pro., W.
Constabulary Barracks, Smithfield, Railway Street, and Largymore - County
Inspector Morrison, District-Inspector Gregory, and Head-Constable Doyle
Thompson Memorial Home for Incurables, Magheraleave Road - Lady
superintendent, Miss Jones
County Infirmary, Seymour Street - George St. George, M.D., J.P.,
surgeon. Lady superintendent - Miss Melville
Dispensary - D. C. Campbell, M.D.
University and Intermediate School - Headmaster, Hugh Maybin; lady
teacher, Miss Rowan
Female Free School, Seymour Street - Miss Barclay
Infant School, established and endowed by Miss Stewart, Longstone; Miss
Wilson, J. Powell; teacher of music, Miss F. Powell
Belfast Gate School - Miss Dornan
National School, First Presbyterian Church - John Fletcher, principal;
female, Miss A. Hull, Miss Simpson, and Miss Stockman
National School, Seymour Street - A. S. Mayes
National School, Wallace Avenue (Presbyterian Church) - Thomas Lamont,
principal; female, Miss McKittrick
National schools (R.C.), Chapel Hill - John Fitzpatrick, principal;
female, Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary
Hilden National school - J. Forsythe
Lisburn Municipal Technical School - Committee, James Carson (chairman),
Harold Barbour, J. Milne Barbour, D.L.; E. S. Clark, E. Donaghy, J.P.; F.
Duncan, R. Griffith, J.P.; J. A. Hanna, Wm. McIlroy, J.P.; W. J.
McMurray, J.P.; James McNally and Thomas Sinclair, J.P. Principal
and secretary, Cecil Webb
Largymore National School - James Forsythe, principal
Ulster Provincial School, Prospect Hill - J. Ridges. principal
Nicholson Memorial Endowed National School - J. Smyth, principal; Miss A.
Flood, Miss Blaney, Miss Patterson; infants, Miss green and Miss Greer
Lisburn Convent School - Castle Street
Tullynacross N.S. - Joseph Frazer, prin.
Lisburn Free National School - Teachers, Miss Menown, Miss Scott, Mrs.
Lewis, and Miss Connolly
Cathedral School, Dublin Road - Richard Milligen, principal
Newsroom, Assembly Rooms - T. J. English, president; D. B. Simpson,
Temperance Institute and Cafe - Railway Street -
Miss Dickie, manageress

Lisburn Conservative Flute Band - Henry McMullen, secretary, 32 Bow
Union Workhouse (Counties of Antrim and Down). Chairman, Lady
Keightley. Chaplains - Church of Ireland - Rev. R. H. S. Cooper;
Presbyterian, Rev. R. W. Hamilton; Roman Catholic, Rev. M.
McCashin. Clerk, Saml. Crail. Medical Officer of Workhouse,
Dr. H. S. Murphy. William Woods, master of workhouse
Lisburn Rural Council - Henry Ballance, J.P. (chairman); I. Sloan,
Hillsborough Rural Council - James Ireland, J.P. (chairman); Thos. B.
Morrow, vice-chairman
Guardians: - County Down - Annahilt - Joseph Gilliland, jun., Aughnaleck,
Lisburn; John McBride, Ballykeel-Lougherne, Hillsborough. Ballykeel
- Robert S. Doloughan, Hillsborough; John Skelly, Clintagh,
Ballynahinch. Ballymacbrennan - James Morrow, Ballymacbrennan,
Lisburn. Ballyworphy - William Graham, Ballyworphy, Hillsborough;
Wm. Martin, Cobra, Hillsborough. Blaris - Samuel Brown, Largymore,
Lisburn; Charles Scott, Largymore, Lisburn. Breda - Wm. Magee,
Newtownbreda, Belfast; John Thompson, Ballylesson, Belfast. Dromara
- A. E. Dodd, Woodford, Dromara; Samuel McCullagh, Mullaghdrin.
Drumbeg - Robt. McComb, J.P., Tullynacross, Lisburn; Arthur Maxwell,
Hillhall, Court, Lisburn. Drumbo - William J. Johnston, J.P., Carr,
Drumbo, Lisburn; Echlin McFarland, Ballymagarrick, Lisburn; Samuel
Spence, Newtownbreda. Glassdrummond - Robert Chas. Martin,
Magheraknock, Ballynahinch; Thomas J. Armstrong, Magheraknock,
Ballynahinch. Hillsborough - Philip Jordan, Aughandunvarran,
Hillsborough; Stephen Carlisle, Carcreeny, Hillsborough; John S. McLeavy,
Corcreeny, Hillsborough; Killaney - James R. Morrow, Brookvale, Lisbane,
Saintfield; John Gill, Killaney, Boardmills, Lisburn. Maze - R.
Thompson, Maze, Hillsborough; W. J. McGifford, jun., Hillsborough.
Aughley - J. Ireland, Lessons, Saintfield; Robt. Malcolm, Ballykeel,
Dromara. Saintfield - Jos. Orr, The Cottage, Saintfield; Thomas B.
Morrow, Saintfield. Co-opted - William Dunwoody, Moorhall,
Lisburn. Ballyscolly - Thomas McConnell, Glenville, Ballinderry;
Henry Walkington, Oatlands, Ballinderry. Derriaghy - Robert
McKinstry, Magheraleave, Dunmurry; Thos. Murdoch, Mosside,
Dunmurry. Glenavy - Henry Ballance, Crewe House, Glenavy,
Ballinderry; Albert Peel, Aghadalgan, Glenavy. Islandkelly - Robert
Armstrong, Moneybroom, Lisburn; Francis W. Leckey, Stoneyford.
Knocknadona - John McHarg, M.A., Moneybroom, Magheragall, Lisburn; Geo.
Dawson, Ballymave, Magheragall, Lisburn. Legaterriff - Edward Mockler,
Ballinderry, Lurgan; James Beckett, Aghnaless, Ballinderry. Lissue
- Jos. Tyney, Lissue, Lisburn; Hy. Buchanan, Maze, Lisburn; H. English,
Lurganure, Lisburn. Lisburn - Lady Keightley, Fort House, Lisburn;
Miss Stannus, Manor House, Lisburn; Edward Donaghy, Market Square,
Lisburn; Robert Griffith, J.P., Thornhill, Lisburn; W. J. McMurray,
Dublin Road, Lisburn; A. Patterson, Bow Street, Lisburn; Isaac Neill, J.
Simpson, Cremorne, Antrim Road, Lisburn. Magheragall - J. A.
Richey, Moyrusk, Magheragall, Lisburn; J. Martin, Magheragall.
Magheramesk - J. Culbert. Trummery, Moira; John E. Hull,
Magheramesk, Moira; John Walsh, Creenagh, Moira. Malone - Isaac
Sloan, Dunmurry; H. M. Barbour. Tullyrusk - David Patterson,
Dundrod; Alex. Kennedy, Knockcairn, Dundrod Co-opted member, W. J.
Frazer, J.P., Rathvarna, Lisburn; and John Walsh, Creenagh, Moira
Railway, Railway Street - Miss Armstrong
Temperance, Railway Street - Miss Armstrong
Fitzsimons' Temperance - Cross Row
Adair, Wm., painter, Bow Street
Alexander, Mrs. J., Tonagh Cottage
Allan, A. T., traveller, North Circular Road
Allen, Edward, & Co., boot and shoe emporium, 18 Market Square
Allen, Joseph, solicitor, Bow Street
Allen, Joseph L., traveller, North Circular Road
Allen, J. A., general dealer, 70 & 80 Bridge Street
Alister, R., coal merchant, Quay Street
Anderson, John E., seedsman and florist; agent for "Belfast
News-Letter" and "Belfast Weekly News" 46 Bow Street
Anderson, Wm., hardware, etc., Bridge Street
Andrews, D., grocer
Annett, James, coal merchant, Market Place
Armour, Robt., coal merchant, Young Street
Armstrong, Miss, Railway Hotel, Railway Street
Armstrong, Mrs., Temperance Hotel and confectioner, Railway Street
Ashe, automobile engineers, Bow Street and Antrim Street
Baillie & Ireland, oat bruising, etc., Antrim Street
Bailey, Wm. John, auctioneer, furniture dealer and insurance agent
Balmer, Thos., railway inspector, Westbourne Terrace
Banks, Rev. Chancellor, Lambeg
Bannister, Robert, merchant, Magheraleave Road
Bannister, R. C., Solicitor, 3 Bow Street
Barber, Richard E., Excise officer, Magheraleave Road
Barbour, Harold A. M., Strathearn, Dunmurry
Barbour, J. Milne, D.L., Conway, Dunmurry
Barbour, Wm., & Sons Limited, Hilden Flax Mills, flax spinners,
thread manufacturers and bleachers, London, Manchester and New York
Barclay, James, Wallace Avenue
Beattie, John, cycle and motor works, Bachelors' Walk
Beckett Bros., drapers, Bow Street
Black, Alexander, furniture warehouse, Cross Row
Blakeley S., boot and shoe maker, Bridge Street
Boomer, Richard, Knockmore House
Boot Repairing Co., 55 Bow Street
Bowden, Henry, Antrim Road
Boyd, A., & Co. Ltd., grocers and pharmaceutical chemists, Castle
Boyd, Thomas L., Seymour Street
Brabazon, Jas. McQuitty, Hillsborough Road
Bradbury, S., farmer, Lurganure
Breakey, Rev. J. J. C., North Circular Road
Briggs, Samuel, tailor, Bow Street
Briggs, Robert, grocer, 16 Longstone Street
Brolly, Wm., boot and shoe merchant, Bow Street
Brown, Henry, publican, Bow Street
Brown, John, farmer, Killaney
Browne, R. C., Antrim Road
Bullick, Ezekiel, Bachelor's Walk
Bullick, James, Wallace Avenue
Bullick, Moses, & Sons, painters, Railway Street
Bullick, Samuel A. M., Parkmount
Bunting, T., publican, Smithfield
Burns, ?, fruiterer, Market Square
Burrows, Robert, joiner, Antrim Road
Burns, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Cross Row
Cairns, Thomas, boot maker, Bridge Street
Campbell, D. C., M.D., Castle Street
Campbell, Thos., mill overseer, Grove Cottage, Low Road
Carson, James, Parkmount
Castles, George, traveller, Park Parade
Chambers, R. L., Central Pharmacy, Market Square
Chambers, S., flesher, Bridge Street
Chapman, E., grocer, 66 Chapel Hill
Cherry, James, haberdasher and tailor, Bow Street and Violet Vale
Clarke, Dr., Seymour Street
Clarke, G. H., J.P., Roseville
Clarke, John, farmer and dairy keeper, Lisnastrain House
Clarke, Robt., farmer, Deneight
Clenaghan, Hugh, North Circular Road
Combe, G., Clonevin Park
Connell, J., clog maker, Bridge Street
Connell, Saml., grocer, Castle Street
Connolly, W. & J., spirit dealers, Market Square
Connor Bros., cabinet makers, etc., Bridge Street
Connor, Wm. Geo., Clonevin Park
Convery, Peter, spirit merchant, Longstone Street
Corken, Miss, Ingram
Corken, John, publican, Market Square
Coulson, James, & Co., damask manufacturers
Coulson, Wm., & Sons, damask manufacturers
Coulter, James, & Co., grocers and provision merchants, 52 Bow
Coulter, John, builder, Young Street
Coulter, Stewart, tobacconist and confectioner, 3 Railway Street
Cowan Bros., grocers and provision merchants, Bridge Street
Craig, Alexander, Lagan Milling Co., Railway Street
Crighton, A. M., veterinary surgeon, Bow Street
Croskerry, Wm., Antrim Road
Crossin, James, J.P., North Circular Road
Cuming, Charles A., Clonevin Park
Cumins, J. M., butcher, Bow Street
Dawson, Miss, dress maker, Chapel Hill
Deveney, Joseph, butcher, Bow Street
Dickson, Mrs., grocer and draper, Antrim Street
Doak, Joseph, "Parkmount"
Donaghy, E., boot and shoe manufacturer, Market Square and Bow Street
Dornan Henry, butcher, Bridge Street
Dougan, J. J., publican, 9 Bridge Street
Doyle, Head-Constable, R.I.C., Smithfield
Drake, William, butcher, Castle Street
Dugan, George, plumber, Chapel Hill
Duncan, Fred., Park Parade
Duncan, George, & Sons, drapers and merchant tailors, Market Square
Duncan, Thos., clothier, etc., Bow Street
Edgar, Thomas Hamilton, chemist, Bow Street
Ellis, John, Llewellyn Avenue
Ellis, Miss, dress maker, Castle Street
English, T. J., Clonevin Park
Erskine, Wm., grocer, Bow Street
Evans, Edward, seedsman and hardware merchant, 81 Bow Street
Ewart, F. W., Derryvolgie
Ferguson, James, farmer, Ballyhomra
Ferguson, John G., wholesale and retail wine and spirit merchant, 11 Bow
Ferris, A., confectioner, 62 Bow Street
Ffennell, the Misses, Tonagh Lodge
Fields, Thomas, Bachelors' Walk
Finlay, Alexander, Hillsborough Road
Fitzpatrick, John, school teacher, Antrim Road
Fletcher, T., cycle agent, Railway Street
Forsythe, J. C., Fort Terrace, Low Road, Lisburn
Frazer, Hugh, farmer, Danescroft, Deneight
Frazer, James, provision merchant, Market Square
Frazer, Joseph, Rossmoyne, Belfast Road
Fullerton, W. J., Llewellyn Avenue
Fusco, Peter, confectioner, etc., Cross Row
Gallagher, Patrick, hair dresser, Castle Street
Gamble, Rev. J. W., Belsize Road
Getgood, W. J., boot and shoe maker, Railway Street
Gibson, Joseph, Wallace Avenue
Gilbey, W. & A., Ltd., wine and spirit merchants, Market Square
Gillespie, Wm., Ballymullen House
Gillespie, W. J., hardware merchant, Bow Street
Gillespie, W. J., Seymour Street
Gilliland, Joseph, farmer, Legacurry
Gilmore, S., Lleweyllan Avenue (Llewellyn)
Gordon, William, Hilden
Gore, Thomas, grocer, Grand Street
Gould, David, Park Parade
Graham, Hugh, farmer, Drumbo
Graham, J., insurance agent, Bachelor's Walk
Graham, O. B., J.P., Larchfield, Legacurry
Greene, W. J., Magheraleave Road
Greenfield, David, boot and shoe manufacturer and boot warehouse, 66 Bow
Greenfield, S., draper and tailor, Market Square
Gregory, District Inspector, R.I.C., North Circular Road
Gribben, Charles, hairdresser, Dublin Road
Griffith, Robert, J.P., Thornhill
Hagan, Wm., confectioner & restaurant, Bow Street
Hall, Richard, tailor, Market Square
Hall, Richard, Lagan Stores
Hamilton, Mrs., Abercorn
Hamilton, Rev. R. W., Prospect Hill
Hanna, James A., North Circular Road
Hanna, John, publican, Dublin Road
Hardy, C. & T., Drapers, Bow Street
Harty, Mrs., Lleweyllen Avenue (Llewellyn)
Harvey, John, hairdresser, Bridge Street
Harvey, T. J., boot and shoe manufacturer, auctioneer, 57 Market Square
Harvey, T. M., Wallace Avenue
Harvey, W. S., Auctioneer and Valuer, 25 Bow Street
Harvey & Maxwell, family grocers and spirit merchants, importers and
bonders, Market Square
Herron, W. J., painter, etc., Bridge Street
Hobson, B. C., Chrome Hill, Lambeg
Hodgen, Abraham, Westbourne Terrace
Horner, Miss, The Lodge, Clonevin Park
Houston, S., saddler, Castle Street
Hughes, Miss E., stationer and newsagent, Bridge Street
Hunter, James, B.E., Beechwood, Antrim Road, Lisburn
Ingram, Miss, district nurse, 2 Bachelors' Walk
Island Flax Spinning Company - G. H. Clarke,
J.P., managing director
Jackson, H., family grocer, Bow Street
Jefferson, Redmond, seed, leather, hardware and timber merchant, Bow
Jefferson, the Misses, Massereene, North Circular Road
Jellie & Fullerton, Funeral Furnishers and Posting Masters, 4
Railway Street
Jellie, John, spirit merchant, Bridge Street
Jellie & Magill, publicans, Market Square
Jenkins, Major A. P., Seymour Street
Jennings, W. J., Magheraleave Road
Johnstone, James, insurance agent, Beechside Terrace
Johnston Bros., dyers, Railway Street
Johnston, B., hairdresser, Bow Street
Johnston, J. G., Dr., Railway Street
Johnston, J., surveyor, Westbourne Terrace, Antrim Road
Johnston, Miss, Ballymacash
Johnston, the Misses, dress makers, milliners and general drapers, Bow
Johnston, Thomas, chemist and druggist, Market Square
Kane, Hugh, Magheraleave Road
Kearney, Miss M. and K., maternity nurses, Bachelor's Walk
Keery, George, tinsmith, Chapel Hill
Keightly, Sir Samuel R., Barrister-at-Law, Fort House
Kennedy, Joseph A., editor "Lisburn Standard"
Kincaid, Joseph, Magheraleave Road
King, Thomas, Belfast Road
King, Thos., coal merchant, Rubicon, Lisburn
Kirkwood, Hugh, ironmonger, hardware merchant, etc., Market Square and
Clonevin Park
Knox, W. J., & Sons, plumbers, Railway Street
Lagan Milling Company, Bridge Street
Lamb, Robert, Seymour Street
Lambeg Bleaching, Dyeing and Finishing Co.
Lamont, J. T., Wallace Avenue
Lannigan, John, photographer, Antrim Street
Larmor, Hugh G., J.P., Parkmount
Lattimer, Wm. F., Lleweyllan Avenue
Lavery, Michael, Solicitor, 67 Bow Street
Lavery, Mrs., spirit dealer, Chapel Hill
Lavery, P., butcher, Bow Street
Law, W. J., & Co., Builders and Saw Mill Owners, Bachelor's Walk
Leckey, James, & Co., drapers, Cross Row
Lewis, Thomas, auctioneer, Benson Street
Lindsay, Charles K., jeweller, Market Square
Lipton, Ltd., tea, spirit and provision merchant, Bow Street - manager,
H. Cochrane
Lisburn Hemstitching Co., Bachelor's Walk
Lisburn Picture House, Market Street - S. Darlington, manager
Lisburn Working People's Co-operative Society's Stores - Castle Street
Lisburn Mineral Water and Bottling Co. Ltd., Works - Millbrook Road
Lockhart, Joseph, solicitor, Bow Street
Long, George, Grove House, Low Road
Lord, Joseph, Lleweyllan Avenue
Lowry, James, Lleweyllan Avenue
Lundy, James, coal merchant, Bow Street
Lyons, James, district supt. Prudential Assurance Co. Ltd., 22
bachelor's Walk
MacHenry, Paul, builder, Newport
Mack, J. M., Parkmount
Mack, Sir Hugh, J.P., merchant, Dalboyne
Malcolmson, Thos., manager Ulster Bank, Bow Street
Magee, John, butcher, Market Square
Magill, John, The King's Arms, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Market Square
Maginess, H. A., LL.B., Solicitor, Bow Street
Maginess, W. G., solicitor, Bow Street
Magowan, A., insurance agent, Sloan Street
Maguire, John, marine dealer, 11 Chapel Hill
Major, Harold, timber, iron, wine and spirit merchant, Market Square
Manning & Chapman, dentists, Railway Street
Matthews, Patrick, shoe maker, 6 Chapel Hill
Martin, J. D., & Co., auctioneers and valuers, Market Square
Martin, Wm., Park Parade
Maze, J., carrier, Antrim Street
Megrath, James, family grocer and provision merchant, Chapel Hill
Menary Bros., drapers, Market Square
Michot, George, Rosemount, Bachelor's Walk
Millar, T. W., tailor, 4a Railway Street
Millar & Stevenson Ltd., Lighter Owners, Coal Importers, Flour and
Grain Merchants and Bakers, Market Square and Quay Street
Montieth, J., draper, Bow Street
Moody, Robert, Rossmoyne, Belfast Road
Mooney, D., Empire Hotel, Chapel Hill
Moore, Miss, dress maker, 41 Bridge Street
Mulholland, Hugh, solicitor, Market Square
Mullen, David, grocer, 73 Bow Street
Murphy, H. A. J., M.D., Castle Street
Murray, Hugh, Magheragall
Mussen, Mrs. A., Railway Street
Mussen, Arthur, M.D., J.P., coroner, Glenavy
McAllister, T. A., merchant tailor, Castle Street
McBride, John, butcher, Bow Street
McBride, Samuel, farmer, Ballynacbrennan (Ballymacbrennan)
McBride & Co., photographers, Market Square
McCahey, J. W., motor and cycle mechanics agents, etc., Graham Gardens
McCall, Misses, Park Parade
McCann, fruiterer, Bow Street
McCarrison, James, editor "Lisburn Herald," Batchelor's
McCarrison, Mrs. R., Clonevin Park
McCherry, the Misses, grocer, Bridge Street
McClean, Hugh, farmer, Irishtown
McClelland, Adam, Antrim
McClung, Mrs. John, Wallace Drive
McComb, Charles, flesher, Bridge Street
McComb, George, North Circular Road
McConnell, John, farmer, Lisnastrain
McConnell, John T., Solicitor, Bank Chambers, Bow Street
McCord, Hugh, coach builder, The Rookery
McCormick, W. J., hardware merchant, 12 Bow Street
McCoubrey, J., baker, Bridge Street
McCourtney, Joseph, baker, 23 Bridge Street
McCreight, Robert, collector of town rates, etc., Clonevin Park
McCully, W., saddler, Market Street
McGifford, J. C., Solicitor, 2 Bow Street
McGuigan, James, Sunnyside, Magheraleave Road
McHenry, John, Prospect Hill
McIlderry, J., Island House
McIlroy, Manus, Low Road
McIlroy, Wm., J.P., Hilden Cottage, Low Road
McKenna, Nurse, Park Parade
McKenny, Dan., spirit merchant, Bow Street
McKenzie, A., plumber, Castle Street
McKeown, Jas., baker, grocer, etc., Sloan Street
McKinstry, James, farmer, Woodlands, Derriaghy
McKinstry, Mrs., farmer, Moss-side, Dunmurry
McLarnon, John, publican, Smithfield
McMullen, Robert, printer and proprietor of the "Lisburn
Herald;" Agent for "Belfast News-Letter" and
"Belfast Weekly News"
McMurray, Victor, Printer, Stationer, & Proprietor of "Lisburn
Standard," Market Street; Agent for "Belfast News-Letter"
and "Belfast Weekly News"
McMurray, W. J., stitching factory and laundry, Dublin Road
McNally, George, hemstitching factory and laundry, Dublin Road
McNally, James, builder, Bachelor's Walk
McNeice, Wm. R., merchant tailor, Castle Street
Netten, Henry E., Grove Green
Neuse, John, publican, Bow Street
Ogle, John, North Circular Road
Orr, Samuel, druggist, Bow Street
Orr, Wm., retired farmer, Dunedin, Lisburn
O'Shea, Michael, confectioner and hardware glass and china merchant,
Market Square
Paterson, D., grocer, Smithfield
Patterson, Alex., spirit merchant, Bow Street
Patterson, G. W., grocer, Bow Street
Patterson, J. C., hardware merchant and furnisher, Bow Street
Pedlow, Robt., sen., Dublin Road
Pelan, James, pawn broker, Market Square
Pelan, Jas., Sycamore Jill, Lambeg
Pelan, Mrs., publican, 3 Bridge Street
Pelan, Thomas, house furnisher, 29, 31 Market Square
Petticrew Bros., watch makers, Bow Street
Petticrew, Hans, Park Parade
Phillips, H., clothier, Market Square
Pickering, John, traveller, Shandon, Antrim Road
Pim, Arthur, Ardfallen, Prospect Hill
Pim, Goff, Lisnagarvey House
Pim, W. R., Lisnagarvey House
Porter, Wm., tailor, Bachelors' Walk
Powell, J., Ladies' School, Westbourne Terrace
Quinn & Downey, spirit merchants, Chapel Hill
Rainey, James, Railway Street
Ramsay, R., & Co., plumbers, Castle Street
Ramsey, William, funeral undertaking and
general posting establishment, 6 Castle Street
Rankin, Samuel, Park Parade
Reade, James, Clonmore, Lisburn
Reid, Alexander, coach builder, Antrim Street
Reid, E. M. & K., Ladies' and Children's Emporium, Bow Street
Rentoul, J. L., M.D., Railway Street
Rice, Mrs. Robert, Thornfield
Rice, Moses, merchant tailor, Bow Street
Rice, M., fish monger, 27 Railway Street
Richardson, Alexander, Aberdelghy
Richardson, J. R., Springfield
Richardson, Thomas, Springfield
Richardson, Sons, & Owden Limited, linen manufacturers and
bleachers, Millbrook and Glenmore; warehouse, Donegall Square North,
Ritchie, J. A., farmer, Magheragall
Riddall, Rev. E. P., Parkmount
Robb, James, painter, Bachelors' Walk
Robinson, W. J., grocer, Mercer Street
Ross, Samuel, cycle agent, Castle Street
Ruddy, Misses, Belfast Road
Russell, F., veterinary surgeon, Bow Street
Russell, Nelson, Clonevin Park
Sands, George, architect, The Courthouse, Railway Street
Savage Bros. (Lisburn), Lisburn, Seed Growers, Grain and Potato
Exporters, Coal Merchants, Dublin Road~
Savage Bros. (Lisburn), Limited, Grocers, Hardware, and Seed Merchants,
Bow Street
Savage, Mrs., spirit dealer, Smithfield
Scott, Joseph, painter, glazier and decorator, 30 Castle Street
Scott, D. J., jeweller, Market Square
Sharpe, George, jun., fruiterer, Cross Row and Bridge Street
Silcock, J., grocer, Market Square
Simpson, David Barbour, Solicitor, Castle Chambers
Simpson, James, Cremorne, Antrim Road, Lisburn
Sinton & Co., weaving factory, Ravarnett
Skillen, Joseph, weaving factory, Old Hillsborough Road
Sloan, James, estate agent, Graham Gardens
Smyth, Mrs. Johnson, Ingram
Stalker, John, Clonevin Park
Stannus, Miss, Hillhall
Stevenson, William, Woodlands
Stewart, Robert, & Sons, flax spinners and thread manufacturers
Stockman, Hugh, Antrim Road
St. George, Geo., surgeon of County Antrim Infirmary, Seymour Street
Tate, Mrs. Thomas, Clonevin Park
Taylor, D. R., M.D., Railway Street
Taylor, E. V., J.P., Antrim Road
The Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation Limited - Agents, Arthur
Pim, Ardfallen; Joseph Rea, Magheraleave
Thompson Bros., dyers, Market Square
Thompson, Hugh, mill owner, Ravarnett
Thompson, James, grocer, Bow Street
Thompson, Mrs., refreshment rooms, Bow Street
Thompson, Rev. George W., Castle Street
Thompson, Thos., farmer, Ballycarrickmaddy
Todd, Bros., provision merchants and grocers, Market Square
Todd, W. J., farmer, Ballinderry
Tolerton, R., grocer, Bow Street
Truesdale, L. W., Antrim Road
Turner, W. G., fruit merchant, Bow Street
Twinem, E., servants' registry office and draper, Railway Street
Vernon, James, & Son, builders, Bridge
Wallace, Campbell, North Circular Road
Wallace, Miss, milliner, Bow Street
Walsh, Mrs., glass, china, hardware, stationery and fancy goods, Market
Waring, James, publican, Smithfield
Waring, John, farmer, Bovolgan
Waring, Richard, hairdresser, Cross Row
Webb, Cecil, Antrim Road
Weir & Nelson, jewellers, Bow Street
Welch, Thomas, shoe maker, Antrim Street
Wiggins, T. D., Munce's Buildings
Williams, D., hairdresser, Antrim Street
Williamson, Stephen, journalist, Millbrook Road
Wilson, George, Castle Street
Wilson, George A., Magheraleave Road
Wilson, G., carrier and stabling yard, 11 Smithfield
Wilson, S., grocer, Bow Street
Wilson, Thos. M., town clerk; Magheraleave Road
Wilson, William, spirit dealer, Bow Street
Wilson, W. J., Antrim Road
Windsor, James A., 72 Bachelors' Walk
Woods & McClure, Auctioneers and Valuers, Bow Street
Woolman, James, Magheraleave Road
Young, Miss, Park Parade
Young, R., draper, Bow Street
Young, William, manager Northern Bank
Ballance, James, Ballinderry
Ballance, Henry, J.P., Glenavy
Beckitt, Joseph, Ballinderry
Blythe, James, Ballinderry
Bradbury, Samuel, Maze
Brown, William, Ballinderry
Carson, Samuel, Hillhall
Clenaghan, Henry, Ballinderry
Clenaghan, Hugh, Magheragall
Close, John, Ballinderry
Collins, Samuel, Ballinderry
Davidson, James, Ballinderry
Duncan, Charles, Magheraleave
Evans, James, Ballinderry
Fleeton, William J., Ballinderry
Frazer, Hugh, Danescroft, Deneight
Gardiner, Patrick, Deneight
Hale, John, Pond Park
Harrison, James, Cabra
Harrison, William John, Magheragall
Heaney, Simpson, Magheraleave
Heany, Francis, Magheragall
Hill, Robert George, Magheragall
Hull, Thomas, Magheragall
Johnstone, James, Ballinderry
Mockler, Edward, Ballinderry
Mairs, Hill, Magheragall
Marshall, William, Ballinderry
Maxwell, Thomas, Magheragall
Maze, John, Magheragall
Monro, Henry, Lissue
Murdoch, Thomas, Mosside
McConnell, Thomas, Ballinderry
McHarg, John, M.A., Magheragall
McKinstry, James, Lambeg
McKinstry, John, Miss-side, Dunmurry
McKnight, John, Ballinderry
McMullen, Robert, Beechfield, Lisburn
McMurtry, James, Ballinderry
McMurtry, Randel, Magheragall
Quinn, Wm. Henry, Ballinderry
Rollins, Thomas, Magheragall
Rollins, Henry, Magheragall
Scott, Charles, Strawberry Hill, Lisburn
Smith, Richard, Ballinderry
Smith, James, Ballinderry
Thompson, Joseph, Magheragall
Tyney, Joseph, Lissue
Todd Bros., Plantation, Lisburn
Todd, W. J., Ballinderry
Walkington, Henry, Oatlands, Ballinderry
Waring, John, Aughnahough
Is a thriving village on the Great Northern Railway,
about five miles north-west of Newtownbutler and nine south-east of
Enniskillen. The landlord is the Right Hon. the Earl of Erne, K.P.,
Custos Rotolorum (Rotulorum) of County Fermanagh. During the winter
season there are two markets held weekly - one on Wednesday for pork, and
the principal market is on Saturday, when farm produce of various kinds
finds ready purchasers. The fair, established about twenty years
ago, is held on the third Wednesday in each month. Population in
1912, 719
Post Office - Postmistress, Miss Susan McMahon;
assistant. Miss Gardiner
Magistrates who attend Petty Sessions - George Arnold, W. G. Henderson,
J. Porter-Porter, D.L.; H. Walker, R.M.; E. Gardiner, P. Crudden, Patrick
Maguire, Thomas Maguire, James Mulligan, James Tierney, Philip Reilly,
Thomas Gavin, Andw. J. Maguire, and James McManus
Church of Ireland - Rev. ? Anderson, incumbent
Presbyterian Church - Rev. Irwin Stoops, minister, Maguiresbridge
Methodist Church - Rev. ? Hutchinson
Roman Catholic Chapel - Rev. Thos. Duffy, P.P.
Ulster Bank - James Currie, manager; R. H. Stephens,
cashier; J. Tynan, clerk
Crichton Loan Fund - David Patton and Robert Richardson, clerks
National School No. 1 - J. F. Costello, principal; Miss Smith, assistant
National School No. 2 - John Benson, principal; Miss Stewart, assistant
Methodist School - Mr. McKim, principal; Miss M. Pyne, assistant
Board of Guardians - John McElgunn, chairman, Hugh Kirkpatrick,
vice-chairman; James Murphy (D.W.C.); Robt. Irwin, temporary clerk; John
Martin, temporary master; Miss McDonald, matron; B. McKinney, M.D.,
medical officer
District Council - James O'Donnell, J.P. (chairman), Thomas Molloy,
(vice-chairman), James Tierney, J.P. (D.U.C.)
Registrar of Deaths, Births, and Marriages - Robert Irwin
Adams, John Jas., wine and spirit dealer
Allen, W., draper
Annon, Charles, car driver
Annon, Mrs., boarding house proprietress
Annon, Wm., barber
Archer, James, station master
Armstrong, James, hardware merchant
Armstrong, John, shoe maker
Armstrong, William, coach builder
Armstrong, Wm. I., Commercial Hotel and grocer
Arnold, George, J.P., Co.C., draper and emigration agent
Birney, Noble, draper and undertaker
Birney, Noble, auctioneer
Boyle, J., blacksmith
Boyle, Mrs., boarding house proprietress
Brown, Mrs., grocer and delph warehouse
Bryson, John, agent for Scottish Widows' Fund
Bryson, John, grocer and provision merchant
Carey, Miss A. G.
Cassidy, Mrs., boot and shoe shop
Charlton, E., creamery manager
Connolly, J. E., wine and spirit merchant and undertaker and posting
Conway, James, blacksmith
Costello, M., grocer
Coulter, Thomas, barber
Courtney, F., tinsmith
Currie, James, Ulster Bank
Devers, Mrs., butcher
Dick, Robert, engineer
Doonan, Mrs., wine and spirit dealer
Dowd, Tom, farmer
Dowd, Thos. H., secretary Electric Light Co.
Dunne, Mrs., hardware
Durnian, Thomas, carpenter & house painter
Farrell, James, carpenter
Faussett, Mrs., fancy warehouse
Fennell, Hugh, grocer
Ferguson, Mrs., grocer
Flanagan, Mrs., boarding house proprietress
Gallan, George, watch maker and
Gannon, Wm., wine and spirit merchant
Gavin, Thomas, J.P., draper
Gibbons, John, horse dealer
Graham, Miss, grocer
Gunn, John, tailor
Haire, Miss Jane
Hogg, T., boot and shoe shop, etc.
Huggard, S. M., Roseville, clerk Petty Sessions
Husband, William, saddler
Knox, Mrs., The Cottage
Lavelle, Miss, confectioner
Lee, Mrs.
Lewis, Constable, R.I.C.
Liddy, Thomas, postman
Lunny, Samuel, wine and spirit merchant
Magee, John, car driver
Magovern, Anthony, wine and spirit dealer
Maguire, Catherine, confectioner
Maguire, John Thomas, draper
Maguire, Mrs. O.
Maguire, Thomas, tea dealer
Maguire, Tom, J.P., horse dealer
Marks, ?, D.I. R.I.C.
Martin, Mrs., ladies' nurse
Moan, Charles, cattle dealer
Montgomery, Gabriel, V.S.
Moreton, Miss, grocer
Morrison, Miss
Murray, J., tailor
McBrien, James, manager to Mrs. Doonan
McCalden, David, draper
McCaffery, John, wine and spirit merchant
McCarroll, John, cycle agent
McCaul, Miss, dress maker
McDonald, John, engine man
McDonnell, Robt., mail car owner
McKenna, J., saddler
McKim, A., National School No. 2
McKinney, Head-Constable, R.I.C.
McMackin, John, wine and spirit dealer
McMahon, Mrs. M. J., publican and grocer
McNulty, Miss Mary, grocer
Neeson, John, fowl dealer
O'Malley, Thos., boot and shoe shop
Phair, James, baker
Phair, Thomas A., grocer
Ramsay, Oliver, G.N.R.
Rehill, Thomas, agent
Rennick, E., grocer, Lisnaskea
Richardson, Robert, insurance agent
Richardson, Saml., commercial traveller
Richardson, Wm., auctioneer
Robinson, Mrs., char woman
Robinson, the Misses S. & K. C, delf and fancy shop and newsagent
Robinson, Christopher, shoe maker
Shannon, E., tailor, Lisniskea (Lisnaskea)
Stephens, R. H., cashier Ulster
The Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation Limited -
Agents, Robert Richardson, H. M. Tisdall, Manor Water House Mills
Thompson, Mrs.
Whelan, Edward, wine and spirit dealer
Winslow, B. Leslie, solicitor
Wylie, Miss E., restaurant proprietress
Abraham, J., Carahoney
Adams, Edward, farmer, Ballymakenny
Adams, J. J., Castlebalfour
Allen, Mrs., Killypaddy
Allen, Wm., Drumrooske
Armstrong, George, Innisrash
Arnold, George, Mullinascorthy
Birney, Mrs., Macnagh
Brady, John, Ennisroosk
Bryans, Mrs., Post Office, Derryadd
Bryans, Mrs., Moorlough
Bryans, W., Moorlough
Bullock, F., Lisaderney
Caldwell, ?, Killynamph
Campbell, A., Killypaddy
Caithness, Rev. F. St. Clair, Sallaghy Rectory
Collins, J., Derryany
Collins, P., Derryany
Collins, P., Curragh
Collins, W., Dooris
Connolly, J., Drumbroughas
Costello, James, Moate, N.S. teacher
Crawford, A. E., Drumcaw
Crudden, Peter, Drumbroughal
Dickson, Rev., Hollybrook
Ebbett, James, Farnascolluge
Fair, J., Tully
Finnegan, James, Trustan
Ford, D., farmer, Lisnagole
Forster, Arthur, Croghan
Forster, Charles, Keenaghy
Forster, Robert, Carrickmacosker
Fyffe, J. W., Killynamph
Fyffe, T., Shanaghy
Gallen, Hugh, Carnmoney
Gavin, P., Ohill
Gavin, F., Drumbrachas
Glenn, John, Farnacurky
Graham, Alfred, Drumbadmore
Graham, Alfred, loan fund clerk, Drumack
Graham, Charles, Drumack
Graham, J., Leraw
Graham, R., Forfey
Hall, Hugh, Drumlught
Hall, R., Killinamph
Hogan, Edward, Eshmeen
Hogg, Mrs., Attybarn
Huggard, S. M., Roseville
Hughes, Francis, Derrycorban
Irvine, A., Tattagar
Jackson, Robert, farmer
Johnston, George, farmer, Croghan
Johnston, George, Feugh
Kerr, J. W., Carrowgarrah
Kettyle, R., Coolarn
Kirkpatrick, Hugh, auctioneer, Drumack
Leslie, S., Forfey House
Livingstone, Mrs. Maria, Killypaddy
Livingston, Richard, Mulnascarty
Lynch, J., Carahoney
Magrath, Wm., Derryadd
Maguire, F., Carrickmacusker
Maguire, J., Aughamore
Maguire, Miss K., Carrick House
Marshall, Frank, Drumcrew
Martin, H., Tranis
Martin, P., Ennisturk
Mitchell, James, Castlebalfour
Montgomery, Mrs., Carrickaurck
Montgomery, William, Eshmeen
Moore, M., Cunaghroe House
Moore, ?, Rossbeg
Morrison, Robert, Cornashee
Morrison, H., Derryadd
Morrison, J. A., Manorwater House
Morrison, S., Derryadd
Mulholland, Mrs., Cleenriss
Murphy, H., Ennisroosk
Murphy, H., Aughnish
Murphy, John T., Drumhose
Murtagh, Samuel, insurance agent, Attybarn
McBrien, J., Carahoney
McCaffrey, John, Slushill
McCaffrey, J., Derrychan
McCaffrey, Mrs. J., Clushhill
McCaffrey, P., Crummey
McClelland, Fred., Kingston House
McCorry, P., Tranish
McDonald, James, Derrycorban
McDonnell, Hugh, Macknagh
McElgun, J., Innishore
McElroy, Joseph, Slushhill
McManus, E., Coradiller
McManus, Mrs. Knox, grocer and farmer
McNulty, E., Farnacurkey
Nixon, Geo., Drumleagues
Nixon, R. G., Lisdough
Noble, A., rate collector, Glassdrummond House
Noble, J., Munville
Noble, Mark, Drumcunny
Patterson, James, Tullyneevin
Patterson, John, Rossbeg
Patterson, Mrs., Tullyneevin
Patterson, The Misses, Castlebalfour
Phair, Geo., Drumbrochas
Prunty, E., gardiner, Whitepark (gardener)
Reihill, P., Edergole
Reihill, P., Derryasna
Reihill, Thomas, Ennisroosk
Robinson, John, Lisnagole
Rooney, J., Ennisturk
Steen, M., Clonmacfelmy
Stewart, Miss, Clifton Lodge
Swindle, Francis, Cushwash Mills
Swindle, The Misses, Gortacharn
Tisdall, George, Fairview House
Tisdall, H. M., mill owner, Manorwater House
Wheatley, William
Wilson, Irvine, Kilmore
Wilson, Robert, Lisnaskea
Wilson, Wm., Derrychann
Woods, John, Tullynevin
Woods, Joseph, Tullynevin |